Danny/Lindsay #15: "Go with your instincts!"

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Catey darling, how could we refuse such a request? :D Surprisingly I only have one pic of Super Ep in my photobucket… must’ve saved the rest to the hard drive :lol:. I tried to find a couple lesser used ones in my bucket. I’ll post you a few and then pass the torch to someone else to add more.
Here ya go!


They always seem to work so well together...

The term "personal space" takes on a whole new meaning when applied to D/L!

dutch, I can sympathize with the cable issue. My cable is out and the service tech isn’t coming out till thursday :(. Luckily my internet is dial up… never thought I would say that without being facetious. :lol: The cable company is just lucky that this week’s eppy isn’t new, otherwise they would have a really cranky shipper to deal with!


ETA: Chelliyah, OMG I love your avvie!
Thanks xxAnGeLheArtZ!! :D glad you like it.

Love the pics mer. Good to see more beautiful D/L moments <3333 Can't get enough of them.

CSIWisconsin happy b-day!! woot *dances and throws streamers into the air*
It's not even my birthday and I love the presents! :)

I sympathize with you guys with your cable out. It alway went out when something important came on and when you called them their response was: "We'll get to it as soon as we can", meaning whenever they want to! :(

And I ready for some good ole-fashioned bantering from d/l. :)
Thanks so much, Mercy! I especially love the second pic. It almost looks like he's going to lean forward and kiss her neck(if only!) Personal space is right!

And that first pic is a really different one of Lindsay. It almost doesn't look like her. Very nice, just the same.

Oh, and Chelliyah, I love the pics you posted earlier. Lindsay has such a sweet smile in that one. Very nice, once again.
hey kids! I'm home alone and taking a complete and total M&M sabbatical... i'm watching M&M videos... looking for season 2 of NY and... EATING M&MS!!!! Ya but i hate to be a downer but i wonder if they won't do anything with Danny and Lindsay until later... Oooooh i love this song!! I'm watching the music video "At the Beginning"!!
Okay, photos. POSTING now..



Doesn't mean it's not funny!
Well Hello Ms.Monroe
You Clean Up Nice.
I love you.

They love eachother and they can have a relationship without it affecting work...I KNOW it!
Yep, agreed. They're mature adults and I'm sure that they can sneak a kiss or a stolen glance once in a while, but it doesn't mean that they'll let it disrupt their work. They're always good at their jobs. :) They are always amazing at what they do and their dedication is fantastic!

Thanks Chelle sweetie for the Stealing Home photos! Now if its possible, I love you even more!

that’s all because of our little zoo kiddies. they are so photogenic (thanks for the images!).
Agreed! They are too gorgeous and totally camera-friendly! Not to mention, they look alsolutely perfect together!!
I’m wondering…how will couple bantering compare to possibly-more-than-friends bantering? more intense? more implied?
I think that there will be a little more teasing and a little more seriousness at the same time, as well as more gazes and looks. :) Love that!
AHHHHHHHHHHHHH GUYS!!!!! I'M UBER EXCITED!!!! I FOUND MY LINDSAY DVD!!! Actually it's the last dvd to my CSI NY collection... but I FOUND IT!!!!!!! MY LIFE IS COMPLETE!! just wanted to share that with you guys!
Hi my lovelies! *Mo pops into the thread and giggling, waves hi to everyone!* Ahhh my thread full of love, how fun and cuddly and fluffy D/L is...lol, I know all you angsties totally agree with that statement! :lol: :lol: Even if you say you don't, deep down I know all y'all are ecstatic about all this D/L fluff!

