Danny/Lindsay #16: "Da!"

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*Pops my Phantom CD into the player* Y’all make me want to listen to the songs again!

So, Mo, are we gonna get one of your epic show review posts after the eppy airs? (don’t have to worry about you following the three lines of OT posting rule, lol) Haven’t had any of those review posts recently.

Miss Sweeter Than Sugar said:
Me nice to the newbies?? When? Can you prove this??
When I looked up Moriel’s first post for her anni, I looked up my own. And do you know who was the first person to welcome me to the thread? Yup, that’s right, YOU DID! Odd, ain’t it? :lol:

I think the possibilities for DL have been around since Zoo York, (I remember how he was taken by surprise when she whipped out the utility knife in the meat locker), but has developed and progressed throughout the eppys.

I can’t wait to see the next step in the progression of their relationship this Wednesday. (wow, I kept that out of the gutter… wait, nope, my mind is still in the gutter just covering it with nice words :lol:) 45 ½ hours to go!
Mer you should watch the movie...that way you get the songs and get the eye candy of Gerard Butler singing them! Yummy! ;)

Epic posts huh...lol, sweet! :lol: Yup, there is a good possibility, although it might take me awhile to breathe normal and stop squeeing...so as soon as my hands stop shaking from adrenalin and joy, I'll do my best! :D

Lynny was the first one to welcome you? Awww, that's so cute! ;) Good job Lynn hon! :D

Oh yeah Mer I loved her whipping out that knife and cutting the hand print out of the meat...lol, country girls rock!! :lol: I think he started falling for her right from the start! And each little moment, each little look, just sealed the deal more and more until they were so far in they couldn't remember a day they didn't feel so deeply for eachother! :D

Lol, yeah I think we're pretty much swmimming in the gutter right now hon! *Mo does the backstroke lazily in the Gutter sea...!* :devil:

48 hours and 1 minute for me!! :D :D
I think it's the accent that does it for me...or well part of what does it for me! Guys with accents are just SOO hot!
Oh, true... I bet that's what makes Lindsay weak too! His hot voice and his lusty accent. Ahh, she sure had alot of self-control (until THIS week's finale anyway, :lol:) since she didn't jump him him the first time she saw him!

If it was me, I would have done it right there and then in front of Mac & the tigers... :evi:

Wheee, 48 hours for me too! Thanks Mo for the calculation.

Oh and Mo honey--I remember that... YOU were the first one to welcome me + Dutch too! I love you guys!

*Hugs Dutch + Moriel and jumps for the joy that is Finale*
Lol, that's just one of MANY things that makes Linds weak hon...one of many! :devil: Yeah how she managed to keep from jumping him at every opportunity I will never know! :lol:

Yup, you and me both...totally woulda grabbed him and...well yeah...! ;) Heehee! :devil:

47.5 hours for me now! Yay! ;)

Awww was I the first to welcome you Del? Yay, that's fabulous! :D Sure glad you joined us in here...you's fun to have around! :D
^^ Oh, another few things that makes Linds weak: his body :devil:, his weird jokes :lol: and that gorgeous smile of his! The smile that she fell in love with. (Who blames her? We fell for it too!)

OH MY GOD-- 47 hours left! YAY!

Yep, you were the first Mo! You rock! :) You're awesome to have around too!
His body, his accent, his laugh, his smile, his self-assuredness...gah I could go on and on...the man is, well let's be honest y'all...Danny is Smex! Smex on a stick baby! :devil: Ohhhhhh yeah! ;)

Yay me! Heehee! :lol:

We all rock in here, this ship is just so dang fun and all y'all are fabulous! :D
Oh yeah, Smex On a Stick. :lol: I'll lick that. :lol:
I'm sure Linds feels the same!

Oh I've made a deal with myself: on Wednesday--I won't be reading any spoiilers. :lol;
it is tomorrow for the lucky ones living in the US. I wont get to see it until Saturday, or Friday if I get impatient - which I will, and my computer will cooperate with me - which it has to :) since Im too depending on the mysterious "other ways". we are not even finished with S here. no DL for my sniff

smex on the stick - I like it, and its oh so true

Did you guys feel the same way as I did, felt the instant attraction and making the words of Mac in "Till Death Do Us Part/" echo true?

I certainly felt something going on between them in ZOO York but the epi thet did it for me was Fare Game. when I saw him carrying her on the roof I knew I was boarded for good. I missed some epies in between - like the bug-date, otherwise I would have fallen under the M&Ms spell much sooner

I will try not to read the thread after SD airs, hopefully my curiousity wont get the better of me

oh, and after Snow Day airs we will so deserve to get a TV Guide cover
Can somebody fill me in about 'Till Death do us part? I think I missed the episode. Did I miss some great D/L moments?

