Danny/Lindsay #15: "Go with your instincts!"

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darx... this one's for you!

I know we're supposed to post these on the banner site but y'all might not see it!
Hello, once again, everyone. I like all your theories on how the team will find out, I'm just thinking they might go the Mac/Peyton route, where everyone has gradually found out. I really don't think there will be anything overt, or out there, no matter how much I might want it.lol. But if I was going to guess, I think either Stella or Hawkes might find out first. Stella,because she seems close to Lindsay right now, and Hawkes, because Danny seems close to him. But, that's just my guess. I don't think there will be a big revelation.
Saying that, however, I don't think they will hide it like GSR. I think the team will know, but it won't be a big deal, much like with Mac/Peyton.

I just have so many hopes for our ship, and am really pleased that TPTB have let it come to be.
Happy Birthday, Catie!! *Hugs**

I have one theory how they will find out: They'll come back to NY all lovey-dovey and they will hide their relationship from the crew. However, in a moment of passion in the break room someone will walk in and then Surprise! the secrets out!

*But that's my theory**
First, before I forget:


TheCoroner said:
ok question... what is CANON??
I know I am a little bit late for the party today but I’ll add my two cents anyhow, :lol:. Canon is a real life word defined as being a generally accepted principle, and when used in conjunction with tv shows, etc, it means something that has been shown on the show and is therefore fact not speculation. An example I used back on thread fourteen was: D/L is my OTP but I am also a Smacked fan. Mac & Stella's friendship is canon because it is on the show, but a romantic relationship for them is just in fandom until it is actually on the show (D/L is soo canon now!!! :D).

Oh, and I am working on the 'Adam finds out first fic' :D! I don't think it will happen my way on the show (I'm not actually sure I would want it to either), but it is fun anyhow. It is on its way soon, promise! Mo, your, um, lab daydream scenario... head over to ff.net. There was a story posted there to those specifications a couple of days ago. Can't post a link though, cause it would break the meter. :devil:
First off, welcome to any newbies to the D/L thread---not sure if there are or aren't, but I think I see some different names. :)

Happy Birthday, Catie. Hope you have a great day. :)

Thanks for posting that information about 'canon,' Merc. Canon just means that something is valid, and we know that our ship has been validated. The term was first used in a Christian context. D/L is another religion of mine too. ;)

Has anybody got any ideas on how the team will find out??

I tend to believe that most of them have already figured it out. CSI's by nature tend to be pretty much in 'the know'....well, except poor Danny sometimes. :lol: Mac tends to know most things and Stella does as well. I think maybe Danny has confided in Hawkes about Lindsay. I just get that feeling, and I think others have mentioned that too. Hammerback knows---he's always known. That leaves Flack and Adam---Hammerback told them. :lol: :devil:

*Squees* heard 'round the world? I'm lovin' it! :D

Have a wonderful and beautiful Sunday everyone. It's beautiful here in Texas after a rainstorm today. Hugs! :)
You know what I'd really like to see? The next episode's first scene is Danny and Lindsay in bed together in the morning... all cuddled together... her head on his chest, his arm around her... *sigh* beautiful...
Very sweet!! God, I totally wanna see that. Then I wanna see the phone ring and then both jump out of bed(to reveal Danny's gorgeous body by the way. :devil:) and kiss each other, before running off to their shifts.
I saw "Sleight Out Of Hand" last night and I thought the D/L was so sweet... aww... and I don't understand all the negativity against them lol.
Yeah, well. Everyone has their own to to like/dislike a certain ship. The negativity to D/L was exactly like how Mac/Peyton started.
I wish I WAS a Lindsay Messer
:lol: Me too, but I don't think I can handle seeing her friends die like that--but with a guy like Danny Messer--I think I'll survive! :D
NY was third in viewers for the week of Feb 24-March 3 (aka Super Ep)
OH MY GOD!!! THAT TOTALLY ROCKS! CONGRATS TO NY!!! + D/L! I'm so happy for them!
Oh yay, gutter company! Heehee, I likes having other peoples down here with me!
:lol: I love coming down to the gutter! It's so fun and my mind always wanders off here. :D I can daydream about Danny/Lindsay, Carmine or Danny. Anna and Lindsay as well! :) YAY! I can also think about the yummy Detective Donald Flack. I loooove him too! I know that he has a little bit of D/L in him as well!
*Mo pops in singing and carrying birtday cake! "Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Catey, Happy Birthday to Yooooooouuuuuuu!!"* :D Have a fabulous shippy b'day hon! ;) Hi everyone! :D

