Danny/Lindsay #15: "Go with your instincts!"

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Sprinkles M&M dust on all shippers and Lynny too. :D

Welcome all newbies! Join the fun! :)

Mo, I missed you so much I think I cried in my pillow the other night. :lol: I'm so happy for you and your family. Shop for some great new shoes?? :D :D :D

This is good practice for you, Mo, because one day we'll have to help Danny/Linds with their wedding. ;) Better them than me. *runs*

It's like a fairytale, but set in New York and with dead bodies and...

Good one. Crime Scene Investigation Love!! Share the love. :lol: :lol:

I guess I'll go to work. Later. :cool:
Sprinkles M&M dust on all shippers and Lynny too.
haha, yes that angsty sister needs some fluffiness too! I need her by the way! Where is she?
because one day we'll have to help Danny/Linds with their wedding.
Whoohoo! I'll be their wedding planner and I'll let them have the best honeymoon suite, with roses on the bed and a beautiful jacuzzi on the balcony!
Good morning my lovelies, it's Tuesday already which means tomorrow is Wed...which means new eppy, yay!!
Aud there you are love! *Mo tackles and snuggles her Fluffy Twin!* Awww don't cry wub, here I am... :D
Lol I do get shop for new shoes actually, wanna help me? I need silver pretty shoes, that won't hurt my feet! ;) And as for planning D/L's wedding...oh good lord, I would LOVE to do that! :D Dream come true...as for planning yours...wait, do you have a wedding coming up woman??!! :D

Alright my dears...I have to be off to work, 3 day weekends always make me SO lazy! :p :lol: But now it's back to the grind...yay...I'll be back later tonight...and then we can come up with cool new thread names! (which I can't believe we need already...yay us! :D )

Later y'all! ;)
Lindsay would take Danny to learn how to ride a bull. Can you picture him on a bull?
…puhahaha, nice vexus nice…I agree with mercy…whoa mental image! How about both of them on the bull? Phew. *shakes it off to return to work*

Welcome back, Mo! now we can drive full speed ahead right into thread #16. Bets on the # we’ll be at by season 3’s finale?? Yum on the M&Ms; I honestly haven’t had any in a while but it did remind me of the M&M store (M&M World) in Manhattan. Danny and Lindsay could just wander down the street from their work building and enjoy some sweets.

It's like a fairytale, but set in New York and with dead bodies and...
^^^That IS a great way to put it; I love the contrast there! Wedding planner, huh? Now that would be one cool job working the Messer/Monroe wedding. Delia the wedding planner extraordinaire :) Now, what can the rest of us help you out with? I’ll work the bar. :cool: Maybe not, cause I'd be gawking at the entire event. I think mercy has a handle on the music.

Hi messermonroe! Join the D/L dogpile (compliments of Bullet_Girl).
hehehehe...... I seriously didn't know you'd all like my dogpile thingy....maybe I should make a banner? :lol:

Mo, welcome back! :D

oh, you know that mental pic of Danny riding the bull has me all hot and sweaty and wishing it wasn't midnight over here? because now I definantly wont be able to go to sleep...! :lol:

Heh.... I have somehow managed to hurt both my ankles by running and jumping around like an idiot after a small victory for one of my CSI:M ships...... :lol: So, I'll be around most of the day/night tomorrow :) I'll be making a couple of wallpapers with the 'almost kiss' scene and I'll get you all the links when I'm done ;)
haha, thanks - loving the D/L dogpile =) As for the wedding planning, i wanna help with the reception!!
I like the D/L dogpile because it gives me two images in my head: one of Danny and Lindsay cuddling in a pile of random strangers and the other of them in the broom/supply closet in their own little “pile.” Can’t wait to see your new wps and possible banners!

Mo, see anything during your trip that screamed Danny and Linds?

Maybe Danny’s apartment will play a key role in Season 4 and will need its own permanent set at the studio. :lol: :lol:

*looks around for stuffy and dutch*
Welcome back Mo! *hugs* I missed you, we all did! Glad it all went well!