Did you guys know M&M's are great?
@NinaM heheheh... I guess I'll stay away from food and drinks because in such an episode and particular in this scene it would be very dangerous... just imagine - died by swallowing the wrong way a M&M's during watching the hot smex scene in SD :lol: :lol: :lol:


hehehe... Season one and two, I have seen the first time not in English and Danny for example called her Monatana in the Zoo episode and the next time it was, I think in 'All access', so the meaning of her nickname was totally new for me until I've started to watch it in English. But the translation was priceless... instead of 'Montana' Danny's called her 'darling' or 'sweetheart' :lol: beautiful. That was fun to watch. But the best thing was at the beginning in 'Dancing with fishes'... In the translation his scenes with Hawkes, he was comlpaining that Lindsay can call Mac by his name after a month or two, and he could do it after two years. :lol: :lol: I have seen it later again in the reruns and it was WTF??!! he never said such a thing. Oh I'm glad I watch it now first in English. Gosh... :rolleyes:

So for me, between 'Zoo york' and 'Bad beat' it was friendship. Always when there is someone new this happens. Making fun of him. Lindsay was the new one and Danny was her partner. Like in NCIS with DiNozzo and McGee... until that moment in 'City of dolls' This holding her hand for longer than necessary was more than just that. It was the first time I saw the tension. The sexual tension. And the funniest thing was that Danny was the one confused... a bit bit shy... not Lindsay. I think it's because for Lindsay falling for a guy is something normal (I don't mean that she does it every time she meets a man) and for Danny not. And he's felt that there is more between them... it was different than anything he's ever felt before. To anyone. And it's scared him. And maybe he rememberd Mac words... Gosh tptb are funny guys.... in the end everything is connected :lol:
Everything is connected as you say Annie...
*lol* I do think Danny has to eat up his words to Mac.. and Mac can basically say...told you so...
Good morning my lovelies! *Mo skips into the thread, giddy already and it's not quite 7 am...which is saying something about this ship, cuz Mo is NOT a morning person!* :lol: Howdy y'all! I woke up this morning and for about 4 seconds got totally excited cuz I thought it was Wednesday today and all I could think was D/L smex tonight! :lol: Alas it is a bit longer away...but then again, not much! :D :D

*Mo looks at her watch...* Precisely...um...39 hours!! Yay! :lol:

Oh yeah, Smex On a Stick. I'll lick that.
:lol: :lol: Del you rock! OMG you made me laugh so hard, I almost spit my coffee out on my computer! :lol: And yeah totally with ya on that one by the way! :devil: :lol:

Carolina just so you know by the way hon, Danny carries Linds across the roof in Cool Hunter, Fare Game is the bug date one! ;) Both are great D/L moments though, loved both! :D

And yeah Nina Mac should totally say "I told you so" to Danny...I would laugh so hard! :D

Okay y'all...there's a part of me (a small part, since most of me is ecstatic with joy!) that is afraid that all of this is a horrid hoax that the PTB are pulling on us to make us all giddy and then rip it out from under us...the saving grace (and constant distraction :devil: ) is that we have the actual pics to prove we get our scene! :D Gah I love this ship...and I CANNOT wait until tomorrow night! :D

Aud Psssttt...come help me stay fluffy, twinny! :D

*Mo climbs into her fluffy bubble with every intent to distract herself until The Smex begins! :devil: *
Hey guys! I've been MIA for a few hours. Had my german exam which is now OVER!!!! *dances about*

I am going to keep myself spoiler free until I actually watch the finale on friday morning! (hehehe, guess who I'm kidding, yup yup, guess! go on! yup that's right - ME!)

Argh...its TOMORROW, which is STILL SO FAR AWAY! Catey, How far ahead exactly ARE you hun?
you were kind enough to point it out and post those wonderful caps. I will return the favor Wednesday night, and hope that you will like my caps. I've only made them once before(for SOOH), and, boy were they taken fast! Pass the bowl of M&M's, here comes Wednesday!
*passes the bowl to catey* :) I know I will like the caps...after all they're caps from another super ep -with cape- ;) who wouldn't like them? :D

Anyone checking up on our couple in the broom closet?
Perhaps it's time we let them out aud; after all they need to get ready for tomorrow night too :cool:...we have to give them the change to look picture perfect... ;)

I'm thinking I'll be avoiding anything that is stain producing Wednesday night!
Even Danny? :devil: What? *ducks to avoid the meter - points at Mo* - she said it! ;) LOL, that one sent me into to the gutter at light speed! :D

Oh yeah, Smex On a Stick. I'll lick that.
:lol:Oh, Delia where can I order those, that would be a treat while watching the finale... :devil:*hugs back*I'm happy I was there to welcome you when you first posted here! :)

As for the question...I did see possibilities for the two of them in ZY already, but back then I really thought I was the only one...but it became more and more evident and when I got my account here about a year ago I realised I wasn't :cool:...for me the 'badge' scene in RSRD is still the moment where they both started to realise it too :D...they are just meant to be... :)

Oh and Mo the 'Phantom' is my favorite musical, so at first I was a bit reluctant to watch the movie...but I love it :D...the songs are already full of passion and that movie somehow makes them even more passionate... :devil:

*leaves singing and very happy tommorow's wednesday*

Say you'll share with me one love, one lifetime ...
Lead me, save me from my solitude ...
Say you want me with you, here beside you ...
Anywhere you go let me go too -
Love me, that's all I ask of ...
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