Danny/Lindsay #16: "Da!"

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Ahoy there shipmates! *passes out her homemade chocolate chip cookies* Aliff hun, admit it! You like my cookies :p

Today is Anna's birthday!! :D yay!!

I'll post more but now it's off to work! *swoons out of room still all giddy about our lovely couple*
*Mo waltzes into the room, humming and singing "Love is a Many Splendored thing!"* Good morning my shippy buddies! Ohhhh Stuffy cookies? Yum! Thanks hon, that's so nice of you! :D Today's Anna's birthday? How was I not more on top of that? :lol: Thanks for the reminder Stuffy! ;) So then...
"Happy Birthday to Anna! Happy Birthday to Anna! Happy Birthday dear Anna! Happy Birthday to you!" :lol:

Awwww I just love this ship, love this thread...I was thinking about this thread and how fun it is and how much I love that we are still posting like crazy in here and then I thought of course we're posting like crazy...A) This ship rocks and we got a kick butt awesomely hot finale to squee over still! B) We are a pretty awesome set of shippers, who can make good things of almost nothing, so give us "something" and we'll talk forever! ;) and C) This is when all the lovely rumors for next season start...so all that to say, I'm looking forward to a hoppin' summer in here, and I can't wait! :D

Sadly though I now have to be off to work...seriously don't they realize I have more shippy things to do than answer phones! :p Oh well...off to be a grown up :rolleyes: Heehee! :lol: Later my lovelies!

*Mo waltzes back out...still swooning and giggling in her totally Guttery fluffy bubble!* :D
^^ Have fun answering phones at work Mo! Remember D/L will always be here for ya ;) and you'll be done before dessert! Wait...I meant done before you know it. :D

EXAMS ARE OVERRR!!!!! Doesn't help that I didn't get much sleep last night SINCE my plot bunny decided THAT's when it wanted to pop by and GIVE ME A FREKIN fic idea! 4am...why?

But it's a lovely idea, so I need get crackin' soon.

And of course I wubs ur cookies Stuffy just as much as you love my cake! ADMIT IT!


YOU ROCK! CARMINE ROCKS! (It's fabulous tht he ships D/L too. Can't we rope him into coming here?) ;)

*Passes around slices of double chocolate cake to everyone and throws a slice at Stuffy* :D :D :D

I'm off to take a nap...filled with giddy shippery thoughts of D/L :)

Oh and Dutch thank you dear, yeah....stick to whacking I think, that kick was just painful :D and now I'm free to join the happy guttery bubble once again! :D
^^ Oh YES, he participates in chats with TALK, so we need him HERE too to cheer the D/L love alive!!!
Anna said that "Lindsay really cares about Danny"--so :eek: SHE'S A SHIPPER TOO! :lol:
She's sucha sweetheart!

Happy Birthday, Anna!!! Love Lindsey, love D/L and I sooo hope for many many more season of M&M love!
"Happy Birthday to Anna! Happy Birthday to Anna! Happy Birthday dear Anna! Happy Birthday to you!"

What do you lot think Danny would get Lindsay on her birthday???
^^I'd say he'd make sure they both have the day off the next day, treat her to a romantic dinner, candle light - and then a whole night (and the next day) of makin sweet sweet love.

And if they're lucky, by the time it's Danny's birthday, she'll have something...special :) to announce to him.

I've permanently cemented myself into the gutter now...
^^Oy vey ;) just kidding Liff wub...we all live in the gutter hehe.

The moment I got up this morning I was like "It's Anna's birthday!!!" :D

Hmmm what would Danny get for Linds's b-day...maybe a necklace or something. Or take her out for dinner. Or both :p cause he's a sweet guy. Or maybe they have drinks again and instead of playing pool, they play strip poker :devil:
Well we have seen in the finale that he can be so sweet...so I'm sure he would do something romantic for her birthday.. and yes it would be best if he made sure they both had the day off the next day,, because I think both of them wouldn't be able to work after such a night *lol*


messermonroe You are hardly the only one I think that ends up in the gutter with thoughts like that when it comes to this couple :)
^^Oh we need to attend that strip poker game. :) After all it IS her birthday so we need to PAR-TAY!

Oh and guys, please dont participate in the strip poker. The less people, the faster it ends :devil:
Danny wouldn't even have to 'stop' to watch baseball or football...he could do both. Touchdown!
And we know that Lindsay's quite into sports so she might even score an 'extra point' after his touchdown.... :devil:

I'm off to find a place to live...yeah fun times, I get to move, I got an extra week to find somewhere...
Good luck finding a new place, Mo! Just make sure you find one that has room for a pool table. :devil:

I think it's great that Carmine seems to be a D/L shipper...I really hope he or Anna...will do a live chat on Talk during summer...I would so get up in the middle of the night for that... :D

What do you lot think Danny would get Lindsay on her birthday???
I think he would give her something sweet and funny at the same time...like a necklace with a charm of two cue sticks, a cue ball or a daisy...And if he gives it to her at work I wonder how they're gonna explain that to their colleagues... :D
Uhm…* fluffy mode on * Definitely, the romantic dinner is a good idea…if they go in Danny’s apartment, and if they can resist the temptation to stop the car or the elevator and stay here, he could lay the pool table :D, that is useful not only for play pool. *fluffy mode off* after dinner *gutter mode on* they could clear it, or reach the bedroom…or the bath :devil: *gutter mode off*

Oh…Happy birthday Anna!
Good luck finding a new place, Mo! Like dutch said make sure that there's room for a pool table!!

Lindsay's b'day ermm maybe he'd get her a day full of surprise and then some 'goodies' for when the sun goes down!! :devil:
Happy Birthday Anna B! A lady this awesome deserves what we've been giving her! lol... wow, that was weird. :lol:

I dont really see Danny and Lindsay going on a "romantic dinner" the pool thing was totally them. I think they'd be bored at a dinner. Next time, Danny and Linds could play air hockey or something, they'd be nice and cool after they "played"... :devil:

Hugs to all!
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