Danny/Lindsay #15: "Go with your instincts!"

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kissmesweet said:
Awww, merci beaucoup my dear! Thanks and...welcome if I haven't said that yet! I seriously love you!! Thank you so much. God, Carmine is totally a D/L shipper! :)

You're welcome sweetie.

And you're absolutely right. OMG, Carmine we love you!!!
:D :D :D

Thanks for posting this pic. I love her dress. It's just too cute. Well although I wonder with whom she was in the opera???

it IS his dog... Isn't it? So I'm sure that Lindsay must play with him all the time at their apartment(hint hint, they live together!!). Him, being the dog that is.

Well I saw exactly this kind of dog yesterday. Sadly I don't saw Carmine. ;)

Living together??? A little bit fast, don't ya think?! But it would be great to see Danny and Lindsay taking a walk with this little doggy! This would just too cute. :)
*dl_ship peeks her head in and looks around the seemingly empty room* Where is everyone today? Awfully quiet in the D/L room...of course I can't say the same for the broom closet hehe :devil:

Greetings and salutations to all :D "It's a beautiful day in the neighbourhood, it's a beautiful day in the neighbourhood" :lol: It's nice and sunny here in this ol' town in Ontario. dine loooove your banner hun...hehe gorgeous smile indeed! :D

She totally has the D/L relationship down!
Seems to me we've got two more passengers aboard our lovely ship ;)

*Skips off to finish her massive report that is due in three days*
gooood morning/afternoon/evening to you, D/L-ers! missed ya all weeeek.

thank you, Dine for the link to the carmine quote! ahh, it melts my heart ohhhh!

i love love love love it that Anna AND Carmine are on board the ship too! YAY!! :D Cause they totally are...their quotes and interpretations illustrate it completely! Hey, of all people, they should know firsthand since they "are" them. D/L makes their characters more well-rounded and besides, we get to see that personal side of their lives that makes us squee!! :D :D i wonder, do you think carmine and anna talk to each other about danny/lindsay...ie what anna and carmine would like to see happen to danny/lindsay?

that would be so unique and special if danny serenaded lindsay! brilliant idea! :) and even better: if carmine actually wrote the song/lyrics (maybe with anna's help?)...*daydreaming of D singing to L* i would need to dub that song and leave it on replay forever.

D/L doing it already would be *hot*, but darn it, we wouldn't have the chance then to see their first time together (super sweet/passionate)---sparks flying in the dark. ;)

thanks, kissmesweet, for the gift of the RISK picture! brings back memories...there's that tension and aww-ness again. i love how danny's gaze is just locked at lindsay. her grin is like 'yeah...like this?' as danny thinks 'you're kidding me, right?...oh man...wow.' :devil:

anyone else wishing they were danny and lindsay's good friend? i'd purposely be pushing them into the broom closet together or locking them in their office (all by 'oops! accident' of course!). it would be fun watching and hanging with these two! :cool:
**Mo pops in singing softly...."I set out on a narrow way, many years ago
Hoping I would find true love, along the broken road
But I got lost a time or two, wiped my brow and kept pushing through
I couldn't see how every sign, pointed straight to you"
(That's one of my favorite Rascal Flatts songs and I would LOVE to hear Danny sing that to Linds! Awwww! :D )

^^ LOL now I can't shake the mental image of Danny serenading Lindsay.
Awwww, that sounds so sweet!! Guys with guitars are soooo hot, and Danny with a guitar singing to Linds...oh my gosh I would dies to see that! I bet he has a good rock star voice, he stikes me as the type! Yummy!

I always know more than I say. But I haven't seen anything else about Danny/Lindsay. I'm not even sure if they work together past episode 21 or 20. So, if you guys really want to know more, I'll get it all sorted out and post it later tonight but only if I get Danny and Flack for a while.
Awww wait, what? They don't even work together past 21 or 22? What? That sucks...tell me it ain't so...pwease! And I know you more than you say, that's why I'm bribing you with Danny, or attempting to! ;) Heehee! :D So yeah, sort out what you know and share it, works for me! :lol:

Okay, that required audible laughing! The way you state that is just too cute, Mo! The two of them 'doing it' definitely is a given... it was a long flight from Montana to New York afterall
Lol, I thought you'd appreciate that Mer hon! :lol: I try to be as cute as possible! :D And I'm a dork too... :rolleyes: :lol: And they SOOOO are doing it! And your "long flight" comment, laughing out loud at that as well...that was AWESOME!! Talk about a mind full of guttery images after that comment!! :devil: Fabulous! :D

"There's something going on."-- Oh how true! Anna rules! She totally has the D/L relationship down!
Delia that is SO true! Yup, there is definitely "something going on"...Anna's right on that! Heehee :devil: I LOVE that both Anna and Carmine are D/L shippers, it really makes a ship that much hotter and more sizzlicious (how's that for a new shippy word? :lol: ) when the two actors behind the characters have chemistry and want the characters to get together! :D So YAY for that! Gotta love it!

Can't wait until April 11th...can't wait until our ship kisses, it's about freaking time...come on, come on, COME ON!!! :D

And Angel yeah, I'd LOVE to be friends with D/L...I think I'd be worse than Flack about teasing them...they'd probably jump into the broom closet to get away from us... :lol: Which would be the goal anyway...anything to get these two into the broom closet...not that they'd fight going in there anyway! ;) :devil: Heehee! :lol:
I'm so glad Anna and Carmine are on board with D/L, but most of all--I'm happy that the writers are too! That's why they've been giving us all this angst... and now fluff! Yay! The writers totally rule, but Anna and Carmine are awesome too! They are the ones onscreen who make the undeniable chemistry happen too. :) They totally deserve our praise!! :D They're great actors and I really hope that they get more recognition!
I love the fact that Anna and Carmine support Danny and Lindsay. I think it would be difficult to act together if they didn't agree on their characters.

