Danny/Lindsay#17: The Ship That Strips!

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cheating for either of them does not seem plausible or realistic to me at all!
Have to agree with you there Mo, it doesn't seem as if either of them would intentionally cheat, but fact is, it doesn't stop them from possibly thinking it. There's angst in itself. :) Plus, i love them too much to actually let anyone else touch them! aside from us that is :devil:

Cheating - no. Thoughts of cheating - hell yeah.

Plus, it brings on lots of guilt and long nights of making up on a certain pool table. Dutch hun! You're with me right :D
Thanks for all the well wishes, my pretties. :) Rad, my baby! You'd write a ficcie?? That's sweet. :)

Liff Dude and Dutch, I actually prefer Anna looking that way. Now I do like her hair a bit longer, but as Eva had a lot of sexuality. Lindsay is so cute and all, but I think Danny would like the tight dress---shows her tush. I'm weird---I like dark eyeliner. :eek:

Mo, we always think the same. I was thinking that Danny was definitely licking his lips over Linds at the door. You know she was trying to seduce him; it worked too. ;)

Thanks for the soup and hot tea. How'd you know it was my favorite? Wait, we share the same brain. I'm going shopping Monday. Any suggestions on what I should buy? :D

Hi Stuffers, I'm glad I got to read your ficcie. Thanks for telling me how to post 'hearts' on LJ. :)

Cheating? No cheating! No contimplating cheating! That's just as bad. Now, if someone tried to get one of them to cheat----that would be fun. Or we could just have Linds nearly cheat with Liff. :devil: *Runs from Danny* :lol:

Being stuck at home on a Saturday night blows. :(

I think we should give each other fic challenges over the summer. I have a special one for Mer. I think it'll involve NASCAR. ;) :D ;)
See how long Danny would stay focused if Lindsay came to work like that. I would say 2 seconds!

I think that Anna should grow her hair longer and but still have the waves. And I would like to see her hair up more.

I'm a little demanding tonight!

Hope you feel better, Aud
Mother dearest, give me the go ahead and I'll write you a fluffy one shot. I promise. I'm actually in the mood to write one, but I'm not gonna without your consent. :lol: Okay thennnn. I'm off to do things but I'll be around the site here. Peace.
My silly but still cute Liff buddy said:
but fact is, it doesn't stop them from possibly thinking it. There's angst in itself. Plus, i love them too much to actually let anyone else touch them! aside from us that is
Oh my dear, dear Liffy...sorry to sound condescending ;) but I have to totally disagree with you! I agree there is angst in having one or the other of them thinking that the other is cheating, and if they (as in the PTB) did do a "cheating" storyline, that's the ONLY way I'd even begin to believe it...is if they had one of them paranoid that the other was cheating only to discover that OF COURSE it wasn't true...but even then I wouldn't really believe it, sorry. After all that they have been through and how much they have fought through to finally be together, I really do not see either of them cheating on the other...Danny has grown up so much to the point of not even looking at other beautiful girls because of how in love with Linds he is and Linds has always only had eyes for Danny...so suddenly having someone else come in and cause them to cheat....just doesn't seem realistic to me! I'm a die-hard romantic I freely admit it, but yeah that's what I think! :D

Cheating - no. Thoughts of cheating - hell yeah.
Again I really just don't see it...Danny wasn't even with Linds yet and he didn't even look at all of the girls who hit on him in Seas. 3...and we know Linds only has eyes for him! :D

My darling Fluffy Wub Aud giggled:
Mo, we always think the same. I was thinking that Danny was definitely licking his lips over Linds at the door. You know she was trying to seduce him; it worked too.
We so do always think the same babes! ;) That was the first thought I had the very second I saw that pic you posted! :lol: It was like Linds was standing in front of him all hot and he couldn't do anything other than drool and want to jump her asap! ;)

