Danny/Lindsay #15: "Go with your instincts!"

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First of all, thank you for the picture, kissmesweet!
I think I understood that you/we are trying to collect the biggest number of letters possible to send to some magazine, asking for a cover with D/L(Carmine and Anna). Well, if that's it, I can make mine, even though I will never read the magazine, they will never know it, so... :p And the D/L support comes from everywhere. I think it's a great idea ;)
:lol: I'm so for this letter y'all. They'll get swamped :). Also, NY came third again in viewer rankings for last week :)

Dear TV Guide,
First off, thanks for the wonderful covers and stories you have supplied over the years. I am asking if you could do a story on Danny and Lindsay from CSI:NY and include some pictures and possible spoilers for these two. I agree with everyone who has said that they are an amazing couple and truly care for each other. Carmine and Anna are also extremely talented actors and deserve some form of recognition for what them and their characters have brought to the show. Thanks again!

Good morning! *Mo drags herself into the thread, still half asleep and wondering how it is that Monday morning's always come SO fast! :p *

Delia I like the idea of putting all the letters together and sending them at one time, but I think it might be just as effective to send them to the website...that way they can't just discount our whole request at once ya know...cuz if we sent them all together part of me could see them going..."Hmmmm, those obsessed D/L shippers again...maybe later..." and sticking the whole pile somewhere...but if we sent them seperately all into the website...it'd be like..."Request for this, request for Danny/Lindsay cover...request for that...another request for D/L cover....request for this....ANOTHER request for D/L cover...wow people really want a D/L cover!" Thus giving us our lovely oft dreamt of cover! Ergo...I say we all send them into the website individually! :D (But that's just me, if y'all want to send them together I won't bag it! :lol: )

Okay....gotta be off to work... *Mo checks on Danny and Linds in the broom closet and can't see around the articles of clothing that have been placed to strategically hide their "activities" from prying eyes...hmmmmm :devil: !*

Later! :D
I just sent my letter through that customer service thing but I think we could do both, send the request individualy and in one pack. it cant hurt, can it? and do we have an adress to whoever runs this thing, the biggest fish in the pond, we should try to reach him too. the more people, the bigger the chance. but maybe its just me
:) hehe I am loving this idea! How awesome would it be if the TVGuide people actually did it? *jumps up and down with excitement and anticipation*

So how is everyone doing on this Monday morning?? Hope y'all are enjoying your day so far. Only two more days until the next eppy! Ok so maybe it's a repeat but still. I am sooooooo hyped for April 11th!!! Next week baby!! WOOT WOOT :D:D Finally more D/L action!! Can't get enough of it hehe :)
See the spoilers yet? I'm anxious but kinda hopeful it'll bring me both my ships lol M/S and D/L. It may be that Lindsay needs some comfort if the invasion traumatizes her...Danny would be there to give it. Ack I forgot the other older spoilers,the D/L 'distraction' ones...I sooo wanna know the whole story lol
Hey guys! :) :)

thinking that danny's "distraction" is what happens in the finale. I dont' think it has anything to do with what AZ has stated earlier on. I'm actually getitng nervous about this.
I'm getting really freaked out by all the spoilers going on now..I just hope whatevers going to happen isn't .. completely nuts

Cordy -- aww, you know I love ya, Fluffy!

