Danny/Lindsay #15: "Go with your instincts!"

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Omg dl_shipper34 , i love you're new set!! awesome!!

Awwww thanks hun *hugs* I love your banner and icon too. :lol: he is sexy! I posted a request on the Signature thread and a very generous person named 4ENSIX made them for me. My icon is from the song 'You're Where I Belong' by Trisha Yearwood...amazing tune, especially when you apply it to D/L. As for the banner...yah no words needed!! Perfect fit indeed :D

Woot only 2 more weeks until the new eppy. Hey it's better than waiting until April to see more wonderful D/L moments ;)
Hey y'all! I meant to post this a while ago but my mind gets away from me sometimes.

CSI Files did an interview with A.J. Buckley (who plays my fav labrat Adam Ross) at the end of February. In it he mentions a little behind the scenes blooper type dealie thingie about a future ep. It really isn't very spoiler-ish, but since it does mention a future ep I will put the excerpt in a spoiler box to be respectful to any SF's out there.
CSI Files: Any funny stories from set? Buckley: Yesterday on set we had a laugh attack doing a scene with roaches. Anna [Belknap, Lindsay Monroe] had to say a run of words that made Carmine and I laugh. I was off camera but I couldn't look at them or else I'd crack up. And then they'd see me not looking and they'd laugh. She had to say "splatter pattern" and it was just really funny at the moment. Once you get the giggles it's tough to stay serious. [/end] If you would like to read the full interview (which i encourage since A.J. is cool) you can link to it here.
Okay, I am off to drive a few hours to Oak Park in preparation to show the highschoolers CSI:NY, spreading the D/L awareness! Catch y'all later
^^ You're really spreading The Love! :D First you've lent your friend the Super Ep tape and now you're convincing some highschoolers. Please let us now what they thought about it. :cool:

I have a feeling that we'll get that this season too. D/L scenes even if they're on different cases!
That would be so great Kissme. Lindsay working cases with others (I'd love to see how she and Stella are together after Lindsay's trial and with Stella's current stressfull situation :() and Danny working on another case and they just run into each other in the lab or in their office or somewhere else. :devil: Sounds great! :)
Thanks for posting that part of the interview. I just know I will be watching all of their faces once I hear Lindsay say 'splattern pattern' LOL :lol:
Thanks for posting that part of the interview. I just know I will be watching all of their faces once I hear Lindsay say 'splattern pattern' LOL :lol:


my thoughts exactly, LOL
Hello my shippies!

I read that article, I did have a squeeing moment! The fact that they are on a case together after the Super Ep is enough to shot out loud! I love when they have bug cases. I wonder if they'll have bug cases each season :)
Thanks so much for posting that part of the interview.

Now back to our canon....I personally made my home at the D/L soundtrack and the last song I had posted up there was perfect for 'em.
"What the world needs now is Love, sweet love! That's the only thing that there's just too little of...what the world needs now, is love, SWEET LOVe, no not just for one, but for every one!" Hi shippy buddies! How is everyone this fine, Thursday almost Friday evening! Yay for the almost weekend, I likes it! :D

The waters ahead may get a little rough, but the Dantana will pull through and keep on sailing!
Lol, oh no worries dl ship I have a feeling we've seen the last of the rough waters for quite awhile now! I think we'll be getting fun and sweetness and happy D/L moments for many more eps to come! :lol: Yeah baby! ;)

To hear Linds say that now...that is gonna make me laugh I just know it! heehee! Can't wait to see it, I was excited to see this eppy anyway, but now I KNOW I'll love it! :D

D/L in two weeks, wait less than two weeks! Yay, yay, yay! :lol:
Moriel, I'll have you know, on my way here the song Beautiful Mess came on the radio, and apparently my brain now permanantly associates it with Danny and Lindsay! How's the music vid coming along? (hint, hint) :D

I may have loaned out my Super Ep tape, but I have been rewarded for my kindness... I got to my sister's apt and she has Comcast with On Demand, and CSI:NY 3x18 was available for watching free! While she was on her way home I was doing rewind/play rewind/play with the On Demand, :lol:. Their facial expressions from the "go with your instincts" to the damn reporters were very telling. And the goofy look and Danny's face when he thought he saw Lindsay in the lab, and then when he said he was losing his mind, just priceless!

*wanders off repeating dork dork dork dork in a sing-songy voice*
^^ The bit with "Go with your instinctS" was amazing!! He looked so cute and daydreaming. :lol: I guess the guy will lose his mind, without his Montana.
Still luvin' the wheatfields and skylines
Agreed!! The country and city dynamic is beautiful and so well played out by the talented Carmine and Anna.
My icon is from the song 'You're Where I Belong' by Trisha Yearwood...amazing tune
I love that song! That was from one of my favorite childrens' movies: Stuart Little. Stunning song. It's totally a D/L song!!
I know.. I've been MIA for um... well... it's quite uncountable...

Just wanted to say...
JOY TO THE WORLD!!!! LET'S THROW SOME M&Ms!! (the M&Ms is sang faster, to fit into the tune... :lol:)

I was so darn surprised when I found out Danny actually went to Montana! Yayness! Add the pictures of the head-on-shoulders, the hand-holding, the NEARLY KISSING...