What does it stand for... or how did it come to that??
Kate I was gonna answer this, but just see Mer & Aud's answers above, they's brilliant and said what I was gonna say only even better! :lol:

Saying that, however, I don't think they will hide it like GSR. I think the team will know, but it won't be a big deal
I sure as heck hope you are right! That is totally what I want, I don't want them turning it into this big office secret where they pretend nothing is going on and dance around everyone with this for the next 5 years! They love eachother and they can have a relationship without it affecting work...I KNOW it! :D So don't hide it from us...not now! I'd die...death by no D/L and that would tragic! ;)

However, in a moment of passion in the break room someone will walk in and then Surprise! the secrets out!
Lol, I like that Vex!! I have a feeling that everyone has at least some idea of them being together though, if they don't flat out know already...but I love the idea of D/L making out in the break room late at night and having like Stella or Hawkes end up walking in on them! Nice...lol! :D

Canon is a real life word defined as being a generally accepted principle, and when used in conjunction with tv shows, etc, it means something that has been shown on the show and is therefore fact not speculation.
Mer you're brilliant! I remember you saying this back when this question was asked before and even then I thought it was a great answer...I was going to say something along those lines, but your answer sounds way smarter! :lol: That and I was gonna say something like what Aud said about it being a religious thing too...something becoming canon meant it became a mainstream accepted idea...which D/L now is! ;)

*Squees* heard 'round the world? I'm lovin' it!
Lol, yay for squeeing! Hi Fluffy Twin! *Huggles!* I like squeeing, hopefully we'll get to do plenty more of it as this season progresses! I know I'm counting on it! ;) You with me Fluffy Twin? ;)

Alright shippy buddies, I'm out...it is sadly Monday and that means work... :p Have a great Monday and I'll catch y'all later! ;)

Peace out! :D
Ahoy all my lovely shippers! Nice day here, sunny and cool.

OH MY GOD!!! THAT TOTALLY ROCKS! CONGRATS TO NY!!! + D/L! I'm so happy for them!
:D Every Sunday the paper we get lists the top 10 viewed shows for the previous week and NY was definitely third.

I really hope the rest find out about D/L...it would make a good scene. I love all your scenarios :D

I saw "Sleight Out Of Hand" last night and I thought the D/L was so sweet... aww... and I don't understand all the negativity against them lol.
Neither do I :confused: and I would say more except that this isn't the place to :)

Sooooo hyped for next week!!! woot *grabs her fellow shippers and dances around*
Hi guys!

I would like for Flack or Hawkes to find out first. Just because I can see some funny teasing lines from them if they do. I am curious to find out how they are going to know that Danny went to Montana.

Happy Birthday Catey! Hope you have a wonderful day.

Jen :)
Has anybody got any ideas on how the team will find out??

I think it would be kinda cool if Sid was the first one to have found out hehe maybe he could go to Linds and say something like "I see i was right about the crush thing?" :lol:
I can imagine it being Really funny if it was Adam or Flack tho... :lol: poor lil. Adam would get sooo flustered!!!! lol and Flack would jus be cracking hisnormal jokes ;) hhe
I watched 'Stealing Home' last night... man i LOVE that episode! lol

the sly smile Linds has when Sid tells her...
yay! i can't wait for the new ep! i'm sooo glad that we won't have to wait as long anymore.

