Danny/Lindsay#17: The Ship That Strips!

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Mo, I hope the moving went well! It's always great to decorate a new place, so good luck and have fun!

Dutch, on a hot day...I think they're going to try the pooltable again :D! I haven't done too much yesterday, it was so HOT! Thanks for asking though. And also my little son was sick, so he was whining all day long...I'm just glad he's finally asleep now, after not sleeping for the last 7 (!) nights.... Maybe I'll take a nap as well.

Takes me to my next question: are Danny and Lindsay going to have babies on the show??? Maybe if Anna get's pregnant again, then... :lol:
*Note to self*---Must read fics! :)

HarHar...Groundhog Day. This movie has great significance for D/L. To quote Phil again:

"You like boats, but not the ocean. You go to a lake in the summer with your family up in the mountains. There's a long wooden dock and a boathouse with boards missing from the roof, and a place you used to crawl underneath to be alone. You're a sucker for French poetry and rhinestones. You're very generous. You're kind to strangers and children, and when you stand in the snow you look like an angel."

See Danny would say something like this to Lindsay. In some ways he is like Phil (only not as mean). Sometimes he is just hilarious and then sometimes he is just a bit cranky but that's usually when he hasn't had his nap or else he doesn't have his Linds. Oh Liff, Danny's lookin' for Linds right now. :lol:

Anyway, just in case D/L decide to split up, I say we pull a Groundhog Day on them...make their day repeat over and over again until they fall back into each other's arms. ;)

Takes me to my next question: are Danny and Lindsay going to have babies on the show??? Maybe if Anna get's pregnant again, then...

Wouldn't they make great babies! While they would have lots of fun making babies, I'm not sure if I want them to have any---at least not yet. When would they have time for the broom closet?? :devil: :lol: :devil:

Del feels left out? Why? You must go shopping with Mo and me!! :)

Aud wub, you should come visit me in my new place...it's way cute!

I so need to my dearie. I bet it is one stylish pad! :D If only I could. Right now we are not sure if my uncle is going to make it or not. :( :( He is very ill. Here's a deal...when I move into my new house, you come visit me. Then I come and visit you. Although, they really didn't do us any justice by separting us at birth. I mean---come on, we both know you were really born in Texas. ;)

Later. :cool:
Del feels left out? Why? You must go shopping with Mo and me!!
Ahh, I feel ignored Aud. I barely get talked to anymore here... :(
But I will take that shopping trip.
Takes me to my next question: are Danny and Lindsay going to have babies on the show??? Maybe if Anna get's pregnant again, then...
A few seasons later probably, when they're both settled in a perfect, happy relationship! ;)
Thanks Mercy for being such a doll & grabbing me that link!

Mo! It was amazing! So sweet! I reviewed of course!
*Mo strolls in, happy and rested actually and singing, of course..."Oh what a beautiful morning! Oh what a beautiful day...!" :D *

"Good morning shippy buddies, and welcome to the weekend edition of the Danny and Lindsay Hour the latest smutty show on HBO's late night! This weekend's question...should they risk "doing it" in the locker room or is that just a bit too public? :devil: Tune in this evening to see just what Danny and Lindsay decide to do!" :lol:

Yeah apparently I'm in a weird mood this morning, but then again it's Friday, so what's it matter! Yay for Friday, I like Friday...lalalala! :lol: (Okay seriously I think someone spiked my coffee this morning!)

Del honey you're feeling left out and ignored? SAD DAY!! *Mo snuggles her buddy and giggles!* No feeling left out...we likes you around here, yup! Glad you liked my ficcie, it's fun huh! :D

Mer-bear nice on getting the movie quote...well done! ;) And yeah you should come up with another challenge, this last one was fun! D/L hot pics to stare at, what's not fun about that! :lol:

Jen moving went great, thanks! I've got the last bit today and then I'm done! :D

Aud! *Mo tackles her wub!* Hello my Fluffy Twin! :D Awww I'm sorry about your uncle hon...my thoughts and prayers are with him! Hopefully he gets well soon!
As for making D/L repeat their last day until they fall back in love...I love that idea, but I think they know better than to fall out of love to begin with...cuz they'd have a million fans coming after them whacking sense back into them! :lol:
And as for Texas...that explains why I'm a country girl at heart! ;) Seperating us at birth still couldn't keep us apart or me away from country...lol, you're a "Friends" fan right hon? It reminds me of the eppy where Monica and Chandler find out the girl they're adopting from is having twins and Chandler freaks out and doesn't want to keep both at first and he's like "We could give them both half of a medallion and then years later they'll find eachother..." That's us! :lol:

Yeah Del hon I agree with you on the babies...they would make beautiful babies of course...but like Aud said too, I don't know that I'd want them to have babies right away this next season...let them have "them" for a bit longer...but babies at some point, like a few seasons down the road, like you said Del hon, than yeah definitely! :D

Okay now that this is pretty long...I've got to go pretend to be a grown-up for a couple of hours...half day Friday! Wohoo! Have a fabulous day y'all and I'll be back later! ;)

*Mo trips happily into her bubble and shimmers away!* :D
I love that idea, but I think they know better than to fall out of love to begin with...cuz they'd have a million fans coming after them whacking sense back into them!

