Danny/Lindsay #15: "Go with your instincts!"

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That's no fair!.. Use Smacky Squee moments on me. Next you'll use CatNip. You witch!

It is my job. I'm the angsty one who kicks you.

*mumbles* Stop mentioning fluffy! I don't want these ppl to know I allow Fluff in my life, dangit!

*clears throat* I saw Danny stripping in the hallway this morning, I asked him why was he doing that, he said he saw mindgames with Flack, and I laughed, and he said, "If I find my weakness, kick my ass?" and I asked him if he weakness was his ass, and he said, probably. and then Flack decided to pop out of the corner and scare him and Now Danny's freaked out. so if you see him, scare the shit outta him! la la la.
*Mo cackles...* Witch you say, which makes me evil....heehee, oh love you have no idea! ;) :lol: Lol, yes love, I did use Smacky squee moments...but really you did admit to that one all on your own! ;)

Lol, you keep mentioning it my darling dearie! :D I'm just commenting on what you say! :D

Ummm if I see Danny in the state that you mentioned (undressing I mean :devil: ) then I'm sorry hon, but there is no way in heck I'm scaring him...jumping him, yeah...helping him undress, definitely! :devil: Nekkid Danny...*Swoon!!* :devil: I have no more words after that thought! :D
I felt this strong pull urging me to come back into the thread. Hmm, convo about Danny stripping, now I know why I was drawn in. :devil:
*sigh* and to think Lucky Lindsay is getting to see this all the time. I am so jealous!
*Mo strolls in, innocent and cute, feeling much the same draw that Mer felt...Mo pauses...staring at the pic of...Nekkid...Mo loses her train of thought and starts to swoon and drool just a little bit...*
Oh....My...Lord...that man is SOOO freaking HOT! :devil: Sex on a stick...gah, how jealous of Linds am I...MAN!!

Yeah baby! ;) ;)

Thanks Mer...sweet dreams to me tonight! ;)
I know Im a little late but ...

What is your favorite season 2 D/L moment and/or quote, and why?

their date with bugs in 2.15. cause they were together & alone, and sweet and carefree and totally enjoyed each others company

as for quoete is definately Sids He calls you that because he has a crush on you - I just love her reaction. and it was probably the first time someone voiced it out loud.
if it has to be a quote by one of them, than is Danny "proposal" - I dont remember seeing that scene and my DVD set is still in Santas bag, but the line is just hilarious

What is your favorite season 3 D/L moment and/or quote, and why?

The Hug. do I even have toexplain why? :D it was just full of emotions and it felt so right.

as for quote it is probably Were more then beer and buffalo burgers, Messsser. I love how she pronounced his name and I adore the smile he gave Adam afterwards.

oh, and you should probably post warnings before puting here fotos like this. cause drool is really bad for my computer
I just made it yesterday after taking caps of an interview. She looked great there! She's so adorable.
Ah, I was just admiring it (it's beautiful! :)) and was wondering were you got the pic from. Is that interview one of the extras on the season 2 DVD?

And I don't think Linds is asleep...
How could she be...if he's training his biceps just a few feet away *drools*...she's probably just out of breath... :devil:

Knowing what we "know" about where D/L will be in this season finale... where do you see D/L being come Seas. 4 finale?
WoW! Season 4 finale?!? It's a great question Mo, but it's hard to answer 'cause I'm still wondering how the season 3 finale will be. Somehow I get this gut (not guttery) feeling that it (S 03)will end very angsty...But if they keep taking next steps in their relationship they could very well end up officialy living together by the end of season 4...and maybe even the proposal you suggested... ;)

fade it to black before letting us hear Linds' answer...
Oh, oh, TPTB beware....

Welcome back darx2 and txs for the info on the promo. :)

According to my info they're definitely in the lab; working, walking and talking together...Now let's just hope for some more fun bantering between them like in DoWaR :D...Danny could be telling Lindsay about the 'freaks' he runs into on Coney Island... :lol:
OK, here I go :D

What is your favorite season 2 D/L moment and/or quote, and why?