I think that...stella will find out first. why? weeelll i'm thinking she'll go back on that HIV/AIDS websiteand while shes on there, she'll think "hmm i wonder how Lindsays trial went" soooo she'll go look it up somewhere and boom!, we see a Danny and a Lindsay :D
catey happy b-day hun!! woot *dances around and tosses streamers into the air* hope it's a good one :D

Something really strange just happened to me...I was in my room listening to a radio station and they played 2 of not only my favourite songs, but ones that are D/L!! 'Far Away' by Nickleback and 'Here Without You' by 3 Doors Down. And...when we were driving to my college today there was this van that was turning in front of us and my mom asked me, "What kind of car is that?" and I felt the word Montana forming in my throat (plus I said it in my mind) even though it was a Chevy Uplander (it looks like a Pontiac Montana :p)

I'm watching a vid on D/L and I've noticed that at the end of NWTLL, once Danny finds Lindsay and they embrace, he looks upward, almost like he's thanking God that she's okay :D
A very happy birthday to you, catey!

Happy happy birthday to you, CSIWisconsin48~

Lol, no kidding! They don't have to show them in bed or anything (not that I'd entirely complain! ) but if they gave us something small like that...Linds is working in the lab and Danny comes in, says Mac is sending him out on another case and Linds could give him and smile and say "Okay, I'll just see you at home then." Can you imagine the SQUEE'S that you'd hear around the world? Shippers the world over would be freaking out...I sure as heck know I would! I would LOVE that!!!!

can you just write the script for them? :p

Oh, I squee up when I hear those names too. An what's even worse, is there's a Lindsay Messer at my school. She keeps me hopeful... very hopeful.

I'm all for a DL Walrus Documentary video... he he, we should all write one. How fun that would get with the shippers in this thread... *sigh* 11 days... right?

you're so lucky to know a Lindsay Messer, Radical618!!

as for the team stumbling upon the D/L walrus documentary, i could definitely see mac saying 'alright that's enough...danny, lindsay, my office...NOW.' however, that would be a funny way for the team to find out about D/L. VERY nontraditional. too hot to handle. :devil:

I would L-O-V-E to see the next episode open up with Danny and Lindsay cuddled up in bed. They wake up to realize that it wasn’t a dream at all…far from it. Cause we know Danny would only cuddle for Lindsay! Oh sweet M&M love.

dl_shipper34, I like your “perfect fit” creation.

Every Sunday the paper we get lists the top 10 viewed shows for the previous week and NY was definitely third.

sigh…and that’s all because of our little zoo kiddies. they are so photogenic (thanks for the images!).

I’m wondering…how will couple bantering compare to possibly-more-than-friends bantering? more intense? more implied?
YEAH! Finally cable's back up! :D Road workers broke the cable for my entire street this morning :mad: - just when I have a day off :( - no TV, no Radio, no Internet - had to go shopping :p - spent a fortune :eek:

I love all the scenarios about the team finding out. Great idea about Sid, Chell; I hadn't thought of that yet. So many great ideas, there just has to be one that will be something like the writers have in mind. :lol: Although I'm afraid that it will not be as spectacular as we would like. :cool:
Oh, and I am working on the 'Adam finds out first fic' ! I don't think it will happen my way on the show (I'm not actually sure I would want it to either), but it is fun anyhow. It is on its way soon, promise!
Great mercy! that idea was funny *hands some more carrots* can't wait! :)

Catey and CSIWisconsin

I’m wondering…how will couple bantering compare to possibly-more-than-friends bantering? more intense? more implied?
That's a good question Angel! I'd say much more intense! Where the possible-more-than-friends kind had them stop the bantering when it became a little awkward it will now only heat things up between them even more :devil:
I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for the birthday wishes, and Mo, a big thank you for singing the birthday song. If I can make one request, could someone post some lovely D/L pics for my birthday? It would make my day, and everybody needs to see our lovely couple. Something from super ep would be great, but I'm not picky. Thanks so much once again for the birthday wishes. You are all terrific!
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