Danny/Lindsay #15: "Go with your instincts!"

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Moriel21 said:
what am I going to do today you ask? Same thing I try to do every day my fluffy...try and take over the world!" :lol: :lol: *[/i] (Pinky and the Brain anyone?! :lol: )

^^^ taking over the world and spreading the Messer&Montana luv, one unknowing person at a time? :devil:/ :) And Mo, I'm sure you'll get hold of that TV Guide soon! ;) Keep up the push for Danny and Linds on the cover...all the pitches rocked.

Can't wait for the finale, it's on my calendar lol!

^^^YoBlngnSnckrsfan, me too, me too! i thought i was the only one! it's on all my calendars (work, home, online). i even have a heart with "DL" written in cursive on feb 28, 2007. nice av there.

dl_shipper (now Stuffy? :p), the quote about the wheatfields just remind me how much i need to see the beauty of wheatfields in person...!

Welcome home, goodnite_tonite! I was like, 'i knew that there was definitely one other true veteran shipmate (i have yet to reach that status!!) in here... :D'

*sitting on the sideline enjoying the comments in here (and doing work) :cool:* I love you, DL.

It's tough to say who it really is...I agree with mer, the girl's skin tone does seem a little dark. If it is D/L...I don't know, it seems a little too soon for them *dives behind the chair to avoid the M&Ms being thrown at her* :lol:. Guess we'll just have to wait and see, won't we? ;):devil:

think that the girl in the promo is not lindsay. We all want it to be but you know how TPTB are. I wished I could see a picture of that daisy with the note. :)
I patted his head cause he's my bitch!

Eh. Who cares at this point? Not me! A picture of a note with a daisy in it?? God thats so freaking fluffy. Maybe they'll shot them.
*scowls at lynny*
Oh, what are Danny & Lindsay again? Oh, yeah! CANON!!! Okay, all better now. :D

I asked the questions earlier, but realized I didn't put in my own responses.

My favorite season two moment is in Zoo York. I absolutely love their very first scene together:

I thought they sparked right away, from their proximity to the tone of Danny’s voice.

But, the whole convo in LoLD is definitely my favorite season two quote:
Does it turn you on? / What’d ya have in mind, Montana?
Watching that scene never fails to make me smile, and it demonstrates both their chemistry, and the fact that they work well with each other by being each other’s sounding boards.

Season three is a little more difficult. The hug in NWILL was an awesome moment, but LRC hallway scene was a very poignant moment in their relationship. LRC is doing battle with the ending of SOoH for my faves. DoWaR had a lot of great little moments, too. I think LRC takes the best quotes vote, for the whole convo, whereas the courtroom scene wins best moment. Damn reporters.
Hey guys. How's everyone today? Where's my Chelle baby? SHE'S RAN AWAY AGAIN. Ahhh.
Sheesh. I'm starting to sound like Lynny! The daisy is really cute, but the name "Daisy" is a terrible name. Danny and Lindsay are both nice names and their KIDS should have good names since they are getting great genes anyway! And "Daisy' is one of the most terrible names I've ever heard! LOL. Sorry, but I love D/L and I just can't see them naming their kid like that. :lol: Sorry!!
Lol, Delia bring on the D/L hot love indeed, cannot wait!!
Me neither, sweetie! D/L is absolute hotness.
welcome to the two newbies!
hehe that quote is on my neopets page (I am addicted to that site ).
:eek: You play Neopets? How old are you? :lol: I'm sorry, but that site is really lame. :lol: I gave up when I was 8.
What is your favorite season 2 D/L moment and/or quote, and why?
What is your favorite season 3 D/L moment and/or quote, and why?
Perfect question. My favorite Season 2 D/L moment is MOST DEFINITELY from Risk, when Danny sees her in that gorgeous dress and says, "Well hello. Ms Monroe. You clean up nice." -- It bugs me when people get that line wrong. :lol: I'm so paranoid., It's not "YOU LOOK REAL NICE."!!! Don't get it wrong guys! :lol: *paranoid, steals Mo's Danny!*

Oh and you know how TV Guide is saying that D/L romance + Mac/Peyton are gaining great ratings? Well, I've come up with a formulae that always works with other ships I love.
Sex = Good Sales. It's the truth.
Danny = Walking sex. :devil: (Of course, I MEAN DAMN. HAVEN'T WE SEEN THOSE ABS?)
Lindsay = Gorgeous and totally adorable.
So when you add them together:
Danny + Lindsay = Absolute walking sex, gorgeous and adorable people.
So therefore, Danny + Lindsay sell as they are totally gorgeous and so damn sexy.
delia I may be a bit older than most Neopet users (no I'm not 30 and I prefer to keep my age to myself :p) but I still like it :) although since I found this site I've just been going on NP for a few things, cause this forum takes up all my time :lol: No need to apologize, as always whatever floats your boat :p
P.S. I PM'd you back.

