Danny/Lindsay #15: "Go with your instincts!"

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Hey! She's mine to drag around, dangit! *snuggles YnSfan*
When you do things for CatNip, I'll ship Sandles, how's that?

I agree with you on VT.


I think Danny watched Mindgames again. I swear I didn't put it in. Flackie did. Its his fault that Danny's jumpy. .. Freaky movie really. Feel for Danny.
^^ :lol: What a cheesy film! I can see Danny secretly wanting to watch chickflicks with Lindsay even though he teases her about them! :) I can see Lindsay watching movies like A Walk To Remember or The Prince and Me or She's All That or really cute movies like that!
But at the same time, she loves action flicks!

Yay, now. I'll start writing another CatNip fanfic!
Prettyeyes I didn't realize that we were sharing the same icon. I have to support VTech the best way that I know how.

Picturing Danny waking up real early while Lindsay is asleep. I can see him sneaking out and going to the local flower shop around the corner and picking out the perfect daisy. The worker in the flower shop would ask him if he wants to buy more. Danny said that one daisy is more important that a bunch of them. Cause there is only one Montana! *that is my scenerio**
Howdy hey y'all!! Happy Friday evening my buddies...gotta love it, it means the weekend is here and work is done for the week and that can never be a bad thing! :D

there is also the matter of him/her spreading the news. now that is something I would LOVE to see.
Yeah carolina I'd love to see him spread the news too...if it were Flack, I think he'd be subtle...teasing them a little as often as he can...now if it were Adam who found them, he'd be shouting it from the top of his lungs as he ran through the halls of the lab! :lol: Everyone would know immediately! ;)
Lynny & Stuffy[/b]]Okay first y'all...They totally sleep together!!! Totally!! Cuz it's our D/L and cuz it's inevitable and cuz that's what really happened, happens! And Lynny whatever woman, you know she wakes up in his bed...and besides he's mine so if anyone were to kick her ass it'd be me...but I won't cuz I'm too dang happy for her and them...it's about freaking time! :devil: :D

"Ugh, Lindsay had me up all night..." and then him embarassed and blushing when he said it outloud to Stella and Flack!
OMG, Delia if only he would actually say that! I would be so freaking happy...I'd squee for like a day straight! Heehee...and yeah she kept you up Danny, good little country girl turns into a tiger at night! :devil: :lol:

Yay for Friday, yay, yay, yay! :D And yay for D/L...I likes it, I loves it, I wants some more of it! :D
if it were Flack, I think he'd be subtle...teasing them a little as often as he can...now if it were Adam who found them, he'd be shouting it from the top of his lungs as he ran through the halls of the lab!
haha, I can so see that. Adam getting all excited and telling everyone, then Mac gets stern and goes, "WHAT'S GOING ON? WHAT'S THE RACKET IN MY LAB?" THen Adam laughs and tells him about D/L and Mac is like "Whoa! Alright... where's Don? He owe me that 50 bucks!"
OMG, Delia if only he would actually say that! I would be so freaking happy...I'd squee for like a day straight! Heehee...and yeah she kept you up Danny, good little country girl turns into a tiger at night!
I know! Me too! I'll be jumping up and down! I can totally see Danny blushing and chuckling after and Stella totally surprised at them! But yeah, Lindsay has a dirty and naughty side after all. :devil: We can totally tell by the way she looks at him in the lab as if she really wants him! She does actually!
Lol, yup Delia I totally see that happening...and I love how it's Flack who always loses the bet! :lol: I totally think it will be him who loses the bet too... :D

Linds totally has a naughty side, and you know Danny loves it...and is proud of his girlfriend for it! ;) He'd get a bit red saying that but you know he'd be grinning proudly at the same time! :D
*runs in with lots and lots of D/L love...*


I haven't been in here for what is it.... a WHOLE THREAD?! I feel like a stranger around here now.... *is embarassed*

kissmesweet was telling me how you needed me back in here on the DuCaine thread, so, the true D/L fan that I am came back to say 'hi' and hopefully join in the fun again :D

Now, I must ask, what has happened while I've been gone? :rolleyes: :lol:
Lol, Minion! Hi honey! :D Okay that little green smiley is cracking me up...and freaking me out! :lol: Nah, you're not a stranger here honey...no minion of mine is ever a stranger! ;) But you really should pop in here more often! ;) :lol:

Yay, well done for Delia to get ya back in here...you've been chillin' in the DuCaine and E/C threads alot...not that that's bad...but we need ya in here a bit too! :D

Well...let's just say...read the spoiler boxes...and trust me, you'll be squeeing for a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG time! :devil: It's good....very very good! :D :D

Oh and just so y'all know...I'm actually gonna be gone for the weekend...I'm leaving with my friend in the morning to go check out more wedding stuff...and I'll be gone until Monday...so make sure you keep a close watch on D/L in the closet :devil: and I'll see y'all in a few days!

