Danny/Lindsay #15: "Go with your instincts!"

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^^ I have a feeling that we'll be getting SO MUCH of that during Season 4, because... c'mon, guys. It can't all be smooth! Besides D/L will come out stronger from all this anyway! :) And--after angst, well--there's good making up to do... :devil: and ahhh! After angst--there'll be FLUFFY moments! Yay!
Mo, Danny is a Sex on a Stick** :devil:

Now I have visions of a naked Danny running through my head. And I have to say it's a VERY good vision, I might add.


love that they have a good bit of interaction in "Past Imperfect". I'm hoping that more of the bantering becomes a bit more sexual because that leads to the famous bed scene.
Hello my lovelies here I am again...how much do I love Thursday nights, let me count the ways, there are many...cuz Thursday nights mean Friday mornings and Friday mornings...mean the weekend!! :D Yay! But guess what I love more...yup, D/L!! My HOT Danny boy and my gorgeous Lindsay...they make me happy! :D

they could very well end up officialy living together by the end of season 4...and maybe even the proposal you suggested...
Oh Dutch hon if we could really see that proposal I think I'd die, or freak out...mmmm, probably both...death by freaking out and squeeing...anyone? :lol:

do you guys think there will be something in the final 4 ep's? Will we actually get a scene where we find out that someone or everyone already knows?
I really really hope so! I think it'd be totally fun if Flack walked in on them kissing in them locker room...cuz 1. We'd get to see D/L kissing :lol: and 2. the look on Flack's face would be priceless, rivalled only by the look on D/L's faces at being caught! :lol: I want it, I want it! :D

Mo, did you buy the TV Guide off the newsstand
Yeah Angel I did actually...I don't subscribe to it...it was a good one! ;) I love the pic of Danny I have, he's crouching in the ocean and grinning and looks so totally adorable! :D And HOT! :devil:

As for the question from Mo...I'm gonna have to go on the same route as Angelheartz and think about it Great question hun! Giving us homework are we? Good, cause I like this kind of homework! D/L style
Lol, yup Stuffy hon, it's homework! ;) D/L homework...the best kind! :D Lol, I like how none of y'all want to answer this question...I was totally thinking we'd get an outpouring of fluff and y'all would say they'd be married or something...lol! :lol: Aud Fluffy Twin where are you? What do you think about my question??

They need angst, sexy angst though, the kind that leads to DL nookie.
Rad Hi honey!! *Huggles & giggles!* :D Lol, LOVE the comment hon...you totally rock, and heck babe anything that leads to D/L nookie totally works for me! :devil: :lol:

Mo, Danny is a Sex on a Stick**
*Mo giggles and nods her head in total agreement!* Vex babe I couldn't agree more! Ohhhhhhh yeah baby...gah that man, that man....yeah...don't even have words...I want him for dinner and dessert...heehee, more please! :devil: :lol:

*Mo grins, giggles and goes off to enjoy her Thursday evening, visions of Nekkid Danny running through her brain now too! :devil: *
just call me carly

carolina, if you don’t mind sharing, what is the literal and colloquial translation of your signature? My Spanish is rusty from high school…

it means with love, every thing is possible

I love your ideas. Im semi-spoiler free cause the scenes never play out the way I imagine them so I prefer not to but Im also really curious so ... Im really looking forward to the seasons final episodes and I hope we get more sweet D/L moments then the one you re talking about.

I hope they give us the *finding out about D/L* scene too. there are so many squee worthy possibilities in that. I like the Flack idea though Sid or Adam walking on them could be fun too.

the idea of Danny & Lindsay moving in together is just perfect. and if they actually showed the moving with every body from the team helping and in the middle of it all their phones start ringing with new case - would it be too daily soap like?
^^ Oh my God, that is the perfect name. I've always liked "Carolina". It's so beautiful, intruiging and just stunning! Lucky you, I ended up with Cordelia or Delia... :lol: Whose the only sane daugther of King Lear. :rolleyes: I actually prefer the name Ophelia from Hamlet... :lol: But that's totally off topic.

the idea of Danny & Lindsay moving in together is just perfect. and if they actually showed the moving with every body from the team helping and in the middle of it all their phones start ringing with new case - would it be too daily soap like?
Maybe... but you can always do something like Stella asks Lindsay how's the moving in going? That'll be very sweet, I think.
Danny is a Sex on a Stick**
Yep, the man's absolute walking sex. :)
It's Friday, it's Friday, lalalalalala! *Mo giggles and dances into the thread, happy it's Friday and happy to be here!* :lol:
Carolina love the meaning of your signature, that's fabulous and SO true! ;) I like the "team-finding-out" possibilites too...really anyone walking in on them would be fun, cuz we'd get to see D/L kissing and really how could we lose in that scenario! :lol: For some reason I see it being Flack...cuz I think he'd be the best at teasing them about it, although Adam walking in on them would be pretty funny too! :D

Yeah while I would love to actually see them move in together, I don't think they'd really show that...I do think Delia's idea is possible though...Stella asking how moving is going...or Danny coming to work looking exhausted and Flack asks him what gives, and Danny wipes his eyes and says, "Linds had me up all night rearraging the living room furniture...who knew living with a girl was that much work!" And then Flack would just grin and say, "Yeah but you love it Dann-o...so stop whinin'!" And Danny would grin back and they'd go off to work! :D

Danny = Walking Sex = there goes my brain for the rest of the day...filled with images! :devil: :lol:

Off to work...it's Friday! :D
well, if Flack/someone walked on them kissing which would be like an incredible scene, there is also the matter of him/her spreading the news. now that is something I would LOVE to see.

