Danny/Lindsay #15: "Go with your instincts!"

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the spoilers sound better and better every time. I think someone at TB whatever - still dont know what it stands for *is kinda ashamed* totally likes us D/L shippers

I am just wondering, but if they had to pick, where would Danny and Lindsay go for their honeymoon?

Italy. Florence or Venice, maybe even Rome. holding hands, vandering through backstreets and Danny teaching her a little Italian or buying her a posy from an older lady at some piaza
Oh my God! You live in Queensland!! I love it there!! I love Cairns as well! The wharves and the sea view is amazing! I can totally see D/L loving it there! :) I can see Lindsay and Danny frolicking in the water!

Oooh, yes. Do some manipulations! I'm sure that they'll be great.

I just remember a really old question that I haven't quite answered yet the last time round:

What draws Lindsay to Danny?
-Her passion and his drive and her determination to find out the facts and evidence.
-Her compassion for the victims and their families.
-He wants someone to protect.
-She's beautiful.
-She doesn't put up with his crap. He throws it RIGHT BACK AT HER.
-she's tough and can hold her own.
-But at the same time, she's vulnerable and needs someone to look after her.

What draws Danny to Lindsay?
-HER passion and her drive
-His spontaneity
-His body.( I KNOW IT DRAWS me in! ;))
-His "player-esque" reputation--it's hard to deny but girls usually like what's not always the best for them--It goes for me at least and Lindsay too probably
-City boys are sexy...
-He cares about her--HE WENT TO MONTANA FOR HER.
-He seems... dangerous and what I totally think is "the right kind of wrong".
aww, Italy would be great, especially Venice! *sighs as she thinks of Danny and Lindsey on one of them long boat things*

My Strange Fuzzy Creatures Can Fly
Italy. Florence or Venice, maybe even Rome. holding hands, vandering through backstreets and Danny teaching her a little Italian or buying her a posy from an older lady at some piaza
Sorry, carolina babe! I posted nearly right after you and I completely missed you post! I love your idea! I can totally see Danny trying to pick up his Italian again! He'll be trying to show off when Linds seems to pick it up faster than him! I can see Lindsay knowing alot about Roman history and impressing Danny with it! He'll be happy to know that his girl has brains and beauty!
Im soo excited for our new ep this week!!
And of course, I can barely wait till the finale.
Whether the spoilers come true or not, im sure it will be an awsome episode :) hopefully no crazy cliff hangers or anything though :lol:
She doesn't put up with his crap. He throws it RIGHT BACK AT HER, she's tough and can hold her own but at ahe same time, she's vulnerable and needs someone to look after her, she's a COUNTRY GIRL!, his "player-esque" reputation--it's hard to deny but girls usually like what's not always the best for them--It goes for me at least and Lindsay too probably, City boys are sexy..., He cares about her--HE WENT TO MONTANA FOR HER, He seems... dangerous and what I totally think is "the right kind of wrong".
oh, yes, yes, yes! Love the song reference. I'm still trying to figure out if Danny was a true player (boo!) or had a "player-esque" reputation (i like how you put that! uh-huh!). I guess either way, that's all down the drain, cause there's one and only one woman for him (sorry ladies!). They have sexy love. Besides, HE WENT TO MONTANA FOR HER! I'm still cannot believe this! grin! grin!

I can see Lindsay and Danny frolicking in the water!
...gimme that snapshot! :cool: i'll be enjoying the sun lying on the beach pretending to read a magazine.

Whether the spoilers come true or not, im sure it will be an awsome episode hopefully no crazy cliff hangers or anything though
^^ yupyup. but i do hope we have a summer hiatus of squee.