Thanks for the soup and hot tea. How'd you know it was my favorite? Wait, we share the same brain. I'm going shopping Monday. Any suggestions on what I should buy?
You're welcome! :D Yeah that sharing the same brain thing does help us every once in a while huh hon! :lol: Ohhh shopping, fun! Well, I have some shopping to do myself and I'm planning on getting some cute summer sandals and some cute long shorts...so that's what I recommend...sandals and summer clothes! :D

Angsty niece Vex dear said:
I think that Anna should grow her hair longer and but still have the waves.
Ohhhh, yeah I totally agree Vex! I mean I love her hair pretty much anyway she's had it, but that would definitely be gorgeous! :D Makes me think about waves an curls...hmmm, maybe I should do waves/curls myself! :D
Aww, Mo, you’re so sweet to rescue me! *hugs* Just cross your fingers for me in my job hunt! “I think I can, I think I can, I think I can…” Have I mentioned that every time you shimmer out of here in your fluffy bubble, I am reminded of Glenda the good witch from the Wizard of OZ? She had a very pretty sparkly bubble.

auda said:
I'm weird---I like dark eyeliner. :eek:
I've never been able to figure eyeliner out. The few times I've tried to I've either looked like I had raccoon eyes, or that I was in an 80's punk band... :lol: Thanks heavens for naturally dark eyelashes.

creative auda said:
I think we should give each other fic challenges over the summer. I have a special one for Mer. I think it'll involve NASCAR. ;) :D ;)
NASCAR? I’m in. Tell me more. :D

Okay, tonight’s is not too difficult because it is once again after 2:30 am. Tomorrow I promise a hard one, because I actually get off of work before midnight then!

Time to play Name That Episode!” *crowd cheers wildly, yet again*

For those of you just tuning in to the challenge… when you answer, give the episode name and post a screencap from the ep. Any screencap from the ep, so we get multiple answers and pics. You can also list your thoughts or favorite parts of the eppy too if you want!

Today’s episode hints:
1. There is a D/L hallway scene in both the lab and the PD.
2. At the scene of the A case, a torn piece of paper is found that has the vic’s phone number on it: (212) 555-0129.
3. The vic in the B case resides at 2344 Lexington Ave 12-C.

Good Luck, and happy hunting! :D
I can't believe that I'm again the first one to post after Mer put her challenge up :rolleyes:...I do have the answer, although it was a tough one (the 3rd hint had me confused :p)...I will leave some of the fun :) for the rest of you and only post a pic of the ep


Again I really just don't see it...Danny wasn't even with Linds yet and he didn't even look at all of the girls who hit on him in Seas. 3...and we know Linds only has eyes for him!
That's true Mo, but although WE ;) know that Lindsay has only eyes for him I can still picture Danny as being totally jealous of some random guy Lindsay gives too much attention to :eek:, or when she's planning something for him and sneaks off to make phone calls...I agree with Liff there's plenty of angsty possibilities and make up scenes there :devil:.

I like dark eyeliner
I do like eyeliner on some people, but I didn't like it on Anna...If Lindsay ever shows up in a dress like that she'll kill him...And you're no weirder than any of us in here Aud :p

And I would like to see her hair up more.
I do too Vex I really like her hair up...
Awww Mo honey, I think you're reading what I'm saying in the wrong way. We all know that Danny doesn't look at other women (well I would think he would or it would make his character comepletely fake) and Lindsay only has eyes for him.

BUT the fact still remains that they haven't been together that long a time and still have to build up their trust between one another. Like what Dutch said, Linds could be preparing some kind of...thing :devil: and Danny might assume the worst, which is...kind of...normal. What can I say? Who wouldn't be if you have a gorgeous girlfriend...

:D See? I know they would never cheat on each other, and I can't see them doing a cheating storyline either since someone will be paying the writers a very interesting visit.

Anyways, here's the second part to my angsty story arc complete with a "think your own make up secks routine" to fit at the end :D

A Life With You: To Good To Be True Or is it?

