Danny/Lindsay #15: "Go with your instincts!"

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^^ Ahhh! Mo! You're giving TPTB scary finale cliffhanger ideas! :lol: I'll die through the months that are CSI: NY free.

OoohLynny+Mo, I might actually start to write a CatNip fic. :) They make me happy!
I know! I'm telling you...I need to not read spoilers...I start to freak out, and then my imagination gets going and then I start cranking out even worse ideas...lol, it's like pessimism overtakes my muse and holds her hostage...hostage, ahhhhhh!! :eek: As for the summer months, I'm not thinking about those now...last summer was sooooooooo long without new D/L...(by the way I realized this morning, I've almost been on Talk a whole year...craziness! :D )

Ummmm yeah Delia hon you should totally write a CatNip fic! Yup!! :D
yo Mo. Breathe. Quit taking your panic attacks. Why am I calming you down? Simple for the fact that A) You're my friend B) You're my aunt. C) You'll take it out on CatNip.

Congrats for being on talk for a year. According to this name, I have too. But I've been here longer then yr.

OoohLynny+Mo, I might actually start to write a CatNip fic. They make me happy!

Yay, Cordy. That makes me happy! :D
Lol, well thanks Lynny...whether for reason A, B, or C...doesn't matter, you're a dear and I appreciate the calming... ;) I dunno what's up with me and my panic attacks :rolleyes: ...I'll try to stop them...but it's not that easy! :p Aud Fluffy Twin...I need you to help me be optimistic again! :D

Lol *high five for being a Talk veteran!* ;) I should go find my first D/L post and see what I said...I bet it'd be funny! :lol:
*coughs* heres my best impression of mommy:

Mo -- Honey, don't worry. We're fine. we're hot. we're canon remember? DL will be fine in fluffy land!


How'd I do? :lol:

I hate to see mine. *smiles* Thank God that thread went with the rest of them when they deleted them!
it's like pessimism overtakes my muse and holds her hostage...hostage, ahhhhhh!!
:lol: I'm quite the pessmist too sometimes... but when it comes to D/L--nothing is gonna bring me down! So, you guys are damn lucky to have me to calm you down.

DL will be fine in fluffy land!
Oh my God, Lynny! Did you seriouly just encourage fluffiness? Oh and yes, you're right we are hot!
I dunno what's up with me and my panic attacks
I had panic attacks when I was younger... I was a little claustrophobic and I had to take meds. :shock: That was years ago though, so I don't have to anymore. :) Which is really good.

YAY, Catnip makes me happy too. :)

Oh, I've been having the worst day ever and coming here totally calmed me down.
Mo[/b]]Calm down hun, it's okay :). Just take a deep breath. No one knows if anyone is going to be shot...that's just what they're saying over in the NY spoiler thread. It's a possibility but it's not certain. Didn't mean to frigten you (I thought maybe Linds would get shot if it happened) but it's not going to happen for certain. Whatever does take place I know D/L will get through it :)
^^ It's only a speculation and can we just stop talking about it? Sorry, but its bugging the hell out of me. We're fine right now. :) D/L will pull through.

Okay, change of topic... How do you imagine the revelation of D/L (who are totally canon by the way. :rolleyes:) to the team will be like?
Stella runs in to see Danny holding Lindsays' hand.
Stella: Oh my God. (covers her mouth)
D/L stare at her.
Lindsay: Stella... I'm so sorry...
Stella: (laughs) Don't be! Awwww! I'm so happy for you! (hugs them)
Danny: I'm with Montana now! (grins like an idiot.)
I like that senario kissmesweet! hey, you guys probably don't even remember me, but i used to be on here alot absolutely ages ago, but cause of various things, which i don't wish to discuss, i aint been on. and i come on, and find out D/L are canon! (i'm in the UK, i ain't seen the ep yet!) I can't believe it! I so can't wait until the ep airs here now!
:lol: I love "grins like an idiot". Kudos to kissme for changing the subject to a much lighter one :) and yes we are damn lucky to have you here to calm us down ;). I hope the team finds out and when they do I can't wait to see their reactions. I bet they all act like we think they will...not surprised that Danny and Lindsay are together.
^^ Yes well, I'm good at calming people down. :lol: I did that for a girl I worked with at a local college for a runway show I did. I'm sort of short by the way. haha. Definitely under 5'8. :lol: An amateur one, at that. I'm still in high school and my mom got the job for me. Anyway, the girl was freaking out about seeing so many people. :rolleyes: And I had to give her a candy to keep her happy.

I know. I bet that they'll be like "Oh, it has to happen sometime." Stella will probably tell Mac or Flack to pay her. I love the idea of them having bets and for D/L to realize their love after so long. It only makes it that much sweeter.

How tall is Anna really? Some silly person told me 5'9! haha, that's CARMINE'S height for crying out loud and she's pretty short standing next to him, even wearing heels! Awww, isn't that cute? Another reason to love her even more! She's so adorable!
Welcome back, Yo! :)

*coughs* heres my best impression of mommy:

Mo -- Honey, don't worry. We're fine. we're hot. we're canon remember? DL will be fine in fluffy land!

No, I was going to say panic now, what is Canon anyway, and how about some angst...like "I like you, but I need to be by myself" stuff. :lol: *Holds Texas ficcie hostage* :devil:

Love always,

Mean Mommy :cool:

I speculate that the season will end with Lynn whacking Danny. All these spoilers are exciting in a way---something to keep us on the edge of our seats. Mo, sing your famous song, will ya? ;)

Have a super fluffy day to all...even D/L angsties!! *coughscanoncoughs* :D :D :D

EDIT: Anna is 5'3". She's petite. :)
Anna may be petite, but that doesn't stop her character from kicking ass against a horde of roaches!! And yes kissme she is adorable. Personally I think she's gorgeous. I must say, she looks fantastic for giving birth a little under three months ago. I also commend her for coming back so quickly. Childbirth is no walk in the park and she still managed to return to the screen in a short time. She has a wonderful smile too :D
kissmesweet said:
How tall is Anna really? Some silly person told me 5'9! haha, that's CARMINE'S height for crying out loud and she's pretty short standing next to him, even wearing heels! Awww, isn't that cute? Another reason to love her even more! She's so adorable!
:D Anna is very adorable :D ... but, *ahem*, tall chicks are adorable too! :lol:

Ya know, Danny and Lindsay are definitely going to be together, there will just be some ups and downs along the road just like in real life. Well, their stories are a bit more dramatic then real life, but you get my point. I find it fun to speculate and explore both the good and the bad in the spoilers because I am confident in the fact they are destined to be together. So… it’s not just freaking out per se, it is indulging in some ‘safe’ drama because we know that the story will have a positive ending! That’s my two cents anyhow. :D I am fluffy, hear me squee!

Lynny & Auda you guys are too funny! Cookies for you both!
It's only a speculation and can we just stop talking about it? Sorry, but its bugging the hell out of me. We're fine right now. D/L will pull through.
If it's not bashing then it can be discussed in here, even if it's something you're not comfortable with. Also, everyone has their opinion and even if you don't agree with it, you can't tell other posters what to do/say.
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