Danny/Lindsay#17: The Ship That Strips!

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Nat I left a review. Great story really enjoyed it......i agree, nat, sweet story! you had me girlishly giggling at the end with a big "AWWW!"

Thanks guys!!

Stuffy i'm off to read your fic now:)

I'm going back every page to find it...
Have fun!!:lol: It will be worth it when you find it. :)
although if your in my family right now it means, getting yelled at. *nods*
Hey Lynny! Glad to see you have not totally abandoned us :)...We could defenitely use some of your angsty input now and then... :p

And maybe it's better for your family to use a dishwasher... :lol:

Dutch: I'm going back every page to find it...
Delia check your PM's! I've found it and sent you the link... :)

Mer I think the 2nd challenge was a bit too hard, perhaps when the guide is updated we'll get inspired :), or else....bring on the next challenge... :D

*ducks behind the couch to get out off Stuffy's line of fire*
Hey guys, I just read your fic Stuff- it's excellent!

Oh I'm just saying.. Happy Father's Day to all Dad's out there!! Because its Father's day in the UK! :)
Well, at my house, dishwashing involves just me, while everybody else abandons the kitchen and goes elsewhere in the house. I have very few conversations, and I refuse to talk to just myself! lol

Great fic, Stuffy! Loved it.

Careful on the angst around here, see if we can be flungsty! We need a mix of Fluff and Angst around here. We've been a great mix of that in this thread, at least this season. And don't let Lynny fool you! She's fluffy elsewhere, she just doesn't let it show in here!
Oh Dutch... you really ARE a treat honey! Thanks! I'm going to update it now!
Posted by kissmesweet
Season 2:
1 & 2- Linds hasn’t even arrived yet!
3. Zoo York - yes. Plenty of bantering and gazing.
4. Corporate Warriors - Nope.
5. Young Blood - Nope.
6. Dancing with Fishes - Yep. Some "work" and some more gazing.
7. Manhattan Manhunt - Yep, he was clearly worried about her.
8. Bad Beat - Nope.
9. City of the Dolls - YES. He was holding her hand and then-- awkwardness. and flirting.
10. Jamalot - Nope.
11. Trapped. Nope - but Linds seemed so worried when Danny was trapped in with the dead, crazy guy.
12. Wasted - Nope.
13. Risk - YES. "You clean up nice..." Man, that was so cute!
14. Stuck on You - LOADS OF M&Ms. So adorable! Flirting... "Rough Sects"
15. Fare Game - not until the end. The have a very "buggy" first date.
16. Cool Hunter - Yep. even though they were on different cases, Danny helped Linds' case by carrying her around to check how deep the footprints were. So cute! I bet though Linds only got him to do it... because well obviously.
17. Necrophilia Americana - He teases her about eating bugs. Not alot of M&Ms since they're on different case.
18. Live or Let Die - flirting & "Does it turn you on?". So... yes.
19. Superman - yep. A sort-of marriage proposal.
20. Run Silent Run Deep - lots of M&Ms. He seemed to be only looking at her when he got pulled off for a while to the office.
21. All Access- he comforted her and she put her arm on his shoulder very naturally.
22. Stealing Home - LOADS OF M&Ms!! Plus Sid's infamous comment. "Danny calls you that (Montana) because he's got a crush on you."
23. Heroes - A bit. Lindsay talks about Danny talking about Aiden.
24. Charge of this Post - lots of D/L. He realizes that it's her file... la dee da. He tells her to check her wound out and then at last, "Still want that ride?" Hmmm... OH SO MANY meanings behind that!!
Season 3:
1. People with Money - nope.
2. Not what it Looks Like - THE HUG, THE gazing. How he didn't want her to go!
3. Love Run Cold - angsty and God, you could totally tell that he wanted her so badly as much as she wanted to cry in his arms and kiss him! "If there's anything you need from me, just let me know."
4. Hung Out to Dry - Nope
5. Oedipus Hex - He helped her to talk to the mother. Goofy smiles and he turned down the Suicide Girl despite that the "old" Danny would have turned her down anyway... but still.
6. Open and Shut - nothing, except Lindsay looks at Danny during the beginning.
7. Murder Sings the Blues - nothing
8. Consequences - nothing
9. And Here's To You, Mrs. Azrael - nothing, except Danny said "Beautiful" during a scene and it could have meant something to us D/L shippers. Later, they stand together during the interrogation.
