Danny/Lindsay#17: The Ship That Strips!

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Hi everyone! Mo's coming back today right?


Well, for a pc nobody, I think I can do a lot of things right now...But how am I going to get an avvie? This is the first forum I joined, so I have absolutely no idea....HELP!
Jen hun, just pop by the fanart thread for some goodies and get the links. You pop them into your personal settings thingy. I make avvies too but only by request - :lol: right Stuffy ?? :p
Yay, another challenge from Mer!!

Ok um...is it Fare Game?


I enjoyed this eppy, especially the "bug date" at the end. Loved Danny's reaction here when he ate that giant worm or whatever it was called. Interesting case too. All in all another great episode :D

If I knew how to get the picture bigger, I would. But I don't :eek:

Psst Liffy...Danny and Lindsay are captain of their own ship!! :p
Yeah, Mercy: It's Fare Game! Maybe you ought to give us less hints the next time! ;) We're clever that way!

Mo: I want my darling doll! :) I miss you! You know I do!
*runs in singing* "Love is in the air, everywhere I look around - Love is in the air, every sight and every sound" :rolleyes: ;)*because she's happy Mo will return soon* :D

Jen congrats on the promotion :) and you can always PM me or someone else if you have questions about the avvie!

Mer I love the idea for the challenge :) and it's great that you gave us an easy start :p...the dollar bill made it quite easy... :D

Okay 'Fare Game'...I loved this ep because the sea food murder weapon :eek: was so original (and it really gave me the creeps) and of course the lovely D/L date at the end. It's just so great how Lindsay at first is really reluctant to try some of the food...


...but once she realises that Danny doesn't think she'll eat any of that stuff she changes her mind and takes a bite. :cool: She surprises him and you can just tell he's so proud of her :)...Don't bet against the country girl Danny, but by now we all know he really likes to lose... :devil:
She surprises him and you can just tell he's so proud of her ...Don't bet against the country girl Danny, but by now we all know he really likes to lose...
^^ thats the danny and lindsay dynamic that i think (definitely, speaking for myself) makes danny and lindsay such an attractive, hot, sweet, and loveable couple. thanks TPTB for the DL luve!
ps im glad danny and lindsay both eat bugs, its one of their special bonds. :lol:
Fare Game is memorable! I love that eppy, is one of my favourites…Lindsay’s face is priceless and the reaction of the rest of the team was funny, too. Look at Stella’s face, it seems that she’s going to faint! :D

I miss Mo too!!! I hope she will be here soon
Abby said:
Fare Game is memorable! I love that eppy, is one of my favourites…Lindsay’s face is priceless and the reaction of the rest of the team was funny, too. Look at Stella’s face, it seems that she’s going to faint! :D

I miss Mo too!!! I hope she will be here soon

Yeah that scene was so funny...and just the look on Flack's face when Lindsay bit into that spider *lol*
Fare Game. Definately a great episode. Though it was the 5 dollar bill exachanging hands hint that gave it away. I remember watching it, because I had seen pictures of Danny and Lindsay in the end and I never understood what they were doing. Then I watched and she ate the bugs and the rest was history. Though when Danny ate the live bug earlier in the ep, I was a little disgusted. Wonder what it tasted like? I forget if he said it or not.
Hey, did Carmine actually eat a real bug was it some kind of candy thing :p Ahh well, the point is, they share something (well, one of millions) in common! They both eat bugs, :D as strange as that is... :p

I think I've caught some kind of D/L fever; symptoms?

Well...fever (duh!), certain M-rated D/L dreams :devil: , I've called everyone Danny at some point today and the name "Lindsay" is all of a sudden a rather frequent sight.

Ooh, I just watched shooter. Cool movie, D/L would love it! Plus some of it's in Bozeman too :D

I'm rambling now, I think I'll go to bed and snuggle :D Who's got my Linds?? Oh! There you are :D
I made the first one easy to get everybody going on the idea! :D Trust me, there will be hard ones. (I like stumping people). I know everyone in here has varying levels of CSI:NY obsession in here, so I hope to have different ones to meet all different obsession levels. :lol:

Stuffy, I love that you posted the pic of Danny eating the Peruvian centipede! I just love the way he says “When on the upper east side…” before popping the bug in his mouth. And then for the rest of the scene he continues to chew and work his tongue around his mouth to get it all out and swallowed.

