Danny/Lindsay #15: "Go with your instincts!"

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YEAH for me! :p Back after a 3 days unvoluntary break. :eek: I could read everything you guys were discussing, but I couldn't respond *snif* :( Coffee and keyboards are NO match :mad: - especially not when that happens on sunday and then you have to work late on monday and tuesday so you can not buy a new keyboard...I've taken my office one home for this evening... :D

So a few quick replies before I'm off answering e-mails.

Anna does kick ass for such a short (petite sounds nicer ;)) girl...don't mess with her or her man. And mercy] is right...tall girls can be sweet too... ;)

I love to see the others betting on this relationship. It will be so funny...the first time we get to see D/L (accidently :devil:) show their feelings in the company of the rest of the team immediately money begins to change hands...LOL :lol: :lol:

As for the latest spoiler...
that although it will probably be a flungsty cliff hanger in the end things will work out fine. Remember AZ talked about "Danny's season ending distraction". I don't think that in the case of a shooting/hostage taking/kidnapping :eek:situation 'distraction' is the right word to use. :p So perhaps Louie makes a re-appearance or something (minor) happens to another team member, but I'm positive that Lindsay's gonna be fine...And if Lindsay's fine, Danny's gonna be fine too... ;)
I like those letter to TV-guide and I'm gonna think of one too. :D
Sorry, moddie! :) Ahhh, thanks guys for clearing up Anna's height. I was so confused.

But, yes tall girls rule too. I'm really short though. :rolleyes: So... ha, there we go.

Yep, dl_shipper34: She is gorgeous and Danny knows that too. We saw him gawk over her in 'Risk'! :)

Hey, dutch! :) I totally agree with you about the angst/fluff!
Lindsay is a tough cookie, she can hold her own with the suspects. Remember in "Zoo York" when she helped Mac with the suspect.


*Small women are tough cookies!*


*Getting physical, Montana!


*What are they feeding you in Montana**

And it's a litte more than a week till a new episode. It's going to be a long week. :(
^^Awwe vex hun you'll make it through! btw, your fic is absolutely amazing :D :D

I watched that eppy on the weekend and I totally forget about her taking down that guy *hides behind the chair before her shippy buddies throw M&Ms at her and holds up sign that says our Montana is more than just a pretty face*
Lindsay totally rules. :) She's so tough! I love the idea of our Danny-boy saving her, but hell--she can save herself at the end of the day!

... I wish they still had some physical Lindsay handling suspects action. :) That makes me HAPPY. GOD! Come to think of it, I haven't seen her for interrogation, I think since--maybe, LAST SEASON. Darn! I miss her and her power-interrogation scenes.
vexy posting pics now?? where the hell am I?? :lol:

YoBlngnSnckrsfan * thinks about freaking you out since you probably dunno about the new name by changes her mind * .. I wondered where you were hiding dangit. and why the heck aren't you on MSN?

No, I was going to say panic now, what is Canon anyway, and how about some angst...like "I like you, but I need to be by myself" stuff. *Holds Texas ficcie hostage*

Love always,

Mean Mommy

Aren't you forgetting the whole, don't say love always, cause thats still fluffy. :p and gimmie that fic already! its not nice, mommy!

*What are they feeding you in Montana**

Delia the pic worked hon, here I am! :lol: Hi my lovelies, it's past my bedtime and I'm dead tired but instead of sleeping what am I doing, hanging out in here of course! Where else would I be? :lol:

Lynny said:
*coughs* heres my best impression of mommy:
Mo -- Honey, don't worry. We're fine. we're hot. we're canon remember? DL will be fine in fluffy land!
Aud said:
No, I was going to say panic now, what is Canon anyway, and how about some angst...like "I like you, but I need to be by myself" stuff. *Holds Texas ficcie hostage*

Oh dear lord! Aud & Lynny have switched bodies I think! :eek: Fluffy Twin, Angsty niece...snap out of it!! :lol: *Mo giggles and tackles Aud & Lynny snuggling them both!* :D

