Danny/Lindsay #15: "Go with your instincts!"

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Morning y'all :D ...yay for hump day! (Which of course is Wednesday, the over the hump of the week day...but as we all know I have a gutter mind so as soon as I said that it became "hump :devil: day" and now all I can think of is Danny and Linds doing it! :devil: :lol: )

Anyway! :D Lol, way to be our "calmer-downer" Delia hon! We do tend to need that sometimes! (Not like we freak out a lot or anything! :rolleyes: ) :lol: Aud is good at that too...voice of hope calming us right down...Fluffy Twin, where is you by the way?!

Love the behind the scenes photo...very cute! All your pics are great hon! :D

Umm...I'll see if I can find the Carmine thing...I think I have it saved somewhere! ;)

Alright y'all...I'm off to work, enjoy "hump day"! :devil:
(couldn't resist! :devil: )
Good morning shippies!!! How is everyone on this Wednesday? I'm disappointed tonite is not a new eppy, however its AHTYMA so I'm happy hehe :D:devil:

I was thinking about this last night so I best put it here before I lose it...a lot of you have commented in past posts about Anna's acting and how she really gets into the scene and stuff. I didn't notice this before (guess I was too wrapped up in the moment) but in LRC when Danny and her had that convo, her eyes reflected so much hurt and pain. I was watching a music vid of them and that scene was in there, and I thought to myself "It's only an act and the amount of pain radiating in her eyes is amazing".

Only 3 more weeks until the new eppy!!! I'm still standing by the fact that nothing can bring our ship down. Whatever this "destiny dashed" thing is I know D/L will break through and continue sailing off into the sunset.
Awwwww Modie! :p Lol, that's SOOOO sad, they were just so perfect! ;) Even if we can't use them, you gotta admit they were pretty good! ;) And I wasn't actually suggesting them for real, just saying it'd be fun! :D No worries, we'll be good! (Well sorta! :lol: )
Actually, I didn't think you'd use them :p and yeah, they were pretty good. **was that out loud? :eek:**
My biggest fear, I guess, would be that they might have kissed and we missed it.
There's no way we could miss that aud! Look at all the little signs that we've noticed so far, how could we miss something as important as their first kiss :eek:...remember there are even cameras in the broom closet :devil:...there's nowhere they can hide from us... :D ;)
And can someone get me the sweet link thing Carmine said about D/L and "making love"?
vexus posted on 1/23:
From E! Online Kristen:
How about CSI: NY news direct from Carmine Giovinazzo? I think he and Anna Belknap have crazy-good chemistry, and at the Access Hollywood Stuff You Must gift lounge, I asked him if there was any hope for his and Lindsay's budding relationship while Anna B. is away on maternity leave. He told me, "We've kind of been playing her being in Montana now, and it works out to being a really good storyline." Will she be back before the season finale? "I think so, definitely. I think we're going to be in the sack :eek: before the end of the season. We'll be making love." :D Ooh-la-la!
You gotta love him! :D :D
dl_shipper34 said:
I'm disappointed tonite is not a new eppy, however its AHTYMA so I'm happy hehe :D:devil:
Wait a minute....
AHTYMA... :eek: isn't this the one with the gratuitous skin shot of 'make-me-moan-Messer'
in the locker room? Carmine's exhibitionist side surfaces again... :devil:.

Now that Lindsay is back from Montana, maybe he can give a repeat performance for her
(and our) benefit. :devil:

1CSIMfan said:
... and yeah, they were pretty good. **was that out loud? :eek:**
:lol: Okay, between that comment^^ and remembering the highlights of tonight's eppy, I think my day has been made! :lol:
Modie said:
yeah, they were pretty good. **was that out loud?

*spits out drink* what??

Aunt Mo

Lol, I know hon, but trust me she whacks hard! Just remember I warned ya!


Lol, careful Mer hon, I think I'm the only one Lynny let's call her that! Heehee! And even then she whacks hard...so I'd be careful! Wub to you Lynny honey bun!

She is the only one allowed to call me a fluffy at any time. :p

Heehee, yay! I knew you'd like seeing our happy Linds again honey...it was pretty fabulous wasn't it!

