the pages are going up quickly!

I could see Flack picking up on D/L being together and we know his remarks would be so great! He would put them on the spot just enough for a little teasing and some sincerity (cause he would be so happy for them).
"Ugh, Lindsay had me up all night..." and then him embarassed and blushing when he said it outloud to Stella and Flack!
delia, that's something i could see danny saying! something i wish i could hear him say!! feel better too! and yes, TVLand, oh TVLand!,
delia and
dutch. that's why i must run off into it to get away from reality.
Radical618 , thanks for a new DL term in my life! :lol:
it means with love, every thing is possible
carly, that's so pretty.
YoBlngnSnckrsfan, cute wp. i like the framed images.
Bullet_Girl, ohmygosh, haha, the D/L dogpile is hilariously cute!
Mo, we'll all be waiting here when you get back! But i can't promise Messer and Linds will be on their best behavior :devil:. To answer the question:
"Knowing what we "know" about where D/L will be in this season finale... where do you see D/L being come Seas. 4 finale?" I'd have to say, in Season 4, I'd like to have seen them go through something that bonds them closer (each growing as professionals and then as two people into a soild couple). Something that they overcome together or help one another with (I know this is vague and perhaps cliche). I was re-watching some really old episodes in early Season 2 and I was still yay-ing that they've come through a wonderful mutual (and obvious) attraction-filled journey that has blossomed in this canon relationship. And at the end of Season 4, even though I would love to see that happily ever after thing (like what
YoBlngnSnckrsfan said), I would say either the season ends with a thirty second clip of their wedding ceremony ('i now pronounce you husband and wife...' and the camera zooms out to reveal everyone at D/L's small intimate wedding) or D/L kissing to celebrate their year MONTANA.
Vex, Mo’s best friend is marrying her brother! Isn’t that cool, to get to have your best friend actually become family?
^^ very cool and nicee. this makes me think of D/L and co. as: Danny the boyfriend, Lindsay the girlfriend, and Flack the boyfriend's best friend.
welcome aboard,
lindsaymonroe, great behind the scenes images. i've never seen these before!
1CSIMfan, thank you for the reminder. is there a joint carmine and anna thread (ie about their acting together), around here?
*runs up and down the hallway to find this 'observation' room calling for stuffy and dutch and carrying snacks & drinks*