Danny/Lindsay #15: "Go with your instincts!"

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Hello D/L shippers!
Well, I do not post in here much, mostly because I don't follow most of the things you post, considering the delay in the episodes. But I am often here reading everything, looking for something important. Ok, I know, everything about Danny and Lindsay is important, lovely, cute, adorable, beautiful...don't need to continue, do I? But anyway, sometimes it's not easy to post. But I am here and supportive as always.

Well, I would like to ask, what episode is the last picture posted by kissmesweet (really posted, not the link, the actual picture)??

About the episodes I am getting now, I loved the scene in "Not what it looks like", as I have said here before, but was disappointed by the episode after, because Danny wanted to develop things, and she felt she couldn't...I kind of knew this was going to happen, because of all the stuff said here in the forum, but really watching the scene is more difficult. But I know the reason that now made Lindsay not advance will actually join them even more, put them together and closer, so I don't feel that bad and sad about it.

That's all from me today :)
Twinny where the heck'd you get that icon? Gimmie it! She's so cutes in that!.. and I didn't just say that, so lets ignore it and move on, shall we?

Wow. you didn't freak me out or anything. :lol: Macayla made it... I've had oit for a while I think.

I'm pretty annoyed with all these breaks. I mean, if they're gonna make us wait all these weeks for the end of the season the end of the season better be amazing!

I was reading something about a supply room. They've been in there for a while, I think we should refuel them... I'll bring the m&m's... :lol:
I'm tired. I just finishing writing a 2000 word paper. I'm exhausted.

Dutch I love your smilie/bunny, it's hilarious!

As for the broom closet, we should slip some food under the door. Who want's to do it?
^ Yeah, I love that smilie too. A friend sent it to me because that's exactly the way she and I act around chocolate... :eek: :eek: :D

I am really curious to see where the end of this season is going to take our ship.
Well you and me both, mercy. I always get so nervous when a show comes close to its season's finale...I want to know what will happen and at the same time I'm sad that it will be over. :( And all the rumors aren't helping either :rolleyes:, but I'm sure D/L will be fine! :D

But I know the reason that now made Lindsay not advance will actually join them even more, put them together and closer, so I don't feel that bad and sad about it.
That must be great Dani! When we were watching that ep we still had no clue what Lindsay's secret was and what made her turn Danny down :eek: and stand him up... :eek:

As for the broom closet, we should slip some food under the door. Who want's to do it?
*jumps up and down* ME, ME, ME!! I'm having a big family dinner at my parents' place in an hour and I'm sure there will be enough left-overs to feed them for a week.. :cool:. And that gives me a chance to check if that camera is still okay too! :p

Happy Easter to you two, Dutch! Cute bunny! i'm sure, whatever happens, D/L will get through it! They always do! lol!

Peace x
dutch, you always have such great icons! I like yours too, yoblng!

yeah, check on the camera, dutch, make sure it is still transmitting properly! Hmm, wonder if you could set up a live camera feed from the closet... :devil:

Super Lindsay Fan said:

.. and I didn't just say that, so lets ignore it and move on, shall we?
I heard it and I'll remember it, ha!

And to all of y'all:
Happy Easter to all, and to all a great day! *Mo pops in waving and passing out chocolate bunnies and jellybeans and throwing the fun green grass-stuff that only comes in the Easter baskets around over everyone!* :D Hiya everyone, I haven't been in here in a few days and I missed you all so much!

maybe, just maybe…. I might lurk a bit in the CatNip thread when I get home from work…
Yay Mer!! I'm so running over there as soon as I post in here and checking to see if you popped in! You better, or we're SOOO dragging you in there!! Don't think we won't either, Lynny's good at that! :lol:

As for the broom closet, we should slip some food under the door. Who want's to do it?
Ohhhh I will Vex!! You and me Dutch! I'll distract them while you check the camera, and then we can toss them the food and shut the door real quick...not like they want to escape though! :devil: Heehee! :lol:

Alright lovelies, only 3 days until our new eppy...yay for that! Anybody know anymore spoilers, ohhhh and have we got any spoiler pics yet? We got those pics from the promo...don't remember who posted those but they rocked...now we just need one of them making out and all will be right in the world...of course if we got that, this thread would explode along with my heart from all the squees!! :D :D

Off to enjoy Easter dinner, well in a bit! ;)
Mer who's gonna ship catnip said:
I heard it and I'll remember it, ha!