Huh, if TPTB even *thinks* about breaking these two apart (I know there will probably be some angst and whatnot), they'll be the ones who will have angry fans banging on their doors. Liff and I are supplying the pitchforks and torches ;) so that area is covered.

Aud love my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. *hugs to her fellow buddy*

vex I know I said this both here and at DLC...but your cake story was AMAZING!!! Incredible :D

Del hun you know we all wubs you!! *issues more hugs*

Anyone want a free hug? They make you feel better! Psst...I can call in Danny and Lindsay to give them out! hehe
*Runs in, tackles Delia and covers her with sweet chocolate for Danny to lick off* :devil: - Don't feel left out sweetie - Stuffy's right, we all wubs you :)

Yeah I haven't seen that eppy yet...there's a few from Seas. 2 I haven't seen yet and that's one of them!
Ooh...stripping Danny is a must-see Mo :D

How do like this house-warming gift?:


You guys all did so awesome with that challenge! So
well in fact, that I am working on coming up with another one for y'all
I'm looking forward to that Mer! :D There can never be too many D/L pics! :)

Hell, they probably left half way and went home!
I usually hate it when people leave in the middle of a movie, but for D/L I'd make an exception...I'll probably even follow them out to spy on them... :rolleyes:

Jen I think they should "practise" a lot before they're actually gonna make babies... :devil:

Mo I love the idea of smex in the locker room, maybe to be a little 'safe' they can barricade the door with a bench...just imagine the rest standing outside wondering why the door won't open and then finally D/L exiting all flushed and sweaty... :lol:
Mo I love the idea of smex in the locker room, maybe to be a little 'safe' they can barricade the door with a bench...just imagine the rest standing outside wondering why the door won't open and then finally D/L exiting all flushed and sweaty
My....that was dirty. I think I just had a whole M-rated fic pass through my dirty mind :devil: I see flack....trying to peek through the windows to find out what's going on :lol: ....hmm, who knows what he'll see.

I feel much better now, thanks to all the chocolate you guys poured on me! *licks off a little* :D Thanks guys! you're the best.

Now I'll kindly return Linds to her man, and we'll direct them back into their bedroom where they can "practice" a lil...actually, alot.


Hmm...and there shall be no talk of them falling out of love. I'll die before they do that, and if TPTB screws up, Stuffy's right. Pitchforks and torches for everyone. I even have a plan...a little barbeque as we watch CBS burn...I'll bring some sandwiches too. :D

The only falling they'll do is for one another. :)
yes definitely, i can see danny and lindsay with babies (beautiful babies indeed!). i agree, Mo(o), not just yet, but if it happened now, im sure they would be thrilled. who wants to be the DL baby babysitter? *raises hand*

Aud, DL would make great babies. ;) hot hawt hot. im sure danny and lindsay would find a way to get into broom closet even after they had their little ones! :devil: *danny and lindsay are smexy forever*. p.s. my thoughts are with ya.

practice? who needs practice? im just kidding. :p we love you, DL!

movies that danny and lindsay would watch: gutter answer is their own movie. okay, if i had to pick--i would say mystery/action. although, a romantic comedy would be good for them to laugh it off. and as for a chick flick, danny would go and be staring at lindsay instead of the movie.

tv shows that danny and lindsay would watch: im going to go with action. maybe HEROES, maybe something on scifi like BSG, or 24…and of course the late night talk shows to watch their favorite bands/stars.

what would danny and lindsay do on those hot summer NY days? i think i asked this before and mer, was it you hun?, that mentioned the ice cubes. i’ll answer the question anyway: i can see mer’s little dream sequence (danny in dog tags only with a tray of ice cubes; broken ac) happening, lindsay lying in bed waiting for danny to return. but i could also see a stroll in central park (maybe a game of touch football in the grass), visit to the merry-go-round, zoo, etc. or even i think someone said this: a picnic.

OH! i know! picture this: danny and lindsay holding hands rollerblading through central park; sunglasses on, danny in his white tank and khaki shorts, lindsay in a light pink cute top with jean shorts; lindsay skates ahead of danny as he chases her! then they fall onto the grass gracefully, tackle each other: one look, and kiss. they buy a hot dog, pretzel, or whatever vendor is on the streets that day to eat and share a sundae when they pass the ice cream truck.

