*Mo pops in singing and carrying birtday cake! "Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Catey, Happy Birthday to Yooooooouuuuuuu!!"* 
Have a fabulous shippy b'day hon!

Hi everyone!
What does it stand for... or how did it come to that??
Kate I was gonna answer this, but just see
Mer & Aud's answers above, they's brilliant and said what I was gonna say only even better! :lol:
Saying that, however, I don't think they will hide it like GSR. I think the team will know, but it won't be a big deal
I sure as heck hope you are right! That is totally what I want, I don't want them turning it into this big office secret where they pretend nothing is going on and dance around everyone with this for the next 5 years! They love eachother and they can have a relationship without it affecting work...I KNOW it!

So don't hide it from us...not now! I'd die...death by no D/L and that would tragic!
However, in a moment of passion in the break room someone will walk in and then Surprise! the secrets out!
Lol, I like that
Vex!! I have a feeling that everyone has at least some idea of them being together though, if they don't flat out know already...but I love the idea of D/L making out in the break room late at night and having like Stella or Hawkes end up walking in on them! Nice...lol!
Canon is a real life word defined as being a generally accepted principle, and when used in conjunction with tv shows, etc, it means something that has been shown on the show and is therefore fact not speculation.
Mer you're brilliant! I remember you saying this back when this question was asked before and even then I thought it was a great answer...I was going to say something along those lines, but your answer sounds way smarter! :lol: That and I was gonna say something like what
Aud said about it being a religious thing too...something becoming canon meant it became a mainstream accepted idea...which D/L now is!
*Squees* heard 'round the world? I'm lovin' it!
Lol, yay for squeeing! Hi Fluffy Twin!
*Huggles!* I like squeeing, hopefully we'll get to do plenty more of it as this season progresses! I know I'm counting on it!

You with me Fluffy Twin?
Alright shippy buddies, I'm out...it is sadly Monday and that means work...

Have a great Monday and I'll catch y'all later!
Peace out!