Honeymoon destinations (oh la la!!) for Danny & Lindsay: definite nod to Italy (gelato, gondolas, pizza, and the land of root of all the romance languages!). Perhaps Paris...(too cliché? But still beautiful as ever). I've read that the Southeast Asian Islands are gorgeous too. What is Lindsay's ethnicity? I'm sure Danny would want them to touch upon both their roots! Hmm, a honeymoon fanfic...any takers? :p

Can you imagine Danny and Lindsay practicing their basic Italian in the break room to prepare for their trip? And if one bloopers the sentence/conversation, the other would just grin/smile, lean in for a kiss and all is forgiven! ;) ;)
I think that Danny should take Lindsay to Tuscany. I love seeing pictures of Tuscany. The Italian countryside is very apealing to me. Lindsay would love it; vineyards and little country inns. Cute!

Lindsay would take Danny to learn how to ride a bull. Can you picture him on a bull?
Oh ya definitely Italian.
Ok... i can't take it anymore... Someone WRITE A FIC ABOUT IT!!! Vexus ?? You're one of my fav writers... (no offense to the rest of y'all) come on kid you can do it!!
vexus said:
Lindsay would take Danny to learn how to ride a bull. Can you picture him on a bull?
Oh. My. Word.

Vex, you're a doll! Thanks for giving me that mental image! Wow, that man is hot.
(even if the bull knocks him on his a**, which is highly likely)

I am in high anticipation for the next few episodes, what with all the spoilers. I know what we've got spoiler-wise for 3x21 Past Imperfect, but do we have any shippy spoilery things for 3x22 Cold Reveal?
Hello all my lovelies...I'm back! Glad to be back too...I had a fun weekend, my friend/soon-to-be-sister-in-law (yay!) and I got lots of wedding stuff done...but we also had issues with a dress shop lady from heck who ordered the wrong color bridesmaid dresses which made my friend cry! :p So that was FUN...Not! :p Anyway...I am back and happy to be in here again with all my lovelies and my fabulous D/L! :D
*Mo giggles happily and passes out York peppermint patties, strawberry whoppers, and m&m's and lots of Hugs!!* :D :D

Can't wait for our new eppy on Wednesday...yay! I'll catch up on all I missed tomorrow probably, just want to pop in and say I'm back! :D

Pssstt...Aud Hi Fluffy Twin! ;) :D
^^ Hey, honey! Congrats to your friend/soon-to-be-sister-in-law! I hated my brother's ex-fiance. :lol: So glad that they didn't go through with it. :lol: Awww, well I hope your friend's better now! It is her wedding day, so it must be a big deal! Missed you tons, by the way and tha for the m&ms and whoopers. Strawberry's my favorite. :)
I guess either way, that's all down the drain, cause there's one and only one woman for him (sorry ladies!). They have sexy love. Besides, HE WENT TO MONTANA FOR HER! I'm still cannot believe this! grin! grin!
Yep, they do have sexy love! :) I love how he threw away his reputation for her, for his adorable country girl! For his Montana! It's so romantic!
It's like a fairytale, but set in New York and with dead bodies and... :lol:
Hey guys! What's happenin' round these parts! Haha, obviously I'm new here - cant believe I've missed soo much! New ep this week right? Tomorrow night W00T!

Hope to get to know y'all!
^^ Hey there! Nice to meet you! :) Yep, new episode today and YAY!--Wednesday. :) See you again sometime. So when did you start shipping D/L? Here's a pressie to welcome you!

(Sorry, but please credit me if used!)
When did I start shipping DL? Ohh....since they brilliantly introduced Lindsay Monroe during the tiger case =) So quite a long time actually, I just havent been here. =) Glad I am now =D I write on ff.net - haha DL ROCKS BABY! Nothing better between the skylines and wheatfields.

N thnks for the pressie ;)
Oh my God! Same! I supported M&M just when Lindsay went down to work at the tiger case and the moment that Lindsay turned around as she realized that Danny tricked her into calling Mac 'sir' and embarassing herself while Danny pretends to look nonchalant, all the while-flapping the air--was the moment I went "Awww! So cute and went I hope they get together!" :lol:
Lucky for us--they did!
:) What's your ff account? I have some free time and I'll love to read something to pass time. You're absolutely welcome. Newbies should get presents after all!
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