Liff, I don’t think anyone has been able to tell definitively whether Carmine ate a real bug in that scene, or if he or Anna ate real bugs in the ending scene either. It would be cool to know, though. You should write Anna a fanletter expressing your… ‘appreciation’ for the character Lindsay and ask her. :)

Fallen, I don’t think he said what it tasted like, (not at home so I don’t have my dvd handy) but I think the chef said something along the lines of “Tastes like chicken, doesn’t it.” and Danny replied “Not really.” while running his tongue along his teeth.

Nina, here is the cap I think you were talking about:

I just love the ending scene in this ep, it shows a great team dynamic, and of course it’s the one time we get to see Danny and Lindsay eating a ‘meal’ together, :lol:.

I'll be back later tonight to post the next "Name That Ep" challenge, probably after Mo gets here.
^^ :lol: I love that cap Mer!!

Anyways, I'm gonna quickly post this link for my new D/L ficcy! YEah, in sickness or in health, my heart lies with D/L - it's sadly pathetic in a way, but I don't care. You agree with me right Mo?

Anyways, here's That Smile .
Summary: In that smile, he saw his love. With that smile, she stole his heart.

:) Hope you all like it!
Ahhh Flack is such a cutie pie! I love that guy's expressions and everything. :D Fantastic!
You should write Anna a fanletter expressing your… ‘appreciation’ for the character Lindsay and ask her.
That's a nice idea, but there's not really a big chance she'll answer back a question. She might not asnwer fans at all, or just take a photo with a smile or a thank you note.

Hey, did Carmine actually eat a real bug was it some kind of candy thing
No way in hell would the actors have done it... :lol: I think they ate something else definitely. Worms? Candy. Spider-thing? Chicken.
The fried spider I can definitely see being chicken. Same with the worms. I know that MrsG was in one of the restaurant scenes in this eppy, and she had to eat real cuisine in order to get a shot at being an extra. As for the actors, I agree Del...I don't see them having to do that.

I've heard that Anna is a private person (speaking of which, kudos to her and her husband for not putting their daughter in the spotlight. I hate when celebs do that; it irks me to no end).

Psst Liffy...*pinches cheeks and swoons off* You're a softy :p and thanks for the hawt banner :D now you can stare at it all day long.
"Honey.....I'm HOME!!!" :D *Grinning like a total ecstatic idiot...Mo sprints into the thread and dive tackles all of her D/L buddies!!!*
HELLLLLLOOOOOOOO My Darlings!!!! Oh how very, very, very, very, very much I have missed you all!!!!! YAY, I HAVE INTERNET!!!!!!!!!!!! Gah I missed you all and I missed my D/L wub and oh my dear lord it is SOOOOOOOOO nice to be back in here, I can't even tell you....I can't believe it's been almost two whole freakin' weeks since I have been in here!
*Mo sighs in utter joy at being home, and hugs her buddies again and passes out buckets of m&m's to spread her homecoming joy!!!* :D :D :D :D

Aud Fluffy Twin, hello wub! How I missed you...*Mo snuggles her Fluffykins!* Mer, Stuffy, Del, Liff, Soph, Rad, Vex, Dutch....and all of you darling lovelies my brain is not naming at this second... it's just so very wonderful to be back here!!! :lol: :lol:

*Mo giggles and settles happily back into her bubble content to be back in her beloved thread!* :D :D
Welcome home, Mo! *snuggles missing shippy buddy*

Soo glad you’re back!! Boy, it is a good thing that it wasn’t during new ep season!

Still, I think you are going to be catching up on posts for the next two weeks! :lol:

*breaks open the champagne to celebrate the return of ‘the lost D/L shipper’* Champagne and m&m's, a good mix!

…speaking of which… chelle, where are you?
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