Danny/Lindsay #15: "Go with your instincts!"

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sorry about that one Mod...
ok... so i figured out why i missed the insanely awesome episode...
Ya i missed the greatest moment of my shipper life because i was in a tornado!!!!! grrrrrrr!! stupid weather!!
so question... should i buy it off iTunes?? Is it that good??
Tristianna I love that banner. I has some great moments and the 'Jane Austen' font , which is my favorite. And dl_shipper yours is so beautiful.

Aww thanks dutch!! I like your icon, it's adorable. 4ENSIX was kind enough to make both the banner and icon for me.

TheCoroner you can always go to youtube.com and type in sleight out of hand. as nattybatty55 said it definitely worth watching. Psst...I love your banner ;)
YAY! I thought that scene was still in there...so we know we get at least some good D/L, a scene of them at least and with bugs, which cracks me up! :lol: Yay, can't wait!

should i buy it off iTunes?? Is it that good??
Kate OMG YES, YES, totally YES!!! Trust me hon if you are a D/L fan at all (which I know you are! ;) ) then trust me you want to see this ep! It's worth it to buy, I promise!!

I can't wait to see our next eppy! And I'm SOOOO glad we don't have to wait until the middle of April to see it...Yay for March 21!! That makes me very happy!! :D :D
2 more weeks till D/L goodness? Yay! So happy for that!

Thanks to all who have commented on my banner. Had it made in the fan art forum. I know what my avi is going look like to.
I know isn't that so much better than...new CSI eppy in like 5 weeks! :p Two weeks is SOOOO much more workable! :D I mean we get a new eppy, the week after next! Yay! More D/L goodness...oh the sweet sweet joy! :lol:

And yeah, I like your banner too by the way Tris, it's very pretty and sweet! :D
I have to remember to set my satelite to record next week *crosses fingers to remember **

At least we don't have to wait 5 weeks for a new eppie, but then we have to wait a couple of weeks for ep. 20, *sigh* such is life.


The girl from "Risk" who answered the dorm room door in her shirt and underwear was on "PussyCat Dolls: Search for the next Doll" Her name is Sandra Taylor

But she was eliminated... :eek:
Oh yeah you do Vex hon! You'll want to see it! I think it'll be good, heck D/L's back together...of course it'll be good! :D

Yeah but with Ep. 19 on the 21st, waiting for Ep. 20 won't be quite as bad! At least that's what I think now, we'll see what I think later! ;)

Lol, wow of all the random appearances...and nice catch on noticing that that was the same girl! I'm impressed chica! Wow! :D
^^Yah I'm pretty happy as well...but as you said vex we do have to wait again...grr :mad: Oh well...at least we have the Super Ep to keep us busy until then. When everyone was saying that there wouldn't be a new eppy until April I pretty much freaked...I'm done college then. :eek: Somehow I don't think I can live very long without a new eppy of NY.
Lol, yeah so far I'm doing good waiting...I'm sure it's mostly cuz I'm a dork and still totally squeeing over Super Ep! :lol: Seriously every time I see the pics, or watch the clips, or music videos, or see my avie or banner...I can't stop grinning...not even kidding! This is a great season for my ships...so far most of them are doing well...I mean CLEARLY D/L is sailing strong baby! And so are a bunch of my other ones...it makes me happy! :lol: :lol:
I agree, if we have to wait for a new ep, at least we have a spectacular one to reminisce on in the meantime! My VHS tape of Super Ep is gonna give out sooner or later from all the rewind/play/ rewind/play of the important scenes! And I am still working on spreading the obsession to others. My best friend watches the Vegas CSI but has never really watched NY because of time constraints. I actually loaned her my tape of Super Ep :eek: to lure her into watching the show regularly. Even though she's my friend I still threatened her with bodily injury if something happened to the tape :lol:! But Danny and Lindsay's story is just getting so good I have to share it!

Thanks for the spoilers, y'all! I am definitely looking forward to the next few eppys! :D

Gah, you know ff.net is working on correcting their pm/alerts when you are offline for 24 hours and then you get on to check your email and you have 58 new emails. *headdesk*
^^ Agreed! The Super Ep makes up for absolutely everything and oh dear, all the belated ff alerts are here! Going to read more fics now!
Oh and the picture I posted during on the last page is from, Cool Hunter--whoever asked that. :lol: I loved how in Season 2, even when they weren't on the case cases--they still flirted and had fun!
I have a feeling that we'll get that this season too. D/L scenes even if they're on different cases! :) God! I'm smiling just thinking about it! They really do have the sexiest chemistry ever.
My VHS tape of Super Ep is gonna give out sooner or later from all the rewind/play/ rewind/play of the important scenes!
:lol: Same here mer. I've used the slo-mo button a million times. Now I wish I had bought the Creative Zen V+ instead of the regular, at least it came with a video feature *sigh* :(

God! I'm smiling just thinking about it! They really do have the sexiest chemistry ever.
:lol: I pretty much think about that scene 24/7. I agree, they do have chemistry, even if they are from different parts of the country. Still luvin' the wheatfields and skylines :D

I'm sure it's mostly cuz I'm a dork and still totally squeeing over Super Ep!
Awww Mo we luv ya!! *hugs* If you're a dork then I'm one too. I'm still obsessing over Super Ep...ahh the hand-holding, head on shoulder, hug, kiss...oh wait, that was rudely interrupted by impatient and annoying reporters. Ah well, that means we'll get it by the end of the season!

The waters ahead may get a little rough, but the Dantana will pull through and keep on sailing!
vexus said:

The girl from "Risk" who answered the dorm room door in her shirt and underwear was on "PussyCat Dolls: Search for the next Doll" Her name is Sandra Taylor

But she was eliminated... :eek:

OHH!! That's who that is!! I was flipping through and saw her on the pusycat dolls thing and just could not figure out where I'd seen her before...I've seen her on something else too but I can't remember what..Thank you, b/c that was sufficiently bugging me that I couldn't figure it out...anyway...
Omg dl_shipper34 , i love you're new set!! awesome!! :eek:

How are you all? I am not feeling well today. I have got a terrible headache and I have got the impression that my head is going to explode any moment. :(

Ohh, i can wait for the next episode!! :D
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