Danny/Lindsay #15: "Go with your instincts!"

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Hello my darlings! How are you all this fine Spring day...I was going to come up with some rumor or something to spread since it is April Fools Day and all, but then I thought about it and I know how much I hate having my hopes raised or dashed by silly rumors (especially fake ones!) and so I decided not to do that to y'all! So happy April Fools Day, please let it be a false rumor-free day for us all! But real rumors, especially good ones are most definitely welcome! :D

I'll be a dork with you Mo
Awwwww yay hon! I always love more dorks to hang out with! :lol: You can come hang out with me and Mr. Adorkalicious Messer! :devil: Heehee, nothing much more fun than that, let me tell you! ;)

Darn, I'm talking like Mo: "Pssst.... we're canon!"
Lol, nothing wrong with talking like me! :lol: I'm rubbing off on you, what can I say...I'm just that cool! :lol: (like I said above...I am a dork! :D ) And we are SOOOOOO Canon baby, ohhhh yeah! :D

They WILL kiss this season, if they don't we'll deal with that later. (pitchforks will be included)
Rad yay, hi honey! We missed you around here! *Huggles!* And uh yeah they'll kiss this season...they SO freaking want to, the desire practically radiates off of them whenever they're in the same vicinity of eachother! If they don't kiss...I'll eat my hat! And then come after the PTB and writers with those pitchforks you mentioned! ;)

Aud!! Hello love! *Mo tackles and snuggles her Fluffy Twin!* :D
I say we petition TV Guide to do a D/L article complete with sexy pics. Mo, you on board with this?
Oh my heavens, I am so totally on board with that!!! I cannot even begin to describe how totally excited I would be if they actually did a TVGuide cover of D/L complete with sexy pics (think the last CSI: NY cover we had with Stella and Mac only instead of them it's D/L!!!) I would die...that would be hottest thing, EVER!! :devil: I'm on board and pulling for it, definitely! :D

Aunt Mo heard though and is currently reading her diaries...hmmm...journals I mean to catch all the fluffy references.
Yeah, I caught her confessing that and then found her diaries...she's asked for them back, but I'm not quite done reading them yet...have to find the meaning of a certain phrase first...right Aud?! ;) (Pssstt...Lynny tell me what it means already woman! :D )

Okay loves...I'm off to play in the sun...gotta love the rare chance to hang out outside in the NOrthwest...doesn't happen all that often this early in the year! :lol: Can't wait for our next eppy...here's hoping we get some D/L! Oh please!! :D
You can come hang out with me and Mr. Adorkalicious Messer!
*rubs hands together gleefully* Sounds like a good plan to me Mo :D Looking forward to it hehe ;)

Welcome EmilyBarton! You'll love it here hun :D *throws confetti and M&Ms into the air in celebration of a new passenger aboard our ship*

Question: Is there a thread here that lets you say your CSI real-life moments? If not we should so make up a D/L one :)
How is everybody tonight?

Emilybarton We do need more d/l lovin! We do have hope that TPTB will come and give us what we want. They do listen to us!

I love that certain TV guide article. I would like to see more of that in future TV Guides. Please TPTB?
Great idea, Carolina. Dreams can come true. I say we petition TV Guide to do a D/L article complete with sexy pics. Mo, you on board with this?
Sounds great, guys! So... how can we start? Send an email to TV Guide? Okay, I'll start us off!

Dear TV Guide,
I wanna say thanks first for giving us that beautiful coverage of CSI: NY as well as the gorgeous cover with Melina and Gary. They looked really good together and the part talking about Danny and Lindsay's relationship was beautiful. They have hands down the best chemistry and the sexiest tension between them. Not to mention they really, honestly do care about each other. That was pretty evident when he travelled all the way to Montana to see her at the court while she gave her testimony. Anna and Carmine are superb actors as I'm sure you all know from watching previous episodes, say 'Run Silent Run Deep' and 'Silent Night'. They shine together on the show as well: 'Stealing Home', 'Love Run Cold', 'Not What it Looks Like' and 'Sleight Out of Hand'. They have the easiest chemistry together and always seem to have so much fun. Not to mention in the latest episode, they gave each other adorable looks and smiles--they're so in love! So please TV Guide, dedicate a section for the couple and maybe, let us have a beautiful cover of Carmine and Anna as well as possibly some spoilers for the couple. :) Thanks so much, TV Guide!
Yours Sincerely,

Hey, why not consider it a fan project?

