Danny/Lindsay #15: "Go with your instincts!"

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Ok so just as a head's up, next Wednesday (April 11) is 'What Schemes May Come'. I know we've been hearing that the next new eppy might be a week early and it looks like it is, since that's what it says on Wiki. So now we don't have to wait an extra week. Yay! The next new one is Apr. 25 ('Past Imperfect').
Lynny = Not Fluffy.

Don't worry Mo, The Cameras are safely secure. *stares at Flackie* Don't steal that one camera ever again!.. Its not my fault you were in there with Modie! .. The camera's mine, Got it? Touch it again, and I'll slap you!
CathStokes said:
Lynny = Not Fluffy.

*You can't even bribe her with cookies to get her to convert to fluffy! :lol: Am I right, Lynny!

I seem to be on the fence on whether I am fluffy or angsty. I'm a angsty!triplet! So this is hard for me! :)
Why does Flack always lose the bet?
I still maintain that Sid wins the bet, he's just got to. Remember how he told Lindsay that Danny calls her Montana because he has a crush on her in Stealing Home? As to how the team found out, barring any unforeseen emergencies or circumstances, chapter three of my ficcie Lab Geeks in the Know should be updated tomorrow. If ya need to refresh yourself on what it is about, you can find it here.

Lynny! :eek: Don't slap Flackie! He's the only tall one of the bunch, be nice to him! *gives lynny a stern look* Oh wait,... an injured Flack may need nursed back to health... *ponders new fantasy about the tall blue eyed detective* :devil: :D
Hello, hello, hello! How are y'all this fine happy Hump day? Happy hump day it is, I see Danny and Linds are celebrating the day in fine style in the broom closet...hump day...yeah y'all get it! :lol: Heehee! :devil:

*bribes Mo and the body-switchers with a nice freshly baked apple pie* I'd love to have a copy of those 'recordings' to get me through a long summer
Mmmmmm, make it a plate of fudge brownies and you've got yourself a deal Dutch hon! Lynny we gotta make sure we make plenty of copies, we're gonna be getting ourselves some good bribery gifts here! ;) (Fluffy Twin...you can borrow mine for free! ;) )

^^ Hmmm, I'll probably steal Mo's recordings!
Hey now! Honey, you're cute and all and my fluffy buddy...but if you steal my broom closet recordings I'll have to let Lynny whack you! :D

Why does Flack always lose the bet?
Ya know Yoblng I don't know why that is! For some reason it just fits to me...I could see Flack taking the long odds for some reason (and betting against D/L or even betting they'll take longer to get together is definitely a loooooong odd...cuz hello, we're freakin' CANON! :lol: ) So yeah...plus I think Flackie likes being picked on a little, makes him feel special! Ain't that right Modie! ;)

Lynny = Not Fluffy.
Uh huh...that's right love, you keep saying that! ;)

Don't worry Mo, The Cameras are safely secure. *stares at Flackie* Don't steal that one camera ever again!.. Its not my fault you were in there with Modie! .. The camera's mine, Got it? Touch it again, and I'll slap you!
Lol, go Modie! :lol: And yeah Flackie knock it off bub! Those tapes are ours dang it...hands off! Don't make Lynny whack you...even if you do kinda like it...she'll whack ya hard and it'll hurt! :devil:

*You can't even bribe her with cookies to get her to convert to fluffy!
Ohhhhhhh, I know exactly what to say, how to bribe Lynny, Vex...to get her to admit to being fluffy...lol, don't I Lynny hon! ;) Your secret's safe with me...but you gotta be nice to me! :D

Mer yeah I kinda agree that Sid would win the pool or pot on who knew about D/L the longest. He called it a loooong time ago! :D Lol, and you go ahead and dream about Flackie...more Danny for me! :devil: :lol:

Alright loves...I'm off to watch the rest of A.I....Sanjay is still on...WHY? :p Yeah, silly America! :rolleyes:

Later my honey's!! :D
Hey dl_shipper, thanks for the airdates! I can't wait for next week! Darn, I'm going to Shanghai on holiday... :( I'll have to watch it when I get back!!
Lynny = Not Fluffy.
:( We have cookies! :) And milkshakes and burgers and other yummy, sugary-and-fluffy treats for you over here! (Oh well, as I've said before: I still love you for your angsty self, honey!)
I still maintain that Sid wins the bet
Me too! He knows about our Dannyboy's secret love for Montana! He's so clever! No wonder he's an M.E.!
Lol, yeah Sid saw their love for eachother right from the get go...that "crush" comment of his in Seas. 2 "Stealing Home" made my whole week when it aired...loved that, and loved Sid for it! Go Sid! :lol:

Lol, Lynny think those sugary treats will entice you? ;) Heehee! :D

Alright bed time...here's hoping I dream of D/L lovin'...yeah baby! :devil: :lol:
Good night, sweetie! I need to go soon too. :lol: And YEP, the Sid comment totally made me grin and it make Lindsay smiled too!
Montana smiles!