I miss y'all already! :D :D

Stay fluffy and remember...we're freaking CANON baby!! :lol:
Things to do before leaving town:
1. Water the plants
2. Put mail on hold
3. Find someone to feed the cat
4. and Oh yeah, let the D/L thread know where you're going so they don't worry. :lol:
Have fun, Mo! We'll save some cookies for you from the party we had planned for this weekend... :D

Modie, thank you for the updated spoiler info!
While it is possible she could have just been sleeping on the couch, nah, no way. Not in Danny 'make-me-moan' Messer's apartment. She's totally got to be in his bed. :devil:
Holy cow (moo)!
We are on page 20 already?!
Ohhhh good call Mer...okay let's see...
1...no plants, so check! ;)
2...manager holds my mail...so check! ;)
3...definitely no cat...big check! :lol:
4. Can't have my D/L buddies thinking I'm gone! :D Check! :lol:

Wait party? What? Can't party without me! ;) But I'll take the cookies...thanks! :D

And you're spoiler...oh love... :devil: WOW...and yeah totally agree with you by the way! :lol:

Yeah page 20 already...crazy huh! Just promise we won't get to a new thread before Monday! :lol: No seriously! ;) D

Okay later y'all...really now! ;)
heh.... Mo's absolutely right about all the spoilers...I am sqweeing like mad over here! :D

Oh, and I hope you have great fun while you're gone, Mo :D I know I wil.... :devil: :D
I have something in common with Flack when it comes to cats... achoo!

What if we were to just choose a new thread name before you came back? :devil:

Seriously though, how do we beat the thread name we got from Super Ep? I got the VHS tape back from my friend Monday, and I will admit to having watched it twice. Danny and Lindsay's courtroom scene still gets me! When I watch NWILL, I still get nervous when Lindsy goes into the apartment, and my heart catches in my chest with the D/L embrace. When I watch LRC, I still feel the tension build throughout the ep, and my heart hurts during the hallway scene. And now with SOoH, my heartbeat pauses when Danny walks into the courtroom and swells with shippy happiness when they have their near kiss. I repeat, damn reporters.
^^ I have a few ideas on the thread names, but I can't start until page 22. :) Can't wait until then! And yep mercy, my heart still breaks when Lindsay decides to go undercover and again when she rejected poor Danny in Season 3.

and I love how it's Flack who always loses the bet! I totally think it will be him who loses the bet too...
haha, but I think in Daze of Wine and Roaches (or whatever the episode is called), Flack saw the We-are-screwed-out-of-our-minds spark between them! :devil: Oh God, I'm speaking like you, Mo all guttery and happy!
He'd get a bit red saying that but you know he'd be grinning proudly at the same time!
Absolutely and I totally love the romantic and sweet and caring side of Danny too! He's so sweet! I mean, DAMN GOING ALL THE WAY TO MONTANA is really sweet!
kissmesweet was telling me how you needed me back in here on the DuCaine thread, so, the true D/L fan that I am came back to say 'hi' and hopefully join in the fun again
Hey, honey! WE'VE MISSED YOU BulletGirl! You totally rule.
Holy cow (moo)!
haha, same here! WE're so ahead! :) Oh and speaking of cows, "The cows are coming home. Moo!" Sooo cute. :lol:

I'm listening to 'Can't Take My Eyes Off You' by Gloria Gaynor. Such a perfect D/L song, I'll post it at our Soundtrack!
hey people, im back. Never found out who ate my giant chocolate, so ill have to get another one when i go out, which i really cant be bothered to do now. teehee, youre spoilers cheered me up! having a *squee* fest today..
^^ I'm sick, so I've been at home for a while now. :lol: I might have stole your Tolberone bar. :) It was yummy! But of course, in exchange--I'll give you the pack of M&M's!!
I have something in common with Flack when it comes to cats... achoo!
Same here!! I'm allergic to cats, but not dogs. I have a Pomeranian actually. He's called 'Buster'. :)
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