Danny/Lindsay #15: "Go with your instincts!"

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Aww, hope you feel better soon, Delia, and i might pop into the Sandles thread later, since you seem intent on draggin me in there :lol:

Hope you have fun Mo, we'll miss you! :(

CSI NY's on tonight here! It's Silent Night, i think. It is a good ep? coz i haven't heard much about it, DL wise anywayz.

Later dudes and Happy DL Lovin! :D
grrr..Toblerones are yummy. Besides, im having major cravings for them. Well, hope it made you feel better, i find them sickening after a while, but i still eat them. M&Ms will do, i guess, as long as there not peanut ones. My sis eats them and it makes her breathe stink! ew, peanuts... Buster is such a cool name. I used to have a cat, she ran away. Then i had a horse called Polly..
*rushes in*

Hi all! Busy weekend, so unfortunately I don't have a lot of time to hang out with you guys... :(

I absolutely love all the ideas for the rest of the team to find out D/L's little 'secret'...But I think that it's not a big suprise to any of them...like kissme already said "D/L isn't hard to see :D

The idea of Danny letting something akward slip and blushing sounds totally cute! Would be so much fun to see him blush. :eek:

Stuffy[/b], Modie, Lynny and everyone else]Although the spoilers only mention her waking up in his apartment, just the fact that he takes the effort to find her a flower (to me) proves that the night before was more special than just a sleep-over. :devil: And if she does wake up on his couch instead of in his bed that's just because they were in such a hurry to do the M-rated stuff that they never made it to the bed... :p ;)

BG great to see you in here again, kissme hope you feel better soon, Mo hurry back...we can't start the new thread without you and :) CookiMB it's great to have you here, but you should not double post (you can edit up to 24 hrs) and try and add some on-topic (D/L) stuff to your posts... ;)

Oooh and too bad so many of you are allergic to or don't like cats....I have two and I adore them... :D

*hugs all and rushes out again*
Hey guys! Thanks for the info, Dutch. And yes, Cooki i live in England, unfortunately. I really wanna live in the states, it's more interesting there and you get to see CSI before you do here! Anywayz, I can't wait for the finale! It sounds so good. Why can't we just fast forward life to July (that's when it airs here!) :lol:

Later dudes and Happy DL Lovin :D

EDIT: Oh, and guys, you can call me PSG or Soph, if it's easier, but i'll respond to anything :)
since you seem intent on draggin me in there
Yes, go there! Sandles keep me happy. :) Thanks Soph! What an adorable name! I love it!
Thanks for the kind wishes, guys! :) Very sweet!
I absolutely love all the ideas for the rest of the team to find out D/L's little 'secret'...But I think that it's not a big suprise to any of them...
I know. I see the lab rolling eyes and going "Gee, finally and of course--the bets! haha, Flack loses! :p :lol:
woo! I live in England too! when i am watching it, i shall think of D/L and that YBSN fan is also watching! teehee, i hate living in the UK for one reason: We get our programmes after America. Why not the same time! ooh, is it July the finale? k. i better not be on holiday
^^ Actually it's next month, May! We've only got... I think 5 episodes left! WHOOHOO! And from the spoilers, I can tell that it's going to be a blaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaast. :) A great way to end a fantastic D/L Loving season!
i'm in england too and will be watching tonights eppy, so not fair that we're so far behind over here - tonights only episode 12!!
can't wait til the finale though - all the spoilers in here make it sound fantastic! :D
Wicked! I didn't know there were so many Englanders here! I can't wait for the finale either! It's totally gonna rock!

I went to the Sandles thread, Delia, and posted! Thanks, i like my name too! :)

Later dudes and Happy DL Lovin :D
*sniff* I'll miss ya Mo hunny :( have a good time and we'll all be here when you get back *huggles* We'll keep an eye on the broom closet for ya ;) don't worry, we won't let Danny and Linds out of our sight :devil:

I saw Hot Fuzz last night and there were sooo many NY references! One of the main character's name was Danny (squee!) and they even said "CSI" a few times. Remember those shades Danny wore in 'Conseqences'? I swear the two main guys could have passed for him; they were wearing the exact same shades. The ending almost had me in tears, but it turned out good in the end. Let's just say it reminded me of the NY finale...but don't worry cause it ended happily :) so I figure that's a sign. Oh yah and at one point a cow went Moooo :D so that got me squeeing even more.

Thanks to those who cleared up the D/L finale thing for me. Not that I was confused, just wanted some clarification and such. Got that date marked on my calender! :lol: I have exams this week but I am stopping everything on Wednesday night at 9:55 (when I have an exam the next morning :lol:).

Ok well that's enough rambling from me. Have a good day everyone! *mwah*
woo Montanas in the UK too! I know, i cant believe how far behind we are from the US! No fair! I think i might just hyperventilate when i watch the finale or say my trademark OMIGOSH over and over again. Lucky American D/L shippers!
Howdy Fluffies, Angsties, Flungsties, Daughters, Newbies, and all D/L shippers. Great pics and wallpapers, y'all. Gah, I got lots to catch up on here! :D

I miss Mo already. Hurry back, Fluffy Twin. :( :( :(

Lynny, you confuzzle me sometimes. :lol: :lol: :lol:

To answer my Twin's question about the D/L relationship by the end of next season:

They'll be recovering from 'teh smex.' :lol: As relationships go, you see ups and downs. The strong relationships make it through that though. I don't see them heading down the aisle soon or having babies yet, but I think they definitely will be going in the right direction. ;)

In real world logic, it's possible that Lindsay could have just slept over at Danny's place after a late night movie or after a nice evening of just pure conversation. But in fluffy land, come on, they are 'so' doing it. I have to concur with Dutch---they may have not made it into the bedroom. The passion might have just overwhelmed them. The flower? I have to agree that that is so fluffy---but good. :D Fluff is fun. I still think she showed him a pretty good time the night before. :devil:

Have an awesome weekend shippers! :cool:

D/L DOGPILE! :devil:

:lol: I just had to do that :p

They'll be recovering from 'teh smex.' As relationships go, you see ups and downs. The strong relationships make it through that though. I don't see them heading down the aisle soon or having babies yet, but I think they definitely will be going in the right direction.
I agree....and (I know its from miami but its an example) on the RP I do with EmeraldEyes06, H/C got engaged after *thinks hard* 2 or three days as a couple :eek: :lol: but they had good reason to... :lol: okay, you know I just realised that was a load of crap and didn't have anything ot do with the convo at hand... :p
They definantly will still be recovering from "teh smex" :devil: Oh god....that reminds me.....I'm planning on writing a little smut fic on this....once I see the actual episode, that is..... :lol: which will be in a while... :( But I will definantly get it done, then I'll PM it to all of you... :devil: :lol:
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