Danny/Lindsay #15: "Go with your instincts!"

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Now that...that is a nice way to wake up! Hello Danny boy!
Oh yeeeeeeeeeep. Danny's six-pack and gorgeous body is a dream to wake up to, I bet... Luck Lindsay! She gets to! :( We don't. Oh well, Lindsay can have him. I'll take my Donny! :D
basically because it was silent.. no words spoken, jus the look of love in each others told them this was it, this is where their new life together begins
So, true Chelle! Their new life began then and there in the courtroom! I love how they don't have to say anything, but feel everything inside. It reminds me of the song lyric "You Say it Best, When You Say Nothing at all"... God, they really are perfection together aren't they?
It is now listed as airing April 11, instead of April 18.
YAY! I can't wait! It's gonna rock.
Cordy -- Who's siggy?
Oooh, Lynny! I was talking about yours! CatNip are too adorable!
Danny/Lindsay #16 "More than Buffalo Burgers and Beer!"
Awww, that is so adorable! Thanks Mo! We'll put that for the pole later.
Afternoon Shippers!!! :D The sun is shning... its soooo hot!!! woo!!! :D and D/L are far, far into the deep blue sea, sailing away topping up their tans :D hehe


The Nipple Marker and the Tongue! My new fic that will be dedicated to Chell and Mo. Just kidding. :lol:
hehe omg that would be sooo great! :D You certainly know how to pep up a girls imagination!! :eek: :lol:

D/L kiss---*the squee heard round the world!* Who came up with that one again?

hehe yeah... that would be me :eek: ;)

as I was looking for the m&m images I came across another kind of m&m image... lookie here.

that rocks hun!!! that baby is soo cute!!! baby messer!!!! hehe he got brown hair jus like daddy lol

Danny/Lindsay #16: Nipple Markers and Tongue! How awesome would that be! Or I also LOVE...Danny/Lindsay #16 "More than Buffalo Burgers and Beer!"
hehe oh my.... they are both top for me hehe i dont think i would be able to choose!! :lol: or maybe nipple markers and C0(k-broach:devil: woah hang on that might be a bit naughty! :eek: hehe See aud?! look wat ur doing to me?! hehe :lol:

DL Shipper
Thanks to everyone who has reviewed my ficcy. Here's the link
This is a great story hun! i think u should do some kinda sequel! when i got to the bottom of chapter 3 i was like nooooo!! i didnt want it to end! :D hehe

love how they don't have to say anything, but feel everything inside.

exactly... its like they are both on the same level now, and nothin is in the way of them being together :D ah shucks! this is why i Love DL!!!! hehe :D
Hello there all my lovely buddies!!! How are y'all doing today? It's still dreary here but I don't care because D/L are CANON!!!!! woot *dances around room and throws confetti and such*

This is a great story hun! i think u should do some kinda sequel! when i got to the bottom of chapter 3 i was like nooooo!! i didnt want it to end! hehe
Awwwww thanks hun! :D *hugs*. I have an idea for another story but it's still in the early planning stages. Maybe I'll add it into WAC somehow. If not it'll just become its own separate ficcy. Thanks for your review :D *mwah*

Here's to not waiting an extra week for more D/L goodness!! Huzzah!! *sings and dances with her shippies*
what about "Bugs & Diamonds" for the new thread? cause thats what came to my mind after seein 3.19. which by the way was absolutly fabulous. I actually had to watch it over again just to be sure it was not a dream of mine. they were just so sweet & funny & flirting & M&Ms. Im already marking days in my calendar for the next ep
Good morning y'all! :D How's it goin? Yay it's Tuesday, mostly cuz that means it's not Monday and that's always a good thing! :lol:

