Danny/Lindsay #15: "Go with your instincts!"

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dutch, you always have such great icons!
Aah txs sweetie *hugs merc* :) I'm trying out some new stuff and Lindsay is such a beautiful test subject... :)

Love the puppies btw...they're adorable... :D

You and me Dutch! I'll distract them while you check the camera, and then we can toss them the food and shut the door real quick...not like they want to escape though! Heehee!
yeah, check on the camera, dutch, make sure it is still transmitting properly! Hmm, wonder if you could set up a live camera feed from the closet...
Well at least they're fed again (great team work Mo! :D) and we did get a chance to check the camera, but unfortunately no live feed :(...they were on to us and shut the light off in the broom closet... :mad: :eek:

I got some great pics of Danny!
Vex if I hand you a big left over chocolate bunny could you please share your pics...please...please? :D :cool:

Linds tried to escape the broom closet saying she needed some breathing room. I shoved her back in. But before I did so, I had to look in on the dashing Mr. Messer sprawled out on... Oh, it's a tough job, but someone's got to do it.
If you ever need help on another 'tough' job like that Aud I will be happy to lend a hand :devil:...And bad, bad Lindsay, she'd better put the light back on to see what she's running from... ;)

I just saw 'Sleight of Hand' on TV links, and, WOW
Hey, Claire, welcome. And WOW is indeed the best way to describe SooH. You should try to catch "A Daze of Wine and Roaches" too...great D/L stuff! :D

Anybody know anymore spoilers
Nope, I'm sorry Mo, nothing new that I know of, but I hope we get some more info on ep #24 soon... ;)
Hello to all! I just found out some lovely information and thought I'd share it with my shippy buddies. As a head's up, this only contains the spoiler regarding D/L.

Apparently Lindsay wakes up in Danny's apartment...he's working and she's not. *feels the floor shake beneath her feet from the squee's around the world*

Modie, if for some reason I am not allowed to do this I apologize in advance. Once I saw this spoiler I went a little crazy and wanted to share it with everyone else. ;)
I am little scared of the finale... The whole Dashed and Distraction thing scares me... Its about friggin' time the two are together and I don't want there to be a chance it ends super soon
Awww CSIFray you don't have to be scared *hugs*. Try to have a positive outlook on the finale...it's what we've been doing ever since we heard the whole "destiny dashed" thing. TPTB wouldn't spend almost two entire seasons with D/L and not even get them together....at least that's the way I look at it. Seems like a total waste of time to do all that work and writing and not even make something happen. Anyways don't worry hun, I'm sure everything will work out in the end. Remember that if nothing happens this season there's always next. :)
dl_shipper34 I... that's... wow. That's crazy news that can take the "destiny dashed" to a crazy level... or actually a million crazy levels. I'm so excited for it now. Hopefully it will live up to all the hype it's getting, us ans know sometimes these eppys don't exactly turn out as we all hope.. :rolleyes:
I should hate spoilers. I should knock them out and put them in the creek and let them drown, but no. I read them anyways.

Lovely reason as to why Lynny has fluff down deep in her soul...I could give you another, but I'm being nice to Lynny at the moment...right hon?! Heehee!

*blinks* I thought you said you weren't gonna bring that up anymore??

Hey, she's MY Modie. How many times I gots to tell yalls!

Twinny, gimmie that icon.

I agree it is big news, especailly for us shippers. I don't know the actual reason as to why she's there, but of course we have our own theories *thinks of Mo, dutch and vex just to name a few* The spoiler I read only said she woke up in his apartment and that he was working or something. TPTB do sometimes say things and never put them into eppys, hopefully it's not the case this time.

BTW I love your avvie :) it's really cute. I watched that behind-the-scenes and it was great. Nice to see the actors when they're not shooting, you get to see a different side of them.
OK this is what I think should happen...
- Lindsay wakes up in Danny's bed and danny's left a note , something like, "Mac called had to go but i'll make it up to you later, Danny x"

- Lindsay turns up shounting for Danny and Flack has to calm here down!!

- When Danny and Adam are let out, Lindsay runs to Danny and the season finishes with that Kiss we all want!!

What you think????
dl_shipper34 said:
Awww CSIFray you don't have to be scared *hugs*. Try to have a positive outlook on the finale...it's what we've been doing ever since we heard the whole "destiny dashed" thing. TPTB wouldn't spend almost two entire seasons with D/L and not even get them together....at least that's the way I look at it. Seems like a total waste of time to do all that work and writing and not even make something happen. Anyways don't worry hun, I'm sure everything will work out in the end. Remember that if nothing happens this season there's always next. :)

I am thinkin' that it'll be somethin' like Danny's past thats the 'distracetioin'. Kinda like with Lindsay but different... 'Cause we haven't heard much about his Past
Howdy Shippers! Where's Mo? :D :D :D

Hmmm...so Linds wakes up in Danny's bed, but he's not there? Interesting. I don't know what will happen. It could turn out good and then again it might turn out differently than we'd like it too. Right now I'm just hyperventilating over the idea of her being in Danny's bed. :devil:
hey guys!!

all for these spoilers. I've been squeeing over the fact that Lindsay is in the bed that Danny was in. I'm hoping for a kiss out of this, but it seems like they have already done a couple of naughty things so a kiss might be to late. I'm loving it!
Oh yea, I'm with mom... the thought alone is making me like flip out. TWINNY! Take the icon... if you use, credit macayla. I'm quite fond of it myself... I've got to see an amazing icon to replace that baby. oh and dlshipper now that I've read other spoilers pertaining to the eppy, I have a bit of a different idea about what's going to happen, but stuff could happen on so many crazy levels, it's hard to say what will actually happen. And yea, where is Mo, she'd be lovin' this!
Rad[/b]]Yah I read the other spoilers too, I just didn't say them here because they didn't relate to D/L and this is a D/L thread. Figured no one would want to hear them since they're not about our beloved Dantana :) Anything can happen in this eppy...who knows why she's *really* there? As I said we all have our own ideas but alas must wait until it actually airs. I'm keeping my fingers crossed even if the spoilers haven't indicted anything...yet ;)
It has been quite a while guys.

I am loving all of the spoilers. I leave for two weeks and come back and everyone knows what will happen the rest of the season.

I can't wait til they start airing.
Hello, I'm back, guys! It's been a rough couple of weeks, and I haven't been able to be here, but I love to come back to news like the possible spoilers. Makes up for the rough time I've had. That being said, I
that Danny is taking Lindsay's shift, that it was suppose to be her that was called to the crime scene. Maybe this is the distraction, Lindsay might feel it should have been her, not Danny, held hostage. That being said, it would be a lousy thing to do that to her so soon when she just got through that with the trial. Mind you, that's just my speculation on the spoilers. And I hope they do not cut the scene with Lindsay waking up in Danny's apartment. I'm now crossing my fingers and toes. lol
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