Danny/Lindsay #15: "Go with your instincts!"

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Hello lovelies! Happy happy Thursday evening, cuz that means tomorrow is Friday and I LOVE Friday...almost as much as I love this thread and our couple! :lol:
(for some reason I think she loves horses)...I can imagine her totally freaking out and Danny trying to calm her down...
Dutch yeah I totally see Linds loving horses too...not just that she grew up in the country and was a "country/farm" girl, but she strikes me as a "horse" girl! :D She would've fought him on that I think...and then gone and freaked out to Danny just like you said! ;)
I totally am on board with the "Zuiker pulling our leg" idea! I swear the man is just yanking our chain and trying to freak us out...which I must confess he was successful at...that and I really do swear the man loves spoiler boxes...spoiler box fetish would explain the false rumor, he has to have spoiler boxes and therefore he producces a false rumor to feed his fetish! So yeah, I'm all for him just pulling our leg! :lol: :lol:

Where is everyone this fine evening? All out enjoying fine weather I hope...cuz it sure is pretty where I am! I LOVE Spring! :D
kissmesweet said:
Oh and there's this Destiny Dashed thing, that could be the whole Danny-thing.

Got some new info for episode 23 which is yet to be named. It ties in with episodes 21 and 22 which deals with a suspcious death (Mac had dealt with the guy 5 years ago) in episode 21 and Mac losing his gun and badge in episode 22. It's like an internal trial. Mac is questioned but gets mad and walks out. Flack has a talk with him. Danny and Stella are questioned too. Not sure about anybody else. Danny also walks out. It all ties in with Detective Truby (the cop who took the kilos of black cocaine) and the "suspicious death" perp got released from prison because of Truby. Adam and Peyton are in the episode. Also, it mentions that Stella has worked with Mac for the last 8 years. I'm probably wrong though, but I thought I'd post it anyway... since I think that it really IS something to do with Tanglewood.

That ^^ looks awfully familiar. :p
It doesn't look to have anything to do with Tanglewood. The last few episodes seem to be all about Mac. I don't remember even seeing anywhere that Danny and Lindsay work together past ep 21. Danny walking out has to do where he is on the stand testifying against Mac about the suspicious deaths. Since episodes 21-23 are all linked together, it's hard to tell much more without giving everything away.
Modie wait...you KNOW more than what you just said? Serioulsy?! Oh honey...you SOOO have to share! You can't just "say" that and then leave us hanging...please, please, please?!! Can I bribe you with anything that you'd want...mmmm, I'll let you play with Danny for a bit...you can have him and Flackie...and we KNOW you'd like that! :devil: Pwease?!

Do we know how many more eppy's we have left...is it 3 or so and then the finale?
Oh thanks Modie for clearing things up! :) You're too sweet! :)
the HEAT they generate on screen, oh yeah baby! They are fabulous!
Sooo true, honey. :) Their's so much sexual tension between them, ever since the first scene at the Zoo when our Danny-boy tricked her into calling Mac 'Sir' on her first day--they were both talking and she was all nervous and cute! :) There--HEAT.
I haven't, sorry. I know it was something from E!online and I've searched for it there, but no luck...
Ohhhh, it's fine. Thanks sweetie. If someone can find the link.... please give it to me! Thanks.

Oh and I LOVE YOUR AVATAR + ICON, Mo[/b[ honey! Montana and Messer are sooo adorable.
Lol, yup the tension between these two is fabulous, they're just so HOT together! Hot yet adorable and just like I want to hug them....and in Danny's case make out with him! (Linds would understand, she knows how hard it is to resist that man! :devil: ) So yeah there's HEAT alright, but that's what I really loved about this last eppy especially...it was like some of that tension was resolved...not that it went away, but it seriously felt like they were together...had been "together" and so now that level of comfort was there and since they knew they could have eachother whenever they wanted...they were more at ease with eachother! Does that make sense? Basically, I think D/L is doing it! :devil: :devil: :lol:

Awww glad you like it Delia I likes them too...and yeah D/L is LOVE! :D

Pssssttt...Aud Fluffy Twin...where is you?