I think we've got a plethora of fabulous ideas to work with for when we'll need our next thread title...although I'm still hoping to be able to use one of these:
Danny/Lindsay #16 "K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"
Or even better...
Danny/Lindsay #16 "Making love 'til the cows come home!" :lol: :lol:
I had a few I could make from Mr. Zuiker's spoiler...but I'm currently still in denial about it and thus choosing to ignore his comment and pretending it was never said, at least the not fun parts of it anyway! :D

Yay that we get our next eppy a week sooner, I think the PTB heard our whining and caved to our demands! Heehee, why not! Which means we're being heard! Yay! :D

And yup Chell our ship is sailing blissfully into the wild blue yonder...with nary a cloud in sight between them and the beautiful sunset! :D

And on that note, I'm off to work...oh joy! :p Heehee, see y'all later! ;)
Unfortunately no. We've made up several theroies as to what it might be, but as to what it actually is we don't know. AZ could be exaggerating. We're thinking that it might have something to do with Tanglewood and Louie. Alas we must wait until the end and see.
Danny/Lindsay #16 "Making love 'til the cows come home!"
haha, you know that reminds me of our cutie Carmine's comment about them 'making love'! God, he's so sweet! :) And so are Danny/Lindsay
hehe yeah... that would be me
Thanksies, Chelle! You're too fantastic & I totally love you to bits!

About the 'destiny dashed' thing: I think that AZ doesn't mean anything negative. He means that there will be some obstacles, but nothing our ship can't handle & I think that they're being real tight about this secret since it seems to be a HUGE secret and I think that our theories are probably right, about Tanglewood. Besides, D/L wouldn't be apart for long. TPTB wouldn't bring our Danny-boy all the way to Montana, when we know that he can't even breathe outside the city (haha) and then have them end. For crying out loud, I've said this FIFTY THOUSAND TIMES NOW--STOP WORRYING. WE'RE CANON + that's all that matters. Oh and GODDDDD, I had to do this during the whole rumor thing about Angell/Danny as well. So please stop freaking out. D/L will conquer all and please stop worrying or else I'll have to refrain myself from whacking you guys and I really don't wanna do that!
We're totally canon & we're staying that way.

Oooh and look what I found!:

Ignore the fat text. :lol:
Moriel21 said:
And even then she whacks hard...so I'd be careful! ;)
Aw but Mo, she just makes it too easy sometimes!

Moriel21 said:
I had a few I could make from Mr. Zuiker's spoiler...but I'm currently still in denial about it and thus choosing to ignore his comment and pretending it was never said, at least the not fun parts of it anyway! :D
While it is true that some of what he may have said could be written into the show, I prefer to think that AZ pulled the overly dramatic parts of his statement out of his... uh, sleeve. *whistles innocently*

kissmesweet said:
TPTB wouldn't bring our Danny-boy all the way to Montana, when we know that he can't even breathe outside the city and then have them end.
*applauds* Well said, Delia! You hit that one right on the mark!

TheCoroner said:
Somewhere out there is a pic of him and the rest of the cast of this submarine movie he made where it shows all of them with NOTHING on and their backs turned to the camera... HOTT STUFF BABY!!! Ya still searching for that pic... i found it earlier! grrrrrr...
Well, there’s a post on the first CSI:NY Picture Thread… I'll give ya the link since it is slightly OT for this thread (though totally delectable) :devil:
^^LOL those very pinchable 'cheeks' ;) are not OT at all. I'm sure that Lindsay has those pic's as her screen'saver'...btw that 2nd one, no doubt, is taken on board of OUR ship! :lol:

D/L Kiss---it's forensics show, so I doubt we'll see much if any. We can dream though.
I think catey's right; Mac and Peyton are kissing and their relationship is out in the open, so why not have D/L share at least a little one with us...just a 'see you later'-kiss when one of them leaves the lab or something...They could at least give us something like that before the season ends. :D