DL wedding - Wicked! Not a big fan of weddings, but for DL, i'll make an exception :lol:

*looks for Stuffy and Dutch too!* Where have they disappeared to! :lol:

Peace dudes x
Welcome back Mo!!! dutch, Angel and I have been manning the observation booth and it's all good :devil: Glad to hear you had a good time with your best friend/sister-in-law to be :D

Ahoy there messermonroe! *waves* And more waves to all the newbies. Huzzah!

So any stuff going in tomorrow's eppy regarding D/L? I know they're supposed to be working together but anything else?

Thread names...hmm...yeah I'm horrible with that kind of stuff, but if I think of one I'll post it here.
*waves back* *chuckles* u guys are a riot. :p

Which ep is tmrw? Past Imperfect right?.....is tht the one where Stella's involved? I've been pretty out of it. Way too many things on my "irritated at" list =D
^^ I'm here! I'm here! Just am extremely busy helping plan my primary school's reunion - The school has it's 75'th birhtday this year :) so that takes a lot of organizing.
No new spoilers D/L-wise for tomorrow's ep; just them working and talking in the lab. Unfortunately there's no shippy info for ep's #22 and #23 at all, :( but like Modie said: spoilers can always change! And I'm hoping for a change for the better instead of the worse (for #24 too :p). Just remember NWILL and SOOH - we got way more than we expected :D

I am just wondering, but if they had to pick, where would Danny and Lindsay go for their honeymoon?
Great question B_G! And I have to agree with many of you...Italy in spring or early summer is just so beautiful, but I suggest they skip the big cities, with the exception of Firenze and Roma and just rent a vespa and cruise around the country side of Toscane...the hills filled with olive trees and cypresses and the valleys covered with sunflowers are so amazing...and those sweet little ancient towns, with alleys so narrow that cars don't even fit through them, are so lovely...*sigh*

But a trip to see the highlights of Europe would be great too!

TB whatever - still dont know what it stands for
LOL carolina it took me a while to figure that out too. :eek: It's TPTB and that means 'the powers that be' aka the people in charge (writers, producers, etc) who decide what happens to our lovely couple.

Can you picture him on a bull?
Okay Vex that got me straight in the gutter..I can totally picture that :lol: :devil:

messermonroe welcome! :)

And Mo glad that you're back. Now that your friend and brother are getting maried does that mean that in a while you can be in charge of the remote again? ;)

Thread name...can't believe were on page 22 already...:

Danny/Lindsay #16: "What will their next step be?"
Strawberry whoppers, Mo? I didn’t know about lynny’s cocoa peeps and now you’re telling me they make strawberry whoppers?
Oh, and *glares at evil dress shop lady from heck* for your friend.

Delia, have I mentioned I like your icon? :D It makes me smirk.

xxAnGeLheArtZ said:
Delia the wedding planner extraordinaire :) Now, what can the rest of us help you out with? I’ll work the bar. :cool: Maybe not, cause I'd be gawking at the entire event. I think mercy has a handle on the music.
Yep! I’ve got a whole soundtrack list ready for use! :D Danny & Lindsay will be amazed how their story can be told in music selections. :lol:

YoBlngnSnckrsfan said:
DL wedding - Wicked! Not a big fan of weddings, but for DL, i'll make an exception :lol:
Danny Messer in a tux? Yeah, I think we'll ALL make an exception and be there for that!

So discussion of new thread…
Does anyone have dibs on opening the new thread yet?
If not, *shyly raises hand*, may I do the honors?
Danny Messer in a tux? Yeah, I think we'll ALL be make an exception and be there for that!
LOL...I didn't even think about that yet :eek:, but that would be absolutely, totally, freaking awesome :cool:...luckily Lindsay is a 'tough' country girl...the mere sight of him waiting at the aisle would make me faint... :eek: :D

Does anyone have dibs on opening the new thread yet?
If not, *shyly raises hand*, may I do the honors?
Aaah you're offering us a daisy ;)....that's so sweet...of course you may... :D
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