Danny/Lindsay #15: "Go with your instincts!"

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Hi I'm new here and I'm from Sweden,,,and CSI N.Y just for a while back ended the second season...but I've seen all the epis in season 3 that has been aired...and I got to say I'm looking forward to the rest of the episodes,,,and all the stuff with D/L ....... and I love reading all these spoilers ;)
ooh, thats Harsh in Sweden. I think we all have the right to watch things at the same time! i love that D/L Dogpile, Bullet Girl. Youre damn right, YBSNFan, lucky Americans. lool. Your banner is soo cool. Come ship SNickers n YoBling, ill be there too!
If anyone drags Soph around its me. I've known her longer so :p

I live to confuse you mommy :D

You know its RL logic right? hahaha.
definitely should all have the right to watch eppys at the same time.......america is so lucky to see everything first. :)

i'm missing my dvds at the mo though - lent my csi ny collection to my sister in law - am slowly converting her to dl - but she's had them a while and now and i'm missing re-watching all the dl moments!! :(
YBSNfan - the wallpaper is cool- gets some key moments in their relationship. :D
Well, i guess England are ahead of some countries. Did you enjoy CSI:NY, Montana?? stupid Law and Order *yawn*. well, at least i Greys Anatomy tomorrow! woot woot! double bill! anyways, am going out shopping with my gals tomorrow, need beauty sleep. Night, y'all.
csi ny tonight - fab eppy. when is it not? :)

silent night - lindsays past just starting to come out. no d/l in this eppy but plenty of lindsay and danny separately - and anything that shows plenty of danny is great in my book :D .. and linds of course - felt so sorry for her tonight

my husband was watching this with me but he doesn't get how involved i get in the story .. he's not really into csi that much and definitely not d/l :( won't change my mind though :D

just to add - to everyone - goodnight - getting pretty late here - will catch up tomorrow :cool:
Bullet Girl I love your dogpile icon! It's adorable! :) :)

Mo I know that your gone on your trip but are you the one that is getting married? Or is it your friend? Do tell!

Nina, Cookiemonstasbabe, and montana78, I know that you guys are behind now in seeing the new episodes but think about this: during the summer when we don't have a new episode, you will see brand new ones (Season 3 that is).
That's true, vex, we get the new eps in the summer. :D

You guys are pull my arms off if you keep draggin me around :lol: I'll go whereever you want me to, just don't hurt me! :lol:

Silent Night was so cool last night. I felt so sorry for Lindsay and was it just me or wasn't Stella that supportive? She didn't seem like it to me. I wish she had gone to Danny, he would have comforted her... :devil: :lol:

Well, whilst my mind travels to the gutter, i'm gonna go check out some other threads.

Peace dudes x And Happy DL Lovin! :D
hey im back went shopping bought heels but also got sick on KFC. I have a giant sticker on my head and i keep telling my little sister nothing is there. Shes getting so angry, bless her. I guess its good that we get eppys in the summer and at least they repeat all of CSI:Miami series 4 while were waiting
oooh....I'm getting a new eppy of NY over here (for me its new, but not for you guys) tomorrow at 9:30 PM my time, which is like...... 10:00 AM roughly your time? :lol: :rolleyes:

I wish she had gone to Danny, he would have comforted her...
Comfort Smex! :D :lol: I just watched "Extreme" form miami and they were talking about make-up and rescue sex and stuff......so yeah... :lol:

hey im back went shopping bought heels but also got sick on KFC. I have a giant sticker on my head and i keep telling my little sister nothing is there. Shes getting so angry, bless her.
OMG! :lol: Today, I got sick from eating too much KFC :D weird, eh? Awww..... your little sister is so cute. Shes probably gonna lok back at that day when shes older (if she remembers it :lol:) and smile.... :lol: I dont have a sister, only brothers.. :( :p

Bullet Girl I love your dogpile icon! It's adorable!
Thanks :D you can snag it or whatever, since I didn't actually make it... :lol: :D I am trying to make one simialr to it tho...hehe.....
omg thats so wierd. I had popcorn chicken. Ew. Never again. She got sick too. Then we got hyper hence the stickers on our heads.Im still pretending i dont know its there. Im laughing so hard, she just tried to peel it off. Its black and i told her it was skin!!!nope, its currently 1.53pm
^^ Sorry, but can we stay on topic? It's more fun.
Today, I got sick from eating too much KFC weird, eh?
haha, I love KFC... :) And McDonald's and everything!! Sorry, totally off topic. Hope you're feeling better, BG sweetie! You know I love you.

So a few days until our next episode! Can't wait. :) D/L forever!
Eh. In TV land, no one "sleeps" together in just the same bed. It suggests sex. Duh. :rolleyes: Sorry to be so blunt.

I'm so tired. Tommorow, I've got a test followed by a photography course! Yay! I can't wait. My instructor is a D/L fan. :D

Question: Have we got any funky pictures of Anna and Carmine at award shows?
I remember the CBS Gala, but there weren't any of them together, I don't think.
woo lucky you kissmesweet, youre so lucky to meet another D/L Shipper. Sorry, i will not let my hate for KFC get in the way of what really matters. lol, it sounds like a pledge. good luck with youre test also.
Vex, Mo’s best friend is marrying her brother! Isn’t that cool, to get to have your best friend actually become family?

Only 3 ½ more days till our new ep airs stateside! Gawsh, I am so looking forward to it. Without going into spoilers, the remainder of this season just sounds amazing, D/L, my other ships, and case story lines too! *crosses fingers for lots of good D/L interaction*

We need a toast to our canon couple! *passes out soda and champagne (after checking ID :D)*
Cooki steals champagne and secretly pours it into her soda so no one notices ahh, thats better. It would be seriously cool if youre best friend became family. But, im sure it has its bad points.

P.S. MY Strange Fuzzy Creatures Dance In Moonlight
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