Danny/Lindsay#17: The Ship That Strips!

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*Mo skips in singing..."It's finally Friday, I'm free again...I've got my motor running for a wild weekend!" :D * Hello my lovely shippy buddies...ALL of you fabulous pals! :D Happy Friday! Friday's really are a great day, two whole days of no work ahead of you, time to sleep or chill or do nothing but hang out in here...good times, good times indeed! :D I have decided I can't wait until we get new spoilers for our ship...can't wait and yet there is a tiny part of me that's worried about what they'll be! Wait, forget that...not even gonna let a little pessimism in...our ship is CANON and this next season is only going to show more and more of our lovely couple and how insanely hot and happy they are and will continue to be...and I cannot wait! :D :D

Lol, Hi Soph hon!! You're too cute! :lol: Heehee, yeah I try to not forget any of my lovely D/L buddies! Sometimes I'm better at it than others ;) but I think y'all are fabulous, that's for dang sure! :D

Rad hey hon! Were you without internet too? It sucks doesn't it! :p Glad you're back to stay...I know I sure am! :D

Chell!! Awwww Hi hunna-bun!! :lol: *Mo giggles and huggles her buddy, making sure to smear plenty of the welcome cake's frosting all over Chell's face too!* :lol:

Stuffy! Hi dearie! :D Wow it's so nice to have y'all happy to have me back, lol...makes me feel so special! :lol: Y'all are fabulous! :D I just wubs my D/L thread and buddies! :D :D

Liff! Wassup dude? You having fun with Linds while I keep Danny busy? ;) Heehee! :devil: We're both having fun I'm sure! :devil: Yup I'm back to keep Hump Day alive and well! :lol: Good times, good times indeed! :D Ummmmm, I kinda don't think Danny has a food processor...Linds maybe, or they could buy one together...but Danny doesn't strike me as the having lots of cooking utensils type...ya know.

Yup Dutch she loved it, and I LOVED it!! It was beautiful, you do awesome work! ;) In case I haven't told you that lately! :lol: Wait no hugs cuz we're sticky? Forget that... :lol: *Mo tackles Dutch and gleefully smears lovely frosting all over her!* :lol:
Yay for "Wicked" lyrics...I seriously love that musical! "Defying Gravity", "As Long As Your Mine", "No Good Deed"...great songs!

Stuffy you wrote a ficcie? Sweet! Gotta go read me some of that! :D

Awww yay for that Youngblood pic Catey! They are just so very beautiful...*Mo stares at the pic and sighs happily...gorgeous...truely gorgeous!* I love our ship, it's just so fabulous...it started out fabulous and now that it's CANON it freakin' ROCKS!!! :lol:

Aud wub, how are ya Fluffy Twin? :D

*Mo giggles happily and climbing into her fluffy bubble, shimmers giddily away!*
Work was mean to me today *sniffle*. :( I need a cookie.
*snags one of the cookies from chelle* Ah, much better. :)

Rad said:
...I'm here to stay for a while now guys. Shippers Promise!
We'll hold ya to that Rad! We need you here! *hugs*

Liff said:
Random, yes I know but do you think Danny has a food processor? :p
Liff, in response to your randomness, I have some randomness of my own. In the movie ’The Story of Us’ (staring Bruce Willis & Michelle Pfeiffer), the characters do this thing at dinner where they tell each other the high and low points of their day. One of the things that the son mentioned for his high is that his friend’s mom got a Cuisinart (food processor) and he drank a chicken. :lol: Cracks me up every time. [/end random] Btw, why do you ask? Oh, and Mo, I bet Danny has enough proper utensils to cook up a mean Italian meal… just maybe not a cake or cookies!

stuffy said:
Psst dutch! *giggles and throws M&Ms at fellow buddy, then runs and hides behind Mer*
Why is it that I am always the shield? :lol: *sigh* Well if you throw something back at her, Dutch, try to make it chocolate, 'kay? :D I’m hungry.