Chell! Hi honey...yay for Stealing Home pics...awww, good times, good times!! The infamous "Crush" moment, how can you not LOVE that eppy because of that! Yay! Awwww... *sigh!* It makes me so happy!

can you just write the script for them?
Oh my word xxAnGeL I would kill to be able to write scripts for CSI:NY! Are you kidding me...that would be the most awesome job EVER!!! We'd have plenty of D/L love, that's for sure! :D

Mer, yay for lots of fabulous D/L pics! That second one, lol Catey I was thinking the exact same thing...it totally looks like Danny is kissing Linds' neck! ;) Go Danny! :devil: And "personal space" with these two? Yeah, totally doesn't exist! :lol: :devil:

Kelsey hon, it's your b'day too? Sweet! Happy Birthday to you honey!! :D

Alright my buddies...Lynny, Aud where you two at? I needs you two in here! :lol:

Off to have some fun...somehow! ;)
Chell are you talking about your icon? Cuz if so, I really like it! :D It's pretty cool! ;)

Lol, hi! *Mo looks around innocently and then dumps fruit loops on Chell and runs!* Yeah it's been pretty full of D/L love in here lately...and that just makes me HAPPY!!! :D :D

Love all the D/L love pics... *Sigh!* So many delicious moments to choose from...as my b'day gift a day or so late Catey hon, this pic I've dubbed the "I Love You" pic...cuz that's so what their eyes are saying to eachother! :D

Okay off to work :p *Mo skips off singing to herself... "Can't you feel the love tonight...!"*
Chell are you talking about your icon? Cuz if so, I really like it! It's pretty cool!

Mo hehe yeah im talkin about my icon! Macayla has made some really excelent DL animated ones!! :D i saved em hehe

**Chell Flicks Fruity loops off her face at Mo and dumps a tub of gooey Baileys Haagen Dazs ice cream over Mo's head, and puts a cherry on top** :lol: ner-ner!!!!

awwwww!! the I Love You pic.... *sighs happily* .. that is the best pic... EVER!!!! hehe
I can't wait to see the next ep!!!!
woo!!! DL and Bugs!!! wonder if Danny says something to her about eating them?! :p (hehe thought id better put this in sp box :p )


awww the very 1st time they set eyes on each other :D :devil:
Ok finally back in the place I call my canon home.

I love all of the pics. they are all so amazing.

I had a quick question for all of you. There is a scene at the end of an ep that I saw Saturday where Lindsay is eating that friend tarantula, what is the title of that ep? I loved it, yet it freaked my sister out like mad. I love where Danny and lindsay are sitting in the break room eating together. "Mealworm spaghetti..."
Hey, Tristianna! The aforementioned ep is 2x15 Fare Game. Wonderful ep! That is the one I got to show to the highschoolers friday (lj entry). I love the smile on Danny's face when Linds is participating in their little 'buggy' date! And I know I have posted it at least twice before in prior threads, but I gotta do it again, sorry guys! Forgive me?

^^ hehe that would be 'Fare Game'.. That is a totally freaky episode... lol eww. eating bugs!! :lol: Mind u.. if i had to share that meal with Danny.. who would i be to decline?!! ;) hehe i love the way he puts his arm behind her on her chair at the end.. hehe soo cute!!! :D

(edited to add this piece of ground-breaking news i just found!!!! :( )

omg.. i soo cant believe it!!! :( i found this over at TV.com... Modie.. please say it aint so!!!! :( >> Nikki in Chicago: OMG about the end of CSI: NY! Any news about the Danny-Lindsay relationship continuing on? I asked CSI: NY creator Anthony Zuiker about this, and he's got some good news and some bad news for us: "Danny and Lindsay are forever bonded after getting 'closure' on the Montana murders. The two will look to take the next step in their relationship only to have their destiny dashed by Danny's season-ending distraction. Another woman? Too much work? Afraid of commitment? Stay tuned!" Gah! :( :( :(
First (the good news), I love all the pic's and all the references to all those awesome D/L moments everyone is posting! So catey here's another belated present:


Now the "bad" news....Aaargh....
I already read your post on the 'spoiler' thread. I just can't believe it... :confused: What is AZ saying? What does he mean? :confused: First they're "forever bonded" :D and "take the next step in their relationship", :D only to have their "destiny dashed"! :( :mad: :( I'm so confused. Let's just hope something happens to Danny in the final ep (I fear a major cliffhanger :eek:) only to have them start over (yet again :rolleyes:) in the new season. On the bright side...it could mean some very angsty moments... ;)
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