Danny/Lindsay #16: "Da!"

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And we thought we were being a bit 'out there' with the hopes for sex on the pool table. :devil: Hot Damn! Only 6 days to go!
When do the Season 3 DVDs go on sale? :D
I can't wait to see the finale. i think I can't wait 'til it aires in holland, so I think I'll buy the DVD's....

But when do they come???
thanks to dutch's amazing pictures, I noticed something...

looks absolutely amazing for just giving birth. The two piccys where Danny is helping with her shirt :devil:, you can see her stomach. Plus the one where Danny's hand is on her side. I wouldn't have even guessed she just gave birth nearly four months ago. *shrug* yeah I'm one of those people who views things like these slide by slide, analyzing every single little detail. Hey, can you blame me? Anyways when I first saw this over at DLchem this morning I was like "That's Lindsay!"...and that's when my heartrate soared. Oh yeah and back!porn is love :)

I am officially on cloud nine :D
Hey guys! Man, i've missed alot.

First welcome Trish and any other newbies! (sorry not good with names!) I know there are lots of DL haters around, but in here it's all love!

Dutch![/b] You're my hero! ]Those pics are awesome! :D I literally jumped out of my seat! My parents looked at me funny but i don't care! I love you! :D WE'RE SO CANON, BABY! :D

Rad, i love your scenario! I can't wait for the finale!
Angel said: She looks fun to play with.
:lol: that sent me straight to the gutter! :devil: :lol:

And finally, Aliff, I'm reading your fic now, but so far it seems very good. I'll leave a review when i'm done. Great job!

I have to go, got homework to do, even though i've been on a school trip all day! Who gives homework after a school trip? Man, i hate school! :lol:

Later guys!

PS: WE'RE SOOOO CANON! :lol: Just had to! :lol:
Hi guys. I usually hang out in the Eric/Calleigh thread, but I'm a D/L shipper. I'm new to it, but thanks to a few fangirls at a WaT board I post at I got sucked in! And Youtube helped me get caught up a lot and I post at the MesserMontana LJ community lots. K, anyway, I just wanted to join in the fangirl squeeing over the Promo and it's hotness. :) LOL Was there anything else going on in the promo before or after that scene, cause if so I'm going blank. All I can think about is D/L love.
I was pretty excited that Danny and Lindsay had about 5 seconds of screen time together. My mom thought I was completely crazy that I got excited over it. I simply told her I had to stay true to my ship. I wasn't overly thrilled with last night's eppy, I thought it was going to be a lot different. But, in the end who cares, there was an M&M scene, and baby, that's all that matters in this thread!
Hey, good evening at all!

First of all welcome at all the newbies and … Sab , I'm glad to see you in this thread, too! :)

JenP said:
How can you not like D/L?? :confused:
I know that some people hate D/L. One of my friends hated this ship cuz she though that it was banal…we were always arguing about this, but a short time ago she changed her mind and now she likes E/D.

Today it’s just my luck! But what with one thing and the other, I could see the promo and now it’s a beautiful day! Squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!! All my neighbourhood must heard my yell…now they would kill me! :D

Ok, I’m still shocked and this is the third time I watch it trying to make out where they are. For me they’re in the living room ( Mer , the pool table is perfect for them :devil:!). On one hand I’m excited, on the other I’m afraid, cuz in a scene it seems that Danny is been shot…What do you think?
Evening all!!!! How are we today?! Squeeeeeing at the top of our voices are we?! hehe wooooo!!! I cant believe we are on page 9 already! lol :D


Wow dutch!!!! those caps.... **wipes drool from chin** i saw the promo through the link from the spoiler thread, and bam! i came straight here to see who else had seen it! (Like as if anyone had missed it! hehe) hehe Those caps have gone straight to my carmine folder hehe U are the best Dutch!! me Wubs u lots!!!! :D


Hey huni!! U missed me?! D/L is soo worth staying up for right! :D D/L IS LOVE! hehe


U need any more cookies for the Finale?! ;) jus give me a shout.. and i ll hav them in a jiffy! hehe

Oh, and a big welcome to all the newbies!!!! :D U made a right choice coming here!! hehe this place is Home to DL... ;)
MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Where is you? Where is you? Where is you? :confused:

Auda is dead from teh :devil:! I hope you guys know that I've used all of my breaks at work today for D/L---I never do that much. I usually walk or something. I know boring! :rolleyes:

Take notice: What did I say yesterday? What I said yesterday: "Danny and Lindsay share a beautiful evening playing pool and giving each other the best eye smex of their lives. Fire takes them over, they can't resist. They make out against the pool table, on the table, the hallway, and then after a couple of times on the floor, then they spend the night in bed (in the arms of total passion)." Isn't some of my fluffy D/L speculation coming true? The SMEX, The SMEX. If they do it on the pool table I'll die again. Does it look like she's got her legs around him in the pic with his arms around her waist? :devil: OKAY, so some of this is still speculation--we don't know how much smex we will get but hey---they are getting nekkid!! How much better can we get than that?

Later. :cool:

P.S. Hi Chell Belle! :D Welcome Newbies! :)
Chell!! I've been wondering all day when these pics were going to draw you in!! *hugs*

Auda, our Mo is still at work for hours yet. It is only 12:45 pm in her timezone and she has a day job. :( She really should have left some emergency contact information for us in case something big like this happened.

Auda, your prediction is coming true! As darling Carmine said, Danny and Lindsay will be making sweet sweet love. God I love this show! I know it won't all be good, and somethiung really really bad could still happen, but come on! With the footage of these to undressing each other and the kiss? This will be a great summer... Are there rating restrictions on our avvie's and banners? ;)
yes, Sophie, right into the gutter! :p

all's too quiet here for moi today. and i'm going to say it (yes, again! just have to!) loud and proud, CANON, we're CANONNNNN!!

my dearest, dutch, you and promos!

i can't tell which room they are in...i hope it's the pool room, but whatever room it is, it's about to get hot in there. and no, we're not far-fetching at all! TPTB hiding this from us until now...sneaky but oh they know how to deliver (at least for now in terms of promo)! Rooting for Super Ep. #3 this time around: the pics almost made me forget that the episode's ending could still be questionable. ahhh, nevertheless, loving these juicy pictures.
Why do all the people hanging out in the spoiler-thread for NY seem to think D/L isn't going to last??

Were there actually some spoilers on that? I completely missed it...

My good day just got a whole lot better when I came in here! Like... amazingly better!

Oh my God! I'm so excited when I saw that I think I got just a little too excited because my brother was staring at me like a crazy woman! But those pictures were so amazing. There were a couple where I couldn't tell if it were D/L, but then I saw the one with Linds' face and totally freaked out! YAY!

So, I totally miss everyone in here! Once my schedule settles down a little more I'll definitely spend more time in here!
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