Catey, you and I are in the same time zone, so I know I've been posting my challenges really late for us (yeah, it's after 2:45 am right now). Blame it on my evil work schedule. Sunday and Monday will probably be posted earlier 'cause I get off work at a decent time those days. ;)

Yeah, Mo was on the ball yesterday when I posted the challenge, (she answered it almost right away!) so I tried to make it even harder. (Some days it will be hard, some days it will be easy, that way you can play even if you’re not super obsessed). Great job with the caps, y’all! I think a few scenes in Youngblood helped detail Lindsay and Danny's competitiveness, and how it pushes them both to be better. They make a great team!

Time to play Name That Episode!” *crowd cheers wildly, again*

For those of you just tuning in to the challenge… when you answer, give the episode name and post a screencap from the ep. Any screencap from the ep, so we get multiple answers and perspectives. You can also list your thoughts or favorite parts of the eppy too if you want!

Today’s episode hints:
1. Hawkes remembers some info he learned about solvents in regards to bleaching verses leaching.
2. There were betta splendens in the A case vic’s stomach contents.
3. “You don’t think I’d kiss a corpse, do you?”

Good Luck, and happy posting! :D
Good morning all! :D The weather is terrible here (too wet, too cold, too windy :(), but it's saturday so I'm still pretty happy! :lol:

Dutch, exactly what time is it over there? Your post reads 4:08 p.m., my time, so what is it over there? Just curious
Catey (lovely pic btw :)), my time for that post reads 10:08 PM; so it was actually evening and not night :rolleyes:, but I was really tired yesterday... :(

*peeps from behind Mer's back to see where Stuffy and Mo are* - Ah gotcha! *takes two large pieces of chocolate/strawberry pie and throws it at them*

*hands Mer a piece of the left-over pie* :D ;)
Great challenge again...and I can't believe I'm gonna be the first to answer it (where's Delia ;)) but it's "Risk"! I just know I'm right...I had to look up 'betta splendens' ;), but when I saw what they were I was pretty sure... :)


[Danny's thoughts]"Keep talking, keep talking - act normal - don't let her notice the effect she has on you - breathe"[/Danny's thoughts] :lol:

I love that scene...you can almost hear his eyes pop out of their sockets :eek: when she first appears at the CS...Great D/L ep! :)
RISK! Yay, I love that episode :D We get to see Danny's eyes bulge and he was definately trying to keep cool, but we see right through him!

Anyways, I can't help but think about D/L angst at the moment, I think I've had a wee bit too much of fluff at the moment - don't hit me!

I don't know about the rest of you, but I love the idea that something causes Danny to think that Linds is cheating on him. Why? Well, for some reason fics always have Danny cheating and it's not fair on the guy!

Hehe, yep, im writing an angsty chapter! (I shant reveal the ending but you can already guess) I can't split up our ship! I love them too much!

Hehe, of course I'm taking care of Linds Mo! :D Someone has to! :devil: whilst you're having fun with Danny - don't want Montana's wrath unleashed upon you now do we? :lol:

Since Dutch is a few hours ahead of me, that technically makes her the swing shift and me night shift! :D YAY!

Or was it the other way around,...when is swing shift again?

Del huni!!! Where are you? You agree with me on the angst right? :D I need to post that chapter tonight, cos then I cant start writing the next part...and of course you ALL know what comes after big misunderstandings!

MAKE-UP SECKS! :devil: Tho....I aint writing anything smutty atm. :p
*ducks from dutch's flying pie* Erm...sorry Liffy buddy, did that get ya? :p

Hehe speaking of "Lindsay's effects on Danny"...I was just re-watching the scene where they first met. Danny most definitely checks her out after they greet each other. His eyes flickered south for a second there :) they haven't known each other for a minute and he's already checking her out.