I think my angsty side has gone on holiday, how bout I write you an uber fluffy fic Mo! Or you can read my wedding fic :D
I see Danny as the kinda guy who'd be totally cool with the relationship, but he'd still have eyes for other girls. Know what I mean. He'd always be checking them out. Then Lindsay would turn around and smack him. :lol: Danny's a player and he always will be - even if he is with Linds.
^^Hi, my Darling Rad! While I think that Danny is a ladies man, I don't see him as a player. When I first began watching the show, I thought he was. But to me, players are womanizers that can't keep their zippers up. They are also dogs of the worst kind. I have my pitchfork ready today! :mad: Us women do that on occasion. Poor Liff! We won't hurt you though. I see Danny catching other women's attention, but not going that overboard. He might like they way they look or even stare at them, but I think he is ready for something deeper and less superficial. ;)

Now Rad Darling, I think that you should write a ficcie in which Danny looks at another chick and Lindsay sets out to make him jealous---she could flirt with some random guy or with Marty or something. But whatever you like, sweetie. :)

As for Mer, here's the NASCAR challenge. NASCAR comes to New York---actually would it ever go there (maybe they could venture down to Indiana?)?? I know nothing. Sorry. Lindsay is a big racing fan---hey, why not? Danny thinks it, well, stereotypical, you know. Anyway, he goes with her and the madness ensues. Or you could just have them watch a game over the television. In season one, Danny liked a suspect's classic 60's model car. I got the feeling he liked cars a lot (and we know he likes bikes). So maybe you could make Ms. Monroe even more 'dangerous' to Danny. ;)

There will be additional prompts for those that are into it and of course, Mer will have her fun episode quizzes. We plan to keep you busy. :lol:

Mo, wait! Did I hear that there's a fake Danny? Did Lynny try the old switch-a-roo on ya? :lol:
Now Rad Darling, I think that you should write a ficcie in which Danny looks at another chick and Lindsay sets out to make him jealous---she could flirt with some random guy or with Marty or something. But whatever you like, sweetie.

LOVE IT! I'm not home now, but when I get home, I'll certainly type it up for you. Oh I'm so excited now. This is gonna rock!
*Mo shimmers in, beat boxing (as if!) and singing along to Maroon 5 "Sunday morning rain is falling, Steal some covers share some skin, Clouds are shrouding us in moments unforgettable, You twist to fit the mold that I am in." Seems to fit the mood to me right now somehow...it's thundershowering here outside...fun times!*
Good afternoon y'all! How is everyone this stay-inside-and-chill-afternoon? Well I hope! :D Our lovely couple I think is staying inside today, cuddled up in bed (or on the pool table) and keeping eachother warm! :devil: Happy day for them! ;)

Mer-bear honey laughed:
Aww, Mo, you’re so sweet to rescue me! *hugs* Just cross your fingers for me in my job hunt! “I think I can, I think I can, I think I can…” Have I mentioned that every time you shimmer out of here in your fluffy bubble, I am reminded of Glenda the good witch from the Wizard of OZ? She had a very pretty sparkly bubble.
Awww definitely good luck on the job hunt babes, been there, done that, definitely don't envy you! But you can do it, for sure! :D I remind you of Glinda? Sweet! :lol: That makes me think of Wicked and that's never bad! :D I'm not quite as perky as Glinda though...fluffy as I am, she's still got the edge on me! :lol:

Dutch dearie grinned:
I can't believe that I'm again the first one to post after Mer put her challenge up
Lol, you're just on top of it lately hon! Well done! But wait, did I miss something or did you not post the name of the eppy? It's on the tip of my tongue...lol, gotta go do a bit more searching and then I'll be back with that! ;) LOVE that pic you posted...Linds looks so amazingly gorgeous right there...she's so tiny there and her hair is beautiful! Gah...and Danny is...*Drool!* hot as always! Hand in his pocket...ya know what that means... ;) ;) Lol! :lol:

I agree with Liff there's plenty of angsty possibilities and make up scenes there
Lol, Dutch babe I forget sometimes that you're really an angsty at heart! ;) I just get paranoid whenever they have "cheating" prospects or storylines, cuz people on tv are so dumb about it and inevitably it ends up splitting them up! :p But if we get makeup scenes out it, it couldn't be all bad! :devil:

Liff bud smiled:
See? I know they would never cheat on each other, and I can't see them doing a cheating storyline either since someone will be paying the writers a very interesting visit.

