Danny/Lindsay#17: The Ship That Strips!

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Wohoooo!! *Mo giggles and claps her hands and cheers!* :lol: Ohhhhhh, good one...okay I KNOW I've seen this episode...hmmmmmmm, it's been a loooooong time since I've seen this one though....um let's see.....it's "Youngblood" right?! :D :D



ETA: Lynny!! Of course I missed you silly honey! I popped over and huggled you in the CatNip thread, silly! ;) *Huggles to you again though!!* And I left you the fake Danny, I can tell the difference remember! ;) Heehee! :lol:
Ohhhhh, tell me I'm right....pwease?! I really think I am...come on, Youngblood starts with Hawkes in a scuba suit, I checked the caps :lol: and there's a dude with Paget's....so I'm right, right?! :D

That was a good one Mer!! ;) I'm impressed you know these minute details! You're brilliant! :D :D

ETA: Alright my dearies...I'm off to an early bedtime, still catching up on my sleep from the week of awesome wedding craziness! :lol: So I'll see ALL y'all fabulous peeps tomorrow! (I love that I can say that again!) :D :D

*Mo climbs sleepily into her bubble and drifts away to happy D/L dreamland...humming fluffy love songs as she goes!* :D
Mooooooooooo! welcome back home & aboard *lays out the boarding ramp*. sounds like you had a great and memorable time.

Aud! i see youuuu :p
Cuz, are you hiding Lindsay again? tsktsk. you have full-blown DL-itis.
delia, good heads up on the spoiler estimate time!
catey, always appreciating your spoiler boxes (they'll be back soooon, okay, well, a few months). and i try with all my might to not read them esp. on new episode nights. heehee.
chelle, lalala :)

i know that i could not stomach eating worms and insects like those in Fare Game. again, glad the bug thing is DL's little special thing. pass the gummi worms, please! :lol: :lol:

*hands Stuffy a nice pirate hat*
*Dutch rans into the thread very happy that she can take Mo's shift again* :D

It's great to have you back, hun. Congrats on your brother and friend/sister in law's wedding (love the M&M's - must be your influence :D) and finally getting your internet connection.... :cool:

"Youngblood" is right! Don't know much about that ep anymore (was it with the guy that made a gun out of a steering wheel lock?)...so I'm gonna watch it again this weekend :)...I've found a nice cap from that ep

Lindsay looks so young and the looks they're sharing are already pretty intense.. :)

Lynny You have a fake Danny? Any chance there are more where that one came from? :devil: *crosses fingers* and Aud what are you talking about I wubses you too! :)
Welcome back mo, we missed you.

Aahhh, That scene^^^... I loved Danny's goofy look when Lindsay finished before him :lol:

Thanks for the pics guys!:)
*Mo giggles and dances into the thread, singing (of course!) along to the tune of "Hello Dolly"....."Well Hello D/L, yes Hello D/L....it's so nice to be back home where I belong! You're looking swell Danny, I can tell Lindsay, your love's still growing, you're still growing, your both going strong...I feel the room swaying, and the band's playing, one of my old favorite songs from way back when..." :lol: *

Good morning all my lovelies! Have I mentioned how happy I am to be back? Not in the last five minutes right :lol: :lol: Yeah I'm a dork...but I love it and I know y'all do too! ;)

Vex by the way hon, yup the M&M's at the wedding were personalized...and were totally fun! ;)

Angel Hi hon! :D

Dutch Hey babes!! Yay for us having shifts again! I missed that...oh and hey, my friend LOVED what you made for me! So thank you again...seriously you TOTALLY rocked that...it was awesome and she was totally impressed!! :D

Natty hey bud! ;)

Yay I was right, it was YOungblood! Lol, I went to bed last night going, I swear that's the right eppy...I was right, right? Wait what if that one wasn't the one where the girl had Wicked on her Ipod and Linds totally knew it was Wicked from like 3 songs...(I love that musical and was totally impressed when Linds busted that out! :D )

Alright my lovelies...yay for Friday!! Gotta love Fridays, they rock! They rock even more when you get to have a "fun" work day out on retreat and don't have to dress up and do real work! :lol: Fun times...alright I'll see y'all later today...have a fabulous day y'all!

Psstt...Fluffy Twin...? Have a hug! *Mo snuggles her Aud!* :D
Moooooooooooooooooooo! :D :D :D :D :D *tackles buddy and hugs her* So glad you're back, we missed you so much!!!!!! I'm touched that you remembered me, I often get forgotten :(

Aud, Catey, of course we wub you!!!!! :D :D *hugs Aud and Catey, and everyone else, just coz i'm in a hugging mood!* :D

Loved those pics, Mo, Danny's goofy face is sooooo adorable! And i love Linds' reaction too!