If she keeps that up, she might get me to love DL like I used to.

Lol, or obsessed Mer...that one at least I know Lynny will admit to! *Mo looks at Lynny...* What? You know it's true!

I admit I'm obsessed with my CN.


Yeah, hopefully the PTB can keep her going in the right direction for the rest of the season.
I think the 'season two' side of Lindsay bodes well for D/L.

Season two made the best Linds and DL.

Anyone who makes a shippy episode guide for a pairing (as you mentioned when discussing delia's fab list), especially a pairing covering seven seasons, has got to be fluffy in my book!

I admit, I'm a fluffy for CN, but if you call me a fluffy, I'll whack you.


Oooh, Lynny! I was talking about yours! CatNip are too adorable!

*smiles* Aren't they???

Thanks for the Carmine thing, Dutch!
Hello buddies...welcome to hump day, that's right baby...HUMP day and I mean that in the best lovely gutter-y sense possible! :lol: :devil:

"It's only an act and the amount of pain radiating in her eyes is amazing".
Yeah, dl ship, she really is an amazing actress, especially in those heartbreaking scenes like that. You look at her and go, wow...she is SO clearly feeling that right now...wow. She and Carmine are really amazing at showing the full range of emotions and being perfectly convincing at it! :D

yeah, they were pretty good. **was that out loud? **
:eek: Modie, yay! :lol: I knew you'd like them! ;) You admitting that you did though, just made my day! Heehee, thanks hon! :D

You gotta love him!
Ohhhh Dutch thank you so much for posting that comment of Carmine's, talk about brightening my day...*Swoon!* :devil: Yeah, seriously how can you not LOVE that man...love, love, love him! He is SOOOO drool-worthy...yummy baby! :devil:

Oh my gosh Mer!! That is SOOOOO his new nickname! Gah that SOOO sends me to the gutter, not that I wasn't there already, but still now I'm deeper! :lol: Love it!! :D

Heehee, I'm just so giddy right now...not sure why, but really who cares why...happy, happy me! :lol: Aud Fluffy Twin, come dance around with me! :D :D

*Mo giggles and dances off happily!* :lol:

...don't choke on your drink love, Modie really did say that! *giggles!*

Smirk all you want love...I've got your number! ;) *smirks back!*

I KNEW I was the only one allowed to call you a fluffy! :D :D

You SO are obsessed with them...totally! But it's okay! ;)

YOu can't whack me, you just said I could call you one! :lol:
Wait a minute....
AHTYMA... isn't this the one with the gratuitous skin shot of 'make-me-moan-Messer'
in the locker room? Carmine's exhibitionist side surfaces again...
:lol: Sure is mer. Just before I left I put on my MSN "Watching NY (and Danny Messer strip)" :devil: I looooove that scene but Hawkes was in the way lol. Ah well. Oh yah something I just noticed seeing as how the eppy just ended...the scene where Lindsay and Hawkes were in the lab, they did a wide shot...let me just say it was very obvious Anna was pregnant. It was right before she bent down to lean on the table. Also at the end where they were all walking together it was pretty clear.
Lookie, lookie, lookie...I made fun new avie and banner! :D How purty are they now, ain't they just pretty! :D Heehee!

Oh how much do I love that scene of Danny taking his shirt off...I swear I need to just print that picture off and post it by my bed...first thing I see in the morning, last thing I see when I go to bed...talk about gooooooood dreams! :devil: Yeah baby! :D :D
Mo, lovely work, I especially like the avvie! It got me thinking, what is it with these two and animals...

