Danny/Lindsay#17: The Ship That Strips!

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Hey y'all!! Mo sends her love. She doesn't have internet access---it might be a while. But it is true that everytime a bell rings, Mo is thinking about her pals and her ship! :)

One word or thing to describe D/L?? Dude, that's hard. Magic! Their relationship is just magical. And they are indeed heading to their ultimate destiny. ;)

Have a great day shippers. Later. :cool:
Yeah Angel, comic sounds good!

I think the reaction that I have read in a lot of ficcies will be the case. As you said: the bet! The only question now is: who won it? I think it'll be Sid :lol:. Don't know why, just a feeling.

It's very quiet in here. Dutch , where are you!!
Hey guys! My exams are finally over! Still got five weeks of school left, tho! I hate being in England, we get shorter holidays than you lucky people in the States! I got some results already, and so far so good! Anywayz, that's OT, sorry Modie!

Send Mo our love, Aud. We miss her! Hope she's back soon!

One word to describe DL? Erm... only word i can think of is... perfect. They're perfect and destined to be together.

I was wondering: how are Danny and Lindsay going to tell their co-workers they're together?

Well, I hope they don't keep it a secret, coz i'm sure everyone knows already. I like the idea of a bet, and i think Sid will win, coz he knew first. I think Flackie will definitely lose! I dunno why, i just do. :lol:

Later guys!

Saw THE bit of SD on youtube...AGAIN! Made my day ;)
^ I'm here Jen...it's been a busy day and I just got home :(...I still have the SD DVD in my player and when I'm watching something and there's a very long and boring commercial break I turn it on... :D

but before we even get there, I have to find my cutie
Well at least catching the wedding bouquet is a step in the right direction Angel! :lol: ;)

how are Danny and Lindsay going to tell their co-workers they're together?
I think delia is right...it is quite obvious :rolleyes:...especially Danny isn't the kind of person who can keep a secret when he's excited about something :D...Perhaps Lindsay will talk to Stella about how to tell Mac only to find out everyone already knows... :cool:

who is playing this game of hide-n-seek with danny and lindsay's clothes?? liffy? delia? stuffy? are you too, dutch?
Yes...I *ahem* volunteered to empty Danny's closets...poor boy was still thinking Liff had his clothes and chased him only to end up with Lindsay's skirts :eek:...and poor Lindsay doesn't have a clue what is going on...(look out for that guy totally covered in sauce Linds! :p)

Aud tell Mo I said hi... :)
One word to describe DL?..Ermm that's a hard one :) but I think I would have to go with pure/flawless because they are parfect for each other!

Did any one know thar 'Sleight of hand' means magic and the migic ep was Sleight out of hand!!!!!!

^^^^ My geeky side coming out up there!!:)
dutch_treat said:
how are Danny and Lindsay going to tell their co-workers they're together?
I think delia is right...it is quite obvious :rolleyes:...especially Danny isn't the kind of person who can keep a secret when he's excited about something :D...Perhaps Lindsay will talk to Stella about how to tell Mac only to find out everyone already knows... :cool:

Yeah I think you're right, can't wait to see that scene! It must be great watching Lindsay's mouth fall open! TPTB have to do something like that, 'cause it'll be in line with what we got to see this season: a lot of D/L!

Don't work to hard, Dutch, we have to fill this thread before the next season starts!

Oh, and one word to describe D/L? Crush is a word that came around my head...Don't exactly know why, but I thought I post it...maybe it has something to do with my previous thought of Sid winning the bet :lol:
One word to describe Danny and Lindsay: magical . I use this word because of the feelings and the chemistry that is released when they are on the tv. They're beautiful! :)
who is playing this game of hide-n-seek with danny and lindsay's clothes?? liffy? delia? stuffy? are you too, dutch?
I--uh... Might have lost them. On purpose. I like a naked D/L. :devil:
I use this word because of the feelings and the chemistry that is released when they are on the tv. They're beautiful!
Yes, their chemistry is clear... if only TPTB will let things happen naturally and stop pushing. :(

Aud sweetie: tell Mo that I miss her! And I love her too! :D
Gah! I'm behind again and I only have a few moments to pop in here.