10. Sweet Sixteen - nothing, but Danny asks how Linds is doing when she gets bitten by the snake.
11. Raising Shane - Danny comes and helps her with the evidence.
12. Silent Night- No D/L, but we find out that Lindsay survived a terrible crime and her friends died. Lots of Stella and Lindsay friendship though.
13. Obsession-- No D/.L
14. The Lying Game-- No onscreen D/L, but it seemed like they were together... Danny saw her talking to Mac and Stella and was upset that he didn't get a hug. We learn that Lindsay has to testify and would leave the day after. When she takes a cab home, she sees Danny was about to stop... but he didn't see her. But not before leaving a card on his desk and Hawkes asked if she wasn't going to say goodbye to Danny. And Danny smiled when he read the card: Dear Danny - I'm not good at long goodbyes. Or short ones for that matter. But Montana calls and the cows are heading home. MOO - See you soon - Montana. And on the side it read: You're in my thoughts.
Danny holds the card and chuckles to himself.
15. Some Buried Bones --No D/L. Lindsay is still in Montana.
16. Heart of Glass--No D/L at all... but Danny reads "I love DL" aloud on the mirror written in lipstick.
17. The Ride In--No D/L
18. Sleight Out of Hand--Lindsay testifies! Danny loses his mind in the lab, thinking about her. Stella talks to Lindsay as well and Danny asks about her. Danny is tired, but when he gets home--he tells himself to "go with your instincts" and he grabs his keys and he goes to Montana. He arrives in the middle of her testimony. She's sooo suprised to see him and they stare at each other for a really long time. Then she smiles to herself and continues her testimony. When when the jury reads out their decision, she holds his hand and takes him by surprise. The jury decided to convict the suspect and Lindsay sighs with relief and puts her head on his shoulder. Then they get up and he wraps his arms around her. He is about to lead her off the court, when she's still holding on his hand and he turns to her and smiles nervously and blushes a little. Then they inch closer together and are about to kiss... when the DAMN reporters snap photos of them and ruin their moment!! Grrrr. Then they smile and he takes her hand protectively and ushers her out quickly when the reporters follow them, taking photographs.
Don't worry though, guys. I know that we'll get our kiss.
19. A Daze of Wine and Roaches--they're on the same case. He tells her that his favorite wine is beer... I'm guessing its because she ordered him one before in Stuck On You. They work together in the lab and she makes it clear that she isn't just about beef and buffalo burgers. Danny looks so happy because Mo told us that they got their "release" last night. They are at such ease and comfort again!! The shot each other little gazes and looks. She put her hand on his waist. They're happy and in love! Oh and they stared at each other even with cockroaches an inch away from them! Apparently our favorite lab geek, Adam knew what was going on. So did Flack and Danny gave Adam a grin that meant "That's my girl" referring to his Montana.
And all is right with the world again.
20. What Schemes May Come-- No D/L.
21. Past Imperfect--A short D/L scene. Very short and very cute. Some dirty words were said by our Danny-boy. haha and Lindsay had a very smitten face. Not to mention, they were giggly and in love!
22. Cold Reveal--No D/L. Oh well.
23. Comes Around--Not much interaction, but during a concersation Lindsay tellls Danny "You sure look happy".
24. Snow Day--Nothing! Just kidding! Holy crap, there's alot! They woke up together, after sex on the pool table. They're both glad it happened and he poked her nose to wake her up. She kissed his chest and he said that he wouldn't be going anywhere (since it's HIS place) He took her shift and got kidnapped and hurt. He wrote a note for her on his blackboard--:lol: Who the hell has a BLACKBOARD in their house?-- There's a flashback of the lovescene and she bets that he can't make the shot... and the end of the deal is what happened. (hint hint) She goes to the warehouse to check on him and she carries him. Then she apologizes for letting him take her shift.
(Found by Dutch!)
Del huni! Thanks for the episode guide dear, you're rockin!

