Danny/Lindsay#17: The Ship That Strips!

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Good morning my buddies! *Mo runs in, desperate to soak up all the D/L love she can get before she has to switch her cable over to her new place which means no cable for several days at best probably! :p * (Although now that those lovely things known as hi-fi hotspots exist at Starbucks I should still be able to come in here even if I don't have cable at home...but probably not for the next couple days...which means I may not be back in here until Monday...*Mo cries a little at that thought!*

So if I don't come back for a couple days don't think I'm gone forever, I'll be back, promise! Going without D/L for me, is like trying to go without coffee...just can't happen! :lol: No really...it just does NOT happen! ;)

So yeah...*Mo snuggles all her buddies...and sends a special extra big huggle to her Fluffy Twin along with her thoughts and prayers...*

You all ROCK! Have fun with Danny and Linds while I'm gone...make sure you share Danny girls and Liff don't hog Linds too much...(I feel like a mom leaving for an evening! :lol: Sorry! :lol: ) Have fun and I'll be back ASAP...hopefully Monday evening-ish! :D :D

*Mo waves and runs to her bubble...*
Bye Mo! *huggles back* Hope you're back soon, it won't be the same without you! Oh, and i'll make sure the girls don't wear out Danny too much, :devil: and that Liff doesn't hog Linds :devil: or Danny won't be happy, and we can't have that, can we? :lol: Have fun!

PSG xxx
Good afternoon shipmates!! how are we all this saturday?!! yay DoWAR is on tonight.. woooo!!!! 'We're more than beers and buffalo burgers mess-er' :lol:

Where do you guys think they would spend their first Xmas together? In NY or Bozeman?

hehe hmm.. im thinkin that maybe Danny would take her to somewhere like... i dont know the Statue of Liberty, go allthe way up, and show her wat New York REALLY looks like at xmas :D being able to see all those lights, and maybe some snow ;)

I bring a gift... Forever and Always

ya know that fic.. it is AWESOME!!! i toooootallly love it! its soo great!! :D **Huggles fellow shipper**


like Lindsay in a wet top, but I cannot shake the image of a wet and shirtless Danny

Ok, seriously hun.. did u really have to say that?! hehe u have nooo idea what thoughts are running through my mind :devil:


I did a "cake" storyline of Danny and Lindsay at dlchem.net. I hope everybody can see the link that I'll post.I'm sorry I can post it here due to the fact that i can't double post

awww i love it!!! great job huni!!!! :D

Chell, I finally read your fic. Stuffy and you have it covered, don't ya? You did the proposal, she did the wedding. Both of your fics were terrific and sweet. Wonderful job!

You know what's really funny about that? It wasn't even planned. I didn't even realize she had written a proposal fic until catey mentioned it earlier. Way to go Chell! Woot for us and our non-planning hehe *high fives fellow buddy*

hehe Catey, ya know it is soo weird that that happened!! and until you mentioned it, i hadnt even thought about it! well done u! and thanks for reviewing! u made my day :D *hugz*

Stuffins!!! :lol:
hehe **Tackles shipper buddy and high fives -'We rock!!!!'** hehe i think secretly.. Danny and lindsay are our muses and they are plotting together :lol: our fics go together soo well!!! yay!!! :D *hugglez*

*Mo ducks and hides... Um...I haven't actually seen that eppy yet...yeah I know how could I not...but I'm gonna, asap now!

:eek: :eek: omg!! i cant believe u never watched that epi!!!! :eek: i am shocked!!!! lol the first epi the gorgeous, hot mr messer strips off to his wife beater.. and u miss it!! :eek: :lol: its ok.. we forgive ya ;) hehe

I feel like I'm a bit left out here.

awww huni!! u know we love u!!! how could we forget u!! **bighugglez for my ickle D/L bud**


You guys all did so awesome with that challenge! So well in fact, that I am working on coming up with another one for y'all. Gimme a couple of days to brainstorm a new one and we'll see if y'all can do great a second time

hun you did sooooo great at coming up with that challenge!! i loved it!!! Hopefully, the more we all can come up with along with questions.. the summer will fly by!! :D

OH! i know! picture this: danny and lindsay holding hands rollerblading through central park; sunglasses on, danny in his white tank and khaki shorts, lindsay in a light pink cute top with jean shorts; lindsay skates ahead of danny as he chases her! then they fall onto the grass gracefully, tackle each other: one look, and kiss. they buy a hot dog, pretzel, or whatever vendor is on the streets that day to eat and share a sundae when they pass the ice cream truck.

oh!! that is sooo cute!! i totally love it huni!! that is an excellent idea of how they should spend a hot NY day :D woo!!!

