Danny/Lindsay#17: The Ship That Strips!

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I think somehow they don't mind wich movie they're gonna see, they will probably be to busy trying to keep their hands off each other and waiting impatiently till the movie's over and they can go 'home'.

I love that theory !! :devil:
*Liff bounces in singing..."LOVE TODAY!"*

Hello everyone! Sorry for the blues yesterday, I feel much better now after the chocolate dosage! :) Thanks darlins!

Superwoman Mo said:
how's about we get Linds to come lick it off you?
:eek: Mo! :devil: Hehehehe....now THAT would be fun, and you know it. Now you can all imagine Danny doing that to you all! :devil:

Happy moving today hun! Holler if you need any help, I'll distract Linds for a bit whilst Danny helps you out. Just keep your hands off him for a while, or I'll end up with a rather annoyed Linds! :lol:
Afternoon HuniBuns!!! **Chel yawns from tiredness as she waltzes into the thread, and holding a hamper full of D/L goodies :D **

Chell…I read your fic and I love it, but I couldn’t leave a review…

hey hun! aww thanks so much for reading!! :D yay!!!

Stuff-meister says
Much wubs to Chell for helping me with adding pictures to my post

hehe hey wubs!! glad u got the pic to work!
hehe love the pic... so lovely!!! :D

Oh yay I just realised that I have become a CSI Level One
aww yay!! well done for becoming a CSI Level One!!! woo!!!!!

What film would they go see???? Would it be a romatic/action or horror etc!

hmm good question... im thinking that maybe Danny would want them to see something a tad scary.. just so he can have her snuggling up to him and hiding her face into his body :D hehe i think he would quite like that! :lol: :devil:

Can someone pour chocolate on me? I need chocolate, and some cheering up - it's been a horrible day.
Awww Liffy Bud!! i know it was yesterday, but here... **Chelle Dumps a big tub of chocolate ice cream onto Liff's head topped off with some yummy white chocolate spread!** hehe feel better?! :p


you can totally see the feeling and emotion so clearly in her eyes, wow!! I think I know, but to check...what ep is that pic from?

hey huni!!! that would be from Trapped... mac walks in and Linds asks him how Danny is, and he tells her they are getting the locksmith in :D aww how can you forget that epi... Danny strips!!!! :devil:


What would Danny and Lindsay do on one of those very hot New York summer days?

hehe wow!! a second question in one day?! wow we are good in here!!! :D

Hmm.. seeing as i havent been to New York yet.. *Only another 4 months to go!!!!* hehe i would think that maybe they went to the local park to top up their tans,.. and while there have a water fight lol :D :devil: ooohh great idea! hehe


hugs Cuz and tackles chell belle & stuffy before leaving here* gotta go be grown-up now too...happy shipping

Nooooo dnt go be grown up!!! :lol: **Chell tackles Angel and makes her stay**

hehe alright shippers, i have to go ... i gotta get ready for work :( soo not fair!! i cant wait til tomorro'w shift is over!!! DoWAR is on saturday!! woooooo!!!!!! :D
Chell muffin!!! Hope you have fun at work dear, and remember - when no one's looking, you can turn up the radio and skip down the isles! :lol:

Oh well. Angel Cuz, where art thou!?! Come baaaack! *Liff helps Chell tackle Angel, and ties her to a chair.*
See now you can't leave! :lol:

At the moment, I cant think of what Danny and Lindsay would do in sweltering heat simply because I'm in the southern hemisphere and it's FREEZING! Though I have a fur rug, a fire place, a blanket + D/L with no clothes in my mind. :devil:

Oh it's getting warmer already...:lol:

Where do you guys think they would spend their first Xmas together? In NY or Bozeman? :)
Hey guys! I've just been the UK thread in the CSI NY section and i had to come in here and cheer myself up again, there are so many DL and Lindsay haters in there :( How can anyone possibly hate DL!

Anywayz, i like the idea of Danny and Lindsay having a water fight in the park. Maybe Lindsay could be in a white top, and i'm sure you know what happens to white tops when they get wet... :devil: I'm sure Danny... and Liff would like that! :devil: :lol:

Hope you're feeling better, Liff! I like your question. I can't decide so maybe they could spent Christmas in one place and New Year in another? That might be cool, coz then they can meet the whole family!