I like the name too, but its not what my parents chose to name me, unfortunately. I chose it myself. its a nickname of sorts I use everywhere
Hey guys! :D You guys sure know how to cheer me up after a long week at school! I've only been back three days, and i'm shattered! Man, i hate school! :lol:

Anywayz, staying on topic... I'm loving these senarios about the rest of the team finding out about DL! I love the idea of someone walking in on them, maybe in the locker room before or after shift. The looks of their faces would be priceless!

The moving idea rocks too! I think maybe Stella asking Linds what it's like living with Danny, or Flack asking Danny what it's like to be tied down to one girl! That would be funny! :lol:

Delia, i love your banner! I'm not a big fan of Sandle, but it's so cute!

About Mo's question... wow, that's a tough one! I wanna say that they'll be married and live happily ever after... but you know what TPTB are like. I'd love to see them living together by then. But we'll just have to see.

I've gotta go start my homework. Joy! Did I mention how much I hate school! :lol:

Later dudes! And Happy DL Lovin! :D
No preference as to how the team finds out...though someone walking on in our lovely DL making out seems like a good scenario :devil:

Question for y'all:

Curiosity got the better of me...Several of you have said something about Danny and Lindsay (possibly?)sleeping together because she wakes up in his bed...are we assuming this due to where she awakes or do we know that from the spoilers? Or do we just want to assume it because it's our beloved D/L :p...or it could be that I've misinterpreted everything and none of this makes any sense whatsoever :)
Omigosh, someone has eaten my giant Toberlerone. I am angry. Anyway, i have CSI:NY tomorrow, so thats the only reason i havent killed someone yet. Breathe, Cookie, breathe. Someone please calm me down!!
Just thought I'd add a few things...First for episode 21 - I'm pretty sure that clip from the promo is NOT Danny and Lindsay. The female is too dark and that hand looks too big to be Danny's. I'm thinking it is the guy Mac's been after (Clay Dobson) and he's being a little rough with someone. FINALE - From my sources, here's what is says about Lindsay in Danny's apartment. It says she wakes up in his apartment...doesn't say his bed...it could be but it could also be the couch. It says she notices she's late for work and she rushes to get dressed and then sees the note Danny left. I'd just like to know where he gets a hand-picked daisy...neighbor's flower box? The note says something about her not freaking out but he knows she already has, he traded shifts, and to enjoy her day off.
^^ Thanks for clearing it up, although in no sense did I think the people were D/L anyway. :lol:
I like the "team-finding-out" possibilites too...really anyone walking in on them would be fun, cuz we'd get to see D/L kissing and really how could we lose in that scenario!
Same! For some reason, most of us see Flack losing on the bet. I don't know why. I also want to have Stella winning the bet and possibly Mac--since we know that he uncharacteristically bet on Lindsay if she would eat the worms or not!--haha, and Mac totally sees the D/L love anyway! So good for him! But then again, D/L isn't hard to see!
Danny wipes his eyes and says, "Linds had me up all night rearraging the living room furniture...who knew living with a girl was that much work!" And then Flack would just grin and say, "Yeah but you love it Dann-o...so stop whinin'!" And Danny would grin back and they'd go off to work!
Awwww, that's so cute! Thank you! I also see Danny saying something like:
"Ugh, Lindsay had me up all night..." :devil: and then him embarassed and blushing when he said it outloud to Stella and Flack!
Delia, i love your banner! I'm not a big fan of Sandle, but it's so cute!
THANK YOU! I just made it yesterday for my LV ship! :) It's so adorable, isn't it? Awww, I love Sandle! *drags you to the Sandle thread!*
No... She wakes up in her bed and that's pretty clear to anybody that they're sleeping together, in both of the senses. Sleeping-sleeping. :lol: And doing it-sleeping.
Modie pwns all!!! .. I still pwn her though .. shhhh

Who you dragging to Sandles Cordy?? thinks about dragging several ppl into CatNip, yall know if you go willingly its SO much easier

He's gotta get the flower from A) Flower Shop B) Neighbor or C) something that Flack pranked him with? I have no clue.. really.... xx I say its on the couch, if its in the bed, I'm kicking her ass...
^^ I was dragging YoBlngnSnckrsfan to the Sandles thread!
HEY, what about you, Lynny?? I KNOW YOU LIKE SANDLES a bit too! :heart: You told me over at the 'Dislike A Ship Thread'! :) C'mon! They're not contradicting your CatNip! :D And they're soooo cute! How can you not LOOOOVE them?

PrettyEyes, sweetie. I so admire your avatar. I'm so sorry for the VT incident and my condolences to families and friends. It was terrible and I'm just so sorry. I don't really know what to say... Bless their souls and may they rest in peace...
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