TVGuide magazine listed their "Sexiest People on TV" for various categories...and Sendhill (from what I don't know) was the sexiest braniac and Danny was 6th on the list...which I think is fairly ridiculous! Cuz Danny is...well, he's Danny for goodness sake!
txs for explaining Mo...makes me wonder who those voters are :confused:...how can they miss (well he made 6th place, but you guys know what I mean :p) the total perfection that is Mr. Messer. :rolleyes:

While it is true that some of what he may have said could be written into the show, I prefer to think that AZ pulled the overly dramatic parts of his statement out of his... uh, sleeve. *whistles innocently*
*whistles with merc* If he pulled it out there, he can push it back in too... :devil: Maybe we'll get some delay, but that's it! :D

Kissme Great 'behind the scenes' pic. They both look soo sexy!

carolina welcome to this fun thread! :)
I'm sure you don't need me to say this but it's too early to talk about thread names (no earlier than page 22) these are O-U-T:

Danny/Lindsay #16: Nipple Markers and Tongue!

Danny/Lindsay #16 "Making love 'til the cows come home!"

and I just about choked on my pop when I read this one:

nipple markers and C0(k-broach :rolleyes:

D/L Kiss---it's forensics show, so I doubt we'll see much if any. We can dream though.

I think catey's right; Mac and Peyton are kissing and their relationship is out in the open, so why not have D/L share at least a little one with us...just a 'see you later'-kiss when one of them leaves the lab or something...They could at least give us something like that before the season ends.

It's true, Mac and Peyton did kiss. So I imagine it's not beyond the show to have them share a nice kiss. My biggest fear, I guess, would be that they might have kissed and we missed it. I don't want to miss a thing here! If they do kiss, I'm sure they'll keep it subtle and sweet. :)

Nice pic, Delia. :D
Small moments are great. I would rather see small moments than no moments at all. I'm not picky! :)

Danny should be at the top of the list at the sexiest men. He deserves it! :)

*Pss, hint, hint** I'm up to chap. 4 of my "Staten Island Welcoming Committee" fic, go and check it out. *Hint, hint**
Hello shippy buddies, happy Tuesday evening..one day closer to our next new eppy, yay! :lol:

So please stop freaking out. D/L will conquer all and please stop worrying or else I'll have to refrain myself from whacking you guys and I really don't wanna do that!
Lol, no whacking necessary here Delia! I can't help freaking out a bit though...it's my first reaction, then I work through that and realize that everything will work out and we'll be fine! :D

Aw but Mo, she just makes it too easy sometimes!
Lol, I know hon, but trust me she whacks hard! ;) Just remember I warned ya! :D

I prefer to think that AZ pulled the overly dramatic parts of his statement out of his... uh, sleeve. *whistles innocently*
Sleeve...yeah that's where he pulled those parts from...*coughpulledthemoutofhisbuttcough* :lol:

Carmine's ass...OMG...*MO can't even manage a word before she swoons so much she falls flat on her face in the gutter!* :devil: YUMMY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

txs for explaining Mo...makes me wonder who those voters are ...how can they miss (well he made 6th place, but you guys know what I mean ) the total perfection that is Mr. Messer.
The voters are insane, that's who they are! :rolleyes: The man IS perfection...I mean seriously...hello handsome! "How you doin?" ;)

these are O-U-T:
Awwwww Modie! :p Lol, that's SOOOO sad, they were just so perfect! ;) Even if we can't use them, you gotta admit they were pretty good! ;) And I wasn't actually suggesting them for real, just saying it'd be fun! :D No worries, we'll be good! (Well sorta! :lol: )

Okay time for bed...Danny hon, you coming? :lol: *Mo giggles and runs out before she's tackled by all y'all!* :D
Sorry Modie. We have about DOUBLE these pages until we're good to go.:)
Well said, Delia! You hit that one right on the mark!
Awwww, thank you Mo! Go me! People desperately need me to calm them down. :rolleyes:

Oh you're welcome guys for the behind the scenes picture! :) Go Danny/Lindsay!

And can someone get me the sweet link thing Carmine said about D/L and "making love"?
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