Danny/Lindsay #15: "Go with your instincts!"

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Hello all! Happy Thursday night...even happier cuz I get the day off tomorrow...yeah baby! How excited am I, ohhhhhhhhh yeah! :D
*runs to the store to get the ingredients* You better start making copies Mo!
Ohhh Dutch hon, no worries! That is one thing I have PLENTY of! :lol: YOu can never have too many copies of D/L in the broom closet tape! :devil: Smex in the closet...good times for D/L...now we just need to actually see them sneaking out of the broom closet in an eppy...can you imagine the reaction if they actually put that in an eppy? I'd die, oh good lord...that'd rock! :D :D

Yeah...*hugs Mo's muse*
Lol, yeah now I have 2 ideas fighting in my brain now...so we'll see which one wins or if they both win or merge or yeah...we'll see! :lol:

*I'm TNT, I'm dynamite!
Love it hon! That's totally D/L's theme song...together they're combustible baby! :devil:

hehe, you are rights! .. . *mumbles* What kind of cookies we talkin' here?
Wait cookies do work? I mean I know my way works...but cookies are way tastier...well maybe not...my way is pretty dang tasty too! Awww dang it now I'm back in the gutter...lol, at least I know y'all are with me...and Lynny you know what my way is! ;) :devil:

*blinks* *makes funny faces behind your back and when you turn whistles innocently* What? .. Oh look Danny's stripping! *when you turn around , runs*
Run all you want chica, I know where you live remember! ;) And I SOOO pwn you anyway, you'll always come back to me...and wait...Danny's stripping? Ohhhhhh yeah baby! :devil: *Mo starts cheering and pulls out her dollar bills!* :devil: :lol:

Okay now that I've sunk completely into the lovely D/L gutter...I'm off to sleep...and perchance to dream! :D Danny stripping...oh to dream about that! :devil:

Night all...sweet dreams! ;)
...together they're combustible baby!
:lol: Absolutely! Their chemistry is hot, hot, hot! And yes, together they ARE combustible. They are unbeatable and can take over the world! :lol: I'll be totally happy if they did!
Oh Mo, if you get ideas into my head about Danny stripping and dollar bills, then--oh dear. I'm so jealous of lucky Lindsay! She's got Danny and his hot body for himself.
Smex in the closet...good times for D/L...
Ahh! So... THAT'S where they are! I was at the crime lab and looking for the both of them are... and THEY'RE DOING IT IN THE CLOSET! :eek:
^^ Oh, yes... well... We sure love the gutter. *Points at Mo, knowing she sure loves the gutter!

I'm rambling about D/L again, but they are too beautiful together. I mean when they work, they shoot each other adorable looks and smiles--as if they've got a secret to hide... Hmm, maybe they do! But HA, we're onto them!

So is the whole team apparently... :rolleyes:
Aloha to y'all!! *waves and tosses M&Ms to her fellow buddies*

I mean when they work, they shoot each other adorable looks and smiles
:) totally agree kissme. They always seem to have these little glances and looks for each other. Very sly of them hehe...we know their dirty little secret :lol:

Great... now i'm in the gutter too, lol!
:lol: The more the merrier :D

Oh look Danny's stripping!
Oh my...where can I see this strip show? :devil:
Nada, nothing, zip, zilch, zero for D/L in the promo.
Aah, txs for the info merc, but there was a link in the 'spoiler thread' to the promo and I did get a glimpse of Lindsay and Danny :)...sad thing is that there was no way of telling if they're gonna be in a scene together... :(

now we just need to actually see them sneaking out of the broom closet in an eppy...can you imagine the reaction if they actually put that in an eppy? I'd die, oh good lord...that'd rock!
:lol: LOL, Mo! I can just imagine all those D/L shippers all over the world cheering...they don't even have to sneak out...just show them exciting something that looks like a supply room would probably already be enough reason to make us go nuts :rolleyes:...and just for fun have one of them casually close a final button :devil: before returning to the lab... :cool:

:eek: kissme :eek: *joins everyone in the gutter* ;)

Oh my...where can I see this strip show?
...in the closet :)...on those tapes Mo's making copies off :D...and HERE! :devil:
Danny in the locker taking off his shirt---priceless! :):)

Of course, Danny and Lindsay are in the broom closet. All the couples go the broom closet. Cameron and Chase from Housewere in the broom closet. The talked about it in the latest episode.
So ‘unforeseen circumstances’ did arise, and I did not get chapter three of my ficcie done.
I’m sorry. :( *hangs head in shame*

Ah vex, I didn’t get to see that ep, I forgot to set the VCR so I don’t know what happened this week! *pouts*

Thank you for the link, dutch! It definitely made me smile (all the way back to the gutter)! :devil:

Lynny a.k.a. ‘fluffy in denial’ said:
Nada, nothing, zip, zilch, zero for D/L in the promo.
I'm starting to think that means no DL in the promo?
:D Just voicing my temporary frustration at a nearly D/L-less promo. (thanks for the correction, dutch! I missed them in it, can’t rewatch it on my computer due to slow connection unfortunately. Lovely icon, btw).