C'mon, Lynny! This is my last try to get you on the fluffy side before I go to bed. :)
Awww, yeah I love her shy but totally excited smile after Sid says his "crush" comment...she is SOOOO cute!! Gah I just love D/L, they make me happy! They are gorgeous, smart, smexy as heck, and together they are dynamite! :D I could go on, but I have to head off to work...but seriously they rock! I cannot wait to see how things play out with them in the next few eppys...I've had an idea rattling around in my brain and I feel a possible D/L ficcie emerging, so I'll see what my muse decides to do and get back to y'all! :D

For now, may I just say Delia love the Pooh Bear with honey...Lynny if that works though, I will laugh for a month! :lol: *Hugs to both my Lynny & Delia!*

And now I must away...yay for no work tomorrow! :D Pssst, Fluffy Twin...where is you? :D

Later y'all! :lol:
I still maintain that Sid wins the bet, he's just got to. Remember how he told Lindsay that Danny calls her Montana because he has a crush on her in Stealing Home? As to how the team found out, barring any unforeseen emergencies or circumstances, chapter three of my ficcie Lab Geeks in the Know should be updated tomorrow.
I think Sid winning the bet is only fair. He was, like we all know, the first to at least confront one half of our lovely couple :) with his suspicions and now that he's proved being right he deserves to collect the winnings :D...And Flack loses the bet only because Danny couldn't enter this time... ;)

Can't wait for the update of your fic merc... :)

make it a plate of fudge brownies and you've got yourself a deal Dutch hon!
*runs to the store to get the ingredients* You better start making copies Mo! :D :lol:

and I'll steal a piece of that apple pie. I bet its a crumble pie too! They rock!
It's a crumble pie with sweet whipped cream on top...They're the best! :DAnd since Mo prefered brownies you can have an even larger piece...And I have to offer Lynny a piece too for staying on the angsty side... :cool:

I've had an idea rattling around in my brain and I feel a possible D/L ficcie emerging, so I'll see what my muse decides to do and get back to y'all!
Yeah...*hugs Mo's muse*

I'm glad the next ep is in a week. Have any of you guys already seen a promo? Any D, L or D/L action? :)
dutch_treat said:
I'm glad the next ep is in a week. Have any of you guys already seen a promo? Any D, L or D/L action? :)
Nada, nothing, zip, zilch, zero for D/L in the promo. Promo centered on the case and showed shots of Peyton (yes, being intentionally vague so as not to have to use spoiler box for something boring). Of course, we could still get some interaction in the show. Danny and Lindsay have spent some memorable time in the lab, so perhaps we'll get some more great scenes to add to the collection!
^^ I hope so too! I love how they don't have to work together to be hanging out. "Necrophilia Americana" and "Cool Hunter".
Gah I just love D/L, they make me happy! They are gorgeous, smart, smexy as heck, and together they are dynamite!
Absolutely... but what am I reminded of the ACDC song, "TNT..." --- *I'm TNT, I'm dynamite!
*Hugs to both my Lynny & Delia!*
Awww! Delia hugs back Lynny and Mo, because they totally rule--also hug other currently online friends, Mercy and dutch, because they also totally rule.
It's a crumble pie with sweet whipped cream on top...They're the best!
Ahhh! Sounds sweet! :) Mmmm, it is sweet, thank you. Sooo yummy and sweet, just like our Danny/Lindsay!
Ahoy there all my lovely buddies!! How are we doing on this fine Thursday afternoon? I have a "helper" here with me who also enjoys watching NY :) She's the silent type but I know she loves D/L hehe.

Woot for next week! Sooo hyped, though I'm not looking forward to the summer when we have to wait months for more D/L goodness. Ah well, guess that's what re-runs and DVDs are for :)
*waves* Howdy peeps!.. ooh honey.. to bad. I like Peeps :D

Twin!V said:
*You can't even bribe her with cookies to get her to convert to fluffy! Am I right, Lynny!

hehe, you are rights! .. . *mumbles* What kind of cookies we talkin' here?

Mer who's not getting Flackie said:
Lynny! Don't slap Flackie! He's the only tall one of the bunch, be nice to him! *gives lynny a stern look* Oh wait,... an injured Flack may need nursed back to health... *ponders new fantasy about the tall blue eyed detective*

Didn't wanna know that part. :lol: But he's my chew toy damnit! *sees Modie* Oh hi Modie, didn't uh see ya theres. *nervous laugh* How you doin'? *runs*

Aunt Mo said:
but if you steal my broom closet recordings I'll have to let Lynny whack you

I'll do it man!.. I worked hard on those tapes!..

Don't make Lynny whack you...even if you do kinda like it...she'll whack ya hard and it'll hurt!

Well. I do Pwn him and all. ;)

Ohhhhhhh, I know exactly what to say, how to bribe Lynny, Vex...to get her to admit to being fluffy...lol, don't I Lynny hon! Your secret's safe with me...but you gotta be nice to me!

*blinks* *makes funny faces behind your back and when you turn whistles innocently* What? .. Oh look Danny's stripping! *when you turn around , runs*

Dutchy said:
And I have to offer Lynny a piece too for staying on the angsty side...

*smirks* I do love the angsty side. ;)



Nada, nothing, zip, zilch, zero for D/L in the promo.

I'm starting to think that means no DL in the promo?
CathStokes said:
hehe, you are rights! .. . *mumbles* What kind of cookies we talkin' here?


*What about Peanut Butter and Chocolate Chip,,,,and of course, m&m cookies!

*Vex tries to lure Lynny with the cookies, hoping that it will work**

The promo went by real fast and I had to slow it down to see the majority of it.
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