Only a few more days until the spoilers start leaking. Who's excited? *raises hand* Who's nervous? *raises other hand* Who's CANON?? *points to giant DL collage that is pinned to HQ wall*

I made cookies for everyone *hands out yummy homemade chocolate-chip cookies to fellow buddies and throws a few extra chips at Liffy and dutch*
You could do one where she is planning a surprise party for him. Always being secretive around him and then him looking like an idiot when he realises what is really happening :)
*Abby comes into the thread and takes a cookie*
Thank you for the chocolate-chip cookies, Stuffy, and for the lovely fic. :)
I’m so excited for the spoilers! I can’t wait to see them…we should start the countdown

dl_shipper34 said:
Hehe speaking of "Lindsay's effects on Danny"...I was just re-watching the scene where they first met. Danny most definitely checks her out after they greet each other. His eyes flickered south for a second there :) they haven't known each other for a minute and he's already checking her out.
Yeah, it’s so evident! and she looked away from him, she was awfully embarrassed in that moment! :D

I don't know about the rest of you, but I love the idea that something causes Danny to think that Linds is cheating on him.
It sounds good, Liff, I would like to read some angst, I love it! :)

Oh, Welcome back Mo and Chell ^_^
Hiya peoples! I want cookies.

I am a little too sick to form any cool thoughts about D/L or anything else for that matter, but I do bring some piccies. Maybe this will provide inspiration or simply just enjoyment on this Saturday afternoon. :)

Enjoy. These may provide ideas. Form your own conclusions. ;) :devil:


*Dedicated to Liff Dude. Have fun. :)
:lol: I actually did make cookies earlier for the company that will be here soon. [insert cookie icon here]

aud hun, thanks so much for reviewing my ficcy over at DLC and FF. Much appreciate shipmate :D *hands uber-cool buddy a big cookie*

I love Danny there :) his eyes are bulging. tongue!porn is love. Anna is beautiful there; I love her stance and eyes. :eek: she's thin. Not sick thin, just thin thin. Looks to be in good shape though :) you go girl!

Liffy will be in heaven once he gets here :lol:
*accepts pie from dutch*

Yep! It was Risk! I had a feeling that the betta splendens would give it away!

my little Risk avvie:

Awesome pics, Auda!

Stuffy I'm excited/nervous, too! I miss our new eps.
Alrighty then, in light of my recent desire to see some angst, here's some of my own. The situation will be around until the next chapter but have a read!

A Life With You: Too Good To Be True Pt. I

Don't pelt me with anything yet! But chocolate sauce and strawberries are always welcomed!

Auda! :eek: Is that really Anna? Wow....err, I like her better with long wavy hair :D and I think Danny does too! We have good taste don't we Danny ;)
Awwww aud, you're sick? :( I have just the thing to make you feel better. *sends in Danny to hand-deliever a cookie, blanket and pillow to fellow buddy* There we go :) our cowboy is good at making his fans better. I also brought copies of your favourite DL episode(s), so just sit back and relax!

mer I'm dying to see a new episode too. The spoilers should help us get through the long summer months...but as always they can change, so we'll just have to wait and see in the fall what happens. I think we can all agree that there will be some form of angst in store for DL in the upcoming season, but they've gone through this before :D In the end, I believe they will be together.

Where is everyone today? Y'all have seem to vanished somewhere...*heads out to balcony and cries for fellow buddies to show their pretty faces cause we miss them dearly*
Mommy's sickie? Awww, mommy what do you need? A nice fluffy DL ficcie? I'll bend the rules and write one for you i you wish.

Have there been any spoilers released? I've been gone so darn long anything's possible.

You guys notice how on the season premiers they never have the people we want working together, working together? I bet Danny and Lindsay don't work together, only because of the pool table activity.
Just got in after a long but fun dinner party (for the record this post reads 01.16 AM -sunday 06/24- :cool:) *takes one of Stuffy's wonderful cookies as desert* :D I agree...it's quiet in here...guess everyone's having a full schedule this weekend... :)

Yeah I was right...lovely avvie btw Mer! I almost posted that pic, but I decided to go with the 'Danny keeps talking to distract himself'-one... :lol:

Liff I'll read your new chap tomorrow...I love some good angst...so I wonder if you deserve some chocolate strawberries for that one... :p

Rad There are no new spoilers yet, but last year they came out 06/30 so were hoping/dreading (it's a thin line) something will come out next week... :)

Aud I hope you feel better soon *shares some of Stuffy's cookies*...txs for the pics, but I personally think Anna looks better on CSI: NY than she did on MI...don't really know why; something about the make-up :rolleyes: (too much eye-liner) and the attitude...

