Danny/Lindsay #16: "Da!"

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Only 5 days until the finale…I can’t believe it :D!

I have to study hard too in these weeks and it’s too hard. I often miss my ship...It’s terrible! :(

Mmmh…my favourites episodes are Zoo York, when they met for the first time, Super Men (I love when Lindsay asked if was so hard to believe that she knew something about football and Danny said “No, just dangerous. I might ask you to marry me”) and obviously Sleight Out of Hand.
Hi kissmesweet! I'm an absolute nobody on forum-language....What does TPTB mean? I'm probably the only one who doesn't know, but forgive me... ;)

And what about the M&M-stuff?? :confused:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but TPTB is 'The Powers That Be' which in this case are the writers and CBS studios :p

M&M's is basically Messer & Montana/Monroe. i.e our favourite couple D/L. Of course, it's also our favourite candy! hehehe. D/L shipper food for the soul! :lol:

*hands out M&M's to everyone*

Happy shipping everyone! We're goin' full speed ahead with our sails flyin' high. I dont think tht last sentence made sense but you catch my drift. :D
I am SO excited for Wednesday!!!!

I have watched the promo a million times.

TPTB means "the powers that be" :)
I've only watches the promo once, but let me tell you, I'm reliving our moment a thousand times a day. I can not waitttttt till Wednesday, besides the finale, it's my last day of school. I'm so freakin' pumped. Gosh, this ship gets better and better. Let's stay at this high PTB, that would be great.
No problem JenP, glad I could help :D

How many times have you all seen the trailer, in particular that scene we all love? :devil:

Hehe, I think I've seen it way too many times - it's probably not healthy. :lol: but oh well!
Awesome promo!!!!!!
Wednesday cannot come soon enough.

I was re-watching Risk, and I caught something that I never saw before: When Lindsay chases after the suspect and he pushes her back, she falls into Danny and He sort of holds onto her :). here..Probably less than a second before would have been a better screencap, but I couldn't find it anywhere else.
I was flying on the cloud nr. 9 yesterday after seeing the caps from the promo thought I couldnt squee cause I was at work but inside I was doing a little happy dance. OK a big one but who wouldnt.

my favourite episode is Daze of wine and roaches I said it before but they brought flirting into whole new level in it and they were so at ease with each other. it was beautiful.

Im afraid I missed the Risk episode and I definitely missed Supermen but they are premiering S1 here so I hope they continue straight into S2 and I get a chance to catch up. or I would have to wait for the DVD pack

can I just say we are Da Couple of the year. or the decade. or century. or milenium

5 days for you 7 days for me till the hottness of M&Ms hits the screens
Wow, I am so happy for you as you only have to wait 5 days to watch it :) For me it would be like...*countsdown* *gives up* I don't know, but it's too much to write it. I don't want to know it, it would make things too sad, thinking about it *remembers the promo pictures she saw* But I am totally HAPPY :D How could I not be happy?!

I haven't seen the promo either, obviously...How can I do it? Anyone can PM and help me out, please?

Welcome the new member in here! About my favorite episodes, I absolutely love:

Not What It Looks Like, more especificaly the end, when he says her name with that voice :rolleyes: OMG, and when he hugs her...And how her face looks like...Before that, the way he was concerned with her going there undercovered. Just love it! But that I have already said before.

Love Run Cold, even though it's a sad one for D/L, it's a lovely scene, the way she looks sad and feeling like miserable for doing that, and the way he just seems to understand (well, or better, the way he tried to), and what he says :rolleyes:

Other than that, I am sure I will love Sleigh Out of Hand. Well, actually, I already love it and I haven't even seen it yet. Can you imagine how I will feel about it when I watch it?! :p And, of course, I will love the finale :devil:
great catch darx!

I watched a bunch of different season 2 eps yesterday and I just cant squee enough over how amazing Danny and Lindsay are :D
hi guys, im vanessa and new here....so glad i found this site to share my excitement about Danny and Lindsay with you all....
ker said:
great catch darx!

I watched a bunch of different season 2 eps yesterday and I just cant squee enough over how amazing Danny and Lindsay are :D

hi ker...how are you? you know, i cant count how many times ive watched the entire season 2, i just cant get enough of danny and lindsay, both are great and they just make me happy and inspired
Welcome Vanessa, I hope you enjoy your stay. Here is your room ke....oh wait. You're not checking-in to a hotel are you? Silly me.

*hands over a packet of M&M's*

Welcome to the world of D/L :D Does anyone else want any M&M's? I seem to have over-stocked for the finale. I mean, really it's a bit much guys! a little help here!

Hehe, anyways, hope you have fun here Vanessa. :) Our numbers are growing...muahahahaha :devil:
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