Save me from the fluffiness... I'm starting to get sick of it now!
Huni! I'll come join you :) I'm the more angst loving one from the 3 Ffys :D I want some drama, as long as we get a happy ending! I'm a fully fledged flungsty! :)

Nat hun, love your fic! I left a review! Now I've got to get back to writing too! lol. New update tonight! :D
Hey guys!

Nat, loved your fic, left a review!

Stuffy, i can't access your fic atm, but i'll go to it through your ff.net profile and see if it works. I'm sure it'll be great!

Thanks Del for posting the ep guide! And to Dutch for finding it!

I'm a flungsty, but more on the fluffy side than angsty side. I love a little angst, but i have to have a fluffy ending!

I'm glad everyone liked my fic! I will try and work on the next chapter, but it depends how much school work i get next week.

PSG xxx
Delia Txs so much for the updated version of the guide :)...I just love the 'D/L - the story so far' feeling I get when I'm reading it...Makes me wonder how long it will be at the end of season 4. :eek:

And *pst* I have a blackboard in my house ;) (or actually two - a black one in the kitchen and a pink one on my toilet door) :D
*i remember every moment, of those endless summer nights...*
^^ okay, my timing is wrong (summer is just beginning!) and its definitely not Mo-rrific. miss ya, hun!

YAY! delia, *hugs*, for updating the DL episode guide! the description for SD is great. DL has a beautiful story with great potential to grow and grow positively...with sincerity, fun, angst (not too far though!), twisted crimes, good talks with co-workers (Flack!), support through obstacles (ie SOoH & RSRD), bantering ( ;) ), lovelovelove, and all (no soap-y drama issues, cause thats not this show)!

dutch, nice save there in finding the link. a pink chalkboard?? :) im trying to imagine this...do you have a pic?
Ohh, an update on the list! Thank You! Thank You!

And I can't wait for us to get new information on Season 4!
Everyone: You're all welcome! :) I'm just glad you guys enjoy it...

Liffy: YAY! You're saving me from the fluffies. I've always been fluffy, but the season finale--made me want some angst. Too much fluff just doesn't work. So, I'm rooting for SOME SERIOUS angst now.

*Runs off as everyone throw stuff at Delia*
Had to read a whole page of new posts since my last visit. I didn't have time to come in yesterday, 'cause I was at a concert with a few friends. Had a great time! :D

xxAnGeLheArtZ said:
and to answer your question back there: im not married and no kids; im in my 20s.
Angel, I'm in my 20's as well, in fact, I'm 25 right now. *Jen sees Angels face when she starts counting back 8 years from 25 and gets a big grin on her face*

I see you're thinking: she was just 17!!!! :eek: Well, yes, but my daughter isn't my biological child. She's in fact the child of my husband's sister, who had a lot of psychological problems and sadly passed away a few years ago. But we're very happy with how everything has turned out and when people ask me how many children I have, I always say 2.

Delia, thanks for posting that episode guide!
Jen: Who did you see? Which band/singer? Sounds fun! I think its really incredible that you and your husband love your husband's sister as your own kid! :D I want to adopt kids when I'm older. :)
You're welcome! I'm glad that you guys are enjoying the episode guide.
Jen, bless ya for your kindness and love. you took on a really tenderhearted task, and yes, i was counting the years back as i read your entry! hope that concert was a blast.

our angst want-ers here are growing…ahhh run! just kidding, my DL loves.

i think danny and lindsay are just enjoying their lovely selves this summer…

what are we up to today, my Ffys?? off to work work work. see ya at break time.
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