Danny/Lindsay#17: The Ship That Strips!

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^^ rofl. Married life sounds hard! :lol: So how did you guys celebrate your anniversary?

Speaking of anniversaries, I can see see D/L celebrating their one-month (since Snow Day) anniversary with breakfast in bed, followed by a day at the Central Park... Just talking about life, books, movies, forensics... anything!
What do you guys see them doing?
wbreakfast in bed, followed by a day at the Central Park... Just talking about life, books, movies, forensics... anything!
^^ cute, delia, cute. oh the simple things are so sweet. i could see them in a cute little manhattan bookstore. :) oh, could post your DL episode guide??

yeah, Risk = kissmesweet's eppy. :D

mer and vex, after you two posted the caps, i just had to go back and re-watch the episode! :p hence one of the points mer's challanges. do you have a list of all your challanges so far??

curious question: was DL the first couple on the CSI shows to kiss on-screen? or were the first on-screen (implied?) love scene? im confused...i dont watch the other two shows, can someone clarify it for me?

how is the crew here on this Friday Friday Friday?
^ Finally weekend, so I'm happy! :lol:

Mer, Vex, Aud I love it how you were all thinking of the same scene...one that I have to rewatch tonight, because I didn't even remember it all that well... :eek:

danny in a cowboy hat says to her, "happy anniversary, honey"
Just in a cowboy hat :eek:, Angel?!....now that's hot :devil:...I think Lindsay would like that present... ;)

I think the idea of them spending a day in Central Park is great Delia...and Angel is right, we could really use an updated version of your wonderful episode guide :D...could be helpfull for this and Mer's upcoming challenge(s)... ;)
kissmesweet said:
^^ rofl. Married life sounds hard! :lol: So how did you guys celebrate your anniversary?

I'm afraid we didn't do anything except for our pooltable :lol: We've had a baby since we got married, he's almost 13 months old now, and it definitely means there's little time for us right now. But I don't mind. I got D/L to make my day!

Last year he surprised me with dinner for two. And it was really a surprise, 'cause normally he can't keep a secret from me. I can see Danny to that to Lindsay too.

Is there anyone here who has children? As I said, I have a son. We also have a 8 year old daughter. I'm just curious! ;)
Angel, I think D/L is the second of the shows to have two featured characters in a relationship. As for kissing, I think Mac and Peyton have done that(we've certainly seen them in bed together), and on CSI, Grissom and Sara were seen in a bedroom, but I don't think we've actually seen them kiss. They also apparently are living together, or at least spending a lot of time at each other's places, and are in a relationship. D/L are the first CSI couple to have shown as much of what happened though. Acck, I've not explained it very well, just I don't think D/L is really the first on the CSI shows. It depends whether you do include Mac and Peyton, or Stella and Frankie for that matter. I forgot about that. Frankie taped them and put it on the internet. I had blocked that out of my mind.
Hey guys! As requested here's the first chapter of my fic! I'll post it straight here, if that's ok, coz it's easier. Now, i haven't been writing for very long, and i'm really not a good writer (more a scientific and mathematical person!) so, it's probably rubbish. Anyways, here it is:

If I Could Turn Back The Hands Of Time…

First of all, I don’t own anything nor do I claim to, I just write for fun. Okay, this is set one month after Snow Day. Unbetaed so all mistakes are mine. All comments are appriciated, but go easy, I’m only 15. Enjoy!

Chapter One: Lover-boy!

Danny heads into the locker room after an arduous and draining shift, just wanting to get home and relax in front of the TV snuggled up with the woman of his dreams. He leans back against the lockers remembering that wonderful night almost a month ago, thinking of how lucky he is to finally have her as his own after waiting so long. He opens his locker and takes out his clean sky blue shirt, which he knows she loves. He is halfway through changing, when Lindsay waltzes into the locker room. She sees him topless and smiles.

Danny: Like what you see, Montana? He flashes his famous Messer grin. Lindsay smirks. They share a short kiss. Danny tries to pull away, but Lindsay pulls him back by his dog-tags. She whispers in his ear.

Lindsay: You wish, Messer. He laughs and gives her another kiss. Lindsay pulls away and opens her locker, which is next to Danny’s. Oh, Flack asked me to remind you, you promised you’d go to the bar with him and the guys tonight.

Danny: unenthusiastically Oh man, I forgot, thanks. He groans. I’m so tired. I just wanna go home and relax with you. He looks at her and gives her his puppy-dog look.

Lindsay: I know, baby, I do too. She turns to face him and rubs her hand over his jaw line, his light stubble tickling her palm. His breath hitches in his throat from the delicate touch. But, you really should go. You haven’t been out with them for weeks.