Chell Belle, hun, are you trying to keep me here? :D i would love to stayyy you know I would! did you and stuffins confer before writing your ficcies?? wubs ya.

hehe wubs ya hun!! hehe you have to stay!! u are never ever leaving! :lol: **hugglez shipper buddy and secretly ties her hands to the chair!** hehe there!! u gotta stay now :D

come in here even if I don't have cable at home...but probably not for the next couple days...which means I may not be back in here until Monday...*Mo cries a little at that thought!*

**Chell belle throws a custard pie at Mo and runs off to hide behind Angel's Chair, giggling** hehe aww bless!! we will miss you for the next few days huni!!!! :( we will make sure we have lots of goss for u ;) hehe **Hugz**
Sorry I have been a bit MIA on this thread. I'm having to really study for my financial accouting course but I do think of you guys! :) :)

And I have to say DOWAR is one of my favorite episode. The bear and buffalo burgers comment was awesome! :) Made my shipper heart skip a beat.
Ahoy there fellow shipmates! Whew what a day...spent it all at Canada's Wonderland :D let me just say, thank God for sunscreen :lol: it was a scorcher.

Chell!! *tackles fellow buddies and tickles them* :lol: Danny and Lindsay are definitely our muses. They're our addiction...might as well be our muses as well right? :D

We'll miss ya Mo! *waves to fellow buddy*

Alright well I'm out, exhausted after a long day of rides. Cheers *mwah*
dutch, im here! im here! i was out all day yesterday (saturday) at my cousin's wedding! and guess who caught the bouquet? yours truly. anyway, back on topic...

although men in shorts are a bit of a turn-off for me ...maybe Danny can pull them *ahem* it off...
i agree. some guys can pull it off, some cant. it depends on the style and guy. heehee. im SURE danny could pull them off...yumyum.

glad ya'll liked the rollerblading idea/scenario. thanks for the comments :).

spent it all at Canada's Wonderland
STUFFINS! why didnt you bring meeee to wonderland?? i might be going up there if i visit my auntie!! i love how we're always on at about the same time too! *hugs my stuffin muffin*

delia, yes i am referring to your LJ :) . i admit, i lurked there the other day! is the 'some hearts' from carrie? if not, my bad. it just reminds me of it because its the same name. unfortunately, i dont have LJ!

Carmine talked about an intimate scene in Season 2 that got cut...
Any ideas? Or guesses what the cut scene was?
i thought that maybe that was the scene where danny and lindsay get it on (maybe something like our pool table scene) and the result would lead right into season 3 with lindsay expecting their baby (thus writing anna's pregnancy into the storyline). but since anna and the writers decided not to write it in, i think the scene got scrapped. i wonder how the story wouldve gone if they wrote the pregnancy in. perhaps just a moot point to think about? *shrugs but with wonder*

nat, i love the third image there. it was that split second that danny and lindsay tried to deny their feelings for a little longer...only to let it all go!! HOT!

going to a bed and breakfast somewhere.(I know, I'm square).
not square at all! a b&b is sounding really good right now.

...is like trying to go without coffee
oh man, im addicted too (both to coffee and DL...heehee). see ya soon, Mo(o).

chelle belle, you mischievous little DL shipper! :p *shares some wedding favors* i can only stay for a little then off to transcribing an interview for my class.

oh vex, i give you lots of credit to study #'s and AP/AR (im more a sociology and science person). good luck with that...and we'll be here waiting!

*looks around for Cuz*

ETA: happy birthday, MER!. best wishes!
I finished my 24th straight day of work and I have tomorrow off! (of course tomorrow starts in a few minutes).

Did someone mention D/L babies? I have theory on this... let me go back, catch up on posts and I'll fill y'all in. Oh, and I am working on another challenge, still brainstorming, but it'll come!

ETA: Okay here is the D/L babies/proposal/marriage theory/wish/prediction. (I know I am behind, sorry).

I would say D/L proposal at the very end of season 4 or perhaps season 5. D/L wedding would probably be season 5 or 6. And D/L pregnancy would be discovered at the season finale of the second to last year. I would say that the series finale could have the actual birth, complete with the team going to visit the newest addition in the hospital. (shaddup lynny, I'll be as fluffy as I wanna be ;) especially since it is now officially June 10th). Gah, can you imagine Danny 'make-me-moan' Messer holding a newborn while beaming that huge grin at Lindsay? Just awesome!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MERCY HONEY!: I hope you have the most amazing day! I'll let you play with my--oh, did I just say "my" :rolleyes:--Danny today! Just don't wear him out too hard, honey! :devil:

Oh and I totally agree with you: I see a proposal in S4 or s5. Ahh! The baby/birth sounds adorale too!

OK we are really spoiled with DL moments
True! We're so lucky to be canon! :D

Del, of course we wub you in here! You were one of the first to welcome me when I joined, so you know it wouldn't be the same without you!
Awwww, catey honey! Thank you! ;) You are so sweet!

awww huni!! u know we love u!!! how could we forget u!! **bighugglez for my ickle D/L bud**
Ahhhh chelle! Thanks sweetie! You're totally my rock star! :D

delia, yes i am referring to your LJ . i admit, i lurked there the other day! is the 'some hearts' from carrie? if not, my bad. it just reminds me of it because its the same name. unfortunately, i dont have LJ!
Angel! Get your own LJ and add me because most of my journal entries are locked and are friends only, so not everyone can see most of my personal entries! Right now, you can probably see entries and entries of graphics. :lol: Oh and YES, its from Carrie Underwood's song! I don't even like her now... but its a tad late! :lol:
Hello everyone! How are we all today on this....freezing sunny day :) Am I the only one who's in the southern hemisphere?? Yeesh...cold!

