Danny/Lindsay#17: The Ship That Strips!

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*ogles Danny intently as he runs around sans clothing*
Huh, what? Oh, hi! Sorry, got a bit distracted the scenery. :devil:

SvartaBaskern said:
I must say that I was a bit disappointed that they didn't follow up the last scene in SOoH. I mean, an almost-kiss and nothing happens after that??? Not until SD?
I think maybe, after the reporters in the courtroom, the rest of the trip was a whirlwind of activity, and whereas the tension and feelings were still there, the setting wasn’t quite right for their ‘moment’. I mean, D/L kissing in an airport a few feet from the counter where some rude guy is yelling at the customer service agent about his flight being delayed, or in the security line where people have to take off their shoes and send them through the x-ray machine could be hot but just isn’t anywhere near as hot as the whole ‘taking-charge’ Lindsay pool-shark thing. After the Montana trip they were getting settled in and back to work, and really it wasn’t but a few weeks between SOoH and SD. Am I making sense?

Thanks for the great graphic, Delia! You rock! Thank you all so much for the birthday wishes and cake! *sets a couple of pieces aside for Missing Oh wait, I mean Moving Mo* Yummy!

Dutch! I love that picture! That green shirt, whew, hawt!
Yay, we’re watching SD? *settles in to watch Stuffy’s SD tape while eating bday cake*

Wait a minute... *looks at cake, looks around thread*... *looks at cake with all the gooey icing, looks around thread again*... *giggles and begins flinging cake at everyone!*
Enjoying Danny today, Mer? :lol: Gosh, everytime there is a birthday, I guess Liff will get full access to Linds while the gals take Danny apart. :devil: But at the end of the day, they belong to each other. Absence makes the heart grow fonder. ;)

Mer you have a pm from me. :D

I kind of like the idea of the 'near kiss'. It generated a little more suspense and built up to that great, hot, sweaty kiss in the last episode. :D Hopefully next season we will get to see the different aspects of their relationship instead of seeing them together one week and then not even speak for a month or something (continuation is the key). :cool:

Thanks for the well wishes. Hurry back, Mo. :)

Later. :cool:
Gee, went away for the weekend, I was 'taking a safari in the Netherlands' :eek: and I had yet another birthday to celebrate! It was great, but I'm glad the birthday-circus is over now.

Someone in my family finally came up with the idea to celebrate all the birthdays together next year. They got my vote ;), I won't go visit everyone every weekend again - although I have done it for the past 15 years or so - but I have seen them enough now...

So, to come back to my question from page 9 about the babies: Aud, I think they're going to make great babies too! But I also think that it's wrong to do it this season. Although it would be great fun seeing Danny realising he'll be a father! :lol:

First they have more practice-lessons to take :devil: , then they're going to be living together, then maybe a wedding?? We got so much to look forward to in the next seasons! They're going to spoil us!

Mo, how's the new house?
Dutch, I went right through 'het land van Maas en Waal' yesterday. It's absolutely beautiful! Had to laugh though, 'cause if I hadn't known about you living there, I wouldn't have noticed it.

Page 10 already, so it's going great!

See ya!
^ LOL Jen :lol: I think yesterday we got the closest that any two shippers on here have been to each other...I live only a 2 minutes drive away from the A27 :)...Funny how boards like this can bring the strangest thing to your attention...It seems like nowadays in every show/documentary/movie I watch there's some reference to Bozeman and/or Montana :cool:...and I never knew there were so many people named Danny and Lindsay... :)

an almost-kiss and nothing happens after that??? Not until SD? Strange.
That was strange indeed, but we did get back a little of the bantering and flirting between them :) in DoWaR and PI...maybe they'll give us some details about the development of their relationship in more flash backs at the start of season #4 while Danny's recovering???? - Everyone who has already said it is right...we'll have lots to look forward to... :D

*takes a piece of the b'day cake and flings it at naked-Danny-running-in-circles-to-find-his-clothes hitting him right on the dog tags* :devil:
Folks! I'm back, not to mention I'm a few shades darker, but I've missed you guys a crazy amount. Unfortunetly, in 4 days I'll be gone for another week. darnitttt. Anyway, I was happy to see some pictures of our happy couple, because man did they look (and always do look) stunning. I'm glad to see you're all doing fabulous, and I can't wait wait wait till season 4, because without a doubt, DL is gonna be amazing!
Just popped into say hi but i'm so tierd! I had to get up at 6:30am on a sunday to go to an airshow!!!

Page 10 already, so it's going great!

