*Mo pops in dancing happily...even though it's early and she's a bit tired from staying up late to watch our eppy...but what is sleep when there is D/L to be had!* :lol:
Good morning my lovelies! How are you all this fine morning? It's Thursday and it's sunny outside at this very moment, which means it's going to be a good day people! Plus that fact that it's Thursday means we now officially have less than a week until our D/L wub finale!!
6 days! Yay, yay, yay!!
Trish you're welcome and yeah like
Carol said, if it bugs you just hang out in here and you'll get all the D/L lovin' you could ever want!
Okay so promo last night...no D/L which is sad, but I expected that actually cuz I think they're gonna try to do what they did with Danny going to Montana and see if they can't shock the audience again!

Of course we won't be shocked and will totally all be squeeing so yay for that! :lol: As for the eppy over all...totally looks like it's gonna kick ass! I can't wait to see it for the D/L of course! But yeah I'm excited overall too!
And our little scene last night, I don't have time to go find caps...but again even the 30 seconds of D/L we got were so cute!
"You look happy!" And I just wanted to grin and tell Linds, honey it's cuz he's in love with you!

But both of their smiles were SOO cute in that scene, love it!
Okay my peeps...off to be responsible for the day...I am to become a working shlub once more...yay me...

I'll be back tonight though!
*Mo climbs into her fluffy bubble and sings softly with her Aud "Moses supposes his toes' are roses, but Moses supposes erroneously. Moses he knows' his toes' aren't roses, as Moses supposes his toes' to be!" :lol: