Danny/Lindsay#17: The Ship That Strips!

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Hey guys!

Thanks for all the comments on my fic! I really appriciate it! I never thought i was that good, but your comments have boosted my confidence. I've always been better at writing scripts than stories so i often write in that format. In fact, at school we had a competition where each house (like in Harry Potter) had to write and perform a short play. I wrote the script for that, which included our own songs, and my teachers said it was the best script. Unfortunetly, my house came second!

Anywayz, Dutch, i love those stuffed M&Ms! So sweet! I think you should definitely get some for your little boy, Jen. Then he will grow up to be a DL shipper! :D

Where is everyone? Del? Liff? Lynny?
Delia started her own D/L episode guide a while ago. It has all the season 2 and 3 ep titles and per ep you can check if it has any D/L scenes or not. And if so she has given a little description of those D/L moments.

Oh Dutch I know what you mean now I think Delia posted it for me when I first came here!
PSG and Dutch, I'll buy some! And I sure hope it helps! He slept half of the day away, and I wish I could have done it also, but I had to take my daughter to a party... BTW: he's my son, so no doubt he'll be a D/L shipper! My daughter already is, although she wasn't too pleased with the pooltable-scene. She was like: Ugh! Are you sure I'm going to do this myself once? :lol:

You got me interested in that episode guide. I hope Delia will post it again.

*Jen walks off, rushing over to her closet, where she hid the chocolate-milkshake attackers. If they've been nice, maybe I'll let them out...*
*Liff pops into thread breathless before squirting everyone with chocolate milkshake*

Ffy's where art thous?

Righty, hello! No time to linger sorry, I have to go to a gala dinner and I can't find the tie i want. crud. Oh well.

D/L so rocks, glad your daughter is already is a D/L shipper Jen :D I vow that my children will...someday be D/L shippers too! lol.

Question...do you guyst think TPTB will ever give us a domestic D/L scene? That would be squee&swoon worthy :D Just a thought....

*Liff runs off in search of his tie before the driver arrives....BYE!*
I think they'll have to show us that, Liff! Danny and Lindsay eating dinner, or Danny and Lindsay hurrying to go to work! Can't wait!
Happy Saturday evening at all!
*Abby comes in and slips on a pool of chocolate milkshake, so prepares for battle and sprays everyone with milk and crumbled biscuits*

Oh…I’d really like a domestic scene, maybe with Danny and Lindsay trying to tidy up or doing the dishes, or only in bed… :devil:
although she wasn't too pleased with the pooltable-scene. She was like: Ugh! Are you sure I'm going to do this myself once?
Yes, that seems like a hard question to answer Jen...LOL... :lol:"mum, have you ever woken up on a pool table after....?" ;) :devil:

I can't find the tie i want
Don't worry too much about the tie Liff; look what Flack can get away with... :eek: :cool:

doing the dishes
I love that idea Abby...people always seem to have the best conversations while doing the dishes (the old fashioned way that is - no machine ;))...they could discuss their day, tease each other and then it'll probably end up in a water and soap fight... :cool:

I have to meet my friends in town in about 15 minutes so I hope to talk to you guys tomorrow... :)

*runs out, trying to avoid the chocolate milkshakes while throwing a strawberry pie over her shoulder at random* - whoops, sorry Liff, guess you have to go looking for yet another tie :p
*waves* Hello crew, thought I'd drop in and see whats everyone into.

I do agree that ppl have the best conversations while doing the dishes, although if your in my family right now it means, getting yelled at. *nods*
^^ heehee, silly nat, wish you could bring your tv set here :p

catey, hun, THANK you for the explanation! it was clear and makes sense. *hugs*

dutch, i started to laugh so hard when you mentioned danny only in a cowboy hat! :lol: that would be one unforgettable anniversary. (not that i would complain!) OH! and how sweet of you to bring baby stuffed m&ms to us!

Jen, those would be so cute to hang!! oh, i would NOT know what to say about the poolscene to my daughter (and to answer your question back there: im not married and no kids; im in my 20s). thats so cool that your little angel is a DL fan! yay, she has good taste.

PSG, your fic got me through friday's workday! :cool: keep it up. glad the comments motivate ya!

Abby, ohmy---picturing danny and lindsay doing dishes = smexy hot. DL doing domestic things---you know they could turn all those actions into something more...:devil: -->*into the gutter*

I do agree that ppl have the best conversations while doing the dishes
^^ yup, i agree. ps. CathStokes, i like the av! beautiful smiles. is that from an episode of LV??

looking snazzy there, Cuzzie. :p

wheres chelle belle and my other Ffy??
Ffy's where art thous?

*squirts Liffy with watergun filled with chocolate sauce* Here I am! :)

wheres chelle belle and my other Ffy??

*tackles Anffy and tickles her* Ahoy fellow Ffy! Psst...wanna help me dunk Liffy in this bucket of caramel sauce? It'll add to his new look of chocolate sauce :lol:

I tried to find the D/L guide Del wrote, but I was unable to :(

I've been meaning to post here for a while; I've just been busy lately. But tonight I shall relax and finish my two ficcies :)

Cheers shipmates xx
^^Nat I left a review. Great story :D really enjoyed it.

Here's one of two ficcys. It's fluffy, no angst ;)


The other one I've had for months now, just never got around to it :lol: Hopefully I can get it up tonight...eh it's only 10:09 here, might as well :)

Liffy wubs, where be ye? Get your butt out of bed and come on here! Anffy and I have a little surprise for you...I'll give you a hint. It involved cake and throwing-of-the arm. Hehe.

Hmmm, it's been quiet in here today. A viewing of SD can fix that no problem! *plops down onto couch and tosses popcorn at dutch cause she hasn't done that for a while*
^^ i agree, nat, sweet story! you had me girlishly giggling at the end with a big "AWWW!"

*anffy tackles stuffy, hands her SD trading cards to look at while watching SD D/L clips; they wait for an unsuspecting liffy*

yup, stuffy, theres nothing SD clips cant make all better. ;) finished reading your savior fic: i love how you took us back to NWILL-time! love the thumb touch/light rub on the face line. :) cutie danny so loving.

SD wakeup scene tidbit realization: lindsay was dreaming of danny! :p
Lynny: HI! (Save me from the fluffiness... I'm starting to get sick of it now!)

Dutch: I'm going back every page to find it... :(
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