Danny/Lindsay #15: "Go with your instincts!"

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^^ Thanks, Dl_Shipper. I just made it yesterday after taking caps of an interview. :) She looked great there! She's so adorable.
Chelle! For the millionth time--where art thou? Oh, Michelle, Michelle. Where art thou, Michelle? (Excuse the lameness, I'm a huge fan of Shakespeare.)
Oh you're looking for Chell?? I kidnapped her. My Chelly!

What kind of music are you listening to honey? Thats... what colors are you using? Those colors rule!

Thats it. I hate you all. Yall pm each other and nots me. Thats mean.
Guys, Chell is at the broom closet! The reason that I know this is that we are both watching Danny. Lindsay's asleep but Danny is doing squats in there and his biceps are let's just say very "yummy" if you ask me!
Hello all my dears...look here I am again, yay! I actually made it back in here twice in the same day! :lol: Which these days is a small miracle... :rolleyes: So anyway...Hi buddies! :D :D

Rad, Hi!! :D

Dutch, I would LIVE in Times Square if it was decorated that way! :lol: Nice job on that WP babe, it's gorgeous!!

Delia honey said:
Thanks Mo for saying that too!

You're welcome Del babe, I do like the flower though...they're my favorites! ;) Oh and Delia, wow hon, I LOVE your new avie...*Mo stares at it in awe!* Wow! :D

Lynny I PM you!! I pwn you too, but that's for another time! ;) check your home hon! :D

Vex-y said:
Danny is doing squats in there and his biceps are let's just say very "yummy" if you ask me!

Oh dear Lord Vex I read that and just about choked on my dessert! Not that it's hard to do, but my mind TOTALLY went to the gutter on that! And I don't think Linds is asleep... :devil: :lol:

Okay buddies...I'm actually here for the night...well ya know, at home on the couch, chilling...which means I'll be haunting y'all in here! And making sure our HOT couple stays in the closet! (Not like that's a problem! :devil: :lol: )
So... Mo... it's not a new ep, but since you're home are ya gonna watch it as it airs :D? Hey, it might not be a D/L eppy, but it is still a good ep! Very Flack-ish tonight, and gawsh does Danny look freakin' hot!
(watching now)

This means only one week till our new ep, and a chance for D/L!
Lol, Mer you're CUTE! ;) Heehee...um, I don't even know which ep is airing tonight?! *Mo ducks and hides...* I'm bad I know, but if it's not new and there's no D/L...I'm bad about wanting to watch it! :lol:

Yay for only a week to our new eppy though...I don't remember do we know anything about this upcoming ep? With all the finale spoilers and speculation I can't remember if we've heard anything about this next one?!! :D
It's 'Consequences'.
An interesting mixture of paintball, Flack's memo book, dirty cops, moon rocks, and bear traps.
Lots of Danny and a fair amount of my fave lab rat, too!
Only little bits of Lindsay and never with Danny. :(

This next eppy is where Anna did not film on location with Carmine, but Danny and Lindsay are on the same case. So, theoretically we should get some lab scenes... we hope!

How could I forget this ep introduces up to Reed?!? You likey.
Ohhhh, okay that one...I like that one! :D There's no D/L but there is some good Smacked in that one...hmmm, could be worth it! :lol: ;) Heehee!

Ahhhhh, that's right about this next ep...thanks babes! ;) You rock! :D

Okay we should come up with a D/L question of the day...Aud my love, where are you Fluffy Twin, you're brilliant with D/L question's of the day! :D
Calling all eastern time zone-ers (or Catey :lol:):
:eek: I MISSED THE NEW PROMO THAT JUST AIRED! :mad: I was distracted and didn't realize that they had come back from the commercial break. Gah! Can anyone tell me if there was any D/L in it?
Sadly..there was no DL in the promo...:( at all..... A big part of the like 15 second promo was Stella talking to Adam and Adam says something like "and your HIV results are..."..

I have been lurking in this thread for...ever :lol:.

I made a new D/L music vid. (the song is Tears From The Moon). It's on my youtube account..which is spriteandcola :).
Darx hiya honey!! You need to stop lurking and show yourself more often...cuz I likes it when you're here! :D This is fun being able to pop in here more often, heehee! I likes! :lol:

Okay D/L question of the day...(Aud you here wub?!)...okay hmmm, seriously I'm trying to come up with a question about D/L we haven't had in a while and I can't think of one! :lol: Ummmmm....Okay let's try this...Knowing what we "know" about where D/L will be in this season finale... :devil: where do you see D/L being come Seas. 4 finale? :D
Thank you so much, darx, for letting me know! I was really kicking myself for not paying more attention!

Mo, that is a really good question! A really good, difficult, question! I can picture all sorts of Danny & Lindsay scenarios a year down the line, but it is all kind of hazy, and I doubt any of it would make it onto TV :devil:
Lol, don't kick yourself Mer honey, that's my job! :lol: Aww just kidding honey bun! ;) *Huggles!*

Lol, yeah notice I didn't answer my own question Mer! ;) I mean there's an easy answer...the fluffy answer, the one I love and want to happen...they prove AZ wrong and complete their destiny...really I would LOVE to see Seas. 4 end with Danny down on one knee proposing to Linds...they could even make it angsty and fade it to black before letting us hear Linds' answer...(although if they did that I would definitely have to kill them, even though we KNOW Linds will say Yes...duh! ;) ) So yeah, I guess that's my answer then! :D
Poor Mer. She can't plays with the --- *stares at Mo's banner* with the..the uh... oh hell whatever.

Actually it would be my job! *evil laugh*

hahha. you are so living in fluffy land on that one! When I get my CatNip wish you can have you DL wish damnit! La la la.
*Mo giggles evilly...* Heehee, I knew those new hypnotic powers I put into my banner would come in handy at some point...lovely isn't it Lynny love! ;) Heehee! :lol:

Yeah you're right, it would kinda be your job! :lol:

Oh really Lynny!! Then we're SOOOO totally getting our wishes...cuz that in I've wanted with CatNip...I got it! ;) Heehee! :D Yay for us both getting our fluffy wishes!! :D :D
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