I agree with y'all...Lindsay is fabulous, short but a total fireball...she's a total spitfire...dynamite in one petite gorgeous package! :D Make her mad she'll kick your ass...you know Danny gets a kick out of her, we know he loves riling her up just to see her eyes glow and shoot fire when she's steamed at him! With the amount of passion these two both have in their everyday lives...their love life, has got to be hotter than heck! :devil: Wowza baby! ;)

And on that note I think I am going to attempt to go to sleep...hopefully to dream of some sizzlicious D/L! :lol:

Until tomorrow my dears...remember...we're what again Lynny? Oh yeah...CANON!!! :D :lol:

*Mo slips out of the thread singing softly..."Love is in the Air...everywhere I look around...!" :D *
haha, Yes. Danny gets a kick out of her. He loves her so muc and they're going at it in the supply closet! :eek: YAY~ :devil: Agreed, their sex life is probably on fire too... haha, glad to see yaMo! Oh and YES, WE ARE... CANON! :lol:

Hmmm, did Lynny give in to the terrifying fluffies?
How do you imagine the revelation of D/L (who are totally canon by the way. ) to the team will be like?

I can see someone saying "Finally" at the revelation - Flack or Hawkes. and Mac with an all-knowing smile noding his head. Stellas reaction would be probably of a proud mom or older sister - all happy and hugging them just like it was said. and them betting how long till it finally happens is a great idea.

maybe they could be caught in the act. this way we would get the kiss and the revelation.

and Danny totally likes teasing her and making her angry. I can imagine he is thinking in the lines of "what is the best thing about an argument? hot make-up sex" :)
Hmmm, did Lynny give in to the terrifying fluffies?
:lol: If she did she'd never admit it...at least not publicly...maybe to her Fluffy Aunt and Fluffy Mama...right Lynny wub?! :D

D/L in the broom closet....awww good times...Lynny, Aud we need to double check and make sure our cameras are working, I think that broom closet is going to be seeing even more action now and we want to make sure we have a good record of it! :devil: :lol:

As for how D/L is revealed to the team...I would love for it to be something like...D/L is in the locker room, they finally kiss and right after their lips touch, Flack and Hawkes walk in...and they see D/L and they look at eachother and then without a word Hawkes puts his hand out and Flack slaps a $20 into his palm and goes "How'd you know?" and walks out leaving a grinning Hawkes smiling at a blushing D/L! That would be totally cute to me! :lol:

Alright lovelies, I'm off to work... :p

Later! :D
1CSIMfan said:
Anna does kick ass for such a short (petite sounds nicer ) girl...don't mess with her or her man.
Guys, please stick to the characters, not actor/character or actor/actor. ;)
WOOPS! Sorry :)...Lindsay kicks ass of course... :cool:
...I wish they still had some physical Lindsay handling suspects action
I miss that Lindsay too kissme. I hope we get to see her again next season; she looked so great in those 'Zoo York' pics... :D And perhaps she will get in action in those flungsty spoiler scenes... :eek:

D/L in the broom closet....awww good times...Lynny, Aud we need to double check and make sure our cameras are working, I think that broom closet is going to be seeing even more action now and we want to make sure we have a good record of it!
*bribes Mo and the body-switchers :p with a nice freshly baked apple pie* I'd love to have a copy of those 'recordings' :devil: to get me through a long summer... :) :)
^^ Hmmm, I'll probably steal Mo's recordings! Oooh, and I'll steal a piece of that apple pie. I bet its a crumble pie too! They rock!

See ya, my lovelies!
^^^^^^ Sweet pic! I love the way she looks at him. So cute!!!

I've gotta get my hands on those recordings! :devil:

That's a great senario Moriel, that would be so cute, and funny. But just one question: Why does Flack always lose the bet? It seems everyone has Flack paying up! lol!

Catch you guys later x
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