Danny/Lindsay #15: "Go with your instincts!"

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*mumbling under breath*
What the hell does destiny dashed mean? Permanantly, temporarily, till next season? No more angst! I need fluff dangit! However, I will keep in mind that not everything they say comes to fruition. For example, Stella was supposed to start dating again this season but so far nothing, and with her HIV scare... Maybe AZ was just injecting some more interest into the scenario?
Modie, have you got any good info?
hehe lovely pics gals!!!! :D

i soo cant believe it either :( lol im guessing it m,ight jus have something to do with Danny's Family.. like Louie? Maybe Louie Dies or something> or something with Tanglewood? i mean i know Sonny is in Jail, but ya never know... im guessing he jus doesn;t want lindsay to get hurt, especially if Danny's past is as dark and deep as we think it is.. But Mer I totally agree with ya on the whole change up lol I know they alwasy say stuff to get reactions etc, so it will be good to see how it pans out if they pursue it.. But dang it!! We have waited soo long.....!!!! lol :(

That felt better lol Ya know how long i have been waiting for someone to come along and post here!? hehe i have been soo anxious!!! :lol: omg.. Mo Is gonna be devastated lol
Ooh, ooh, I just came up with speculation! *facepalm* I am such a dork *sigh*

If whatever the problems are involves Danny's family/past/history, it could be that Danny thinks it is bad enough that Lindsay would turn from him. Whereas Danny can be a strong confident guy, we have seen from some of his interactions with Mac that he does have lingering insecurities regarding his past and his family. Maybe Danny perceives that his 'destiny' is 'dashed' with Lindsay. Then the season four premiere could begin with Lindsay being there for him and showing him that she is much stronger than he was giving her credit for, and she is going to stick by him as he did for her.
I do realize that I am totally reaching here, but that is the enjoyable part of speculation, right? :D

*Edited to add the dork sign just for you, Chelliyah!
hehe mer u do make me laugh! lol Psst.. wheres the Dork sign?! ;) j/k *hugz*

wow.. i totally love that idea.. how good would that be!! and how cute!!! :D hehe i can see Lindsay saying something to him like " You were there for me at a terrible time Danny, and i want to be there for you. And u cant stop me" And then they have a big ol' hug.. and yes! a kiss!!! hehe

That felt better lol Ya know how long i have been waiting for someone to come along and post here!? hehe i have been soo anxious!!! omg.. Mo Is gonna be devastated lol
Aah *hugs Chell* such big news and no one to discuss it with. I think quite a lot of spoiler boxes will pop up here :p LOL
I know there has been a lot of angst already and I am really enjoying all the fluffyness right now, but I already had a gut feeling that this was not the end of it. :cool: And as much as I like your speculation I don't think that they will TEMPORARY break them up only to have them together again at the start of next season...that might take a bit longer :D
And of course a lot of speculation
Inspired by a suggestion in the 'spoiler' thread. What if Louie wakes up from his coma, the Tanglewood boys find out and come after him, Danny stops them in time, but they take revenge by kidnapping Lindsay :eek:....So much can happen...it's frustrating :mad:
Aah *hugs Chell* such big news and no one to discuss it with. I think quite a lot of spoiler boxes will pop up here LOL

hehe **Hugz Dutch bak** :D thanks huni! I was soo happy to see u and mer here!! :D

omg! that is great :D well, not that she gets kidnapped of course. can u imagine how much Danny will be upset, and hurt.. and PISSED OFF!!!! damn.... I love it Dutch!!! hey ya never know.. maybe this kinda has something to do with IAB getting involved one of the upcoming episodes?! ya know how much that stanton guy hates Danny! :(
^^I know, there aren't usually many people around here at this hour. ;)

That would at least explain why that inspector (?) Stanton Gerrard is going to be in one of the next ep's. For those who forgot, he's the one from 'Raising Shane' who wanted to "beat some sense" into Danny :mad:. Perhaps something happens to Lindsay wich sends Danny over the edge giving Gerrard a reason to 'beat' him. :(
^^ I know.. its soo lonely!!! lol :D

oh yeah... cause Danny did offer to take " grandpa" outside didnt he lol o-oh lol i wonder if we get a bit of "hot head danny" back in for the rest of this season?? would be Hot if we get to see Danny in a fight :) ohhh can u imagine if Stanton tried it on with Lindsay in front of Danny?!?!! :eek: :eek: haha omg! lol
That would be totally funny :lol: and unexpected...not some terrible family drama, commitment issues or work pressure, but jealous Danny beating up 'grandpa' 'cause he's hitting on his Lindsay :cool:...that's something else alright :lol: :lol:
See, the initial shock is already declining. :)
hehe how funny would that be! lol and then Stella can jus laugh in Stanton's face :lol: I kinda hope that it does have something to do with Louie tho... its a shame that so far there has been no mention of him at all.... Maybe with this whole Danny and Lindsay moving to the next chapter of their life will re open that :D Bring on Stanton!!! :D

Woo! you're right ya know Dutch hehe Im getting excited now!! :D :p
The inital shock is already declining till Mo gets off of work! :lol: I am torn...
I know not everything can be wonderful in D/L land, a little bit of angst is okay, but the "destiny dashed" is what gets to me. It is those words that put the chill in my little shipper heart. I suppose it will all depend on when the actual episode spoilers start coming out with details in regards to any conflict, rather than just what AZ said (which he probably just said off the cuff, after all it is in his best interest to draw attention to the show. Not that he made it up just that it might've been a bit flamboyant). I don't think that they would put two seasons worth of effort into D/L just to drop it like a hot potato. I look forward to getting more information, good or bad, so we can see how this story develops! I wanna know what happened to Louie, too! The Louie/Tanglewood story is something that needs followed up on. That kind of story line really gives us more insight into Danny and why he responds to things the way he does. I don't mind the angst as long as D/L works it out without too much heart-wrenching drama (no love triangles!)
^^ Ya know Mer. i totally agree....

The whole "Destiny Dashed" thing is a lil.. harsh to my shipper world lol i want it to be about Louie andTanglewood,..I really wanna know wat went on with Danny's past.. i wanna know wat makes him HIM.. and wat makes him tick :D hehe

hehe wat time does Mo finish?? i think we could give her a shock and be on page 7 by the time she gets here :lol:
Ahoy everyone! Wow I've missed a lot lol
Everyone take a nice, long, deep breath. Just because AZ said those words doesn't entirely mean it's going to happen. All we can do is wait for the season to end. Yes we can speculate and make up scenarios of our own but unfortunately we must wait. I, like the rest of you, really want D/L to work, but if we think negative things about this spoiler it's not going to help. Ok so maybe it's definitely not what we want to hear, it's the LAST thing we all want to hear, but let's just wait and see where the season takes us. Someone said earlier that TPTB aren't going to cook up something and just throw it away. And, as others have said, sometimes these spoilers aren't even true.
I totally understand where u are coming from huni.. Yes we know that its not always 100% true that what ever AZ or any other person from CSI:NY says..but hey, its news! and its great to speculate about things.. its brings more ideas and maybe even more people in to chat! :D hehe i for one, jus hope that it is something good in the long run if it does happen :D
Oh, we aren't overreacting just overanalyzing, but that is part of the fun of being a shipper, isn't it?

We have got a good 3-4 hours before Mo shows up, so I think we can get there, chell!

Previously we had been saying it was too quiet in here, now this gives us something to review and discuss. Both good and not so good things are a part of any relationship, and I have faith in D/L and this great ship!
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