My favorite moment, puh, do I have to pick one? There are a lot in season 2 :) Cool Hunter because of http://www.csi-caps.com/albums/csiny/s2/216/B/216_1224.jpg << this! Do I have to say anthing more? ;) And of course Stealing Home, http://www.csi-caps.com/albums/csiny/s2/222/A/222_0084.jpg << the wheat field :) I love that scene :D how they stand together in front of the skyline of Manhattan, and Dannys face ROTFL priceless.

(Of course:)
Danny: Montana!
Danny: See a view like this, eh? Beats the wheat fields, no?
Lindsay: Have you ever even seen a wheat field?
Danny: What's to see? It's just wheat...

And Live or let die:

Lindsay: Did you ever got an anonymous phone call from a woman?
Danny: Yeah, happens...
Lindsay: Does it turn you on? :D

What is your favorite season 3 D/L moment and/or quote, and why?

Well, of course http://www.csi-caps.com/albums/csiny/s3/302/B/302_1143.jpg << Not What it Looks Like, no words need to say... and of course
http://www.csi-caps.com/albums/csiny/s3/318/318_00971.jpg Sleight Out of Hand, all I can say is: finally!


Danny: Since when do you know so much about wine, Montana?
Lindsay: We're more than beer and buffalo burgers, Messer.

Lindsay: I mean, isn't the cockroach kind of the unofficial mascot of New York?
Danny: Very funny, take it easy there, Montana.

Lindsay: Flack, I think Danny’s favorite kind of whine is Chianti.
Danny: No you’re wrong. My favorite kind of wine is beer.

Does anyone have the scan from TV Guide we've talked some pages ago?
Oh Mercy baby! I love that picture. You know I do... Lucky Lindsay. She gets that all the time. I'm so jealous, but of course HAPPY for her. :lol:
Oh you're looking for Chell?? I kidnapped her. My Chelly!
:eek: *gasps at Lynny for taking my Chelle baby away!* How could you? :lol:
Oh and Delia, wow hon, I LOVE your new avie...*Mo stares at it in awe!* Wow!
Thanks, Mo sweetie! I love Anna! She's so alive there and smiley. I just made it yesterday. :D (I've very proud! haha)
Yall pm each other and nots me. Thats mean.
Sorry, Lynny sweetie! I'll pop over at C/N to cheer you up!!
Oh Mercy! Consequences! It's my favorite episode! Reed is one of my favorite characters!! He's got this really broken soul thing going on that is pretty darn attractive! I'm sure if he knew about D/L, he'll be a shipper too!
Knowing what we "know" about where D/L will be in this season finale... where do you see D/L being come Seas. 4 finale?
I see them going to work everyday with each other already in Season 4 and I see them... arguing--because HEY, it can't be happy and fluffy ALL THE TIME. :eek: I sound like Angsty Lynny! and JUST MAKING UP in the Finale.
*clears throat* I saw Danny stripping in the hallway this morning, I asked him why was he doing that, he said he saw mindgames with Flack, and I laughed, and he said, "If I find my weakness, kick my ass?" and I asked him if he weakness was his ass, and he said, probably. and then Flack decided to pop out of the corner and scare him and Now Danny's freaked out. so if you see him, scare the shit outta him! la la la. '
Ahhh! That's so cute! Aren't you a tough chick? I wish I could kick Danny's butt. I'll take Flack actually. Well, just for something other than the beating up. Kissing would do. :devil: *Steals Flack from Lynny again and pushes him into the closet!!
Dammit mer you gotta warn us when you post a picture as hot as that :lol: I have that gorgeous shot on my mp3 player hehe :devil:

Lindsay_Montana (love the name btw), those piccys are love :) I really like how y'all are adding in those wonderful caps. Nice!

Good to hear they'll be working together in the next eppy. Would be great to see some more bantering and such, but even if they don't at least they're in the same vicinity. Seems like a long time since that happened (ok so maybe it was only a few eppys ago but before that :p)
I'm sure if he knew about D/L, he'll be a shipper too!
LOL Kissme! :lol: It's about time they told everyone about their little get-together in Montana...then the whole gang can come and join us here :D gossiping and speculating about our lovely couple... :)

Which makes me wonder...do you guys think there will be something in the final 4 ep's? Will we actually get a scene where we find out that someone or everyone already knows? :)

Since, according to the spoilers, the next 3 ep's are focussing more on one or two other characters, I'm hoping for a scene like that in the finale...it cannot be that no-one finds out or mentions that Danny went to Montana... :cool:

Love the pic's :D
More images! The emotions in them! Ah! :cool:

kissmesweet, on the Daisy name-bit, no offense taken at all. It is all cool. Your math lesson makes me suddenly like the subject a whole lot more than I used to! Now why couldn't learning math in school be oh that simple, obvious, and sexy? :devil: Loving the new av.

