Danny/Lindsay #15: "Go with your instincts!"

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^^ Yes, screw the reporters. They're idiots. :lol:
Danny and Lindsay, why are you always in such INTERESTING positions...
:lol: Hmmm, I'm sure that they'll compromise. :lol:
they have a completely different background and yet they are just meant to be together.
I agree!! He's from the wrong side of the tracks and she's from somewhere he has never imagined (or been to, until now! :lol: Some New Yorkers insist that they can't breathe with clean country air!!) They have the sexiest chemistry together and his streetsmart and her heart/compassion balance each other so perfectly. Plus we all know that they've both been through hell, more than enough and they really do deserve each other and happiness!
Danny/ Lindsay = A Happy ending at last! :)
(Oh and I HAVE to post this picture, because I'm never going to get sick of it.)
^^you and your pics kissme :D woot for D/L lurve!! I have that picture as my background on my mp3 player...heck I have all the "moments" on there :lol: Love your description on their backgrounds hun, it's perfect. They definitely deserve each other!

^^ Yes, screw the reporters. They're idiots.
:lol: That still gets me. I know it's a show but c'mon, why couldn't they just kiss?? :mad: Idiots indeed. Curse the reporters!!
Good evening everyone *looks around - hmm it's quiet in here* :confused:

Can't wait till the 21st. That's only 11 days away, can you guys handle it?
Well, Vex, I guess we just have to. :( But we're lucky to have all these nice new pic's :D and clips to help us through those 11 days. :rolleyes:

DAnNSfreak I'm glad you finally got to see that wonderfull (although ruined by reporters :mad:) moment. I can't wait to see what happens next either. (and pssst I love Heroes! :))

balance each other so perfectly
Aah, kissme that's exactly what it is. Perfect balance. :D
dutch_treat said:
Good evening everyone *looks around - hmm it's quiet in here* :confused:
Good afternoon, y’all! It is quiet in here, dutch. We got so excited after Super Ep, we wore ourselves out. This past week’s eppy was a rerun that had no D/L so it seems like everyone must be replenishing the squee power for the 21st. I know it has been a couple of days since I’ve been in. Hmm, we can fix this. *tips head back and yells for some of the usual suspects who haven’t been around either “Moriel! Aud!” pauses to think… sigh “Lynny!” :lol:* I know rad’s busy today, and I think everyone else has popped in recently or semi-recently for their habits. :D

Oh, I showed the high schoolers CSI:NY; since it is a bit OT I posted some of the details to my LiveJournal including two pics.

Delia, I totally agree about their balance! So true.

Here is another good D/L memory to keep us going: 2x17 - Necrophilia Americana
“Still doesn’t mean it’s not funny.”
Aloha my fellow shippers!! I agree, it is quiet in here. *throws streamers in the air and dances to music* Where is everyone today??

thanks for the pic mer :D Funny, I can't remember that scene. *runs off to play disk* Guess I've been too busy squeeing about D/L I've forgotten some S2 moments. Love Lindsay's smile there!
*tips head back and yells for some of the usual suspects who haven’t been around either “Moriel! Aud!” pauses to think… sigh “Lynny!”
:lol: :lol: **Mo skips in having heard Mer's call!** Hello honey, here I am! Hello everyone! Friday night plans and then Saturday morning track meet in the rain...gotta love March huh! ;) So how is everyone this fine morning? Still enjoying the D/L love? The only correct answer to that is....ALWAYS! :D
Moriel, I'll have you know, on my way here the song Beautiful Mess came on the radio, and apparently my brain now permanantly associates it with Danny and Lindsay! How's the music vid coming along? (hint, hint)
Awwww Mer that makes me SO happy! I adore that song and yeah it will forever and a day be associated with D/L for me! I haven't found the program to use to make vids yet, but once I do...I'll work on it, promise! :D
Danny and Lindsay making their own "walrus documentary" would be scandalous! But juicy for us. *big smirk*
Ohhhhh.... :devil: now that is a naughty, but so very appealing idea! :lol: Definitely juicy for us hon, definitely! That'll be the day! ;)
CANON, CANON, CANON...reminds me of Pachelbel's Canon...which leads me to comment on the thread title "going to the chapel!" just happily giggling.
*giggles happily right along!* Yay for that...that's a line of thinking I'm on board with! We are CANON baby, which leads to Canon in D...and that's just a beautiful thing! :D
If Lindsay could have only one line in a future episode, I'd like to hear her say to Danny "see you at home." Oh how much that can mean!
Lol, no kidding! They don't have to show them in bed or anything (not that I'd entirely complain! ;) ) but if they gave us something small like that...Linds is working in the lab and Danny comes in, says Mac is sending him out on another case and Linds could give him and smile and say "Okay, I'll just see you at home then." Can you imagine the SQUEE'S that you'd hear around the world? Shippers the world over would be freaking out...I sure as heck know I would! I would LOVE that!!!!
(Oh and I HAVE to post this picture, because I'm never going to get sick of it.)
Awwww yeah... *sighs happily!* Delia that pic will never get old to look at and squee over! Yay...thanks, again hon! ;)