Less than a week till our new eppy!
Twin!V said:
*What about Peanut Butter and Chocolate Chip,,,,and of course, m&m cookies!

*Vex tries to lure Lynny with the cookies, hoping that it will work**

Peanut Butter and Chocolate Chip cookies you say?.. Yummmy!

Mer who's going to get dragged into CatNip said:
Just voicing my temporary frustration at a nearly D/L-less promo.

aww Poor Mer. *hands you a cocoa peep* here, these always make me feel betters :D

5 Days, ... hrs... mins.. till next weeks ep! boyah!
Cameron and Chase from House were in the broom closet. The talked about it in the latest episode.
Wow, I've just seen S02E13 this week...guess there's a lot to look forward to... :D

So ‘unforeseen circumstances’ did arise, and I did not get chapter three of my ficcie done.
I’m sorry. *hangs head in shame*
Don't worry merc at least you have a story in your head, my inspiration seems to be completely gone... :( :mad:

Just voicing my temporary frustration at a nearly D/L-less promo. (thanks for the correction, dutch! I missed them in it, can’t rewatch it on my computer due to slow connection unfortunately
I was a bit bored while waiting for dinner to get ready, so I made a few caps of the promo :D...They're a bit blurry, but here's Lindsay and here's Danny :)

They will not be working the same case, but since he's already in the lab we can only hope that Lindsay has some lab work too and will join him... :devil:

*shares some of her chocolate Easter goodies with her fellow shippers* Enjoy! :lol:
the next new eppy is this week? And I missed the promo... I suck as a fangirl these days no lie. And although I haven't seen the promo yet, just reading you guys say there was no DL in it, makes me not mad really, just frusturated. But 5 days.. I think I can manga... brarely though.

Oh, Is this the last break of the season?
Happy Easter everyone! *lots of hugs*

dutch your new avvie, that little animated guy eating the chocolate, and ficcy are all awesome!! :D

Oh, Is this the last break of the season?
No, after April 11th we have to wait two weeks for a new episode :(
Hello my peeps (yup "peeps" as in yellow fluffy marshmellow-y thingies you eat for Easter!) HOw are y'all today? I'm doing fab, I love Easter weekend...I get an extra day of holiday leave and extra sleep and candy, how is that not great!

Oh Mo, if you get ideas into my head about Danny stripping and dollar bills, then--oh dear. I'm so jealous of lucky Lindsay! She's got Danny and his hot body for himself.
Lol, Delia hon, you'd be thinking about Danny stripping even if I didn't suggest it, I just moved the idea along to your brain a little faster! ;) The HOTNESS that is Daniel Messer cannot be ignored...by anyone! :lol: And yeah Linds is lucky, she's got that hot body to herself all the time...oh yeah baby! (Well almost all the time, she lets me borrow him every once in a while! :devil: )

Yup babe, whenever you cannot find D/L that's where they are...all the time, not working...they're in the closet...not eating...they're in the closet...basically if they're not busy, they're doing it in the closet! :devil: Mmmmmhmmm! Heehee, can you blame them?! ;)

*Points at Mo, knowing she sure loves the gutter!
Who me? Yeah I can't even pretend I don't....I adore the gutter, it's smutty and lovely and heck I live here! :D heehee! :lol:

just show them exciting something that looks like a supply room would probably already be enough reason to make us go nuts ...and just for fun have one of them casually close a final button before returning to the lab...
OMG, Dutch!! I would die! I would be squeeing for like a whole year over that, if not longer! Them coming out of the closet would be awesome enough...the final button thing though...that would like the coolest icing on the cake, EVER!! :lol: I want it, I want it, I want it! :lol:

Lynny said:
Mer who's going to get dragged into CatNip said:
Yay, yay, yay!! Lynny you should totally drag Mer into CatNip, that'd be totally fun! Mer you'd like CatNip...I just know it! :D

Okay my lovelies...have a fabulous Easter weekend, eat lots of peeps, jellybeans and chocolate, and ponder lovely D/L thoughts...and hold onto hope we'll get some good lab scenes in our next eppy which is less than a week away! Yay! I'm off to watch a track meet in the rain...wohoo. Later dudes! :D

Psssttt...Fluffy Twin, I misses you! :D
cocoa peeps? they make cocoa peeps?!? *runs over to google*
ooh, those things are going on my shopping list. thanks, lynny! maybe, just maybe…. I might lurk a bit in the CatNip thread when I get home from work…

Funny (yet accurate) chocolate bunny ani, dutch, and thanks for the promo pics of Danny and Lindsay! I am really curious to see where the end of this season is going to take our ship.
Twinny where the heck'd you get that icon? Gimmie it! She's so cutes in that!.. and I didn't just say that, so lets ignore it and move on, shall we?

Mer should go willingly. Trust me, its easier that way. *nods* and I told you they make cocoa peeps, you never listen to me.
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