Mo, did you buy the TV Guide off the newsstand or are you a subscriber? I have to scour the earth now to find that cover with that line! I have a copy of the Hot Guys of CSI issue but because of the address label box, those three headlines (one for each CSI show) are NOT on the cover. I feel ripped off! :mad: Ha-ha. Did you blow the images from the magazine up to poster size? You've got me thinking now…make personalized coffee mugs with Danny/Lindsay.

dutch, so anna (lindsay) and carmine (danny) in NYC summer of 2006 for LRC …I would’ve LOVED to have been on the street with them! And I hope for a really good surprise in the finale.

Knowing what we "know" about where D/L will be in this season finale... where do you see D/L being come Seas. 4 finale?
^^^ OH! Difficult question…need time to think about. Not even sure I can come up with a realistic answer. And you’re on…a LOT here tonight. :) :)

I would LOVE to see Seas. 4 end with Danny down on one knee proposing to Linds...they could even make it angsty and fade it to black before letting us hear Linds' answer...(although if they did that I would definitely have to kill them, even though we KNOW Linds will say Yes...duh! ) So yeah, I guess that's my answer then![/b]
^^^I think I would faint in front of the tube on the couch with the local news flashing headlines and the dvd-r & vcr still going cause I know the proposal would knock my socks off (being unique, special, and all)! ;)

mercy, Lindsay IS one lucky duck!!

dl_shipper, jot down that finale date on the calendar! a co-worker had to 'casually' remind me that my work calendar was a "work calendar" not one for my own entertainment. :lol: but she was laughing afterwards!

Lindsay_Montana, likin' the big heart on your banner/signature!! :D

carolina, if you don’t mind sharing, what is the literal and colloquial translation of your signature? My Spanish is rusty from high school… :confused:

CookiMonstasBabe, welcome aboard the ship. This is one cool crew.

And the next four weeks of all new episodes begin real soon: countdown to what I hope to be lots of D/L-ness (I need a noun for this ‘this thing’, 'this chemistry' ;) of theirs). Still on the fence cause of the AZ comment but I need my fix! But ya’ll are helping me cope. Bring on the bantering! I love you, DL!
lol, you guys sound like you have fun here! Lively bunch, eh? good! cool, i know someone called Daisy. nice, but slightly mad. im sure there will be more memories to come for us D/L Shippers!
Already done xxAnGeLheArtZ :) once I read your post I wrote it down on my itty bitty calender...maybe I should write it on the family one? "Why is NY finale written on the big calender?" *whistles innocently*

Just a head's up to y'all...I have started to write the second chapter of my ficcy (the whole study thing doesn't always work for me). Trying to add in some ideas of my own as well as some spoilers, so it won't contain just the juicy details we've been hearing.

CookiMonstasBabe...hunny you bet we have fun here :D *hands bowl of M&Ms to newest shippy buddies*.

As for the question from Mo...I'm gonna have to go on the same route as Angelheartz and think about it :D Great question hun! Giving us homework are we? Good, cause I like this kind of homework! D/L style :D

As for the rest finding out...I think they will sooner or later (hopefully sooner). Just hope TPTB don't go the same route as Mac/Peyton...loved Danny's reaction but it would have been nice to have seen everyone else's.
I'm going to jump in on the s4 finale thing. That is a mundo hard question. First of all, I would've never predicted what is going to happen this season, for this season. I think that something is going to happen next season that's going to drive them apart. *dodges objects* But that's how TPTB work. I think that they're going to be a bit catty towards each other. Honestly if they just stay in la la land, they're going to get boring. They need angst, sexy angst though, the kind that leads to DL nookie.
They need angst, sexy angst though, the kind that leads to DL nookie.
I love you for that line Rad! :D :D That just about sums up everything I wish for them to happen... :cool:

DL nookie....*goes to bed grinning* :) :)
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