Mo -- I say we drag Cordy into CN and make her write us fics, since MOTHER is being very mean by not giving hers up.
Over in the NY Spoiler thread there's some thoughts on one of the character getting shot (it's just speculation). Lindsay perhaps? This whole drug thing...maybe Danny feel Lindsay's at risk or something? Maybe he wants to protect her from the drug lord cause he feels she might get hurt. Whatever it is, I'm looking forward to this eppy. I swear if Danny and Lindsay don't end up together...oh man...watch out TPTB!
I don’t often visit the spoiler thread, but curiosity got the better of me and I wandered in to take a look-see. I brought a quote over for anyone over here who doesn’t:
detdonflackjr said: On the futoncritic there is a press release from CBS with details on all of their shows season finales. Here is what they have for CSI NY "Wednesday, May 16 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) CSI: NY -- Following the largest drug seizure in New York history, Mac (Gary Sinise) and the CSIs must save the lab and face one of their toughest challenges yet when, in an elaborate heist, a drug lord and his crew descend upon the lab's vault in hopes of retrieving their merchandise." end quote. Me, I am trying to think of way that this would work out to be part of Danny’s season ending distraction that AZ was alluding to.
Maybe he has to do with his brother or something or maybe somethings in teh lab. *shrugs* Who knows really until it shows.... Good luck team! Kick their asses!
^^ I was just about to say that too! :D Hey, Lynny! I love you too! :) You totally rule.
I think that maybe the drugs thing is to do with Danny's brother and that somehow ties in with HIM as an officer... because I'm pretty sure that TPTB won't wrap up Season 3 without more of Danny's brother. We don't even know if he's dead or alive yet. I still love the idea of Danny trying to push Lindsay away to protect her, but she won't budge. :) I love the whole "hero" thing he plays, like the way he did when he got her in Not What it Looks Like. I'm sure Lindsay likes Danny as her hero. :) I do too!
Delia[/b], (reply)]I like Danny as her white-knight too, and I bet Lindsay likes it as well. I think it must be a wonderful thing to have someone care enough about you to try to protect you from the evils of the world. At the same time though, I want Lindsay to kick a** herself, and maybe be the one to save someone else from disaster in this story line. The PTB have dwelled on her tragic past as though it were a weakness, now I think it should be time for them to illustrate ways that it made her stronger. Well, that and I would really like to see her take down a perp, kinda like how she body checked that suspect in Zoo York :) Either way, I'd like to see the lab hold their own in a standoff, and I am looking forward to this!
Question about already aired ep: Did anyone else notice this?: I think that they might have had Lindsay carrying a firearm during a scene in 3x19 A Daze of Wine and Roaches, when they go into the roach guy's apartment. It is hard to tell since the scene was so dark but before they notice the bugs it looks like she had her right arm pulled back with her hand resting where a holstered weapon would be, except she did not draw it unlike Danny. Thoughts, anyone?
^^ Sugah66 on LJ said that too... but I really don't think so. It was a bit unnecessary if she didn't even take it though. :rolleyes:

I'm with you, Mercy about the playing the knight bit though. I want their relationship to develop as well as let Lindsay develop as her own character. She's fantastic and she can really kick butt and I want to see evidently that she's strong, beautiful(well, we already know that.) and intelligent(we can see that too). But we should be able to see how tough she can be, despite her going through hell when she was younger. :) Lindsay rules and she deserves that shiny cape!
However, at the same time--D/L's relationship could be developed more and I'm pretty sure that will happen... :) I wanna see some obstacles in their relationship as well as problems--they'll only come out stronger from that... so I'm happy about the spoilers!
*Mo pops into the thread...reads the spoilers...takes a deep breath...and...*
FREAK OUT!!! Sorry I just read the speculation that someone gets shot and that it's Lindsay and that SUCKS! I don't want either of D/L to be shot...but I gotta say it makes more sense anyway if Danny was shot...being the hero, pushing Linds out of the way of danger...or OHHHHH :eek: ...what if the drug guys who jump the lab, take Louie or Linds hostage and tell him to help them get their "stuff" back or they'll kill Louie or Linds...ohhhhhh, now that would be a horribly good cliffhanger finale! WOW...

Carolina sure let's send both, individual letters and in a group...why not! :D

Lynny lol, sure love let's drag Delia into CatNip to write ficcies...works for me...and I'll work on Fluffy Twin writing! :D

Gah people...I don't want to start freaking out about D/L again...lol...*Mo takes several deep calming breathes and calms into her fluffy bubble, wrapping herself in all manner of things fluffy to await this season's finale!* :D
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