Danny/Lindsay #16: "Da!"

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chell, thanks for the song name & artist! oh,i'm gonna dub it the pool table smex song! pool table...danny and lindsay...music...whoa.

aud! you beat me to the issue of cuddling! :p i was eating lunch today and thinking about that first scene and thought, 'wait a second, weren't they sort-of cuddling there?!' double grin. oh danny boy, danny boy. gotta love D and Montana.

i cannot get over how sexy Danny and Lindsay on that pool table are. hot, hot, hot...shoot what song is that?

welcome newbies!!!! *hands out welcome lollipops*
Yes last night episode was like so wrong! :devil: I mean the whole bed and pool table scene damn! :D :lol: :devil:
Man they really showed alot of stuff! :devil:
They never show that kinda stuff in CSI:Miami! :devil:
All we got was a kiss with Calleigh and Jake damn so unfair! :mad:
Hey all!

Okay, so last night I think I squeed more than I have in my entire life! It was soooooo awesome! And these piccies just made it ten times more better! When I first saw Danny and Lindsay sleeping I think I screamed and then when she flashed back I got really excited. I thought it was really cute how he pressed on her nose to wake her up! So adorable. Were they seriously sleeping on the pool table? Because I thought they were on a bed, but cbs.com said they were sleeping on the pool table. If that's true that is freaking hilarious. And then the end? That was cute too! She totally ran into that building to find him.

I wish we didn't have to wait until September for more D/L! Oh well, at least we have some AWESOME pictures!

Does anyone know how long it takes iTunes to put CSI: NY on their list? I need that episode like... NOW... and they aren't selling it yet!
I absolutely loved it when he poked her nose! I don't know it was just soo cute... And the scene where they were at the pool table... Hot... mmm mmm mmm... I am SO high on D/L right now... Ask any of my friends... I have been super happy and hyper today... I can only think of one reason; The CSI: NY and Crossing Jordan season finales... Especially the D/L, and the wet Mac and everything...
well atleast they actually started showing us some of their relationship this season. Instead of leaving us hanging like they did last season.
Lots of people have said that it didn't sound like her when it was a voice over cause it sounded too mew yorkish. I think it was her.. and she was drunkish, making her to talk differently. Gah, the whole flashback scene was complete love. All of the DL scenes were love... But I think it was her the entire time, body shots and voice overs... guhhh.. I just watched it again. Rad has reduced to a puddle.
I just wanted to jump in here and say Congrats on becoming Canon! It's a wonderful feeling isn't it?

*hugs you all*

GSR might be my OTP - but D/L has been a close second. I squeed while watching it - and then again when I rewatched it. I love the feeling of Canon in the morning.

So again, congrats!
-i think it was her voice. I noticed the accent too but you could still tell it was her voice. Maybe when she's drunk she gets an accent
Angel love I'm here! *waves to fellow buddy* I'll reply to your PM :)

I just watched the DL scenes (for about the millionth time today) and thought of something. You know when they're in bed and Danny says "I'm glad this happened"? It got me thinking that he didn't necessarily mean just the previous night, he was mainly speaking of them.

Would have liked to seen more of the kiss...but who am I to complain? We got three beautiful scenes with them; couldn't ask for more than that :)
OK, so I'm coming out of lurkdom. Last night was...amazing! I admit it. I squeed for like ever. They are so cute together. I definately loved Danny waking Lindsay up. So cute!

Though I have to say, I will never look at a pool table the same way again. Any pool table. Since my parents own one it's hard to escape. When I was going downstairs this morning, I just paused at the top, looked at the pool table and said, Danny and Lindsay and a pool table, who would've thought.

I have not much more to say, as I'm probably about to go watch that episode again.
^^^ Good catch stuffy! I think you're right...I've just rewatched it...again....[/i]*sigh*[/i]...and he could very well be talking about meeting her, their relationship AND that night on the pool table... :D

The more I think about TPTB actually making them have smex on the pool table, have them get some blankets and pillows and just staying there till morning, the funnier it gets :lol:...and yeah, smi there really ON the table :devil:...in one shot there's still a little chalk cube (don't know what it's called) lying next to Lindsay's head. :eek:

Or perhaps Danny spent all his money on the expensive stuff in his apartment and there isn't even a bedroom and he sleeps on the pool table every night...*is very happy she called that camera* :D :p

Wow so many newbies, welcome all! Hope you stay around to help us through this long, long summer... :mad:

And I strongly believe it's actually her...in none of the shots you can clearly see her tummy...very nice editing :cool:...and it's not too bad that there's another very yummy body blocking the view :devil:...-lynny I need that drool smiley too- :)

*edit* Emily_Barton, sorry, but I don't think it's allowed to post that link :(
Every time I watch the scene on the table I keep thinking..... would n't it be funny if they had to reposition because one of the balls (game balls that is I know what some of you were thinking!!:))was digging in to them!!!
I just rewatched the eppie and I did notice she sounded kinda New Yorkie and that they were on a pool table... I didn't notice it last night but when it shows her waking up when he's gone you can recognize the side of it...

You can see Danny's bed in one of the shots i think (The one where she's waking up) So, we know he has one... They just much rather stayed on the pool table...

The first time I heard him say "I am glad this happen" the idea that he meant them together all around popped into my head...
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