The tiger in 2x03 Zoo York, walrus in 2x08 Bad Beat, cows in 3x14 Lying Game, buffalos in 3x19 A Daze of Wine and Roaches (and I still think the camera panning past the tiger in the Ark in 3x17 The Ride In was intentional).
Mo baby, your icon was gorgeous. :heart: Whoohoo, it's obviously that Lindsay is anything but buffalo burgers. :lol:

Oh God, I'm on talk and I'm realllly supposed to be off doing my Science assignment. :rolleyes: Oh well!
Lol, way to be our "calmer-downer" Delia hon! We do tend to need that sometimes!
Thank you. That's so sweet. :) I'm good at calming everyone down, aren't I? :D
You gotta love him!
Thanks Dutch. But does anyone have the link??
She and Carmine are really amazing at showing the full range of emotions and being perfectly convincing at it!
Agreed! Anna and Carmine are both really great actors and they have great onscreen chemistry. Almost as if it's magical and they have the sexiest heat onscreen. They can express their emotions and we're so lucky to have a chance to see that. :) Especially in RSRD, when Danny--he was just amazing! Messer & Montana was also totally fantastic in Silent Night, LRC, NWILL... God, they are ALWAYS fantastic.

Especially together. It's almost like magic. ;)

Oh and there's this Destiny Dashed thing, that could be the whole Danny-thing.

Got some new info for episode 23 which is yet to be named. It ties in with episodes 21 and 22 which deals with a suspcious death (Mac had dealt with the guy 5 years ago) in episode 21 and Mac losing his gun and badge in episode 22. It's like an internal trial. Mac is questioned but gets mad and walks out. Flack has a talk with him. Danny and Stella are questioned too. Not sure about anybody else. Danny also walks out. It all ties in with Detective Truby (the cop who took the kilos of black cocaine) and the "suspicious death" perp got released from prison because of Truby. Adam and Peyton are in the episode. Also, it mentions that Stella has worked with Mac for the last 8 years. I'm probably wrong though, but I thought I'd post it anyway... since I think that it really IS something to do with Tanglewood.
"Good morning...good morning...we've slept the whole night through...good morning, good morning to you!" :lol: Thursday today, which means tomorrow is my favorite day!! Friday, baby! :D

Thanks Mer, Delia glad you like my new avie and banner...lol, I had fun making them...I still like the canon ones I made so I might have to fit those in there too somehow...we'll see! But these two were just such great D/L moments I had to immortalize them! :lol: (I'm such a dork!)

what is it with these two and animals...
That's so true Mer! Them and animals and them and bugs too...there's a theme going here! :lol:

Delia yeah it really is magic when these two work together...their amazing chemistry and the HEAT they generate on screen, oh yeah baby! :devil: They are fabulous!

Hey you should post those spoilers in the Smacked thread hon, did you already and I just didn't see them yet? ;)

Okay off to do some real work... :p See y'all later! :D
^^ You guys are right...there's certainly something with them and animals and bugs...made me wonder how Lindsay would've reacted to Mac wanting to kill that horse in 'Officer Blue', had she been in NY then (for some reason I think she loves horses)...I can imagine her totally freaking out :eek: and Danny trying to calm her down... :D

Ooh and don't forget Danny and that cute dog :D...wish Lindsay could've seen that... ;)

Thanks Dutch. But does anyone have the link??
I haven't, sorry. I know it was something from E!online and I've searched for it there, but no luck... :(

OK spoilers for ep #23 are out and there's still no hint of any development in their relationship (like them being 'in the sack' together :devil:) or in their personal lives. So if anything major is going to happen to D (maybe Mac's hearing :() or L or D/L it will be in one or both of the final ep's, but thus far it still looks like AZ was pulling our leg. :mad: :p
Ahoy and aloha to all my buddies :D How are we today? One day closer to that new eppy!! woot woot

Them and animals and them and bugs too...there's a theme going here!
:lol::lol: Zoo Babies!! Funny how a lot of the animal moments in the show were D/L hehe

Mo love your new avvie/icon :D very nice. Loooooved those two scenes.

Alrighty I must be off, just thought I'd drop in and say hiya to all my lovely shippys :D cheers y'all *kisses all her buddies on the cheeks before skipping off happily*
Wow! I've missed a lot in 2 days!

I couldn't post last night because I was so busy! It's a rarity that I can't post here.

I am believing that AZ was pulling our leg a bit. What I have read about 23 is what I thought would be happening. I had a feeling that the dirty cop case was going to bite them in the end and of course Mac, Stella, and Danny were all working the case. The trial might take the front seat while d/l might be in the backseat for awhile. I can't wait to see how this plays out.

Updated " The Staten Island Welcoming Committee"
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