..I'm so gonna haunt you..

Aunt!Mo said:
Yay Mer!! I'm so running over there as soon as I post in here and checking to see if you popped in! You better, or we're SOOO dragging you in there!! Don't think we won't either, Lynny's good at that!

I'll drag your ass, Mer! I'm good for that. ;)


Easter.. Happy Easter. *gives out Peeps*

So, what do you think DL is doing? Well besides Danny stealing my Peeps! *catches him and chases after him*
Lol, trust her Mer she really will haunt and drag your ass into CatNip...wait you did post in CatNip...Lynny she did post in CatNip remember! ;) Now you just have to ship them or we'll haunt your ass! :lol:

Okay back to D/L! :D Good Danny! *Mo pets Danny, giggling as she eats the peeps he stole for me from Lynny!* :lol: Here hon to be fair you can have some of mine to eat too! :D *Mo passes Lynny a chocolate bunny!*
I say Linds wants Danny to have a good country Easter dinner, so she invited him over (which is funny considering I think they totally practically live together now!) and cooked him a nice ham dinner, complete with scalloped potatoes and aparagas! Yummy! :D Then of course he'll properly :devil: thank her...properly indeed! ;) Oh yeah baby! :devil: Heehee! :lol:
Ahoy shipmates :) Happy Easter to y'all *blows kisses to all her lovely buddies*

Yay only a few more days until the new eppy woot woot. Alas we must then wait two weeks for another installment of D/L *tear*. Ah well. Looking forward to the next few weeks, should be intense....and hopefully full of lots of goodness and fluff!!
I hope everybody had a great Easter! I'm stuffed full of food of course!

And I checked Danny and Lindsay in the broom closet. They're doing fine. I got some great pics of Danny!

They send their love! :)
Happy Bunny Day, everyone! :D :D

Mo, I is here. It snowed a bit in Texas. Hell hath frozen over! My internet has been limited. :mad: :mad:

Mer, my hero, called Rebel Child: Super Lindsay Fan! :lol: :lol:

Oh, at one time, yes she was. But the angst came through in the relationship, and the fluff was gone. Proving, there is a bit of fluffiness deep in her heart. I wub you, Lynny, no matter what though. :D :D :D

Linds tried to escape the broom closet saying she needed some breathing room. I shoved her back in. But before I did so, I had to look in on the dashing Mr. Messer sprawled out on... :devil: Oh, it's a tough job, but someone's got to do it. :lol: :cool:

Happy Shipper Dreams!! :)
See. This is the bad thing when Mommy's been on this thread the longest with me, she knows to much about me! *headdesk*

I love my angst. It makes me.. Rebel Child! *sticks out tongue*

Gonna drag you to CatNip as well.
We in Norn Iron are behind all you guys on the CSI, and with stressful uni its hard to keep up with TV, so I just saw 'Sleight of Hand' on TV links, and, WOW.
Good morning lovelies! :D Aud! There you are love! :D *Huggles!* Bummer about the snow causing slow internet...grrr, it's Spring, means you shouldn't have to worry about snow making internet slow! :lol: Lovely reason as to why Lynny has fluff down deep in her soul...I could give you another, but I'm being nice to Lynny at the moment...right hon?! ;) Heehee! :lol:

Can't wait for our eppy in just a couple days...I saw a preview for it last night, just a really brief one and it looks pretty good! :D Hopefully we'll get at least a bit of D/L since that's what really makes the eppy for me! :D

Alright lovely Monday... :p gotta head off to work! Have a spiffy day all, catch ya later! :D
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