Danny/Lindsay#17: The Ship That Strips!

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*mer bounces in singing "What would you do-o-o for a Klondike bar?"*
Hi, everybody! Sorry for the song, but I saw a commercial and now it is stuck in my head!

All this talk of fluff verses angst... Delia darling, I know you are tempted to jump ship, but don't just yet! Give them a few eps into the new season before making any decisions. Just think of "Risk" and climb into the fluffy gutter bubble for a while... I have hope, so you can borrow some of mine, okay? ;)

I have bad news and good news:

The bad news is Moriel didn't get her internet today as scheduled. :(

The good news is she will get it Thursday, for sure! :D She plans to visit the thread once she gets home from work Thursday. Mo says "Hi!" and that she misses everyone very much!
Mo! We miss you!!!

It sucks to not have any internet connections. :(

It's going to be interesting to see how the writers are going to work season 4. *Keeps fingers crossed for happy thoughts**
Dutch -- Wow, your allowing me to have angsty posts? HELL YEAH, I like totally LOVE you!

aww Catey -- Spoil my fun. :(

It really sucks Mo didn't get her internet as scheduled, she's the only one that keeps me from going angsty in here.. wait, she's not here, which means I can be completely mean.

*gets up on the stand*

I, Lynn, Would like to announce that Lindsay is pissing me off. I will whack her. And steal Danny, since Mo's not here, I gets claims. *gets ear whispered in by Flack* OH! We demand cookies if you want to see your precious Danny back.

spoiler queen said:
And don't let Lynny fool you! She's fluffy elsewhere, she just doesn't let it show in here!
”I’m all gruff, not fluff” said:
aww Catey -- Spoil my fun. :(
Lynny is fluffy, Lynny is fluffy!

lynny said:
We demand cookies if you want to see your precious Danny back.
Sure thing, babes. *licks cookie before handing it to lynny

That being said :)lol:), I wish Lindsay would have had more procedural involvement in the finale. TPTB did her character an injustice by not allowing her more scenes with the police action. However… she… well, um… how to phrase this? You know how police talk about getting their guy, pertaining to the suspect?
Well, Detective Monroe got her guy, and he certainly wasn’t a suspect or a criminal :devil: (instead he was a criminalist). :D
Good morning all!

Mer txs for the update on Mo's status! :D

And you're so right about the 'continuity fairy'; she's not only lazy, but sometimes I get the feeling they've clipped her wings...That's why I wubs Lynny and wubs her posts here :)...we need the balance...but now that Mer has handed you those lovely cookies *come on, take a bite; you'll love them* :p you'd better bring Danny back NOW...

Don't know when they start shooting, but last year the first spoilers appeared on 06/30... :)I really hope Lindsay gets more involved in not only Danny, :rolleyes: but in cases too... :)

Angel technically the kitchen is partly mine and partly of the bank... :cool:
I always saw Lindsay listening to country. maybe she can take Danny to a concert - to Big & Rich or something like that :) and Danny seems to be rock kinda guy. maybe the good all classic like Queen, The Beatles or Rolling Stones

as for the spoilers - it is nice to know but then you just spend the whole summer obsesing about the tidbits of info wondering how it will all turn out (not that I wouldnt anyway). it is good for the muses but not that good for the sleeping routine
Hi there! I know it's been like two days or so since my last post, but the wheather was great yesterday, so I went to the pool with my little angels. Had a great time!

About next season: I hope they will do the angsty bit, 'cause that means there's gonna be a storyline for D/L :D! And also because there's no such thing as a relationship that just sails by...nothing happens...everyone has problems, and so D/L will have also.

Bon Jovi sounds good, maybe I'll ask them to take me... ;)

*Jen hears just an echo of her own voice*

Where is everybody? Taking a holiday?

Ah..I know, you're looking for our great ship! Well, I can tell you that the ship went on vacation.

Did you see I just became a witness?
HEY GUYS!!!!!!!! :D :D :D I'm super happy! A few hours ago, my internet connected went down! :mad: :( I nearly cried! :( I don't know how Mo is coping, but i'm glad to hear she'll be returning soon hopefully! :) As you can tell, thanks to my mum and a BT tech in India, I now have my connection back!!!! :D *jumps around and does happy dance!* I'm suck a dork! :lol:

Anywayz, spoilers... I'm not sure when they're coming out, but i can't wait. I'm hoping for mostly fluffy, but as Jen said, you have to have a little angst to keep it real. But PTPB are so unpredictable, we'll just have to wait and see...

Congrats on becoming a Witness, Jen! Now you can get a juicy DL avatar!!!!

L8er guys!!!!
*tiptoes into the thread*

hello? *echoes helloooooo* oh, hi Jen!! *hugs pal*. congrats to you and nat on your title changes!

Well, Detective Monroe got her guy, and he certainly wasn’t a suspect or a criminal
^^ i like that! mer, thanks for the update on Miss Mo. like she would say today ‘it’s hump day: danny and lindsay’s favorite day of the week!’

Now you can get a juicy DL avatar!!!!
^^ like yours, PSG?? ;)

its still one cool kitchen, d.

chelle belle, hun, me misses ya!

*leaves a plate of m&m cookies on the table, then tiptoes out to go grab a quick dinner and head out to class*
PSG: The spoilers according to Top41 are coming around June 30th. :)

Chelle: We missed ya! *Hugs her Chelle sweetie*

Lynny: *Gives cookies & Follows Flack and Danny *
Lynny, I'm sorry I let your secret slip. It's just so wonderful to see the fluffy side of you, and the gruff, angsty side of you in here. Although, I suspect you may, just may be a fluffy here, you just hide it very, very well. lol.

Oooh, spoilers around June 30, huh? Well, well, well, a bit earlier than I suspected, but I definetly look forward to them. Cannot wait for them to come out. You know I'll be there! Now, if I can only find a source for another ship(sorry, Lynny, haven't yet, but I have been working on it), then I can continue to make everyone happy! Yay for spoilers!

Mer, next challenge! I enjoyed the last one, just wasn't sure if what I posted was right. I guess it was, and I look forward to your next idea!
Lynny, I have a message for you from Mo, and I quote:
Moriel said:
Ohhhh, you better tell Lynny that she better return Danny by tomorrow or I will be doing some whacking of my own....and tell her I said to play nice or she'll get fluffied out of her mind by me as soon as I get back tomorrow! :lol:
Message delivered. *nods*

catey1234 said:
Mer, next challenge!
Okay Catey, ask and ye shall receive! Originally I was going to do this without pictures, but I think it would be more fun with them…

Let’s play “Name That Episode! *crowd cheers wildly*

Okay, here’s the premise: You get a few hints about the ep, could be related to the case, a quote, something that was seen, etc (will be somehow D/L related, of course). When you answer, give the episode name and post a screencap from the ep. Any screencap from the ep, that way multiple people can answer and we all get to enjoy the responses! You can also list your thoughts or favorite parts of the eppy too if you want! This will be a daily thing, so we can keep it going awhile with varying degrees of difficulty, some easy some hard.

Today’s episode hints:
1. An ADA is found dead with a bullet wound, but no bullet or exit wound.
2. The B case vic’s COD was “death by Cistopus Indicus”.
3. “When on the upper east side…”
4. A five dollar bill exchanges hands.

Good luck, and happy posting!
PintSizeGenius said:
Congrats on becoming a Witness, Jen! Now you can get a juicy DL avatar!!!!

Well, for a pc nobody, I think I can do a lot of things right now...But how am I going to get an avvie? This is the first forum I joined, so I have absolutely no idea....HELP! :(

Anyone volunteering already??
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