Danny/Lindsay#17: The Ship That Strips!

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Hi Mer-bear!! *Mo snuggles right back!*
Yeah I think if it had been during ep season I would have gone insane...oh wait I already did! :lol: The only thing that kept me barely sane was that I was so crazy busy with moving and then my brother's wedding that I didn't have a whole lot of time to fret over not having internet (well at first anyway...these last three days were freakishly hard!!) It was funny though...cuz my brother and now sister-in-law had M&M's as their wedding favors and for the 10 minutes I was putting them out on reception tables I was like "Awwww, M&M's....gah I miss D/L!" :lol:

Sweet, champagne!! I'll take some of that babes! ;) :D
Mo said:
...cuz my brother and now sister-in-law had M&M's as their wedding favors
You didn't by any chance help her plan that aspect of the wedding, did ya? ;) I can just picture you subconciously trying to recruit more D/L fans as a coping mechanism. :lol:

OH! And Lynny hasn't returned Danny yet, just so ya know! *giggle* I don't think she liked my ransom payment.
*Mo giggles and drinks more champagne...* Yup it totally may have been a subconscious recruiting....I am after all a hard core fluffy at heart....lol! :lol: And yeah I helped plan that! ;)

Lynny you have Danny? What?? Oh no you didn't...I haven't been in here in almost two weeks and I am in desperate need of some serious Danny loving so you better bring him back in here and let me have my share or I'm coming after you babes!! ;) And don't think I won't! :D
Moriel21 said:
*Mo giggles and drinks more champagne...* Yup it totally may have been a subconscious recruiting....I am after all a hard core fluffy at heart....lol! :lol: And yeah I helped plan that! ;)

Was that you sneaking in the M&Ms? Just curious were they the personalize ones?

So we get spoilers around June 30th? I love that! That's when the fun begins! The speculations...the excitement!

So, Mo, you missed everybody else, but not me? I'm hurt, I truly am. Oh, well, I guess I'm one of the darling lovelies who name you can't remember. It's great to have you back anyway, even if you can't remember me. lol. I feel so used for my spoilers!
Hi Mo. I'm glad you're back. You're the only one in this thread that wubs me. :(

I am after all a hard core fluffy at heart.

We need to do some a major 'fluff' overhaul with this thread. Angst blows. :lol: Shall we skip away singing fluffy songs? :lol: Love is in the Air....

Actually I think Lynny has all of the guys holed up in her room. But we have her diaries! :D But she knows we wub her! ;)

Later. :cool:
Catey my dear dear Spoiler Queen....I could never forget you my darling! I was just so excited to be back in here that my brain took a brief hiatus from itself...you KNOW you're my buddy!! :D *Mo snuggles her lovely Spoiler Queen buddy who she missed!!* :D

Wait we get new spoilers?? YAY, that's awesome!! I SOOO can't wait!! And Catey honey you should never feel used for just your spoilers...you're a dear, spoilers or not! ;)

AUD!!! There you are my darling! *Mo huggles her Fluffy Twin!* Of course I wubs you...we all wubs you!! Awww are you in need of some fluffy love my dear twin?! No worries Mo is here now, and fluff shall once again rule!! :D :lol: (as if I'm the only reason it ruled :rolleyes: ...I'm funny! :lol: ) We should indeed sing some fluffy songs...brilliant!
*Mo starts singing..."Love is in the air, everywhere I look around, love is in the air, every sight and every sound..." Awww good love! "Love, love, love....all you need is love....dah, dah, dah, dah....All you need is Love!"....everyone sing along!* :lol: :lol:

Lynny has ALL the guys? Okay that's it, we're storming her place and taking the guys back! :lol:
auda said:
Hi Mo. I'm glad you're back. You're the only one in this thread that wubs me. :(
WHAT?!?! *pelts m&m's at auda*

auda also said:
Shall we skip away singing fluffy songs?
Sing fluffy songs, but no skipping away dangit! Y'all have been gone long enough. We need more fluffies to help balance out the angst. It's all about balance!
That and I wubs you.

And don't worry, I still remember and wubs you, Spoiler Queen Catey, our awesome thread opener!
That's right, Catey not only do you give us lovely spoilers, but you ROCKED this thread's opening...gah I suck for not mentioning you...sorry babes! ;) You totally rock, really! ;)

Lol, yeah let's rock the fluffy songs! :D More fluff is ALWAYS good! :lol: Lol, forget balance Mer-bear :lol: Nothing personal to my lovely angsty buddies...but I still want fluff to forever win! :D :lol:

Psssttt...see Aud told ya we all wubs ya in here! ;)
I kid, I kid. Don't worry, I don't feel too used. I like to freely share my knowledge with all of you.

Mo, I've missed your singing, and believe it or not, I think at least 4 have taken up singing songs as they come into the thread now. It's contagious, much like that Viagara commercial. lol

Mercy, what a great challenge you put up. I missed the first one, and can't wait for the next one. It's a great idea. I love guessing games! Wubs you too, Mer!
Good honey, I'm glad you're just kidding, cuz I'd feel horrible if you felt used or forgotten! I wubs all my D/L buddies and I want all of you to feel as special and wonderful as you all really are! :D (Heehee, I'm SO happy to be back y'all!!!) :D :D

Lol, yeah for the singing spreading...that makes me so happy! :lol: And you had to remind me of that commercial! ;) You do realize that puts the song in my head which makes me want to sing it! ;) Lol!! :lol:

Challenge? Wait I totally missed something (duh I know :lol: )...what challenge did you put up Mer-bear?!
catey said:
I missed the first one, and can't wait for the next one. It's a great idea. I love guessing games!
I’ll post the next one in the next 15 minutes or so, so stay tuned!

Mo said:
Challenge? Wait I totally missed something (duh I know :lol: )...what challenge did you put up Mer-bear?!
Go up to the top of the page, 4th post. It'll give ya all the details! I'm challenging people to "Name That Ep!"
Ohhhhh, cool beans!!! That's brilliant hon...I love games and challenges! :lol: Heehee...fun, fun! :D

Oh by the way, I snuck into Lynny's room without her knowing and grabbed Danny back! :D So he's back and currently....well yeah can't really tell ya what he's/we're currently doing ;) Heehee! :devil: Seeing as how it's a PG-13 thread and all! ;) :lol: Did I mention just how nice it is to be back in here?! :lol: Gotta love D/L gutter...good times!! :D
Time to play “Name That Episode!” *crowd cheers wildly*

Okay, the last one was easy, so this one is a tiny bit more difficult. When you answer, give the episode name and post a screencap from the ep. Any screencap from the ep, so we get multiple answers and perspectives. You can also list your thoughts or favorite parts of the eppy too if you want!

Today’s episode hints:
1. Lindsay and Danny work on a case where their vic had Paget’s disease.
2. “Our woman in heels either knew him, or was about to.”
3. The first shot of Hawkes in the ep is of him in scuba gear, retrieving a body from a lake, COD asphyxiation.

Happy searching! ;)
*gasps* mo didn't even hug me when she returned. I'm glad that she got the fake Danny then. I was going to give him back, but she didn't miss me. :(

*joins Mer in throwing M&M's at Auda*

I actually don't have all the guys, I actually left Tony out, on purpose :)

Lordy, I dunno the answer to that. Do we get the hint of season 2 or 3?
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