Stuffin muffin, squee-squee for your ficcie! great timing cause im going to my cousin’s wedding tomorrow! im working the reception/banquet greeting and gift table. i know it wont be as squee-rific as a DL wedding would be (cause we’d all be there! and i know what kind of party animals ya’ll are!). all i will be thinking about tomorrow is: what if danny and lindsay did...??

Spoiler Queen, yup, i love how the fics that belle and stuffins each wrote pretty much go hand-in-hand!

Chell Belle, hun, are you trying to keep me here? :p i would love to stayyy you know I would! did you and stuffins confer before writing your ficcies?? wubs ya.

Delia! i think of you every time i see my carrie underwood cd cover (some hearts!). its laying out by my laptop at home right now. hihihi :)

Cuz, the wedding is not your side of the family! it’s a cousin on my mom’s side. p.s. you didn’t catch me...i still had go do grown-up things yesterday AND today. boo!

Dutch, if only i could take months off to travel! your pictures give me something to look forward to, and bring dutchland to me here without me moving anything but the mouse!

that was a really long post. take what you may. im off to go strappy sandal shopping! *hugs each and every one of my crew members*
Stuffin muffin, squee-squee for your ficcie! great timing cause im going to my cousin’s wedding tomorrow!

:lol: Love the nickname hun. Very nice :D

i love how the fics that belle and stuffins each wrote pretty much go hand-in-hand!

You know what's really funny about that? It wasn't even planned. I didn't even realize she had written a proposal fic until catey mentioned it earlier. Way to go Chell! Woot for us and our non-planning hehe *high fives fellow buddy*

dutch love the piccy hun. I must say, I love his tat. Very nice indeed.

SvartaBaskern nice pics as well. Danny is definitely looking at Montana in the first one. Sly devil hehe.
*stands confused and alone in the middle of a very empty ship*

HELLO! *hears only an echo*

Where is everyone? No new posts in over 12 hours... :confused:

SB I love the first two pics you posted. In the SM one he's checkin her out for sure :cool: and in the AA one she's is defenitely checking out his ass-ets... :devil:

Angel I love the rollerblading idea...although men in shorts are a bit of a turn-off for me :rolleyes:...maybe Danny can pull them *ahem* it off... :D

Now I have to do some grown-up stuff too...vacuum, buy groceries, wash my windows, etc *SIGH* :(

Later :D
Del honey you're feeling left out and ignored? SAD DAY!! *Mo snuggles her buddy and giggles!* No feeling left out...we likes you around here, yup! Glad you liked my ficcie, it's fun huh!
Hey Mo, thanks honey! I love ya too! ;) Yep, I definitely enjoyed your ficcy. Made my day! I've been sick for over a week now... :(

Del hun you know we all wubs you!! *issues more hugs*
Oh Stuffy sweetie! You're too kind! I love you too and all your hugs!

*Runs in, tackles Delia and covers her with sweet chocolate for Danny to lick off* - Don't feel left out sweetie - Stuffy's right, we all wubs you
Dutch! Oh, you've wore my down with the chocolate and dirty Danny. :devil: I wub ya too!

Delia! i think of you every time i see my carrie underwood cd cover (some hearts!). its laying out by my laptop at home right now. hihihi angel
Hey, Angel! You're referring to my LJ, somehearts-x3? Do I know you on LJ? Let me know!

Oh wow, don't I feel loved? :D *Hugs everyone and passes colorful M&Ms around*
Here's a piccy that we all adore!:

You know how in TV Guide with Eric Szmanda (yummy), Adam Rodriguez (yummy) and Carmine Giovinazzo (yummmm-my!)--Carmine talked about an intimate scene in Season 2 that got cut...
Any ideas? Or guesses what the cut scene was?
hhhheeellllooo, It's a sunny saturday over her in the UK.... I should be outside but I thought that i'd pop in first to say hi to fellow DL buddies :)

Delia I love the pic but we also adore this one....

Oh and this....


OK what the hell this is good too :hehe:


OK we are really spoiled with DL moments/[pics now arn't we?!?!?!

'A daze of wine and roaches' Is showing her to night!! Can't wait :)
Del, of course we wub you in here! You were one of the first to welcome me when I joined, so you know it wouldn't be the same without you!

Mo, thanks for the info on the pic. I had a total brain freeze on that, and don't know why. I just knew it wasn't from either of the two super eps that we've had. By the way, good luck with the move, and I hope you enjoy your new place. I haven't had to do that in 10 years, but I've never enjoyed moving all that much myself.

Angel, I love your scenario of them rollerblading through Central Park. Just doing something that's not outrageous, just something a couple would do.

I could see the two of them daytripping somewhere, going to a bed and breakfast somewhere.(I know, I'm square). Just maybe to get out of the city if they had a day off and wanted to escape the city heat. I'm not very good with the ideas, but I could see them doing that.
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