Danny: I see them everyday, Linds. I never get to spend any alone time with you.

Lindsay: I know, but you need some guy time. Can’t have you going all feminine on me, can we? Danny laughs. He moves closer to Lindsay, placing his hands on her hips. She instinctively wraps her around his neck, gently playing with tuft at the nape of his neck. He leans in so his mouth is close to her ear, his breath tickling her neck, sending shivers down her spine. He whispers in her ear in a low husky voice.

Danny: Let me take you home and I’ll show you how feminine I am. His seductive words make her melt. He leans in to kiss her, when Flack walks in.

Flack: Ready to go, Danny-o? Oh, am I interrupting something? He smirks. Danny and Lindsay pull apart as fast as lightning.

Danny & Lindsay: No. Flack laughs.

Flack: I’ll meet you outside, lover-boy. He chuckles and heads out.

Danny: I guess i'll see you at home in a bit, yeah? Lindsay nods.

Lindsay: I’ve got some paperwork to finish, so I’ll be there in a few hours. Danny leans in to give Lindsay a goodbye kiss, which quickly grows passionate. Danny reluctantly pulls away when he hears his phone beeping, signalling that he has a text message. He opens his phone and reads the message - “Leggo of Lindsay, lover-boy! We’re waiting!” Lindsay reads the text message, and laughs. Danny groans, which causes Lindsay to laugh harder.

Danny: Well, I’m glad you’re finding this funny!

Lindsay: Just get out of here before he comes in and drags you out. Danny kisses her once more then heads out of the locker room to catch up with Flack. Lindsay sighs, then heads back to the lab.

So, what did you think? Rubbish, right?

Glad you had great anniversary, Jen!

L8er guys! xxx

EDIT: Natty, i'm not taking my GCSE's, thank god. There just our semi-annual school exams. Sucks being in a private school! My exams, thankfully, finished on Mon and i have all my results back. I take English, English Lit, Maths, Further Maths, Science, French, German, Music and Geography. I love them all, apart from french and german, :lol:, but we have to take french (did i mention it sucks being a private school :lol:) I chose German, but now I regret it.
PSG, your fic is sooo cute! I can’t wait to read the next chapter.

Angel, I really like your idea for the anniversary, Danny with a cowboy hat would be funny! I'd like to see that.

Delia, the day in Central Park it’s a good idea… it would be sweet…
In any case I think that they would do something simple, like a bunch of flowers on her desk or a dinner in Danny’s home…

Happy anniversary Jen!
Thanks so much, Abby! Glad you liked it. Hopefully i'll get the next chapter done soon, but school's so unpredictable, but i promise it'll be up asap!
PSG: Cute fic! I thought that was very cute! :) I hope to see more. I love the way you're writing it, as if it's a drama script. Oh, I'm all for the drama. ;)

Guys! I'm trying desperately to find the episode guide!!! :( I need to go back to the last thread! :(
Catey I think you made an excellent summary of the CSI couples :), but since Frankie was not a main character, to me, his and Stella's relationship doesn't count as an 'official' CSI one :p. We have seen GSR and Mac/Peyton in bed(rooms), but neither of those have had such intimate and steamy scenes as D/L. :cool:

PSG I also really like the script-style of your story and the story itself too. :D

Delia I was looking for the guide...I believe it was last posted in the 'Instincts'-thread, but I cannot find it either... :(

I'm off...later! :)
*Jen comes in, extremely tired because she didn't get any sleep last night*

Hi guys! That was a tough night, I'd say! My little boy has just found out that it's great fun to be awake at 3.30 AM, only to fall asleep at 5 AM again...He did it the last four :eek: nights! I'm so tired I don't even want to watch the pooltable smex now...

dutch_treat said:
Catey I think you made an excellent summary of the CSI couples :), but since Frankie was not a main character, to me, his and Stella's relationship doesn't count as an 'official' CSI one :p. We have seen GSR and Mac/Peyton in bed(rooms), but neither of those have had such intimate and steamy scenes as D/L. :cool:
Dutch, I'd say compared to D/L, no relationship can be called a 'real' relationship! :lol:
^ I'm hoping you're only referring to CSI-ones ;), or else the sleep deprivement really starts to effect you :p :lol:; I'm sorry 'bout your little night-reveller though. :( Perhaps you can buy him some of these stuffed M&M's

to hang in his cradle. :)

Episode guide did you mean this?!...
Nope, Natty, but thanks for trying to help. :) Delia started her own D/L episode guide a while ago. It has all the season 2 and 3 ep titles and per ep you can check if it has any D/L scenes or not. And if so she has given a little description of those D/L moments. :cool:
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