Past Imperfect is on here tomorrow night! Can't wait! That's the "Da" one, right? That's so cute!!!

I'm super happy today! I dunno why, i had to run 800m in the rain today, and very nearly fainted! But i did it... and in 4 minutes 11 seconds, which for me is fast! :lol:

But, I'm here so I'm super happy!!!! :D :D :D

*hugs everyone, before skipping out singing wonderful DL songs* xxxx
15! We're on page 15! Amazing! You guys are utterly amazing. So I promise to never go anywhere again for a week that does not have internet access. I swear. Hope Danny and Linds are doing well where ever you all have them locked up now. Only Heaven knows. :lol: gosh, I love you all so much, and I'm here to stay for a while now guys. Shippers Promise!
Chell Sneaks in bearing cookies and muffins, and sneaks up behind MO, dumping a 'welcome home' cake on her head hehe

Hello my wubbies!!! man i have soo missed u guys!!!! :D I have been soo busy with work and helping my best friend redecorate their first home before they move in... :( im so glad to be bak here!!! :D

Stuffy, angel, MO, mer, Delia, lynny, dutch, natty, Liffy, carolina, catey.. and eveyr one else... hello!!! **hands cookkies**
Just a quick hello, but i will be back tomorrow definately!!! :D

wubs to u all!!! :D
Just dropping a line...

Mo!!!!!!!!!!!! *tackles fellow buddy and tickle her* Welcome back hun! :D glad that you've joined us again. Hope everything went well.

aud wubs, you know I love ya! We all do *huggles*

Chell!! Where *have* you been hun? I was :( but now I'm :) again

Hehe 'Youngblood' was on last night :) good eppy, nice D/L interaction.

To everyone else...ahoy and aloha! I must be off but I bid you all a good day (or night for some) and I shall talk to you later!

Cheers shipmates xx

Psst Liffy...get in here, pronto!
Hey everyone, just poppin' by to say hi! :)

Oh and thanks to everyone who read and reviewed That Smile. You guys are the greatest!!

Stuffy wubs! I'm here :D and I'm eyeing your purdy banner, cos it's hawt - and she's hawwwwwwt :devil: - plus I made it :D

Chelle!!!! You're back too! :D yay! *Liff holds up a pitcher of rootbeer float and dumps it on Chelle before adding an extra scoop of vanilla ice cream with a cherry on top*

and I see...Mo!!! Hump day just aint the same without you hun! :) and now you're back! :D

I made chocchip cookies today :devil:, Hmm....I feel another fic idea coming on....hmm...

Random, yes I know but do you think Danny has a food processor? :p
WoW, this is a happy day...lots of people are back in our fun thread :D...*sorry no hugs - I've just taken a shower and you guys are sticky* :p

Mo it's nice to know your friend liked that little thingy! And the idea of personalized M&M's at that wedding sounds so cool! :D

And "Youngblood" was the one were we found out that Lindsay likes musicals too...soooo Liff give her back she so needs to sing along those great "Wicked" songs with us
"Too late for second-guessing
Too late to go back to sleep
It's time to trust my instincts
Close my eyes: and leap!"

Random, yes I know but do you think Danny has a food processor?
Well we saw quite a lot of his kitchen and I don't believe I've spotted one, but maybe it's in one of the cabinets. :cool:

Well good night all (yes it's night here Stuffy) :(
And I just adore it Liffy wubs :D, especially the middle picture. Lindsay/Anna needs more love around here, cause she rocks! And of course she's hawt, she's our Montana!

Psst dutch! *giggles and throws M&Ms at fellow buddy, then runs and hides behind Mer* And I like your avvie/banner too dutch...I've been meaning to see that movie but haven't got around to it yet.

Liffy buddy your banner is hawt as well :)

ETA: If y'all are in need of some fluffiness, here's the linky to my ficcy:

Through Her Eyes

It documents Lindsay's journey from ZY to SD through her POV. Hope you enjoy it :)
Dutch, exactly what time is it over there? Your post reads 4:08 p.m., my time, so what is it over there? Just curious.

Mer, I missed your challenge again! And I actually had the answer to it, when I read your clues. Oh, well, I shouldn't have gone to bed, I should have stayed online a little later. Here's a screencap from Youngblood, no explanation for it other than I just liked how they both looked.

messermonroe, I finally got over to ff.net, and read your fic. It was terrific, and I left you a review. Thanks for getting back to me, I enjoy it when authors let you know they appreciate your comments!
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