Ooooh and guys, look what I found!
Meanwhile, in Montana, Lindsay continues her testimony, detailing her escape from the killer. She finds strength when Danny, having taken a chance and flown out to see her, enters the courtroom. After he offers a silent glance of support, she points out the killer with certainty.
As Lindsay and Danny look on, their hands tightly clasped, the jury brings in a verdict: the killer is guilty of first degree murder. The courtroom empties, but as Lindsay leans in to give Danny a kiss, flashbulbs go off in their faces. With that, Danny takes her hand and leads her from the courtroom.
source: cbs.com/csiny
haha, isn't CBS so adorable?
I so do not like DL fluff. That was Twinny's journal entry. suckers! :lol:

Dear TV Guide,

Please tell Mo to stop writing fluffy things, and tell Modie to quit stealing Flackie from me when I just get him. and tell Cordy to stop making these things.

Thank you,
:( I know you're against all things fluff, but c'mon! You know that you wanna do the same for CatNip, don't cha?

:eek: I played the CatNip card! I love you Lynny, but I'm going to be upset when you try to burst my fluffy bubble. You know that?
Dear TV Guide,

Please tell them to stop using the catnip card. Its evil, beyond evil!



You use the catnip card again, I'll play in your bubble. I mean it!.. Ask Mo! I'll do it! .. That's why she doesn't use CatNip card unless she's got good blackmail for it..
haha, I see. Yes, I'm sorry for playing the CatNip card. I'm so evil. :) I still love you though.

Dear TV Guide,

I'll try not to use the CatNip card again. But I'll be forced to when Lynny pops my bubble! :p

Cordelia. <3 <3

P.S. I still love my angsty sweetie Lynny!
*Mo pops in and starts giggling...*

Lynny you're a dear and you know I wubs ya :D ...but me stopping writing and thinking fluffy things is about as likely as CatNip never having eye sex again, or D/L all of sudden hating eachother... ;) And yeah I played a bit of the CatNip card...but for the record, I can play the CatNip card 'member, I's allowed! :D (*Mo snuggles her Lynny!*)

Dear TvGuide...
Danny and Lindsay are one of the cutest couples on tv right now...and Carmine and Anna, are two of the hottest actors EVER! Their chemistry together is amazing and I definitely believe they deserve a cover to themselves. So give it to them already, and watch your readership triple! Trust me! ;)
-Mo :D
Hmm, ya know if you really want to try to get them to put D/L in TVGuide... if you go to TVGuide dot com and click on Customer Support, it takes you to a screen where it says "We love hearing from you. Give us an idea of what’s on your mind below." and then has a box for you to type in your suggestions/concerns, etc. Just a thought. :)
Mer you're brilliant!! Hey everyone we should totally go flood tvguide.com with requests to put D/L and thus Carmine and Anna on the cover! That'd so totally rock! :D At the very least we'd get some kind of mention of how supportive and strong D/L shippers are! Let's do it, come on y'all! :D

Oh and by the way, I just checked on D/L in the broom closet and they totally agree that's a great idea! ;) Their even willing to get dressed again for the photoshoot! :devil: (Or at least dressed enough to be decent! :devil: ) *Mo giggles and ducks into her hiding place before she gets whacked by the meter! :lol: *
Im so ready for flooding :) after all you loose nothing by asking. and we can gain soooo much.

do you have the link to the article kissmesweet mentioned? I would like to read it. I love to read about them.

and the CBS description is so sweet, whoever wrote it is definately a D/L shipper. Yay, were everywhere
(Or at least dressed enough to be decent! )
:devil: You're always getting me into the gutter, sweetie!

Why don't you, Mo--collect all of the cute letters and then send them all at once to prove that YAY--WE HAVE A NUMBER OF D/L lovers!

C'mon, guys keep the letters coming!

Carolina: welcome and the link is here:

To keep you guys cheery, I've bought a piccy!

Now letters, guys!!! We're in desperate need!
thank you som much, for the link and also for the welcome. just call me carly :)

so the letter ...
Dear TV Guide,
first I would like to say a big thanks for all the great covers and articles of all my favourite actors and TV shows through the years. and I would like to ask for another sweet bit to the collection. an article, or even a cover maybe, on Danny and Lindsay from CSI: New York would totally make my day. they are the hottest and cuttest couple on screen these days and Carmine and Anna are brilliant actors and deserve recognition for all their great work.
best regards

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