In the fan art section D/L is the subject of the new CSI: NY icon competition
Hello my loves! *Mo saunters in singing happily, "I'm singing in the rain, just singing in the rain, what a glorious feeling, I'm happy again!" :D * How is everyone today? Hopefully have a fun Saturday! I'm having a pretty good productive day...did some shopping, did some laundry, ran a couple miles...lol I know you all are dying of curiosity as to what I did today! :lol: Anyway on to our lovely couple! And they really are lovely aren't they...lovely and attractive and hot for eachother and CANON to boot, sweet deal!! :D

Mer-bear honey sighed:
Work was mean to me today *sniffle*. I need a cookie.
I think I need to come rescue you from work again hon, it's just not being nice to you lately! :p Lucky you there are plenty of good cookies in here and me to rescue you if need be! Just call me up and I'm on my way! ;) Plus there is always D/L to cheer you up and make you smile, I know it always works for me! ;)

Oh, and Mo, I bet Danny has enough proper utensils to cook up a mean Italian meal… just maybe not a cake or cookies!
Mmmmmmm, meaning a sauce pan and paring knife to make spaghetti sauce and noodles? ;) Lol! :lol: Just kidding Danny boy! ;) Yeah I'm sure he can whip up a great Italian meal fairly easily! :D

Dutch my awesome bud giggled:
*peeps from behind Mer's back to see where Stuffy and Mo are* - Ah gotcha! *takes two large pieces of chocolate/strawberry pie and throws it at them*
Pie? Rock on, that's just what I was wanting about now! Thanks hon!! *Mo giggles back and licks the yummy pie off her face!* :D

I love that scene...you can almost hear his eyes pop out of their sockets when she first appears at the CS...Great D/L ep!
Yeah I know...she walks up and he does a double take and I swear if his tongue hadn't been attached to him mouth it would have rolled out to the floor along with his jaw! The boy was practically drooling over her! :devil: Can't say I blame him, she was definitely looking gorgeous in that dress! :D

Liff dude who is about to get whacked said:
I think I've had a wee bit too much of fluff at the moment - don't hit me!
I don't know about the rest of you, but I love the idea that something causes Danny to think that Linds is cheating on him. Why? Well, for some reason fics always have Danny cheating and it's not fair on the guy!
Okay dude, tell me you did not just say that!! First of all, too much fluff? Can't happen! ;) And second, if you're gonna have angst...please, please, please let it not be of the cheating kind! For either of them...I hate cheating ficcies and/or storylines/eppies. Nothing personal to you Liff dude, you rock...but cheating for either of them does not seem plausible or realistic to me at all!

Aud, you're still sick babes? Awww my poor Fluffy Twin!*Mo snuggles her sick Fluffy wub, and hands her more soup and hot tea!* Love the pics babes! I'm thinking Danny's looking at Linds in that one..."Try not to drool, try not to drool..." and in that one of Anna...first of all WOWZA! And as for what she's thinking (we'll pretend that pic's from NY) and she's thinking "That's right stare at me baby, drool if you want, I'm working it, I got it, oh yeah!" :devil:

Awww, Mer-bear I like your Risk avie! That eppy was fabulous indeed! Danny was so hot for her it was awesome and Linds totally knew it and was working it for all she was worth! :devil: Good times, good times indeed! And I'm with you and Stuffy, excited for our new spoilers...but not nervous (call it denial ;) ) but I'm determined to be optimistic about our spoilers! :D

Alright y'all! I'm off to have me some dinner...as good as the cookies and pie smeared on my face is, I need me some real food! :lol: I'll be back later I'm sure! See ya in a bit! ;)

*Mo shimmers off in her Fluffy Bubble!* :D
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