I gotta go dudes. Oh, btw, i'm writing a fic, but so far i've only got about a page typed up, and i've got exams so it might be a few weeks for i have the first chapter ready! But, i'll post it here as soon as it's ready! Hope you like it, i'm not a very good writer!

PSG xxx
Chell!! Angel!! Liff!! Everyone!! :D

I bring a gift... Forever and Always

Don't worry, it's DL fluff! Thought I should write some ooey gooey fluffness since my last story was...um...really angsty.

Liff told me he had a great time with Linds :) she made him feel all better. That's good, cause we can't have a fellow buddy all blue and sad, now can we ladies? *tackles Liff and tickles him* Psst...Chell and Angel, come join me, 'tis great fun.
Nat walks in throwing M&Ms and singing Michael Buble*This thing called love...hhmmmm hhhmmm.... a crazy little thing called love!!* I'm hooked on him now after listening to 'Everything'!! :)

hmm good question... im thinking that maybe Danny would want them to see something a tad scary.. just so he can have her snuggling up to him and hiding her face into his body hehe i think he would quite like that!

Chell I was thinking the same thing!!! 'like it' I think he'd love it!! :lol:

Where do you guys think they would spend their first Xmas together? In NY or Bozeman?

Liff, I think they'd go to Montana but I don't think Lindsay would be dragging Danny. He'll want to see those wheat fields again :lol:

I've just been the UK thread in the CSI NY section and i had to come in here and cheer myself up again, there are so many DL and Lindsay haters in there How can anyone possibly hate DL!

PSG I have to do the same thing!! It makes me miserable when they talk about 'hating' DL :(... How is that posible! :)I can't wait to read your fic.

Stuffy I'm off to read your fic but I'll help you tickle Liff!!! :lol:
^^ Yeah new ficcies! :)

hehe i would think that maybe they went to the local park to top up their tans,.. and while there have a water fight lol ooohh great idea! hehe
Yeah Chell I love the idea of a water fight in Central Park and like PSG said I think Danny and Liff would like Lindsay in a wet top, but I cannot shake the image of a wet and shirtless Danny :devil: *SIGH* Okay now I need a water fight too... ;)

*Pours some more warm chocolate sauce on Liff to get rid off the cold* I've just spent 5 hours outside under some big chestnut trees and it's still really nice and warm :D (nearly midnight here) and X-mas seems so far away :rolleyes:, but the idea of Lindsay taking Danny to Montana and trying to teach him how to ski :lol: makes me vote for Bozeman... :)

Good night all!
Natty, I love that song by Michael Buble(well, all of his, but especially "Crazy Little Thing Called Love"). My daughter had her first dance recital, and that was the song they performed to!
Now on to D/L business. I have a great pic of looks between the two of them, but I can't for the life of me remember which episode it is from(I'm hanging my head in shame). But I do know it is not from either of the super eps, so I'm going to post it.

I just love how Lindsay is looking at Danny in this photo.

Loved your fic, Stuffy. Very sweet, and light. Much less angsty than your last one, lol. Very nice, I enjoyed it a lot!
Loved your fic, Stuffy. Very sweet, and light. Much less angsty than your last one, lol. Very nice, I enjoyed it a lot!

:) thanks hun. I wrote it whilst at work today. The idea just came to me :lol: thought that I should write a fluffy story since my last one was sad. But I'm glad you enjoyed it :D Love the picture BTW, I've seen that one before but we're in the same boat...I don't know what eppy it's from.

Psst...Liff where are ya wubs? Lindsay misses you hehe ;)

vex love I absolutely adored your cake post at DLC. Amazing! *claps for her fellow buddy*
Mo The pic that I posted was from "trapped" when Lindsay found out about Danny in the panic room.

I did a "cake" storyline of Danny and Lindsay at dlchem.net. I hope everybody can see the link that I'll post.I'm sorry I can post it here due to the fact that i can't double post.

The Story of Danny and Lindsay, Cake Style!