I can't believe we are on p10 even though there's been no new eps for a lllooonngggg time and we have got even longer to go....OH well the final dose of DL this year will definatly last that long :lol:


Right OK i'm off to bed with some hot choclate to get some sleep and get rid of my aching muscles and a cold that I can feel coming!!! (ONe question how do you get a cold in the summer!)
SO speculation time....What can they show us next season? Interuppted dates? hanging out at home and gets called in to work? hopefully not too much angst? Should I not get my hopes up for more hawt pool table secks scenes? In reality I could watch a weekly hour of just DL moments. So how do they deal with a relationship, is it going to be secret? or veiled secrecy?
Amazing ,,already on page 10... but since that ending for the season ... we just have a lot to keep it going until the new episodes starts to air....

dutch_treat I have to agree..now when I watch things on TV I hear one thing after another that just gets me thinking about Danny and Lindsay... I sat one night watching and it seemed like in several things I watched...there was always a character named Danny.... all it did was making me want to watch the SD scenes all over again... *lol*
I definately have to agree to finding just little references to something. Once I was in school and the teacher said something about Montana and I just sat up thinking about Lindsay and Danny. There's many others but, Danny and Lindsay have definately influenced me.

The worst thing for me is that, I'm in an angst mode at the moment. I've left my little fluffy bubble. I blame my friends for that. But I wrote a really angsty fanfic which can be found below.

My Immortal

I need to go watch SD. I need to go back to the fluffy bubble for a little bit.
daytimedrama said:
SO speculation time....What can they show us next season? Interuppted dates? hanging out at home and gets called in to work? hopefully not too much angst? Should I not get my hopes up for more hawt pool table secks scenes? In reality I could watch a weekly hour of just DL moments. So how do they deal with a relationship, is it going to be secret? or veiled secrecy?

The writers will definitely test us next season. They always do with on screen couples. It what the writers do is the mystery here. :eek:

Happy Birthday, Mer!
Happy Birthday, Mercy! I hope you enjoyed your day!

As for next season,and what TPTB will do with our favorite couple, well, I think things will be fine to begin with, and in fact, we'll probably get very little D/L time, where they are "a couple". I think during sweeps and towards the end of the season, that's where the angst will come in. So, in other words, we'll get a little fluffiness, and angst. Not helpful, I know, just how I think it is going to go.

Stuffy, I hope you enjoyed Wonderland. It's been many years since I visited there, and the kids aren't old enough to go there yet to do much of anything. At least I now know we are in the same region of Canada!
Where's Liff! HE STOLE DANNY'S CLOTHES! :devil: That Liff... Getting on my nerves! :lol:
Thanks for the great graphic, Delia! You rock! Thank you all so much for the birthday wishes and cake!
You're welcome, Mercy! I hope your day was the best!
an almost-kiss and nothing happens after that??? Not until SD? Strange.
That's true. The teasing continued, but it barely contained any developement... ahhh, sloppy writers.

RAD: Good to have you back! Love your icon by the way; Sara's a doll!

Delia love the present!
Thanks Dutch, I'm glad you enjoy it too! Haha, I'll be sure to give out cute presents to everyone on their birthdays.
:eek: I'll even let them have Danny for the day!

:eek: Off topic, but... Oh my God!!!! I met Tanya Dziahileva, a Russian supermodel today! She's done ads for Yves Saint Laurent: here! I met her today and she gave me her gmail account! :D She's so nice, but I don't know if anyone knows her here. :rolleyes: STILL, I love her! She's amazing and she doesn't speak good English (she's from Belarus!), but she's awesome!
So, it's halfway Monday already and I haven't done a thing... So bad! I think I go watch some movies on youtube! :lol: It'll keep me busy! Bye!
Kissme, Sara rocks. Love that girl.

I was so mad that there wasn't any kissing until SD, but when it did hapen, it was so much built up anticipation let go that I was so much more happy that they did wait until the end. It was so so so good. For those of you who haven't seen it live yet. It's bloody amazing. No lie.

In one word (besides CANON) what's the best way to describe Danny and Lindsay?
I think things will be fine to begin with, and in fact, we'll probably get very little D/L time, where they are "a couple". I think during sweeps and towards the end of the season, that's where the angst will come in
I think that's a good guess catey :)...I hope we'll get some more DoWaR and :cool: SD scenes in the beginning of season #4. Perhaps even a little something to let us know that their relationship is a secret to their colleagues or that they all know. :D And the angst will, indeed, be great for sweeps...but we'll need the fluff back towards the end.. ;).

Thanks Dutch, I'm glad you enjoy it too! Haha, I'll be sure to give out cute presents to everyone on their birthdays.
LOL, yes delia those are the best presents, the ones that not only the b'day girl enjoys, but the rest of the 'guests' too... :D

I'll even let them have Danny for the day!
Oh boy *starts counting down - only (ahem) 56 days left* :eek:

In one word (besides CANON) what's the best way to describe Danny and Lindsay?
Hey Rad! Great to have you back (at least for a few days :)) and to answer your question: D/L are predestined :)
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