Danny/Lindsay #16: "Da!"

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Mornin all! I'd like to wish all the mothers a happy mothers day!

And of course to the future Mrs. Messer! :)

Hope you all have a wonderful day!
I do to think it's actually Anna in that scene...just something about her chin,,

Favorite epi...oh boy...uhm SooH because him basically going nuts seeing her even when she isn't there,, so she sure is on his mind all the time.. then when she sees him walking into the courtroom,, and just the whole ending...

Other then that there is so many great episodes for them that I love... and I know I will love the season finale too.. :D
I do to think it's actually Anna in that scene...just something about her chin,,

I was just thinking that after I saw the picture once again. It looks like her, and I really do think it is her. Goshhhh. I'm so ready for this eppy, I don't know how much longer my little shippy heart can hold out, or even if it will hold out through the eppy. It'll have to, because I'm going to kill myself if my heart blows up and I don't get passed the first half of the eppy. :lol: The whole eppy looks amazing.
I do to think it's actually Anna in that scene...just something about her chin,,
No offense, guys... but it obviously is her. You can see her face there. :) I'm pretty sure about Danny as well, :lol:.

Messer_cupcake! I love your signature. His smile is stunnnnnning! :) Gotta hand it to the guy; I love him!
^^^ hi NinaM, remember me?? :devil:
^thanks kissmesweet it's from Macayla. I love her work ;)

I love all their scenes together because their funny or... because it's them. They are a great team and not just at work as we could see. I love SOOH because of Danny. One of my fav epi's ever in CSI NY. He was so cute when he was tired. And the whole thing in Mac's office :lol: 'it's not a butterfly but it's impressive' or something like that... Love it. And then in the court oh that was so squeeeeeee... and the almost kiss. Oh yeah it was a wonderful episode. In season two i think my fav was the 'bug dinner'. That was fun. God :lol: But the line about 'marry me' :lol: wasn't so bad either... I like them together and it's nice to watch it of coures if it's good written becase that what was after the suicde girl case until SOOH wasn't good written... no no no... okay with a few exeptions. I like the secene when he watched her in Mac's office in TLG. That was squeeeee...

Well this sux! Hahaa, all this fluff is soo not helping my fic. But i cant help coming here! :p I love this place! :D

I'm supposed to be channeling sadness and anguish here and one look at ]Mo's wallpaper and woooooosh all of it goes away as my mind takes a stroll into the gutter. :devil:

Oh well! And yes, there is obviously NO DOUBT that it's Anna in those pics. Stuffy! you hearing this hun? And I'm awake now! So I'll be putting all those clothes you stole somewhere when you cant find them :devil: hehehhehe.
Afternoon Shippers!!!! how are we all today?! Is it wednesday yet?!!!!!!! :confused: :lol:

**Chell Sneaks out from hiding in the broom closet ready to pounce on Mo with a big bucket of jelly and custard**

My fave episodes... wow lol they definately have to be SOoH... jus the whole non-speaking scenes at the end of the episode did it for me.. jus silent words between each other confirming what they both knew :D **Sighs happily**
erm.. also, how could anyone forget... "Does it turn you on, Messer?" Live or let die... thats a great episode.. just the way Lindsay is so upfront about the phone sex, and Danny getting a little embarrased.. (Or turned on?! ;) ) hehe
In Zoo york, the little 'out of the corner of the eye' looks between them was jus eyesmex! hehe i thought that was cutesy! lol
I know for definate, that Snow day is gonna be the top episode for everyone here... im gonna be watching that one non stop when p2 of season 3 comes out in the summer! Woooo!!!!

Now just where has that MO got to?!

Oh and welcome to all newbies!!! :D
Messers_cupcake said:
^^^ hi NinaM, remember me?? :devil:


Remember you??...uhm let me think... okay my head must be fried because of the promo because I'm drawing up a blank here :lol:
*Mo sneaks into the thread...not announcing herself just yet as she sneaks up behind Chell with a big bucket of vanilla ice cream and yummy strawberry sauce to dump over her head!* :lol:

Hi Chell, here I am! *Mo giggles and attempts to look innocent!* ;) Hi Stuffy, Del, Rad!, and all y'all! How is everyone this morning...Happy Mother's Day to all your moms, and any of you in here who are mom's yourself...Happy Mother's Day! :D

4 more days!! Or as I like to put it...84 hours and 58 minutes!! That's right I'm obsessed and proud of it! :lol:

Alright I'm off to say Happy Day to my own Mom...so I'll catch y'all later! Glad you all liked my wallpaper, it's quite hot if I do say so myself! :devil:

Gah it so needs to be Wed...like NOW! :lol:

Alright have a great day y'all...later! ;)

Psstt...Aud wub, where is you? :D
First off, happy Mother's Day to everyone's moms and to those who are moms here. Have a great one! :D (and a HMD to the one and only Anna Belknap, it's her first Mother's Day as a mom!) *throws celebration confetti into the air*

Mo!! *tackles favourite aunt onto floor and gives her lots of huggles* I wubs ya darlin'!

Must find a way to occupy myself until Wednesday...hmm...well work starts this week so that's good lol. Somehow I'll try to survive until Wednesday afternoon. The second I come home Thursday I'm so re-watching the eppy. Hmm...wonder how long my tape is gonna last? Ah well :)

Four days and counting!!!!
I'll be able to see the epi on thursday... and darn I can't even stay online when the epi airs in the States...since it will be sometime in the middle of the night for me here in Sweden and I have an early morning for work...*sigh*
I think the only thing I will be doing on thursday is to check my watch all the time wondering when it's time to get home...

And I do think that this epi will be played over and over after that...like many other epis have over time... I can't even remember how many times I've seen season 2 and 3 by now :lol: I'm hopeless
^We're all hopeless! :lol: , well Mo's countin' down by the hours and minutes, and I would gladly add the seconds if I could! :lol:

3 More DAYS! WOOOOOT! I totally forgot that this is Anna's first Mother's Day as a mother! Congrats to her big time! *joins Stuffy in throwing confetti everywhere*

Happy Mother's Day to all the other mother's out there.

Stuffy, you need to buy a dvr so you have a disc of this episode. Then you won't have to worry about wearing the tape out! Then you can just put it on your computer and watch it over and over again!

You all need to put a time clock on this thread, doing a countdown. Nice touch, by the way, Mo, of doing an hour by hour countdown. You aren't excited much are you? lol And as much as I hate to say this, it's less time for me. hehe, but you know, I won't leave you in the dark about it. Here's to Wednesday!
Nina, I know what you mean!! I live in England and have to watch the eps in *coughs* other ways. It airs at 6:00am on thursday orning over here, I think thursday is going to be a very long day!!!
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