The writers do love us, they really do! :)

I can see Danny serenading Lindsay. This voice would be so sweet, it would be dripping with that New York accent tht we just love! :)
Apparently my NY obsession is clear :lol:. There was a serious accident near my house a few days ago (I heard alcohol was involved but we were never told the full story). Anyways just a while ago my friend and I were out walking and I showed her where it all happened. There were crazy treadmarks on the pavement and a tree was all chewed up. Evidently I went into CSI mode cause afterwards she said I watched way too much NY :D I bent down like Danny always does and was pointing at the marks :lol:. And I got her watching NY!!!! I showed her ZY and SOOH :D In terms of her being a shipper I don't know if I'm that far ahead, although she did say she liked them. Yay mission almost accomplished!! At least I got to spread the D/L love :)

As for Danny serenading Lindsay....wow how great of a scene would that be?? *sighs dreamily*
Hello lovelies...dl ship I love that you went into "CSI" mode, that's awesome! :D Lol, I had my own D/L "obsessed" moment tonight too...I went to see the new movie "Shooter" tonight, and at one point in the movie the main character is going across country and each place he stops they wrote the city across the bottom of the screen...and so they stopped at one place (with lots of fields) and across the bottom of the screen it said "Bozeman, Montana" and I literally sat up in my seat and laughed! So yeah, there were lots of wheatfields and it was so pretty! :D Heehee, and it totally made me think of D/L and Danny going to be with Linds...yay!
^^:lol::lol: That is freaking AWESOME Mo!!! I am soooo going to see that movie now just cause of that reason...well that and maybe Mark Walberg. It's definitely a sign though :) Yay for Bozeman, Montana!! woot woot...gotta love it :D. I did that too when I saw 'Joe Somebody' in theatres. I was singing to Larger Than Life. The movie does look good...hmmm...*runs off to find times for 'Shooter'*.

Hehe when I was showing my friend the treadmarks I was pointing to them and examining the pattern the tires made. I even went as far as trying to determine the trajectory angle on the car :lol:...yup I'm definitely obsessed. I'll be a dork with you Mo :)
CSI Mode totally rules. :) Oh, but D/L mode just makes it that much better! :D Messer + Montana totally rule. Hands down. :D They make me sooo happy and they always manage to put a smile on my face. I love that about them... while shipping other ships (that aren't canon) like Sandles isn't as good since I'm always upset that they aren't together. :lol:

Danny/Lindsay satisfies because... it's actually CANON! Whoohoo! Darn, I'm talking like Mo: "Pssst.... we're canon!" Not to mention, it's my NY OTP.... :D

*grins like an idiot, because Mo and other shippers totally rock my little D/L world. Of course D/L + CSI's do too!*
*grins like an idiot, because Mo and other shippers totally rock my little D/L world. Of course D/L + CSI's do too!*

DL IS my world. And I love all the shippers in it. :lol: Sorry it's been so long, I just haven't had anything to say. I really want a new episode even though it's only been a week of re-runs. They WILL kiss this season, if they don't we'll deal with that later. (pitchforks will be included)
spread the idea of Danny singing to Lindsay around - check :) (I "made" him sing My best friend by Tim McGraw in this fic I wrote. think it would suit them)

its always so nice to come here. I feel kinda like home. because here people are not looking at me strangly for confessing to rewatch DL scenes over & over again which I usually do every time I turn on my computer. but it seems I missed most of the great DL moments while the second season was on air here - like Supermen or Fare game. I ordered the DVD set but since I did the same with VM back in January and it is still not here it looks like I get it as christmas present.

I have a question concerning DL pics. are there ANY pics of either DL or Anna & Carmine that are not stills or screencaps?

as for Anna & Carmine being DL shippers, it is so much more enjoyable to watch the performance when the actors actually believe in what they are doing. it would be a shame to let go such an incredible chemistry go to waste just cause one of them was not content with the idea.
I have a question concerning DL pics. are there ANY pics of either DL or Anna & Carmine that are not stills or screencaps?

Yep, theres one, and I absolutly love this pic, its from behind the scenes of the ep with the Doll doctor (couldn't remember the epi name... sorry):


I can't wait till April 11th, I really hope we'll get at least one D/L scene, even if they don't work together...
thanks for the pic.

I hope that now that we are canon (I finally said it out loud) they would made a bit of a promotion or at least a little article or photoshoot on them. yeah, i know, Im a dreamer, its incurable.
Tally Ho, my good shipping buddies. I's be here! :D :D :D

they would made a bit of a promotion or at least a little article or photoshoot on them. yeah, i know, Im a dreamer, its incurable.

Great idea, Carolina. Dreams can come true. I say we petition TV Guide to do a D/L article complete with sexy pics. Mo, you on board with this? ;)

DL IS my world. And I love all the shippers in it.

Of course it is my sweet darling. Mommy made her home full of D/L love. It's only natural my daughters are D/L shippers including Lynny who confesses daily that she loves D/L fluff---but only to me. Aunt Mo heard though and is currently reading her diaries...hmmm...journals I mean to catch all the fluffy references. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Lately I've been having nightmares so no good D/L dreams to report but as soon as I do, I'll share. :devil:
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