Love your little formulas there hun, very nice indeed. Sex does indeed sell, and...well yah you pretty much said it all about those two :) Nice to hear D/L and M/P are helping the ratings...I'm not surprised but it's always a good thing to hear :D
*Mo strolls in just in time to catch Delia trying to make a grab for her Danny...* Hey! Bring back my...oh I mean ummmmm, Linds' man! Besides we aren't letting them out of the closet yet, remember! ;) Heehee! They ain't done in there yet! :devil:

Hello my lovelies...gah I swear it feels like I'm hardly ever in here lately...I miss hanging out with y'all more often! Silly work...silly life! :lol: :lol: Anyway...Hi...*Mo passes out cookies and huggles to all her fabulous D/L buddies!*

Angel to answer your question before I forget, that cover with "Will Danny and Lindsay Hook Up?" definitely does exist!! It's the Hot Guys of CSI edition with Danny, Greg and Eric on the front...and I have the big pic of Carmine from the edition sitting framed on my desk, with the small pic of him carrying Linds in "Cool Hunter" next to it...(I'm so not kidding too! IN case you didn't think I was a dork already, there's your proof!! :lol: )

Dutch thanks for your meaning of the name Daisy...daises are my favorite flower, so I love what you said...but I'm not totally feeling Daisy as a D/L baby name...sorry hon! ;)

Okay Mer...favorite D/L quote and/or moment from Seas. 2 and Seas. 3...gah I am so bad at this...I can NEVER just pick one favorite...that or when I pick these, I somehow end up picking totally angsty ones (even though I am a TOTAL fluffy! :lol: ) Hmmmmm....
Okay these are subject to change if I'm asked again at a later date...but for now...Seas. 2 quote: "Does it turn you on?" And then Danny licks his lips and goes, "Whoa there Montana, what'd you have in mind?" :lol: And then moment-wise I still think I have to go with when Danny and Linds' eyes connect in RSRD...when Danny's giving up his badge, there is SO much feeling and emotion in that gaze that it gets me every time! I love it!
And Seas. 3 quote and moment...Danny walks into his apartment, looks around, shrugs and goes, "Go wit' your instincts!" and walks back out the door...amidst the cheering of a million D/L fans and my insessant squeeing! :lol: And moment..the whole ending of SOoH..but especially when Danny first pokes his head in and Linds stares at him with that "You really came!" look and then when she pulls him back into their almost kiss...(Damn reporters indeed! :p )

Alright my lovelies...that's it for me at the moment...off to work for me! :p But I will return this evening! :D

Until then...

Pssstt...Hi Aud! *Mo huggles her Fluffy Twin wherever she is! :D *
Hey, people new to this thread.. BIG D/L shipper! hmmm, i think i might have posted this or, maybe not?? im a bit dizzy teehee. anyway, welcome me people. =D
^^ Haha welcome to the D/L thread CookiMonstasBabe!!
Youll love it here : )

Im upset theres no new ep this week.. :mad:
Can someone tell me when the next new one is?
my favorite s2 DL moment is probably the "Make Tracks Cowboy" scene. It's just perfect. They have great chemistry in that scene, and it shows how confortable they are with each other.

s3 is probably the whole part in "A Daze of Wine and Roaches" when they're in the lab with Adam... I just adore that part. We can all tell that something happened between the two... I'm thinkg m&m smex.
All those favourite quotes and moments are great :D…we do have an awesome ship :)…so many great memories AND hopefully more to come ;)

Great pictorial version of your favorite scene. Nice choice cause it is deeper than it seems!
That’s right Angel! And till SOoH it was my favourite D/L scene. :)

And cool wallpaper…is that Times Square?
Yes! I know it’s a little
, but Danny’s in there and I was so proud when I won that challenge…and isn’t this how we all want Time Square to look…:

Can anyone confirm if the scene from LRC where Danny and Lindsay are walking (the one where Danny says “I’m starving here!”) was taped in New York or Los Angeles?
It did look like NY! :cool:

Danny + Lindsay = Absolute walking sex, gorgeous and adorable people.
That’s a fantastic formula Kissme…and although it’s a crime show apparently a lot of people enjoy a little romance on the show… :p

Dutch thanks for your meaning of the name Daisy...daises are my favorite flower, so I love what you said...but I'm not totally feeling Daisy as a D/L baby name...sorry hon!
Aaah, Mo no need to feel sorry….I like the name, but then again I don’t like the flower so much…I love tulips… :lol:

goodnite, welcome back! And the next ep is next week and it will be the first of the final 4…no more breaks till the end of the season. :D
P.S. I PM'd you back.
Ahhh thanks. :)
ahem. My flatmate's name is Daisy. I like it.
Sorry, but I'm just expressing my opinion that I don't really see D/L's daughter being named that...
but I'm not totally feeling Daisy as a D/L baby name...sorry hon!
Thanks Mo for saying that too!
CookiMonstasBabe , welcome and join in the D/L loving fun! We have the best time around here.
s3 is probably the whole part in "A Daze of Wine and Roaches" when they're in the lab with Adam... I just adore that part. We can all tell that something happened between the two... I'm thinkg m&m smex.
Me too. That part was great! I loved how Adam just seemed to know! :D What an awesome lab guy!
so many great memories AND hopefully more to come
I know. We hope for the best and the spoiilers are telling us, there'll be more compelling scenes before the end of the season which gets us all excited!
That’s a fantastic formula Kissme…and although it’s a crime show apparently a lot of people enjoy a little romance on the show…
haha, thanks! :) OH MY GOD--Dutch, that is a FANTASTIC WALLPAPER!!!! It's SO AWESOME! :) What a great idea and whoaaa, the men of CSI are so hot! :D
Hey there Goodnite! We haven't seen you around in ages.
Delia I love your new avvie :D very nice! dutch the wallpaper is love as well! I would try to make something like that 'cept I'm a horrible artist so I don't even attempt :lol:

goodnite welcome back hun *huggles* :D and a big welcome to CookiMonstasBabe *claps and cheers in celebration*

Mo hunny I PM'd you back. It's a tad lengthy :eek:
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