Good thing D/L is pure HAWTNESS!

*looks around for Cuz*
Cuz wub I'm here! *Liff tackles his Cuz and starts tickling, before enlisting some help from Danny and Lindsay to pour chocolate all over her*

Right, whilst Danny and Lindsay go play with what's left with the chocolate, im gonna say...


Yay for birthdays, *Liff rolls out the 4 layered birthday cake and waits for Mer to blow out the candles* Dammit woman BLOW! I'm hungry!

:D Haha, your birthday happens to fall on the same day as my ma's. :D YAY!

Del huniiiiiiii! Lurve ur pressie for Mer! :D it's so puurdy, I'm also rather hyper at the moment....too much cake.


:devil: *Liff steals a slice and runs off chuckling....passing D/L playing with a bowl of chocolate sauce*


Lindsay...wet....white shirt....mmmmmmmmmmmm. :devil:

Shall I steal Danny's clothes then? That way, you guys can have some fun with him whilst he's looking for them! *chuckles*

There's my present Mer hun!

*Liff runs off with Danny's clothes before he notices and starts chasing, leaving Lindsay giggling on the grass*

Ahh! Save me! Where's Stuffy asleep i suppose....

*hides under stuffy's bed*

Mwahah - no one shall find me here *stuffs Danny's clothes in Stuffy's cupboard*

^^ Ahhh, a naked Danny? Oh dear God, Liff--you drive me wild! ;) Ahh and thank you for your compliment about the pressie! I love it too; then again, what's not to love?

:eek: Oh Liff: you had me at the chocolate sauce. :devil:
Good morning at all!
Liff, I’m envying you…here it’s terribly hot, I hate sultriness. Instead I like cold, especially snow, unfortunately in my town it never snows.

About Xmas, I think that Danny and Lindsay could go to the mountains and stay in a chalet. I can see them skiing together and, on night, on the coach near the fireplace…even if I’m sure that they wouldn’t need it to warm up. :devil:

About the hot day in New York, I really like your idea, Angel

Stuffy, you’ve done a great work with your fic ^__^

Hey guys! I'm not in the best of moods atm :(, so i've come on here to cheer myself up!

Happy birthday Mer!!!!!! Hope you have a great day!

Go Liff! Naked Danny *faints* Let's hope he never finds his clothes, so we can have some fun with him :devil:

Love your Xmas idea, Abby! And they definitely don't need the fire to warm up! :devil: :lol:

You guys definitely cheered me up! Thanks guys! :D

PSG xxx
*Runs to Danny's apartment while he's chasing Liff to steal the rest of his clothes - stops to admire and giggle at the pool table :D - and stuff them in Stuffy's cupboard too

Great idea Liff! :lol:

I cannot shake the image of a wet and shirtless Danny
Ok, seriously hun.. did u really have to say that?! hehe u have nooo idea what thoughts are running through my mind
LOL, but I think I know exactly what you're thinking ;)....

guess who caught the bouquet? yours truly
*sniggers* LOL Angel! I always miss :rolleyes:...let us know when the engagement party is :)....

About the cut scene; I think it was suppose to be in the season #2 finale...wasn't there a spoiler that said something about a D/L scene?...only thing we got was the "still want that ride" :devil: question...perhaps they planned another explosion (with Lindsay in it :eek:) or something that gave us a NWILL hug scene :D and they decided to postpone that... :)

MER! Happy Birthday!
I hope you have a great day!

Delia love the present! :)

Mo hurry back or run to the nearest Starbucks...you can satisfy two urgent needs....D/L and coffee! :D

PSG something to cheer you (and all of us) up:

the result would lead right into season 3 with lindsay expecting their baby (thus writing anna's pregnancy into the storyline)
I'm glad that this didn't happened. It would have been too soon I think. I'm sure that we all want some more juicy stuff until that happens. :D

Maybe it was because of Anna's pregnancy that they didn't shoot an intimate scene together. Maybe there was trouble hiding Anna's belly?

I must say that I was a bit disappointed that they didn't follow up the last scene in SOoH. I mean, an almost-kiss and nothing happens after that??? Not until SD? Strange.

Happy Birthday Mer! :)
*Stuffy dances in holding a huge birthday cake for mer* that is covered in yummy M&Ms and an imprint of Del's picture on the top*[/i] Happy birthday hunny!!! Hope it's a good one :D

Psst Liff...*dumps chocolate sauce all over his head* Get away from Danny's clothes! They're mine, do y'hear? :p

Angel congrats on catching the bouquet and your cousin getting married :D

Time to celebrate!! *blasts dance music while blowing up balloons and tossing streamers around for mer's birthday, then pops in SD tape so all us uber-cool people can watch the hawt D/L moments*
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