*Took me forever to post the storyline but it was worth it**
Chell, I finally read your fic. Stuffy and you have it covered, don't ya? You did the proposal, she did the wedding. Both of your fics were terrific and sweet. Wonderful job!
*Mo drags herself into the thread...more than a bit worn out after a full day of packing and moving...* Hello my dearies! I'm currently sitting on my living room floor with my back up against the only remaining piece of furniture...it's fun! :lol: I'm so glad I still have energy to come in here...lol, of course coming in here always gives me energy and happiness! :D

Dutch dear asked:
What would Danny and Lindsay do on one of those very hot New York summer days?
ohhhhh bad thoughts abound! :devil: Lol, something along the lines of little to no clothes...water to cool off and lots of skin...hot skin! :devil: Skinny dipping in the ocean anyone? ;) Lol! :lol:

Good luck moving today hun!
Thanks babe! I did pretty well, most of my stuff is moved...now tomorrow is moving my roommate and then cleaning...and then all the fun begins...I get to set up my own place, and that's always fun! :D

Liff dude laughed:
Mo! Hehehehe....now THAT would be fun, and you know it. Now you can all imagine Danny doing that to you all!
Yeah I kinda figured you'd enjoy that bud! :devil: Just don't get too enthusiastic, cuz Danny get's pretty possessive of his country girl and you don't want him coming after you to kick your ass! ;)

Happy moving today hun! Holler if you need any help, I'll distract Linds for a bit whilst Danny helps you out. Just keep your hands off him for a while, or I'll end up with a rather annoyed Linds!
Awww thanks for the offer bud! I think I'm gonna wait until everything's set up and then invite Mr. Messer over to initiate the place in style! :devil: (Gah, I'm bad this evening...lol, my mind can't get out of the gutter! :devil: Then again, that's not so different than any other day! :lol: )

Chell Belle informed me:
that would be from Trapped... mac walks in and Linds asks him how Danny is, and he tells her they are getting the locksmith in aww how can you forget that epi... Danny strips!!!!
*Mo ducks and hides... Um...I haven't actually seen that eppy yet...yeah I know how could I not...but I'm gonna, asap now! :D

Catey Spoiler Queen dearie asked:
I have a great pic of looks between the two of them, but I can't for the life of me remember which episode it is from(I'm hanging my head in shame). But I do know it is not from either of the super eps, so I'm going to post it.
Awwww I LOVE that scene and that look...that's from NWILL, our HUG eppy hon! That's when they're looking at where the girls escaped and they tell Linds she is small enough to fit through there too and Danny gives her this look like "yeah baby" and she gives him that grin! It's a totally cute scene...totally! :D :D

Vex angsty niece said:
Mo The pic that I posted was from "trapped" when Lindsay found out about Danny in the panic room.
Sweet deal..thanks hon! Yeah I haven't seen that eppy yet...there's a few from Seas. 2 I haven't seen yet and that's one of them! :D

Okay I should go to bed, or pack more...or...yeah I'm a bit tired! :p Lol, so I think I'm off to bed now...but I'll be back in the morning...of course and even better...tomorrow...is Friday! Yay! :D

Aud wub, you should come visit me in my new place...it's way cute! ;)

Okay later y'all!

*Mo waves and climbing wearily into her bubble, shimmers off!* :D
Hey guys, how's everyone today?

I feel like I'm a bit left out here. :(

I think somehow they don't mind wich movie they're gonna see, they will probably be to busy trying to keep their hands off each other and waiting impatiently till the movie's over and they can go 'home'.
Hell, they probably left half way and went home! ;)

Mo: Repost link, please! ;) I'm dying to read it.
*trudges wearily in*

You guys all did so awesome with that challenge! So well in fact, that I am working on coming up with another one for y'all. Gimme a couple of days to brainstorm a new one and we'll see if y'all can do great a second time. ;)

Hiya, Delia!
Here is the link to Mo’s lovely D/L proposal ficcie: Love To (I tested the link to make sure it works)

Moriel21 said:
"Okay, campers, rise and shine, and don't forget your booties 'cause it's cooooold out there today. It's coooold out there every day. What is this, Miami Beach?" :lol: Movie line...anyone, anyone? Watching this movie the other day and totally got it stuck in my head. It's a movie I could totally see Danny and Lindsay watching together and getting a kick out of!
*clears throat* “You want a prediction about the weather, you're asking the wrong Phil. I'll give you a winter prediction: It's gonna be cold, it's gonna be grey, and it's gonna last you for the rest of your life.” Groundhog Day, of course!
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