Okay off to work...YAY for Friday!!! :D :D
^^:lol: I love what Carmine said in that article. Makes my shipper heart all fluffy hehe :D I'm craving for some D/L action...something...ANYTHING...a kiss on the cheek will do, maybe not as good as the lips but hey beggers can't be choosers. Is it April 11th yet?? lol I'm hoping the new eppy is then, cause I'm not really up for waiting *another* week. When it comes to my favourite shows I can be a little impatient lol...can ya tell? :p
...it was like some of that tension was resolved...not that it went away, but it seriously felt like they were together

I completly agree with you. the tension between them before was like a boiling pot before exploding. now its comfortable tension and I love it.

concerning the romantic part of their relationship,there is one thing I would LOVE to see. him singing to her. something in the style of them going to see Mac play, except this time it would be Danny on the stage singing to his Montana. Iv been thinking about something like this from the moment I found out Carmine plays guitar
^^ LOL now I can't shake the mental image of Danny serenading Lindsay. :D I still think it would've been fun in SoY if Danny had picked up one of the band's (rought sects :devil:) guitars and just started to play a song for her :eek:...her expression would've been priceless... :lol:

Dine txs for that link! :)
Moriel21 said:
Modie wait...you KNOW more than what you just said? Serioulsy?! Oh honey...you SOOO have to share! You can't just "say" that and then leave us hanging...please, please, please?!! Can I bribe you with anything that you'd want...mmmm, I'll let you play with Danny for a bit...you can have him and Flackie...and we KNOW you'd like that! :devil: Pwease?!

Do we know how many more eppy's we have left...is it 3 or so and then the finale?

I always know more than I say. :p But I haven't seen anything else about Danny/Lindsay. I'm not even sure if they work together past episode 21 or 20. So, if you guys really want to know more, I'll get it all sorted out and post it later tonight but only if I get Danny and Flack for a while. :devil:
dutch_treat said:

Dine txs for that link! :)

Oh, you're welcome. :)

Maybe I should start writing here more often instead of just reading. :lol:

Ahem, but I'm not that good in all of this. Actually I'm kind of spoiler addicted. Just love your boxes... :lol:
only if I get Danny and Flack for a while.
:devil: Oh you'll get them for now! :) Have fun! :D
Hot yet adorable and just like I want to hug them....
I feel the same Mo! I wanna give them GIANT HUG cause they are too cute! They're so sweet, especially in here:

haha, I'm just using that as an excuse to post the adorable picture from 'Risk'. Awww, they're so cute.
Hey I remembered I put down the link on a german forum... and I found it...
Awww, merci beaucoup my dear! Thanks and...welcome if I haven't said that yet! I seriously love you!! Thank you so much. God, Carmine is totally a D/L shipper! :)
Reason: he said "We'll be making love." :devil: I love him so much, even more than I did before!! He's too sweet!! Ahh, I wanna hug him too! He's so adorable!
1CSIMfan said:

I always know more than I say. :p But I haven't seen anything else about Danny/Lindsay. I'm not even sure if they work together past episode 21 or 20. So, if you guys really want to know more, I'll get it all sorted out and post it later tonight but only if I get Danny and Flack for a while. :devil:

You are just chock full of spoiler secrets, Admit it! ;) :lol: And if you must you can have Flack and Danny for awile. But remember this is a sharing thread so you have to share them both! :p

Thank you kissmesweet for positng the "risk" pic, oh it brings back such fond memories! :)
dutch_treat said:
Ooh and don't forget Danny and that cute dog :D...wish Lindsay could've seen that... ;)
NWILL was such a great eppy for so many reasons, and Danny and the cute dog are definitely one of them!

Moriel21 said:
Basically, I think D/L is doing it! :devil: :devil: :lol:
Okay, that required audible laughing! The way you state that is just too cute, Mo! The two of them 'doing it' definitely is a given... it was a long flight from Montana to New York afterall :devil:.

caro, now I am also going to have the image of Danny singing to Lindsay stuck in my head! It’s a good image to have though. I was reading notesofwimsey’s latest fic on ff.net It's A Long Journey Home, and in one chapter she has Danny singing along to the radio in the truck when he thinks Linds is asleep. He is singing along to Rascal Flatts’ Bless the Broken Road. I hadn’t heard that song in months, but once I read it, it seemed to be on all the radio stations and I can’t hear it without imagining the sound of Danny’s voice accompanying it! *longing sigh*

kissmesweet said:
Carmine is totally a D/L shipper! :)

Too many spoiler boxes to remember who said what, but I thank y’all for all the info!
^^ Anna is too! I'm pretty sure. She said this before: "this attitude that's a little more New Yorky when she talks to Danny but then when she's with Mac it's really different"... Which to me, means that Lindsay's is at more ease with Danny than Mac. Obviously. :lol:
"I think from the very beginning Danny and I have this really great [dynamic]."-- So true!! :) Seee? We got another D/L shipper with us!!
"There's something going on."-- Oh how true! Anna rules! She totally has the D/L relationship down!

Ooh and don't forget Danny and that cute dog ...wish Lindsay could've seen that...
Agreed! Then again, it IS his dog... Isn't it? So I'm sure that Lindsay must play with him all the time at their apartment(hint hint, they live together!!). Him, being the dog that is. :lol:
Basically, I think D/L is doing it!
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