Ahhh okay yeah maybe I was reading what you said a bit wrong...I just get leery of any "cheating" storyline! :p Like I said above, I'm paranoid of cheating story's cuz they just seem to be the death knell for any couple on t.v. And as much fun as it would be to have make up scenes ( :devil: ) from that, I'd rather have them makeup after a fight or something less icky than cheating, ya know! :D Okay I'm done with that! :lol: *Mo grins sheepishly and steps down off her soapbox!*

how bout I write you an uber fluffy fic Mo!
Awww dude, you'd do that for me? That'd be SO nice! I'd love it! :D *Mo grins and huggles her buddy!*

Fluffy Twin wub Aud said brilliantly:
I think he is ready for something deeper and less superficial.
Fluffy Twin, I know we share a brain and all so my agreeing with you is inevitable...but still I definitely totally agree with you on this! I think Danny started out on NY as a bit of a ladies man, liked his women and liked to mess around with them...but I think he has grown and matured and changed into a one woman man...now more than ever! ;)

Mo, wait! Did I hear that there's a fake Danny? Did Lynny try the old switch-a-roo on ya?
:lol: :lol: You heard right! :lol: Lynny dearie tried to pull the switch-a-roo on me, what she forgot is that I know me my real Danny....intimately! ;) :devil: And so it's pretty impossible to pull anything over on me! :D Sorry Lynny wub, but I know my man! ;)

Alright my dearies...I'm off to remind myself of the name of Mer's eppy challenge! :lol: And then I'll be back, later tonight some time! :D
*Mo grins and much like an aforementioned perky blonde...shimmers off in her fluffy bubble!*

ETA: I was right! Lol, I should have just trusted my insticts instead of thinking I had to double check...all that to say, Mer I knew that the eppy (especially thanks to the lovely pic Dutch posted!) was "All Access" but I second guessed myself! Silly me! :lol: Great eppy! So much good D/L in there! :D
I've always loved this pic from that eppy...the look on Linds' face always makes me smile!
Linds' face says "don't even be looking at my man!" Lol!
Mo, here I was thinking I had finally won a challenge, when I reread your post and realized that you have already posted the answer! It was, of course, "All Access", and since you already had the answer, I'll post a pic. So, here you go:
Awww dude, you'd do that for me? That'd be SO nice! I'd love it! :D
Mo huni, of course I'd do it for you. In fact, I already have!

Here's the wedding ficcy I posted earlier: That Smile

And here's my new fanfic: Protect The One You Love

Yay! Another more pictures I love screen caps, since I don't have any of the past episodes, save the last half of s3, im feeling like a depressed toad!

I have another sweet idea now :D Danny and Lindsay baking anyone? now what ever would they do with that spare chocolate icing I wonder...

:devil: :devil: :devil:
Lol, sorry I stole your thunder Catey dear! ;) The clues Mer gave were pretty good, but it was actually the pic Dutch posted that was the clincher for me in getting it! :D What's funny, is I recognized Linds' shirt...talk about obsessed! :lol: But it's all good right! :D Love the pic you posted hon, Danny is TOTALLY checking her out without being too obvious...love it!! :D They are just SO dang cute together!

Liff you wrote me a ficcie, a fluffy one?? Awww bud you are awesome!! *Mo huggles her totally cool buddy!* :D Totally gonna go read and review that...sweet! And as for D/L baking, I can definitely see that! ;) Danny waking up in the middle of the night, wanting something sweet to go with his sweetheart and so he has Linds get up and help him make brownies...and then they end up smearing chocolate all over eachother and well you get the idea from there... :devil: :lol:

ETA: Liff...*Mo sighs softly and then tackle hugs her buddy!* :lol: Dude, that ficcie was AWESOME!! I loved it...totally totally loved it! It was so sweet and fluffy and cute and it made me grin! And you dedicated it to me...talk about feeling special, you ROCK!! :D :D
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