Happy weekend shippy buddies! Hope you all have a great relaxing fun weekend! I'm off to have some fun of my own! ;)

*Mo skips off, singing happily to herself..."Danny and Lindsey sitting in a tree...K-I-S-S-I-N-G!!!!"* :D
Guys, you really should post a little more. :) I think that the team will be like "Yeah, alright." and give each other money for the bets they've placed on D/L. :D I think I just might join Stella & Flack, who I an totally see arguing over when D/L would hook up.
Danny and Lindsay making their own "walrus documentary" would be scandalous! But juicy for us. *big smirk*
I think I'm speechless. :lol: Or just kissing is fine for me actually. I don't want something that is basically like pornography. :lol:
If Lindsay could have only one line in a future episode, I'd like to hear her say to Danny "see you at home." Oh how much that can mean!
Awww, that'll be great! Or "I'll leave the coffee out for you" or "I'll wait up for you" or even: "I'll wake you up when I get home in a way that has proven very effective. :devil:

Oh God, and my mind is in the gutter again! (Hey Mo! :lol:)
If Lindsay could have only one line in a future episode, I'd like to hear her say to Danny "see you at home." Oh how much that can mean!
:lol: Just like "Still want that ride?". Maybe she can say something like "See you at the restaurant/bar/etc." :eek: All your ideas are much better.

So I was in PR yesterday and we were discussing what makes a good picture and my professor had some examples...well one of them was Mike Piazza wearing NYPD on the back of his helmet. I was like :eek: and started squeeing inside. I know, I'm a dork :p. Anytime I hear the name Danny or Lindsay I perk right up :lol:
Oh, I squee up when I hear those names too. An what's even worse, is there's a Lindsay Messer at my school. She keeps me hopeful... very hopeful.

I'm all for a DL Walrus Documentary video... he he, we should all write one. How fun that would get with the shippers in this thread... :devil: *sigh* 11 days... right?
I'm all for Danny and Lindsay doing their own "walrus documentary". Do you think the team will turn their head like Danny and Lindsay did in "Bad Beat" :)

nattybatty55 said:
Has anybody got any ideas on how the team will find out??

I don't think that they will have to ask, it will be very apparent. :)
An what's even worse, is there's a Lindsay Messer at my school. She keeps me hopeful... very hopeful.
:eek: Are you kidding me?? That is freaking amazing. As soon as I read that I laughed aloud. Wow...that is awesome. I can't stop smiling :D

We had a guest speaker in a few days ago and she mentioned that her co-workers name was Danny. Needless to say, that got me squeeing. It was a great presentation but I couldn't stop thinking about that :lol: Everytime I hear a Montana's radio ad I squee. I admit it, I'm obsessed :p

11 days... right?
You are correct...11 more days until the new episode. As least that's what I've heard. I've checked a few sources and all say March 21.

Keep on spreadin' the Dantana lurve!!
Hi everyone! This is my 2nd post. I missed the end of the last thread but I'm glad I'm here again for the new one. Thank you guys for making this thread a fun read. I really enjoy all your thoughts. I enjoy anything on DL for that matter. LOL.

I'm not sure how the CSIers will react once they find out. I'm liking the idea of DL keeping it their little secret for now. ;)
^^ Welcome again then biancapj. :) BUT I DON'T AGREE with you about keeping D/L a secret. Mac/Peyton's out, and I don't want to go through that again. I don't even like GSR one single bit and I especially can't stand them snooping around and as an office secret. It REALLY bugs me.
An what's even worse, is there's a Lindsay Messer at my school.
OH MY GOD!! That is so hot. :lol: I love that. I wish I had a Lindsay Messer
I'm all for Danny and Lindsay doing their own "walrus documentary". Do you think the team will turn their head like Danny and Lindsay did in "Bad Beat"
I don't think that they will have to ask, it will be very apparent.
I can imagine Flack or someone putting that on the screen and Hawkes is like "Hey, who is that...? Another walrus documentary?" Then he gasps, "OH MY GOD!! That's our Danny and Lindsay!" Then they all turn their heads and speak and D/L see them through the glass walls and they come running in gasping and freaking out.
Then Mac is coming in to stop the commotion. "Alright, that's it, guys! Get out of here." Then he turns the screen off. :lol:
And orders D/L to his office. haha, that will be a damn funny scenario.
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