One word to describe D/L? Hmm, good question. I'd have to say "true".
There are many slightly varied meanings of the word, and they all seem to apply.

I get off work at 4 tomorrow, so I promise to come in with real posting afterwards!
Plus, I have a new challenge for y'all, and this one is a little bit harder!

*MWAH* Luv you guys!
Hi everybody *waves at everybody in here....but where are they??*

Normally when I pop in when my afternoon begins, I have pages of new posts to go through...Now it's just 3...posts, I mean.

I bet you all have been watching the moment again! Right? Anyway, I'm off, have some things to take care of.

Aud, tell Mo I said hi and that she definitely needs to have internet connection as soon as possible.

Isn't it strange, BTW, I'm just here for a few weeks and I already know a lot of the true shippers! Just haven't figured out the hide 'n seek stuff with the clothes.

Maybe the pile of clothing I found in my closet has something to do with it? :p
to quote Mo, 'its hump day, danny and lindsay's favorite day of the week!' (did i get that right? correct me if im wrong)

*waves back at Jen* true shippers stick together :) :)! are you in this game of hide-n-seek with DL clothes too? we’ve got some nawty playful shippers here :lol: . yup, i can see sid winning the bet too. flack too…he likes to tease DL in a good cute way.

danny is bursting with happiness. cant you all see that grin he has on his face every morning/day/night? thats the power of his love for lindsay! and lindsay's love for danny! theres no way he can hide him and lindsay being together. i mean, look at when lindsay grabbed his hand in SOoH: he wants to smile ear-to-ear but cant because the trial is still going on/serious matters are at hand. the look on his face gives it away that he’s bouncing up and down inside for joy. (boing, boing, boing).

Aud, send hugs and hi’s to Miss Mo for me!

dutch, *hugs pal* i love that you have the SD dvd on standby ready to go! SD SD SD! and yes, im one step closer in that direction. ;) its not everyday we all have a danny messer in our workplace. heehee. although i certainly wish i did!

you got me laughing about your nekkid comment, delia…silly girl.

danny and lindsay is L-O-V-E.
the look on his face gives it away that he’s bouncing up and down inside for joy. (boing, boing, boing).

*gigglesnort* Angel you always make me smile with your comments :D

dutch I see you're all set to go. Very nice. *plops down on couch beside Angel and tosses a red M&M at her* :lol: Oh how I love re-watching SD...always makes my shipper heart crumble!

Jen!! *waves back to fellow buddy*

Psst...let's go raid Liff's closet, I'm sure he has Lindsay's clothes stashed in there! :lol:

*puts aside a giant slice of cake for Mo when she returns*
dl_shipper34 said:
Psst...let's go raid Liff's closet, I'm sure he has Lindsay's clothes stashed in there! :lol:
Whose clothes do I have then in my closet?? Some of them are torn...Help me, I'm confused!
Hi y'all! I hope this is allowed to be posted here, but since it is D/L related, I hope it is. There is a poll going on over at Crimelab.NL. The question is : Should Danny and Lindsay be together? Right now, it's 349 votes yes, 60 no. Guess which one I voted for? Anyway, here's the link if you want to vote: http://www.crimelab.nl/csi.php?series=3&page=index2&poll=vote

Aud, tell Mo that I'm thinking of her, and I miss her singing! No, really I do. I'm not being sarcastic. Okay, maybe I am, but I still miss her. Her presence is missed on the D/L thread!

I'm with a lot of you. I think Sid is going to know first, and if not Sid, Flack. Because Flack would know. He knew about Peyton and Mac before Danny did. That really hurt Danny, didn't it? Oh, well, I just hope they don't go the hide it from everyone route. Almost anyone knowing would be better than hiding it from everyone. Just my two cents anyway.
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