Once again, I am so thankful I'm alone in my room so no one can see/hear me sqeeing like an idiot. (and thankfully no mirrors or windows broke, or I'll have a lot of explaining to do...)

And after all that excitement, I have to wait til' who knows when before I can watch that episode... *groan*
Ahoy DAnNSfreak!! *waves*

I love that song! That was from one of my favorite childrens' movies: Stuart Little. Stunning song. It's totally a D/L song!!
It was one of my favs too :D *high five*

Once again, I am so thankful I'm alone in my room so no one can see/hear me sqeeing like an idiot.
:lol: My mom and I always watch NY together, but she didn't know about Danny going to Montana. When he appeared she was like "Awwwwwww" and I kept quiet but I had this goofy grin on my face, much like Danny when he "saw" Lindsay in the lab. Inside I was squeeing like mad and my heart was pounding.

Just wanted to say...
Yay!!!! *tosses some confetti and other stuff into the mix*
mercy said:
And the goofy look and Danny's face when he thought he saw Lindsay in the lab, and then when he said he was losing his mind, just priceless!
That look is just one of his funniest ones ever. :lol: He's just grinning like an idiot because he can't believe he's daydreaming of Lindsay in the middle of the lab. :D
kissme said:The country and city dynamic is beautiful and so well played out by the talented Carmine and Anna.
I just love that so much too. It gets me everytime I see them...they have a completely different background and yet they are just meant to be together. :cool:
Hey Danny/Lindsay shippers (new[bies] and old)! Yay new thread already! Perfect name. :)

Even though I've watched the last scene so many times, I still don't get sick of it! It makes me want to watch it MORE! After Lindsay pulled Danny back, did Danny take Lindsay's right hand into his left hand? i.e. Danny's right hand held Lindsay's left hand and Danny's left hand held Lindsay's right hand at the same time. If so, that's INCREDIBLY cute. (I tried pausing the tape but I can't tell because all I could see is that his left hand moved up...he could've put his hand on her waist or hip.) :D

Danny and Lindsay making their own "walrus documentary" would be scandalous! But juicy for us. *big smirk*

CANON, CANON, CANON...reminds me of Pachelbel's Canon...which leads me to comment on the thread title "going to the chapel!" just happily giggling.


For those of you who created new icons/avatars--BEAUTIFUL! And the screencaps...oh my! Danny and Lindsay, why are you always in such INTERESTING positions... :devil:

Moriel21 said:
Welcome Twinny, nieces, fluffies, angsties, flungsties, shippers, and newbies to the haven of Danny and Lindsay love! Our ship has sailed, the ocean is calm, the sun is out, and WE ARE CANON Y'ALL!! Oh the joy...Super Ep solidified what we already knew to be true...these two are IN LOVE! So....**Mo giggles and passes out m&m's, cookies, soda, and confetti to everyone!** sit back, relax, and enjoy the utter loveliess of D/L! :D


Here is a little something I cooked up...call it a "D/L recap"! ;)

It started at the zoo,
the teasing from day one,
the attraction was immediate,
that no one could deny.
She got a nickname,
One she secretly loved.
He did a double take,
Wow she cleaned up good!
He met her for a drink,
And smiled for a week.
She ate the spider,
And he watched with glee.
She swooned in his arms,
As he made tracks.
Would it turn you on,
She wanted to know.
She knows her football,
And he almost proposed.
She stood by his side,
And gave him her strength,
He teased her about wheat,
And she learned of his crush,
He was concerned just for her,
And gave her a ride.
She risked her life,
And he held her close,
He risked his heart,
And she asked him to wait.
So he waited for her,
And watched as she cried,
She left to go home,
See you soon not goodbye.
He got on a plane,
She faced down the evil,
He held her hand,
And she leaned on his shoulder.
He held her close,
She pulled them closer,
Their lips almost met,
Damn those reporters!
So it started with teasing,
Then grew into love,
Now together forever,
Their souls are connected!



This thread is continued from here...
DL Thread 14
^^^^thank you for the recap of the super key scenes.

If Lindsay could have only one line in a future episode, I'd like to hear her say to Danny "see you at home." Oh how much that can mean!

About 2,200 miles, 15 hours, and $650 later, Danny finally got what he wanted, eh...needed. <3

"make sweet sweet love"-- OH yeah.
I'm tired, doing research is tiring! :(

Can't wait till the 21st. That's only 11 days away, can you guys handle it? :)

Thank you for posting the d/l recap! :)
Haha... I love that D/L Recap...

I managed to get a look at the clip of that 'historical moment' last night... (make that about 10 looks, since I played it over and over again...) I just couldn't help but squeal at the top of my voice.
Curse those reporters... nosey-busy-bodies who spoiled such a great moment... :lol:

Now we all have to start counting down the days til' we can actually find out what developes from this occasion... No... who watches Heroes? Let's capture Hiro Nakamura and make him teleport us to the next episode premier!
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